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14761923 No.14761923 [Reply] [Original]

This is a scientific blackpill thread. I am a postdoc in-between writing grants, transforming data, and being forced to teach the next class in my lab today.

What are the political implication of females' sexual selection of males regardless of race? Is miscegenation (race mixing) the equilibrium outcome?

We have repeatedly seen time and time again females select only the most fit males (tall, good looking, large penis, etc.) for sex, race and other factors have little bearing and are mostly superficial. Are females the most innately blackpilled population?

>> No.14761926

That's a social science AKA not real science. Get outof here!

>> No.14761930
File: 72 KB, 624x624, brainwashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Real" science is hot garbage as well.

>> No.14761957

This is literally government propaganda designed to distract people from their corruption.

>> No.14761960
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Sure thing soi boy

>> No.14761967

kek the CIA even has to make shit like that now because we are on to your glownigger games. Get fucked.

>> No.14761995

>Are females the most innately blackpilled population?
Yes, the biological purpose of females is to manipulate males into giving them resources

>> No.14762018
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Not an argument science believer.
Remember to pump some more science juice in your veins.

>> No.14762023
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How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.14762024
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I'll bite, just a few though because I'm probably just wasting my time on a troll who doesn't even believe any of this shit.
>You believe the earth is spinning at 1000 MPH but you can't feel it
When you're on an airplane and the airplane is moving very fast, you can't feel that, either. Only when the airplane changes direction or hits turbulence do you feel any change. You can even walk around, unlike when you're in a car, despite moving 10x faster.
You /have/ been on an airplane, haven't you? It's not some sekret club that only the (((elites))) are allowed to join.
>You believe the oceans are curving because "gravity" but you can't measure it
Gravity absolutely can be measured, as can the shape of the ocean horizon. The greeks managed to get a half-decent estimate 2,000 years ago, and they didn't even have any fancy multi-billion dollar gadgets that the average golem has no access to.
>You believe ships disappearing over the horizon is proof of the globe and not due to perspective.
If this is due to perspective, how come the ship appears to sink below the horizon, rather than shrink until they are too small to see?
If this is due to perspective, how come you don't see the ship again after you zoom in with your binoculars?
If this is due to perspective, how cone you /do/ see the ship again for a while if you climb up a few feet higher?

>> No.14762028
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>You believe pilots would not have to account for the earth's curvature or spin while flying
The former is a straw man argument. Obviously, the pilot will need to correct the airplane's attitude from time to time. Although, wind will also change the plane's attitude, and this will occur much more frequently than the attitude """loss""" caused by the earth's curvature, since the earth's curvature is only 8 inches per mile.
As for the earth's spin, there are indeed tiny effects which may throw the plane slightly off course. Naturally, the pilot will see that his plane has gone off course, perhaps not even knowing that the Coriolis effect was responsible, and correct it.

>> No.14762034
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Sorry, garbage theories and explanations aren't reality, try again Mr scientist, by posting a picture.
The people who believe the Earth is round are the same who believe the nazis killed 6 millions jews, they cannot even provide a single proof, a single picture, instead relying on texts and abstraction.
This is reminiscent of the jewish, talmudic way of thinking, most rabbis spend time arguing about abstraction instead of looking at reality.

>> No.14762038

>no arguments
As expected. I accept your concession, goodbye.