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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iqcb354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1475887 No.1475887 [Reply] [Original]

You are now aware that most great scientists who truly contributed to science and humanity were at the far end of the bell curve.
The rest were lucky to stumble upon a conept/principle/discovery.
The rest of us, have no chance.

>> No.1475892
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>> No.1475898

How could anyone get that wrong? It's obviously real.

>> No.1475902



>> No.1475901

It's not too late for deleting your shitty thread.

>> No.1475924

I will never take an IQ test. I win OP.

>> No.1475929
File: 33 KB, 300x339, Feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1475943


I love Feynman simply for the fact that he proved that being an aspie and working hard as fuck is better than being an armchair intellectual with an inflated IQ score. (id est: Christopher Langan)

>> No.1475954

I have an IQ of 93.

>> No.1475961

feynman was an aspie? He seems really well spoken in his lectures, very funny too, it's really hard to believe!

>> No.1475971
File: 26 KB, 260x320, arrogant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOL 93% got it wrong. You can clearly see the bird is standing befor the man on the background. i would defenetly give the right answer.
I did a few iq tests on the internet and the one test that`s most reliable said my iq is 143.

PS. I`m an atheist

>> No.1475973

It was from a shitty online one though so its probably more like 105.

>> No.1475989

I don't know what my IQ is. I think it's between 120 and 130 but that's based on Internet tests which are notoriously inaccurate.

I'll just settle for "above average" intelligence.

>> No.1476002

What the hells up with that shirt?

>> No.1476010


William Shockley, also. His IQ was 125-127 measured by two separate IQ tests taken a year apart from one another.

Luis Alvarez's IQ was below 135.

>> No.1476017

Baby's first troll.

PS Quit it forever, you'll never be smart enough for this.

>> No.1476021


If anything, Einstein was a savant, not a prodigious genius as measured by IQ. It offends me that so many believe that he had ever even taken an official IQ test. I've never been able to find a source of how his IQ was estimated. Seems to me it is more of a ridiculous urban rumor than historical fact.

>> No.1476030


I believe he was being sarcastic. He was emulating Dawkin's harsh and egotistical nature.

>> No.1476043


>> No.1476047

who gives a fuck what my IQ is? Could be I am the most intelligent lifeform on earth my IQ exceeds 2000 by human stadard. Would you belive me? No? Thats right. Something in the range of 80-120 is more probable but Ill type 140 just that others might think wow this posted is smarter than me. But then again who gives a fuck what some anon writes on 4chan? Do you? I know I dont. So fuck off with those lame threads.

>> No.1476055

I believe you have no idea about Dawkins' nature.

>> No.1476066

>>implying IQ doesnt measure but how good are you at solving tests that measure IQ.

>> No.1476068


>> No.1476073

>>implying IQ doesnt measure intelligence but how good are you at solving tests that measure IQ.


>> No.1476079

these threads make me feel bad about myself because even though i have a higher than average IQ; it's still not the highest, so I'll always feel my world is rather limited and colorless, and could all be shown as incorrect and stupid by someone smarter.

>> No.1476082
File: 22 KB, 260x320, arrogant2 - kopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

richard dawkins
Glad to him he had a verry rigid mom and dad, giving him a strict upbringing.

Imagine what this person would have becoume if he hadn`t have his atheism thing as expression...
To express his feelings and his narcism.

He would be a born serial killer.

>> No.1476086


Dawkins is a biologist (ie. Not a real scientist)

That doesn't stop him from posturing himself as an intellectual, which he certainly isn't. Leave that to the people who do hard science.

>> No.1476088

Poor troll.
Imagine if his mom and dad didn't slam his head into the fridge every now and then when he was little.

>> No.1476091

You get a sage all of your own

>> No.1476093

Biology is a real science. I'd wager you're a troll, but on this website it's equally probable you're a retard.

>> No.1476098


Butthurt biologists.

Sorry, not a science. Any university department with more women than men cannot possibly count as a science.

>> No.1476106

Shitty troll trying so damn hard or a dumbass who wants recognition on the Internet.

>> No.1476110


>> No.1476118


Sorry you weren't smart enough to major in Physics or Math.

It's ok, society needs lab rats for pharmaceutical companies to exploit, can't be that bad.

>> No.1476128


>> No.1476132

Sorry that you're resorting to guessing (and failing) my major.

You can stop trying now. You're not cool or smart or funny.

>> No.1476137


>were lucky

Now that's just one perspective from which to at it.

I could equally say that Einstein and Newton and the rest were equally lucky in being born with a higher natural intelligence.

In the end you can't blame and praise yourself on anything but the effort you exerted because it's the only factor that is totally in your own hands and it's the only factor everybody can alter.

>> No.1476175
File: 22 KB, 400x350, segway-beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sage Express, coming through!

>> No.1476202


If anything saging encourages continuation of the thread (as this post clearly testifies).

If you don't want a thread of the front page DON'T POST.

As for the OP.

What you said is true but I have nothing to be depressed about.

As much as some scientists were lucky to stumble on these discoveries so where these geniuses lucky in being born with the natural intelligence and in such perfect environment to reach their success.

In the end I believe there were many people who worked as hard if not even more but who were as much dedicated but perhaps not as lucky as these others but one might equally say that there achievements were equally great in context of everything.

>> No.1476266
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, 127763054337.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we make it possible for the smart guys to do their thing? How about I fix their car with my 110 IQ so they can get to work, or the trucks that deliver his favorite soda to the market nearby, or take care of that huge industrial plant that makes the soda? Or any of those billion things that makes him think he had a nice day at work and home and that he really likes doing work that will advance technology so all those nice people in other places might enjoy their lives too?

Also, what makes you think I'd even want to have a chance? What if I just want to fuck girls, buy nice things for myself, travel around the world a bit and and just spend my time outside a laboratory, thinking about something else than some boring-as-hell equation that ironically might make my life better?

>> No.1476515

Just took an IQ test from iqtest.com .... 130 seems a bit high for a 17 year old who's failing school, anyone know a more reliable source for a test?

>> No.1478765

dat shameless self-bump

>> No.1478787


anywhere that isn't online. online IQ tests wouldn't be popular if the average person scored 100, so in the interest of ad revenue etc they seem to give around 120-130 to most of the people that take them.

>> No.1478805

Would you fix my car for me? Hi, I'm the guy that figured out how to make space travel profitable and will not shut up about it.

>> No.1478814


online tests are likely bullshit

IQ and grades aren't necessarily correlated. you can be obscenely intelligent, but you don't put forth the effort to pass the class(or please the teacher), and you fail. conversely, you can suck dick for grades

>> No.1478819

>were at the far end of the bell curve

I wasn't aware they had IQ tests throughout all of history.