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14761987 No.14761987 [Reply] [Original]

How does war affect human evolution?

>> No.14763022


>> No.14763044

Sending the bravest and strongest of your society to die at 18 without leaving descendants can't be good for society in the long term.

>> No.14763069

It’s a Good way to weed out potential threats to the ruling class

>> No.14763154

Poor her. She's literally married to an orc. Wish I could take her with me, away from that ugly beast.

>> No.14763215

They separated months after this, he killed himself a few years later. That's what you get for fighting for Israel.

>> No.14763232

>he killed himself a few years later
Took him too long. Tf was he expecting would happen

>> No.14763355

What did you say about a war hero?

>> No.14763358


>> No.14763378

This is a beautiful display of both of them fighting for the idea of love. The fear in her expression and the despondence in his. It's a tragedy
but a beautiful one.
Also, "muh Israel" Wars are wars all of them have a cost. If there is any value in fighting for a cause you wouldn't cheapen it with your bullshit.

>> No.14763392

Israel is based

>> No.14763415 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 479x208, died-for-israel-444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14763560

It's also a good way to weed out retards that buy the glorious war-hero stories.

>> No.14763582

Without that layer of protection people like you are slaves.

>> No.14763593

It doesn't. It's being left behind.

>> No.14764273

Historically they were paids with land and slaves to work and breed. Now they receive fake money to paid his wife bs while cheating him. lmao

>> No.14764379

>bravest and strongest
You mean of low intelligence and easily seduced by jingoistic propaganda.

>> No.14764386

Usually there is conscriptions.
Thus the survivors are those that are physically or mentally unfit for service, plus psychopaths who wormed their way out of conscription.

>> No.14764405 [DELETED] 

being a rootless mutt is every bit as cucked as dying for israel is.

>> No.14764413 [DELETED] 

Lmao nice try, rabbi.

>> No.14765254

>How does war affect human evolution?
less than disease, I'd wager.

>> No.14765260

Just look at what became of France after one in five men died during WWI
Or Russia when a similar proportion died in WWII

>> No.14765405

France was ruined since the revolution. For example the fertility rate was the lowest of Europe since the 1800s.

If they had growth like germany or uk, France would have +150 millions and the wwi would never happened as know.

>> No.14766549

What? What it became of it?

>> No.14768175

She looks the opposite of happy.

>> No.14769688

burger moment

>> No.14769868

Remove the minimum IQ requirment and make all recruiting ads play "America, fuck yeah" and it'll have only possitive effects.

>> No.14769883

Damn straight, make sure to remember to go to sleep kneeling so you can freeze in the appropriate social class in the winter, europoor.

>> No.14769887
File: 712 KB, 979x733, mutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>propose to waifu
>go to war
>get burned, severely injured while on duty
>return a cripple, scarred for life
>get surgery, still look like an ogre
>gf still goes through with the marriage
>it ends inevitably a few months later as hes just so disfigured, physically and also mentally scarred from what he has seen and went through
>not longer the person that proposed to her, now hes a hideous ogre, both of them know it
the tragedy of becoming a willing slave to ZOG

100% deserved tho
also i understand her choice, this golem is not what she signed up for, and he knew this full well

>> No.14769909

>this golem is not what she signed up for, and he knew this full well
She didn't have any problem with him being a ZOG golem before he got his face burned off. She was probably very proud of his service to Israel.

>> No.14769920
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>before he got his face burned off
thats really the important detail here

you want to fuck a hot model? sure you do
what if shes horribly disfigured and doesnt even have a fuckable hole anymore? no? but you were so eager before
almost like the thing that made the other person appealing changed drastically

the chick did literally nothing wrong

>> No.14769929

>white knighting
She's not going to read this thread. She agreed to marry someone heading into extreme danger her failing to consider the consequences before they're in front of her is a mistake. In sickness and in health used to mean something and she cucked out.

>> No.14769931
File: 40 KB, 450x238, jvf4nbN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "really important detail" is that she and other cuntholes are not only fully complicit in the ZOG murder industry, but also actively encourage men to become ZOGbots and get maimed for social status. Gynocentric drones like you are no different from other golems.

>> No.14769947
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but also actively encourage men to become ZOGbots and get maimed for social status
nice blameshifting
the retard has no one to blame but himself for being a retarded little mutt
he got what he deserved top kek what a loser
>muh wimmin
take responsibility like an adult, mutt subhuman ;)
>Gynocentric drones like you are no different from other golems
this is what zero sex does to a mf

>men to become ZOGbots and get maimed for social status
its only weak retarded cattle that falls for this
basically evolutionary selection
she recognized he made a shitty choice and therefor is unfair for mating

this is the only rational reaction
strange why this completely rational behavior by a female is so upsetting for incels
maybe sort out your issues^^

>> No.14769952

>nice blameshifting
No one is shifting any blame, subhuman golem. I'm just reminding you that cuntholes always act as ZOG enforcers.

>> No.14769957

This. Maybe if they were legally required to stay and take care of the ZOG cripples they'd think twice before encouraging them.

>> No.14769958

>I'm just reminding you that cuntholes always act as ZOG enforcers
Only if you hang out with stupid ones. Out of all the women I know maybe ~10% see the military as anything more than another government job.

>> No.14769961

>Out of all the women I know
You don't know any women besides your mom, incel.

> ~10% see the military as anything more than another government job.
Even if that were true, they still socially enforce ZOG agendas and vote for ZOG causes not directly related to the murder industry.

>> No.14769965
File: 186 KB, 1024x1087, 1024px-Tyler_Ziegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuntholes always act as ZOG enforcers
proof? evidence?
didnt think so subhuman mutt, you are too stupid to think

maybe you look like pic and thats why you are so TRIGGERD
are you a dumb little ZOG cattle? then why so pissy?

>> No.14769968

>i am subhuman golem cattle

>> No.14769969

>nice blameshifting
>women don't have agency are are victims of circumstance

>> No.14769973
File: 457 KB, 1200x675, mutt_copium_zogbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they still socially enforce ZOG agendas and vote for ZOG causes not directly related to the murder industry
>murder industry
oh no the MURDER INDUSTRY so terrible
you talk like a fag
you too support the "murder industry"
hypocrisy much?

>> No.14769975


>> No.14769980
File: 1.28 MB, 2000x1132, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women don't have agency
>victims of circumstance
not at all, she draw the inevitable conclusion from the situation shes in and decided to disengage
perfectly reasonable and rational

incels are frustrated by the fact that females can make decsicions on their own
they feel entitled and also feel a need of control over females as incels are insufficiently masculine men
their patheiticness manifests in pathological behaviour and attitudes towards females (that are copes)

>> No.14769984

>females can make decsicions on their own
They obviously can't.

>> No.14769986
File: 198 KB, 360x360, me_in_your_moms_pov.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get hard when mutts get mutilated for long nosed overlords
a mutt dies, i laugh

mad? good!

POV: me fucking your whore mother in the ass :^)

>> No.14769987

Not American. Don't care. You will dilligently serve my cock and balls.

>> No.14769990
File: 872 KB, 640x640, sci_minecraft_mutt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They obviously can't
then explain how she did make a decision on her to divorce him then

seems like a contratiction
seems like you are a retarded faggot
seems like your post is wrong and you are full of shit, much like your cuntry MUTTLANDIA

>> No.14769993

>then explain
I don't need to explain anything. You already agreed with me:
>>women don't have agency

>> No.14769994

literal faggot

>> No.14769995

>women don't have agency
>females can make decsicions on their own
>she draw the inevitable conclusion
>perfectly reasonable and rational
You're so fucking retarded you aren't aware you're contradicting yourself.

>> No.14769999
File: 41 KB, 254x331, kek016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't need to explain anything.
yes, because you are obviously wrong.
t. retard

>> No.14770000

You will cherish every drop of cum I feed you. You are a slave to my cock and balls. Always have been. Always will be. You will serve me with your gaping asshole before I send you on to serve the lineup of North Africans waiting on your street.

>> No.14770006
File: 324 KB, 1200x900, g_london_gaymers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting sodomite

>> No.14770010

You're a vile little faggot. You can't help craving my cock. A disgusting little homo just like your single mom raised you. You can't get enough of my cock and balls. You're simply obsessed like the flaming sodomite that you are.

>> No.14770015

subhumans like you go to the gas

>> No.14770016

>t. retard
no u is not an argument. Face reality or fuck off. Pretending to be retarded is not trolling.

>> No.14770021

Prime homos like you will be spared from the gas chamber because they're so feminine they might as well be used like women by superior chads. You will live a life of servitude to my cock.

>> No.14770695
File: 41 KB, 480x639, Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow to the true chad virgins.