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File: 145 KB, 1500x1000, soy-milk-landscape_annotated-fb7a84070baf4df9a11d0d419af7f1c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14759553 No.14759553 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people in positions of power so absolutely insistent that pic related has no hormonal effects and that it's completely fine for males to consume? Women on menopause are regularly told to supplement their diets with it to help boost estrogen levels, but it magically takes no effect for men? How does that work?

>> No.14759557

powerful forces are purposefully weakening the population and trying to destroy society

>> No.14759562

I'm serious, is there some mechanism where consuming this as a male doesn't have any effect? That's what they keep insisting.

>> No.14759611

It all leads back to the only propagandistic idea thrown at the wall in the 1940s that stuck: that high cholesterol is bad. Since estrogen lowers cholesterol (as do many toxins), it is celebrated as a miracle chemical (while ignoring its carcinogenic effects).
Because of this, onions, PUFAs, and other estrogenic molecules are of a protected sort and a plethora of mental gymnastics will be done to support their usage and effects.

>> No.14759613

So, they're just shamelessly lying?

>> No.14759640

After almost 3 years of plandemic you're seriously asking this question and acting surprised?

>> No.14759645

>Asians have been consuming søy for millennia
>my sister's dog's hairdresser told there that women should drink søy milk during menopause
>clearly it must be bad for you

>> No.14759649

>>Asians have been consuming søy for millennia
Do you have a peer-reviewed study to back up that claim?

>> No.14759665

>imagine being such a pussy that you were afraid of a legume

>> No.14759672

>Asians have been consuming søy for millennia
Good point, Asian men are known for being large, strong and masculine.

>> No.14759678

If large, strong, masculine men are so important to you, you might be a homosexual.

>> No.14759694

toxic masculinity btfo

>> No.14759696

Of course, that wouldn’t be a bad thing. Right, anon?

>> No.14759697

>Women on menopause are regularly told to supplement their diets with it to help boost estrogen levels, but it magically takes no effect for men? How does that work?
The same effect is stronger with actual cow's milk. Is drinking milk gay?

>> No.14759705

That just seems like swarthy lactose-intolerant cope tbhonest.

>> No.14759748
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All the meat you eat already comes from onions eating animals

>> No.14759750 [DELETED] 

It would. It is an affront to god. But we're a tolerant society, so as long as you let us heterosexuals drink söy in peace, do whatever you want, faggot.

>> No.14759773

Finally a board in this shithole where people aren't a bunch of far-right conspiracy theory wingnut wannabe tough guys afraid of a bean

>> No.14759797

Wait until they start pushing the bug eating propaganda more. I'm gonna laugh so much.

>> No.14759865

Shut the fuck up goy an take you mistery juice.

>> No.14759955

>meat, dairy, and eggs are loaded with god knows how many hormones, "inorganic" compounds, vaccines, etc.
>juts liek my anscetors wanted1!

>> No.14760044

>you don't eat onions therefore you don't eat vegetables
not everyone is a ketolard or basedboy

>> No.14760387

>Worry this much about sóy.
>Microplastics significantly more potent endocrine disruptors. Americans now consume a credit card worth of plastic every week.
>"Use cloth bags to go shopping!? That's communism. It's the globalhomo conspiracy again. I will never eat the bugs. I will never use the cuck bag. I am strong and independent and a free thinker. I can't be asked to remember a bag when I go shopping, that's tyranny!!!"

If the overlap between people so concerned about "globalhomo" trying to make them eat toxic beans wasn't incredibly high with people against any sort of enviornmental regulations, it'd be easier to take this shit seriously.

I mean, people will start tanning their balls because Tucker told them about it, but will fight tooth an nail to make sure all sorts of garbage can be dumped into the water table so that their trash fees are $15 less a year.

>> No.14760415
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The wake up for me was moving to rural Kentucky. People are obsessed with their test levels, but there is nowhere to dispose of car batteries, paint, stain, oil. I had to call around forever and was told in many places "oh that just goes in the trash." Or a ton goes into the woods.

But it's consoomer masculinity anyhow. That's why you have "tactical baby carriers," and guys with $6,000 Boog load outs with night vision, all sorts of tacticool gear, etc. who can't run a mile or do one pull up. People realize their bovine Last Men, but change is hard and consooming is instant gratification. So you become a hard man by buying shit.

It's why the trashy trailers around me all have brand new trucks in the driveway. The husband who works at Walmart HAS to have his $40,000 handbag to show he's a man, but he isn't going to actually take the effort to look like one by working out 9 times out of 10.

Pic related. No one is embarrassed to big 60 years old, fat, but dressed up like a Navy SEAL to walk around an empty downtown for an hour or two with a friendly police escort, while pretending you're a hardened guerilla. People will collect Social Security and have Medicare pay their health expenses, even as they play at how their going to launch a revolution at age 65.

It's the logical conclusion of a generation raised on TV. LARP as life. The people up in arms over 8% price increases ready to engage in the horrors of war.

You could help your test most by just not being obese and eating healthy, but people go for LARP instead. We could get off Chinese imports without some ebin civil war, it would just require short term price hikes and shortages, inflation above 10% for a few years before things actually got better long term for our kids.

Americans, and especially Boomers, have shown this will never happen. They want a life defining war, a religious experience, without any sacrifice.

>> No.14760546

the people feeding you goyslop want you to be a weak homosexual living in a pod. why fight against this obvious truth, when you could learn something?

>> No.14760567

so cows are vegetables now?

>> No.14760571
File: 154 KB, 802x1024, FaJsxgFUIAEQXkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a faggot and should go back to commiefornia.

>> No.14760594

Liberals are in a schizophrenic position where they require endless growth for their global financed consumerist ponzi scheme to continue functioning while also requiring negative growth to "save the climate."
Most of them aren't even cognizant of this fundamental contradiction, but for the ones who are, their attempt to reconcile it is by implementing vast social engineering projects and completely redefining the type of lifestyles people live and the products they consume. Onions milk is one of those products. No amount of harmful effects on the individual is enough to warrant introspection because in their mind the only alternative is the catastrophic failure of their ideology, which they religiously associate with the end of the world.

>> No.14760608

So true it's shocking. We could have a better future for us and our kids in exchange for higher prices and less stuff to buy, but instead people will fight tooth and nail for cheaper goods and an excess of stupid shit as corporate execs and the CCP buttrape us. All part of the plan, my guy.

>> No.14761098

holy fuck you're obsessed

>> No.14761102

you sound VERY interested in men's bodies

>> No.14761114

good posts

>> No.14761134

Your posts are shit, because all of your solutions only result in lowering my standard of living and taking away more of my rights, while doing absolutely nothing about the hypothetical problem.
okay, so then why do you spend all your time trying to force me to eat bugs instead?

>> No.14761194
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>> No.14761535

it's a pipe dream. We live in a chaotic, complex system that's too dependent on goyslop and other chemically altered fast-growing shit being the foundations of the diet of the modern man, alongside microplastics and water pollution. You can't "fix" it, it's too ingrained in the system. To fix it you'd need to massively disrupt it, which would prove too inconvenient for the majority of people, the establishment included. The fluctuations of society are influenced by short term "gain", not long-term

>> No.14761546
File: 80 KB, 799x426, Average-height-cm-at-time-for-conscription-per-country-from-1880-to-2006-Data-from.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The earliest record of basedbean milk is on a stone slab of the Eastern Han dynasty unearthed in China, on which is engraved the situation of making onions milk in ancient kitchens.
It has to do with protein intake, not onions intake

>> No.14761550

It has weak estrogen activity.
If you’re a man, this is good cause is prevents stronger estrogen from binding. If you’re a post menopausal woman it’s technically better than no estrogen at all.

>> No.14761564

how about instead of larping as a commando, having your spouse work so you can buy scaled-up versions of children's toys and getting defensive about eating garbage you actually try to conserve something worth conserving

>fuck off commie
i don't eat onions products

>> No.14761594

>OK, we will ban a bunch of disposable plastic shit

>> No.14761610

>okay, so then why do you spend all your time trying to force me to eat bugs instead?
what the hell are you talking about? are the bugs in the room with you now?

oh did pfizer tell you that? listen BUDDY, you can't spread your "the zoience" here. god told me in a dream that soya milk reduces the number of sexy men in society, so so we need to ban it

>> No.14761623

Ted-Ed says eat your veggies or become sick, you cant rely on one food

>> No.14761696

I don't think anyone here is saying you should only drink soi milk. Even in modern Asia it's only for breakfast accompanied with fried churro

>> No.14761843

Nah, I started stocking up on guns and ammunition a short ways into covid hysteria, for the sole purpose of killing communists like you.

>> No.14761913

let's hear your views on russia

>> No.14761955

no but you eat sÖy eating animals

>> No.14762052

Russia doesn't affect me in any way.

>> No.14762079

but you still have an opinion on it

>> No.14762103 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 640x479, soyboyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

narcissistic retards who spend their hours on ridiculous power fantasies have strong feelings about remote overseas regions, that type of fantasy play is a common way for them to cope with the shambles their personality disorder causes in their real life.

>> No.14762114

russia invades your country
your feelings about this?

>> No.14762116 [DELETED] 

you're intentionally trying to derail a thread about the negative health consequence of s o y consumption with unrelated content because the thread topic upsets you.

>> No.14762121

you mentioned communists

>negative health consequence of s o y consumption
what ones?

>> No.14762144

>the negative health consequence of s o y consumption
there are none

>> No.14762888

So, why not feed this in massive amounts to the prison population?

>> No.14762909

No, I don't.
You may as well be asking me my opinion on the economic planning of Angola.
I don't care because it's completely irrelevant.

>> No.14762984

>a short ways into covid hysteria
cringe, if you didn't stockpile a decade ago you're fake

>> No.14763117

Funny I come across this thread.
Im in Japan for a few weeks and I was just thinking about how it is noticeable that all women here have the body type of a teenager (with some exceptions of fatties)
if you look at an old european painting or really old pictures you see that this was normal in the west too/

I suspect the growth hormones and whatever chemicals they use to fatten the livestock seep into our food and overtime have an effect on our body.

The portions arent small here either. Smaller than western portions, yes, but when I eat a meal at an authentic restaurant here Im always full. Sometimes its even difficult to finish.

To me this sucks especially. I dont think the now popular " deal" female body of a C-cup, wide thighs and an extreme hourglass figure is attractive. The way the women look here is far more attractive. I also get the sense that they are more intelligent in general, in their decision making, not in an autistic knowledge way or something else.

>> No.14763127

way to miss the point, holy shit. I know this place is anonymous but you should be embarrassed

>> No.14763303 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14763308


>> No.14763323

We want men to be small, lean, athletic, and cute. "large strong" men are no longer optimal.

>> No.14763361

Go back to /pol/

>> No.14763373

Bad case study, no control group etc

>> No.14763375


>> No.14763381

Why would that be a bad thing?

>> No.14763389


>> No.14763405

Retard go cry, if you don't have the will power to use a cloth bag instead of plastic you are already baseded

>> No.14763411

*s o y e d

>> No.14763447

The West has undergone many changes, far from all were good. After WWII the tomboy ideal disappeared and we got instead drama queens with makeup as the main interest while the drama level increased to the point it is impossible to tolerate. Later they also started gaining weight.
None of that got any traction in Japan.

>> No.14763453

Nah, I'm going to use as many plastic bags as I want, and then I'm going to light them on fire.

>> No.14763545

>powerful forces are purposefully weakening the population and trying to destroy society

Yes. It's very convenient to people in power to control weak and unhealthy population.

>>Asians have been consuming søy for millennia
>>you were afraid of a legume
It was not a GMO estrogenic Monsanto modified stuff we use now.
The GMO crap they attach, including scorpion genes and such, are not something we, or any biological species, bacteria or bugs eat for that matter. And we have more beneficial bacteria in our gut than skin cells.

>> No.14763818

>It was not a GMO estrogenic Monsanto modified stuff we use now.
That doesn't mean anything genetically and you know it. All agriculture is GMO by design, Gregor Mendel literally mapped out this shit on pea plants which was basically him GMOing outcomes to see what happened. Monsanto is only different in how it's more precise and efficient.

Please kill yourself

>> No.14763852

what absolute twaddle

>> No.14763974 [DELETED] 

>cringe, if you didn't stockpile a decade ago you're fake
a decade ago I was in college with zero income

>> No.14764120
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1080, brain gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All agriculture is GMO by design, Gregor Mendel literally mapped out this shit on pea plants which was basically him GMOing outcomes to see what happened.
Posts like this are the literal definition of "Dunning-Kruger effect".

>> No.14764128

Same reason they tell you sugar is ok and meat is bad: diabetes makes money

>> No.14764142

>they tell you sugar is ok
you are making things up and getting angry about them

>> No.14764362

Japan per capita goybean consumption is only like 10 calories per day per capita.
This is a far cry from the 700 calories per day per capita that Americans are eating from goybean oil.

A miso soup with hardly even a mouthful of tofu is much different than vegans eating tofurkey as a complete meat substitute

>> No.14764381
File: 91 KB, 1024x538, guaranteed westoid cope generator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14764398

tomboys were never a widespread ideal, they were always lusted after by a relative minority of socially retarded men like yourself who are terrifed at the idea of talking to women but believe they'd be able to stomach conversing with a woman who is essentially a man with a female body

>> No.14764434
File: 123 KB, 800x420, funny-memes-about-throwing-car-batteries-into-the-ocean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm not going to make my standard of living go down to help muds. I'm just not going to do it.

Green shit is just globalhomo trying to fuck you. I had my friend disable the bullshit emissions program they put on trucks now, which everyone does because it's designed to break the truck quicker and give you less horse because libs literally hate strength.

Enjoy your liberal hellscape. I for one choose to live in a free state, uncucked. But some people will fall for your lies. Not here. Our secretary of state, and plenty of others in uncucked states have already started fining companies that do woke green shit. I'm not shopping at a place that cucks and won't offer bags, just like I'm not eating at Cracker Barrel anymore since the cucked and offered the tranny meat. Someone has to draw the line and be the bulwark of the West.

Get triggered. Go woke, go broke.

>> No.14764471


>> No.14764498

How is this only a liberal problem? At least in America, conservatism could really be renamed Boomerism.

It's definetly not "anti-welfare" like it says it is, because it's all for Social Security and Medicare which are the overwhelming share of all transfer payments. US seniors get free healthcare and $2.5 trillion in cash a year. About $38,000 per senior, per year, and rising quickly. The GOP has no plans to touch this. Indeed, their messaging is more about spending less elsewhere to secure the bag for Boomers. That's almost half the budget as a straight pass through to Boomers, and because so much of the budget is debt funded, it's the equivalent of 70% of all taxes collected each year going directly to Boomers. Add in the $30 trillion in debt they created, and it's more than half the budget.

So it's certainly not about fairness and independence. Look at the gas tax. Even before global warming concerns, just pricing in the cost of actually up keeping roads using gas taxes, as was intended and basic externalities would mean gas is $2 more a gallon. But do they want to have it that people who use roads more pay for them? That heavier vehicles that create more wear pay for that. Absolutely not.

And this is generally handwaved as "oh well the whole system is bad so we might as well loot it."

They are mad about migrants but when they had both chambers of Congress, the White House, and the Court did they hold even one vote in migration, even token shit? No. Because now that migration got fucked we're seeing that the base throws a fit. Food prices surge on Americans demanding higher wages to pick crops, there is a "labor shortage," because real wages, which have been largely stagnant since 1979, go up 2-3%, and the base, who is increasingly mostly retirement age throws a fit. Imagine if migrants didn't keep driving up demand for houses and having bought a home before 2000 wasn't a ticket to infinite equity loans...

>> No.14764544

What is this silly mentality American right-wingers are flocking to recently where they just want to be as difficult and destructive and generally just as childish as possible? You aren't behaving like a badass rebel, you're acting like a literal toddler.

>> No.14764573

The Virginia "protests" were disappointing

I guess they did well showing their toys, but that didn't matter since red flag laws passed anyway

>> No.14764629
File: 162 KB, 1060x841, WEF Food Pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people in positions of power so absolutely insistent that pic related has no hormonal effects and that it's completely fine for males to consume?
People in power want to stay in power in their leftist elite utopias, insulated from the "common people".

That means making the human population dumber and weaker, so the 95-99% are easier to control.

That is the reason for pushing s o y, grains and seed oils, SSRI medications, and baby "formulas" (mostly corn syrup and s o y particles)

That is why they are trying to restrict and ban red meat like beef (the best meat to eat to increase testosterone and mass), eggs and milk (both "super-foods" that are complete nutrition, and natural cheeses.

>> No.14764645

It's all culture war shit. It melts people's brains.

I saw some guy I know from high school raging that the power company gives out free lightbulbs and does free insulation to help with surge demand. It's like any attempt not to waste shit triggers them because it's just one step towards us all eating bugs.

That was a thing for Trump too, got to bring the old light bulbs back. Also force private industry to use coal even though they don't want to, because libs don't like coal so it must somehow then be the based energy source.

It's literally a society wide temper tantrum, and it's more embarrassing because the people most into it tend to be old enough to be grand parents.

Aside from "muh slippery slope," I've never seen why these are such an issue for people. Most red flag laws are incredibly weak, with spree shooters getting flagged and still keeping their guns.

I don't really see a problem with some sort of registration as long as it's not any worse than getting your car registered. If you don't have your shit together enough to do that I don't really want you on the road or armed.

But again it's all or nothing, no in between. I got called a cuck on /k/ because I said I do the entirely rational thing of using a gun safe because I have kids. How does that even effect anyone else?
>"Hurr, if any of us start using safes or locks they'll have us eating bugs by dawn."

Not that libs don't do this sort of thing but I don't live near many and the enviornmental shit bothers me more than most things.

>> No.14764662

Who is trying to ban meat?

The only thing I've seen is proposals for externality taxes for ALL agriculture. It's just that meat is more resource intensive so it will get taxed a bit more. But it's not even a ton of money and the idea is that the producers of a product and the people who consume that product should pay for the cost of cleaning up the costs imposed on other people during production, rather than the burden getting shifted to society at large. That is, be responsible for your own choices. The same concept as picking up your own trash, but for pollution generated by goods you consume. And that has never even actually made it into an actual bill that's even be offered, let alone voted on.

>President Joe Biden’s climate plans do not include restrictions on red meat consumption, the White House said. Biden never mentioned red meat when he announced his plan to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by 50% to 52% by 2030.

>The false claims about Biden restricting access to meat started with a Daily Mail article that linked Biden’s goals to an unrelated 2020 study on meat consumption. A study author told PolitiFact it “has nothing to do with Biden or his climate change plan.”

Whoa, it's almost like it was completely made up.

>> No.14764669

>Who is trying to ban meat?
Uh huh. Also, who is trying to force vaccine mandates? Keep it up. People are starting to see what's up and that reasoning with you is not the answer.

>> No.14764697

>pushing s o y
when? where?

>seed oils
you've been watching a grifter

>trying to restrict and ban red meat
when? where?

>> No.14764705

>Uh huh.
not an answer. come on, let's see some bills. let's see the proposals.

>> No.14764711

Who is trying to force vaccine mandates? Let's see some bills. Let's see proposals. Yes, they keep discussing it as something necessary, but where's muh bill?

>> No.14764716

cool deflection mate. who's discussing the banning of meat?

>> No.14764721

I see you shilling in every thread. I hope they pay you well at least, so you can have some fun before it blows up in your face.

>> No.14764735

so the poster that pops up in every /sci/ thread saying "we're about to get violent!!" is the same person? some consensus there. maybe you speak for the silent majority?

simple question, though. who is banning meat? who is trying to ban meat? who is even talking about it? you made some claims and you're homicidally angry about them, so back them up. you're not murderously angry about something you've made up, are you?

>> No.14764748

See >>14764711
I guess what you just can't wrap your head around is that no one needs to convince you. People can see through you. You are quickly losing ground.

>> No.14764756

who is banning meat? who is trying to ban meat? who is even talking about it?

man, i dunno. are you going to kill me? you seem to be threatening imminent mass murder in every thread. perhaps i should take a trip to:

>> No.14764758

>who is trying to force vaccine mandates?!?!
Take your meds.

>> No.14764764

why do you insist on posting the most perfect examples of deflection anyone has ever seen, when you could just shut me up by showing me this "push to ban [red] meat"?

>> No.14764768

Nice deflection. I'm still waiting for you to tell me exactly who was trying to force vaccine mandates before it became official.