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14769846 No.14769846 [Reply] [Original]

Why are males prone to autogynephilia, but autoandrophilia is basically not existent in females?

>> No.14769848

trannyism is caused by us being poisoned by plastics and other chemicals in the goyslop which act as endocrine disruptors, they cause your cock to shrink (literally) and change your brain to be more feminine because they act like estrogen

>> No.14769855

contrapoints is clearly a man i dont understand why transgender people think they can pass

>> No.14769863
File: 458 KB, 1152x699, poonhuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAP in women is about "being le dominant bully" out of abuse or "being le 0.01% of guys who are hot twinks" out of entitlement for being female. It's basically auto meta-attraction instead of true sexual attraction like male AAPs and AGPs.
Also the closest some incels can get to a woman is becoming the woman.

>> No.14769867

have sex, incel

>> No.14769897

*Elliot page blocks your path flexing his bulging muscles*
What you say, cuck?
Contrapoints is milfmommy, stay mad.

>> No.14769898

>reddit post

>> No.14769905

They don't need to pass, they just need to be able to ruin your life if you refuse to pretend that they pass.

>> No.14769910

Men have a much more extreme sex drive which makes them more prone to fall prey to porn addiction which leads them down the rabbit hole to more extreme and more degenerate fetishes. Women have weaker sex drives, and if they want sex then they can easily have it unless they’re genuinely hideous. Just look at the gay and lesbian community to see the difference.

>> No.14769924

>women have weaker sex drivers
Porn addicted turbo virgin locked on.

>> No.14769925

No one thinks hontra is a womyn, but some trannies do pass well enough.

>> No.14770137

"trannyism" Is an officially verifiable biological phenomenon.

>> No.14770140

no it isn't

>> No.14770149

>"trannyism" Is an officially verifiable biological phenomenon.
Yes, one related to endocrine system disruption. Glad we agree. :^)

>> No.14770153

Yeah fags are plagued by disease at much higher rates than lesbos for simply no reason. I’m sure they have degenerate piss orgies at the same rate


>> No.14770155

nice mustache stubble lmao

>> No.14770162

>Why are males prone to autogynephilia
they aren't, circumcised cripplecocks have that predilection because cripplecocks are not real men, they stopped being fully male when their dicks got cut off.

>> No.14770212

what medical test can be done to detect it prior to the patient proclaiming it?

>> No.14770216
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Refusing a haircut or playing with the opposite gender's toys.

>> No.14770243


trannysm has a few different causes

-homosexuals that like to imagine themselves as women getting fucked (by straight men) this is the Thai ladyboy type of tranny

-Men who think they have failed as men and that women have much easier lives, making them want to be women + men who think if I can't get a girlfriend, Ill become the girlfriend

This is the common modern American type of tranny that has exploded the last year. It's also why so many of them want to have sex with biological women even after becoming trannies

>> No.14770253

>-Men who think they have failed as men and that women have much easier lives, making them want to be women + men who think if I can't get a girlfriend, Ill become the girlfriend
I used to think this was a meme but I met a person who was like this. They were actually really cool otherwise, but they fit this description to a T so now I'm all confused about what I used to believe.

>> No.14770264
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Its caused by reddit and the internet.
>i am a freak and want to stick things in my ass but i cant talk about it because i will be outsed from society
>I am a faggot
>REALLY?!?! ME TOO! here are 10000 other people like us! we are normal!

>> No.14770335

There is tearing in penetration. Don't worry though, I know they don't talk about that in porn so how would you know.

>> No.14770345

NTA but it sounds like you have a lot of experience getting your rectum torn.

>> No.14770359

Ikr, I keep telling your mom to not use teeth, but once she gets going... you know he she is.

>> No.14770364

>ur mom
This site is 18+, but nevermind that. What stumps me is that you think you're coming out on top bragging about your asshole getting torn to shreds.

>> No.14770366

Pretty much. And Current Year is corporations siding with said freaks

>> No.14770374

Yeah, because your mom is doing it every night. The smell from her goodnight kisses is my infected ass, but as you know it the smell of home.

>> No.14770376

>my ass is infected

>> No.14770379

What can I say the human mouth is disgusting.

>> No.14770381

>my ass is my mouth

>> No.14770385

Oh, I am sorry are you so distraught by the reality in front of you you're not pretending to be a retard? That's rough, anon.

>> No.14770389

>you're distraught by my infected asshole which i can't tell apart from my mouth

>> No.14770390

The innuendo is crushing your virgin mind. I understand. What boy wants to picture his mother digging for truffles in an infected anus.

>> No.14770392

>you just can't handle all this talk about my shredded and infected asshole, v-v-virgin

>> No.14770395

And your mother, that's the mental block I am shining a light on.

>> No.14770406

The only mental block you can talk about is the one where your cell is located, schizo. I'm sorry that your tard wranglers ripped your asshole into shreds but that's not my mom's fault.

>> No.14770412

She'd beg to differ. You sound upset, maybe one of her famous shit breath smooches will do the trick to souse your sperging soul.

>> No.14770419

You're a boring spastic stuck in a loop talking about one thing, which happens to be the topic of your torn and infected asshole. I'm getting secondhand emabrrassment from this. Here's your last (You).

>> No.14770421

That your mom caused, by the way. I don't know why you felt like you couldn't fuck off at any given moment. Bye bye..