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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14773860 No.14773860 [Reply] [Original]

Math is just a bunch of made up rules that I'm supposed to believe are right because someone says they are.

>> No.14773863

Algebra, yes. Most math is proofs and logic and does not necessarily involve algebra.

>> No.14773867

>Most math is proofs and logic
You can't logically prove that though

>> No.14773870
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>Is truth true?

>> No.14773871

You can with math

>> No.14773883

But what is truth?

>> No.14773896

What rules are you talking about?

>> No.14773923
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>> No.14773927

Something is true because it's generally accepted to be true.
Scientific consensus.

>> No.14774022

If some reality exists, math is going to be one of the best ways to describe it. There might not be a root of knowledge that we can derive objective truths from, but once you accept certain axioms like causality and different entities, you can accept that I fucked your mom anon.

>> No.14776611

what about pi? Do you think it's made up that you can know the circumference of any circle, no matter how big or small, using a simple equation? That's math. Unless you don't believe in things like units of measurement in which case you're just retarded

>> No.14776623

Not really. If you don't like the rules established, you can make up your own and work with that. Nobody has to care about your rules, though.

>> No.14776665

Literally anything requires you to believe at least some made-up rules.

>> No.14776679

If you embrace (the legacy of) intuitionism you don't have to believe in logicist and formalist bullshit. You proofs are actual programs that you can run if you don't trust them!

>> No.14776806

That's right OP! Fuck these theocratic mathematical fascists. Like sometimes I feel like 2+2=5 and you bigots need to accept my solutions.

>> No.14776833

Everyone thought the US economy in the roaring 20s was amazing and would never fail. So why did the Great Depression happen?
Before Copernicus everyone thought the sun orbitted the earth, doe that mean this used to be true?

>> No.14776862

Made up, but describes something very real, it basically just simplifies problems and patterns into something much easier to work with.

I actually kind of find chemistry to be the way which you view math, it's not really intuitive, all the chemical properties are governed by particles and interactions on a quantum scale which don't really obey the laws of physics we're familiar with. I like to learn by taking the most simple, foundational intuitive logic and adding on from there, but chemistry fucks with me because you have to work backwards since its foundation isn't simple.

>> No.14776919

If you can prove them wrong, you'll get a shitload of money

>> No.14776970

They're only "right" within whatever context they were designed for. You're free to also make up whatever rules you want. Generally speaking, you want those rules to be consistent with each other to avoid contradiction.

>> No.14776971

No, only if it's a-priori based on two true premises

>> No.14776975

They are right under their own rules

>> No.14776982

They are right if they don't imply contradictions. Taking someone's word has nothing to with it unless you don't evaluate the case for contradictions on your own.

>> No.14776997 [DELETED] 
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Science is just abstract garbage, scientists are parasites just like the talmudic jewish rabbis who never work and argue about abstraction all day long.
Scientists will get a nasty surprise once they die after spending all their lives insulting God and deceiving people into believing they are evolved monkeys.

>> No.14777135

whats wrong with you?

>> No.14777143

maybe, maybe not

>> No.14777146
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That's right. It might even be a civil rights issue.