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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14758189 No.14758189 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to significantly enhance one's intelligence as a young adult? I'm talking anything: nootropics, drugs, lifestyle changes, meditation, video games, etc.

Also. How do you view people less intelligent than you? Or, more intelligent?

>> No.14758199

stop playing videogames, doing drugs, jerking off and succumbing to the hedonistics treats society has made to lower your brain activity. Do math hours and hours a day and play an instrument, those two activities will make your brain work faster and better

>> No.14758200
File: 259 KB, 640x609, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

connect yourself to computer

>> No.14758204

if you're convinced that your current intelligence level is insufficient then who would know better than yourself?

>> No.14758211

Math? I've heard making music is good for the brain, but I wasn't aware of just doing math as being helpful. I will definitely look into that. Thanks anon

>> No.14758215

problem solving and abstract thinking basically rewires the brain, just like music.

>> No.14758233

I do believe my intelligence is insufficient, which is why I'm curious if you people might have ideas or have some expertise in this sort of topic. I am unfamiliar with biohacking / IQ enhancement, which is why I'm asking for your insight / help.

>> No.14758244

Ha ha. Maybe one day in the next 30 years or so. I'm curious, would this sort of device be like some advanced Google search? Like, I would think a thought like "what is the best move in this game of chess" and the ai would just communicate via neuralink the best move? Or, would it be more enhancement of the existing intelligence?

>> No.14758322

Just build good habits. You're going to get far in life with a good routine where you're slowly improving yourself rather than a half-assed "quick fix". Search for practical solutions to your problems rather than made-up nonsense only a handful of people actually care about. As far as I know, IQ enhancement doesn't work because intelligence is mostly genetic. Hard work and patience will always benefit your life, anyways.

>> No.14758557
File: 495 KB, 3448x1888, Brexpiprazole-Rexulti-Psychopharmacology-and-mechanism-of-action-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take 300mg luvox (sigma-1 agonist)
4mg brexpiprazole (pic related)
nicotine vape
cannabis vape
fortified wine

>> No.14758596

Have you tested your IQ before and after this using this regimen?

>> No.14758597

No, but I can memorize things better

>> No.14758611


This more or less. Also in addition to this the single most dramatic factor that separates two persons I know from anyone else I've ever met is both simple and profound; they made a conscious choice on what they wanted to spend their life on and they actually as far as I know followed through. To take one of those two as an example: He's a cynic nihilist and he told me as much himself, but he finished his Ph.D in biotech with a project in agricultural GMO development. In his words "I'm an autistic fuckup and I don't believe in an afterlife. Sure I could go shoot up a school but I just decided that I want to help humanity as much as I can before I kick the bucket. It's my choice and it's as good as any other." The fucker don't game, drink or waste his time. He works and sleeps and fucks the same prostitute every Sunday because "It's his routine and he just wants to fuck a pussy without the typical bundle of bullshit drama attached to it."

He just made a choice and stuck to it. I don't personally approve of his lifestyle and values but I gotta admire the productivity and work he gets done by sheer virtue of just doing nothing else. Maybe it's an autist kind of thing. If he ever changes his mind I hope he won't shoot me, or at least give me a running start. Fucker owes me for that stipend recommendation.

>> No.14758627

There are plenty of studies indicating slight improvements to memory and attention from nicotine. Not sure about the others he mentioned though.

I'm mostly in the same boat as you OP, I'm above average but not outstanding. I have decided that I'll try to brute force intellectual labor using hard work instead of trying to use quick fixes however, unless I run into an issue which cannot be solved like that. 4chan in general is obsessed with IQ, but there's not enough evidence to say that it's as stable or important of a metric as everybody here believes.

>> No.14758630


>fortified wine

Pretty vague there. Fortified wine can be any number of recipes ranging from culinary to medicinal, mind elaborating on your blend of choice (and I won't mind elaboration on which wine and how it tastes since I'm a culinary snob and I see no reason a nootropic shouldn't be tasty to boot)

>> No.14758640

I drink golden oak tawny. They're $6 a bottle here in Australia and they taste sweet. 10.4 standard drinks in a bottle.

>> No.14758650

you're literally talking about yourself because nobody remembers this much detail about another person's personal discussions and I can tell just by the writing that you're awkward as fuck irl

>> No.14758656

What's your motivation for this? Not trying to critique, I'm genuinely curious. As I see it IQ only represents capacity or ability. Logically, capacity or competence is defined by and only emergent in the context of utilisation towards achieving a goal. So what's the goal? Sure, all the brainlets on /sci/ thirst for those high IQ candy rock mountains but why? Bragging rights? Better test scores? Unlocking the secrets of the universe? To one-up the other Anons in IQ test threads? What's the game plan here?

>> No.14758665

Nah, I'm only on my second bachelor and my life is a disorganized mess. Also I'm a poorfag and even if I wanted to I couldn't afford a prostitute with a noninfectious vagina. I drink with the autist though and he's a chatterbox after half a bottle of Jaegermeister

>> No.14758674

Oh. I thought you meant "fortified" as in mulled wine with added spices/liquor/herbs. Oak tawny, so basically Australian port?

>> No.14758680

Like I implied, I'm not obsessed with IQ scores. But being more intelligent is useful for well, almost everything really. Personally, I just want to understand how the fuck everything works.

>> No.14758696

I hear you on that sentiment. I don't need math beyond the level calculus to do my job but so many things can't be understood without learning math at higher levels. The only reason I learned math was sheer curiosity at the world we live in and a desire to "figure out how it all works".

Let me know if you ever make a breakthrough on that front because God knows all I'm discovering is how much I have to learn kek.

>> No.14758765

I have this weird desire to become as smart as possible, ever since I was a kid I noticed the differences in how people treated smart vs dumb people, and I thought that was just unfair if intelligence was static and only genetic. I kind of despised those people, since they were getting all this admiration for what I could only understand as something completely beyond their control. People were praised for being geniuses and not working hard.

I didn't like that, and I've dedicated I guess my life to trying to find ways to circumvent this whole IQ is mostly genetic idea.

Yeah. I'm a bit obsessed with it, but like others mentioned, there is only gain from higher intelligence (better understanding of friends and family, less of a limit on how much hard work can get you economically speaking, and simply a better way to enjoy life). I guess I simply want to be the best possible me and I've realized intelligence is the precursor to most other successful endeavors in life, so I'm planning to start there.

>> No.14758829

Not that anon but would you like to form a correspondence after this thread? If not, I understand.

>> No.14758874

Sure, I'd be down

>> No.14758894

If you prefer email let me know.


>> No.14758963

Videogames increase IQ by 3 points or so.

>> No.14758972


>Yeah. I'm a bit obsessed with it, but like others mentioned, there is only gain from higher intelligence

I often pondered that. Without being arrogant I can say that I'm not stupid. I avg around 135 on most rigorous IQ tests for what that's worth (which isn't much in my personal opinion, I don't hold IQ to be accurately representative of anything beyond your ability to solve IQ tests). I often think that I would be a lot more happy and satisfied with my life if I were less like I am. I'm not gonna be all "woe betide me the tragic genius, my clear sight is a crown of thorns" because I believe happiness is a mindset rather than the sum of external factors and in either case I never would change myself at this point in life even if I could because that would turn me into another person and I might be a flaming tirefire of a human being but at least I'm still *me*.
I don't know if my iq is the result of genetic heritage, the roll of the dice of genetic drift or my environment but either way I'm not sure it made me happier, and I sure as shit isn't utilizing it. I kinda wish I could gift a few spare points to someone with more drive and superior work ethic.
I guess it did help me get away with doing less actual hard work. Not that I spent that extra time well but hey there's that I guess. Being gifted makes it easier to shit out a journal or article that takes most people a week in a single stimulant fueled evening and bluff through the interviews and Colan conferences on sheer bullshittery while using technical mumbo-jumbo-jargon to avoid having to actually communicate useful info.

Captcha: BasedDJ
So spot on there on me I guess captcha oracle

>> No.14758988


I admire your drive and pursuit of self improvement though. Yours is the kind of sentiment that makes a high IQ a valuable quality instead of wasted genes like my case.

Just to add something relevant to the OP; an anon mentioned music above and while Im not qualified to comment on the research I can say that personally music has always been something I loved and practiced rigorously. Alto sax for 16 years, picked up piano, guitar and drums along the way although not at a very competent level. I think picking up an instrument is solid applicable advice, and if nothing else, practicing music and constantly improving brings me great pleasure. If you're interested in this I can give you pointers on which instruments to consider depending on your taste in music and your budget constraints.

>> No.14759000

NTA. I got no source on this, but I think past a certain point intelligence simply won't affect your happiness negatively anymore. Like, up to and including above average intelligence, it may genuinely make you less happy, but once you're past that point it's just more brain power. In fact, I'd say smart-ish people can be quite a bit more prone to depression because they often have the same academic ambitions as leaders, but which they're sometimes unable to fulfill due to insufficient intelligence. I myself went through a depressive phase, a big part of which included this type of thinking.

>> No.14759004

Thank you for recognizing that the whole "low IQ people have it easy, high IQ people bear the burden of confronting reality without the bliss of ignorance" type attitude of high IQ people is most likely missing the point. I'm tired of hearing that shpeel from so many people I've confided in about this drive I have to enhance my intelligence.

As for happiness, I understand being able to be happy with ones life is often independent of one's intelligence.

But, I'm not here to just be happy. I want to be the best me I can possibly be, and I'm just an ambitious person by nature. I can't get rid of the itch to improve myself in any way possible.

Also, nice captcha ha ha

>> No.14759095


I can see this point of view. While I'm above average I'm not a genius and there's probably a bigger gap between 135-145 than between 90-135. I can see the point that I may be smart enough to know what I ought to do and what to strive towards and yet not be smart enough to effectively figure out how to and achieve it.
I'd probably be a sad cunt even if I were dumb as rocks.
One thing I fear is that me being a fuckup while having 135 iq will make me bitter or arrogant. That I will use it as a crutch or psychological basis for my sense of self-worth like I've seen other sad fucks do.
"This isn't fair... I'm SMART and yet I have no money, no 3.14T gf and noone tells me I'm right... Could I be wrong? No... I'm 135iqbigbrainspecial! It's the WORLD that's unfairly holding me down!"

If I'm smart but a fuckup I'm just gonna own it and maybe I'm just not that smart after all no matter what a gay IQ test claims.

>> No.14759098

I'm into funk/jazz, and have played the trombone in the past. Guess I should just pick that up again and mess around.

>> No.14759324

Says you're not accepting friend requests

>> No.14759331

This. Don't get caught in the fixed mindset trap, whether "you're so smart" or "you're not smart enough" it's potentially harmful. A growth mindset is mentally healthier.

>> No.14759698

>there's probably a bigger gap between 135-145 than between 90-135
Absolutely not. 90-135 is 3 standard deviations

>> No.14759736

>Torregrosa, T., Lehman, S., Hana, S. et al. Use of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated disruption of CNS cell type genes to profile transduction of AAV by neonatal intracerebroventricular delivery in mice.

You could try increasing your gray matter, I haven’t looked much into it but these fags stroking their egos the entire thread is pissing me off.
Im sure there are ways, just studying for something improves intelligence Im said subject. Intelligence isn’t as clear cut as defined by Mensa. There are mice models that found increased cognitive abilities with mice gene edited to have schizophrenia. I’ll try to find it if you’re interested. Not sure if it’s as easy as a supplement, but if you’re défiect then it would be helpful. Sorry for bad English, im from Australia. Have a good day mate.

>> No.14759784

Mensa is just a fucking joke lmao. Imagine wasting money to have a card that says you are smart lmao

>> No.14759805

Creatine, yes i’m serious look it up.

>> No.14759806

I’m sure there are legit permanent ways to increase intelligence. They just haven’t been discovered or applied to humans in any meaningful way.

>> No.14759808

>Cannabis vape
Lol faggot

>> No.14759810

sure there are, rewiring the brain from zero, but that is nearly impossible as of today

>> No.14759815

Unironically this. I've found that learning a language helps too.

>> No.14759963

yeah, lenguage is also pretty good, i really found my brain worked better. Specially after learning my 3rd lenguage

>> No.14760224

cardiovascular exercise depending on what you mean by "significant"

>> No.14760372

What in the world? Creatine can raise IQ by as much as 10 points??? I wonder if that's for people who have some mutation affecting digestion of meat or for people who are vegan.
Seems safe though, so I don't see why I shouldn't at least try. Thanks for pointing that out

>> No.14760404
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It's called learning

>> No.14760464

most ways to increase your IQ would make you better at IQ tests. It won't raise your g which is what really matters.

>> No.14760613

This will not increase your IQ per say, but it will allow you to use your brain in a better way. I base alot of this on the research I did about "mind control" and subliminals.

1. Stop the habit of glossing over things quickly. Often in a rush to absorb information we quickly scan through posts, or what people write. Stop doing this, it destroys your attention span. This includes skipping though videos, or songs to get to "the good part"...or speeding them up. Just stop and take your time going through something. Pay attention.

2. Listen to people when they talk. If you have a thought to respond with, write that down and pay attention to the other person. The art of listening is lost in today's generation, and instead we want to listen only to respond as soon as possible. Wait for it to be your turn to talk...PATIENTLY. Listen closely and then respond

3. Stop starting a bunch of things and not finishing them, or having a bunch of unfinished projects all over the place. Set a limit to how many projects you have going, 3's a good number...and only have those 3 things and do not move on until those 3 things are completed. Stay on task and learn to finish things

4. In regards to your digital devices, have your setup in a way so that you are reducing the amount of things happening at once. Limit tabs to 5 open tabs...reduce, turn off or delete/remove/unsubscribe from websites that tempt you to constantly check them, or that send off alerts. Facebook, discord, email, a new video from so and so, you got a new reply to your reddit post, you got a new text message, xQc on Twitch just went live...etc. Stop. Even on websites like 4chan, perhaps don't use the catalog view...use the page by page view

5. Organize, prune and minimize your things, both in physicality and in cyberspace. If you never use your TV get rid of it, if you've got a bunch of trash lying around in your room or clothes all over the place, clean it up. Clean up your email inbox...don't just...(cont)

>> No.14760643


5. (cont)...don't just let it sit with 10000 unread emails. "unburden" yourself of useless possessions that no longer serve a purpose. Design your life in a way so that there is a minimal need for maintenance, stress, worry etc. This is all so that you have more time to think. However, do not become extremely minimalist either, this can destroy creativity. No responsibilities can lead to laziness...so learn how to finely balance all of this. By "pruning" I also meant your "mind" too. If you no longer need to know about something, or can condense and get "to the point or core" of something, do that instead of holding onto useless information. My brain has learned to do this automatically, as it doesn't remember random peoples names unless they appear frequently in my life.

6. Don't fill your mind with junk. Sit down and brain storm core main areas you want to focus your mind toward...and then bookmark sites, buy books or consume media revolving around that. Do not look at useless sports statistics or watch things that are irrelevant or useless toward what you want to focus on. What you focus on over the long term determines what automatic thoughts your brain churns out. Block all advertising and get further away from the cities, billboards and flashing lights if you can

7. Almost all forms of modern media are designed to dumb you down. Movies quickly pan from scene to scene, from POV to POV with loud explosions, music and other things to keep zoomers stimulated. They utterly decimate your attention span. Modern songs are less than 3 minutes long, uninspired lyrics, repetitive and with no real musical instruments..and finally modern games are soulless cashgrabs that take advantage of the same part of your brain that gets addicted to gambling. Get rid of all this crap.

8. Do a dopamine detox...the main culprits in regards to this can be things like pornography, caffeine, drugs and sugar. Do not always buy food so that every day there needs...(cont)

>> No.14760649

By literally using your brain.

I developed photographic memory for numbers by just practicing remembering them as it was useful for my job.

Now you could flash something in front of me and I'll recall it.

>> No.14760689


8. ...so that everyday there needs to be a party in your mouth. Learn to handle healthy but boring tasting food. Stay away from alcohol. When you detox your brain from dopamine, you'll be able to live life without craving constant stimulation like an ADHD lunatic

9. Consume GOOD media...listen to classical or music with real instruments, that are longer than 3 minutes. Play games that are strategic, historical, mathematical, creative (use your judgement to decide what those are). Diversify the kinds of games you play...don't play 5 games that are all RTS, maybe have a fighting game too, and an MMORPG...have one game that is unique in each category so that you develop a broader intelligence. Watch theatre, read books. It seems to be the case that older stuff in general is alot better than modern, so consume in moderation, older content

10. Drink water, it's amazing how clear minded water can make you. Do not drink tap water, try to get filtered mineral water if you can. Caffeine is also good, but stick to having it in the mornings so you can sleep at night...caffeine and l-theanine 2:1 are a good combo

11. Make sure you get ALOT of sleep, tiredness is probably the single most important thing when it comes to cognitive performance...if you're too tired, you can't be bothered. Sleep quality improves when your brain knows there's no stress, so if your brain knows it needs to wake up at X time in the morning, this CAN destroy sleep quality and block you from getting deep sleep. Find a stress free job where you literally don't care or it won't matter if you accidentally sleep in. Where there's no stress. Good luck finding something like that

12. As far as diet goes, get alot of choline (from eggs), and fats (omega 3's from fish, avocado, coconut), and b vitamins. So fish oil, a b-complex and cdp choline. Consume carbs but that are low on the glycemic index (like berries, blueberries especially are good). Save your carb spike for before bed...(cont)

>> No.14760733


12. (cont)...save your carb spike for before bed if you need to spike carb, that way when your blood sugar crashes and you get tired, you actually want that and then can go to sleep. A low carb diet is the only way to be clear minded while consuming carbs, high carb will give you brain fog...so again, find carbs low on the glycemic index

13. there are 4 main things that affect your consciousness. They are shapes, symbols, sound and color. These may in a miniscule way affect cognitive performance but are good to be aware of...so for example, living in a perfectly square room, with your furniture arranged in a square way, with no weird angles etc may improve orderliness and linearity in thinking...but perhaps make it too rigid (less creative). Certain colors like blue may produce a calming affect on the consciousness, or allow things to go in easier...and the color red may make you feel 0.1% more energized. Lightning in your room may affect cognition slightly. Sounds and smells too...people sometimes leave hz music playing or put on rainy mood and it puts them in the zone. The smell of mint might make you feel more awake or alert

14. Get the general vitamins your body needs...zinc, magnesium, d3 (sunlight)+k2 are the main ones you need to supplement. Eat a somewhat Mediterranean diet as that seems to be the healthiest all around. Exercise but don't do cardio, it's better to lift weights or go for a walk.

Done for now, I'll come back and write more if I think of more later

>> No.14760735


>lighting, not lightning lol

>> No.14760766

Damn dude, thx for all the advice!! Good work

>> No.14760780


Thanks, just remembered another one:

15. Learning how to write better will make your inner monologue better...avoid writing walls of text (use good sentence structure, and spacing between paragraphs for readability. Learn when to end a thought with a sentence, or take a breath with a full stop. Learn when to use commas and so on. Expand your vocabulary...I believe there was a chart floating around somewhere that measured the average IQ of 4chan boards lol, apparently /lit/ had the highest. You will naturally pick up on alot of the above, simply by reading high quality good books.

>> No.14760853


A couple of others:

16. You also become like the people you hang around. You might think you won't, but you will...it all happens subconsciously. People go to Australia for instance, and all of a sudden out of nowhere an Australian accent develops. You WILL pick up on the mannerisms, attitudes, sensibilities etc of your friends. Hanging out with toxic people will pull you down. Hang out with positive influences, people that will make you better rather than pull you down, people that contribute positively to mood. It is also sometimes a good idea to keep a friend around who DISAGREES with you, or butts heads with you...even though you may not like them as much, they challenge your perspectives...they expose you to new ideas. You do not want friends and relationships all to be an echo chamber. If you're a computer nerd, having a friend that loves to go bush walking or hiking is a net positive. They can pull you out of habits and expose you to new things

17. Mantras. These are basically self brainwashing. These are things you affirm to yourself over and over, and become a self fulfilling prophecy almost. Arnold Schwarzenegger practiced this, he would wear a t-shirt telling him hes the greatest during his body building days...he'd have notes all over his gym, and his wall reinforcing his own ideas about himself and his self identity. Those motivational videos on youtube? If you keep watching them without resistance, they will hammer their way into your subconscious

18. Clothing and grooming. Clothing and grooming affects self perception. When you roll out of bed unshaven with a bath robe on, your brain is in lazy mode. When you're clean shaven and in formal attire like a shirt, belt, leather shoes etc it puts your consciousness into "work mode". The "squareness" of a shirt and restrictive feeling of the belt and tie affects consciousness. Tucking in your shirt affects consciousness...something good to be aware of. Dress the part too for better cognition

>> No.14760879


Some more:

19. Tying into the clothing thing is posture...slouching in your chair, or leaning hand against cheek may be better for contemplation...but sitting upright at a 90 degree angle may be better for immediate attention/engagement (e.g reactory/reaction speed...thinking in the moment)

20. Get a proper work chair if you do alot of sitting. It's a very good idea to invest alot of money into a chair and good bed (good sleep is utmost). A good chair (like say a herman miller one) is designed not to be restrictive to blood flow, and to sustain long periods of sitting, long term...so that it doesn't cause in physical complications. An extremely good investment

>> No.14760896


Dang my brain keeps remembering more lol

21. eye fatigue. cognition and developing intelligence no doubt will involve ALOT of reading...if your eyes are fatigued you wont feel like bothering to read something or pay attention. so you'll want to find some way to combat eye fatigue. There are supplements for that...zinc, taurine, fish oil, retinyl palmitate, lutein and zeazanthin. You want to try and read physical books if you can, read in a brightly lit room, block or limit blue light from devices if you're using a screen. A e-book reader might be good, or just use something like kindle to listen instead. Play around with brightness/contrast settings of your monitor to make sure its perfect. Use a big font so you can see things nice and clearly

>> No.14760942
File: 59 KB, 300x300, shoe0nhead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just go outside and get physical exercise. You will oxygenate your brain, causing it to generate more neurons automatically. It's really that simple. You don't need some fancy obscure treatment to get smarter. Just touch grass.

>> No.14760947


African tribes do that, do you believe they have a high IQ?

>> No.14760956

imagine how dumb they'd be if they sat still in dark rooms staring at screens all day. That shit dulls the mind, spirit, AND body.

>> No.14760984


okay troll dumbass

>> No.14761032

Correct. The mind and body are inextricably linked. One can not thrive while the other is suffering.

>> No.14761097


>> No.14761131

Stimulants will definitely work. I remember being on Adderall. It turned me into a fucking genius. Unfortunately it also turned me into a robot with no emotions, so I decided to switch back to Ritalin.

>> No.14761155

Black people are only stupid because of shitty nutrition. You'll notice the African immigrants who aren't from famine-struck nations tend to be really smart. Same with American-born blacks: the ones who grew up in nice families tend to be reasonably intelligent while the ones who grew up in the ghetto are dumb as bricks.

>> No.14761300

I'm not OP. This is all good advice but I'd say I know most of it already. The problem is that I can't get myself to do it. I still haven't figured out what exactly it is that's stopping me from doing this. In fact, I'd argue there's a really big chunk of anons who are in the same situation. It's either some mental illness (like ADHD) or simply a subconscious belief that it won't actually help.

>> No.14761386


>It's either some mental illness (like ADHD) or simply a subconscious belief that it won't actually help.

It will absolutely 100% help. Reading a couple hundred books (the right books) will increase your internal dialogues capacity, which will guaranteed increase your intellect...maybe the raw processing speed and thinking of unusual ideas/connections will always be determined by genetics...but this is guaranteed to give you a knowledge pool that will make you well above average. Drinking water and eating clean fuel, and getting fat (DHA for your brain) will absolutely increase thinking ability. Same for getting sleep and some exercise.

Everything else I mentioned are just marginal increases and mental tricks, but it all adds up.

Yeah it does seem like you're just demoralized. You've been mind controlled by 4chan, wojack and pepe memes into being a depressed sad sack. You should definitely look into mind control, it ain't "pseudoscience".

>> No.14761424


I should also add to this:

22. mental models. look into researching mental models, which teach you HOW TO THINK....thinking hygiene. programming is a great way to learn how to think logically, so maybe definitely learn a programming language. programming and mental models may help you to think better logically and orderly and in a linear fashion...but this can be bad for certain creative endeavours...you sort of get trapped by logic and cannot perceive or even consider thinking outside of the box and examining contradiction, paradoxes, illogicality, randomness, self reference, infinite regression, abstraction and other queer ways of thinking

I only bring this up because as mentioned above you can read tons of books, but unless your foundation, the method by which you think is solid and strong, or a good foundation...you can have all that knowledge from books, but it's all going to be wasted because of THE WAY you think

>> No.14761731

You can aim to become more disciplined if you have goals you want to reach, unless you're mentally retarded you can probably brute force your way through most things in life with enough grit and Ritalin, unless you're aiming for a field
medal or smth. https://www.theodinproject.com/lessons/foundations-motivation-and-mindset

>> No.14761808

I disagree. I think there is some innate ability to learn that one cannot simply learn. Like. No matter how hard a person with an IQ of 100 tries to master chess, someone with as much dedication but an IQ of 120 will blow them out of the water. People with higher intelligence are able to recognize patterns, understand complex information, and learn new things better and faster than those with low intelligence.

>> No.14761812

By significant I mean at least 6-12 IQ points. I feel like just getting enough sleep probably can push anyone up one IQ point. I'm talking significant or major differences.

>> No.14761816

I'll look into that, although I'm worried about the long term effects of those sorts of drugs.

>> No.14761821

I like this idea; maybe what I need isn't a higher IQ, but a more efficient use of the intelligence I already have through these techniques.
I journal a bit, but I feel like I need some other type of writing (maybe a blog or a YouTube channel) where I can challenge myself to think creatively and in a coherent intelligent manner.

>> No.14761822

What's the limit? How many digits can you do and in what time?

>> No.14761825

Sorry, what I mean by IQ is the g factor or intelligence. I guess I just use those terms interchangeably

>> No.14762728


While a person with higher IQ will blow that person out of the water at chess...as an average person, there are advantages also. For instance, being able to connect and communicate better with other people. Typically geniuses suffer from social isolation or social difficulty. They use language and vocabulary that normal, everyday people cannot understand. So what you could do as an average person is to try take an advanced idea/concepts they've created...spend a long time trying to understand it, and then dumb it down for the masses by putting it in simple everyday language. That's just one small example

>> No.14762892
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>“We can afford to systematically and continually study to increase our knowledge and to refine our art of conveying it to others. It has been said that Balzac, one of the most prolific writers and a genius ranking with Shakespeare and Goethe, has spent as much as a week upon a single page of his writings; Noah Webster spent thirty-six years of continuous work producing his dictionary; Cyrus Field crossed the ocean fifty times to lay a single cable; Turner made 30,000 drawings before he achieved his ‘Slave Ship’ and immortality; Gibbon worked twenty-six years on his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; Stephenson put in seventeen consecutive years perfecting his locomotive; Napoleon Bonaparte worked nineteen hours per day and Thomas Edison eighteen hours per day for many years of their lives. No matter how great your genius, high success means hard digging and everlasting digging. Strive to ‘do it better’, better than your competitor; better than your associates; better than your own past records, and your reasonable success is assured in advance.”
— Bailey Whipple (1911), “The Essentials of Success in Salesmanship” (pg. 956)

When we get to the top 50 genius level, wherein minds like Henry Adams, Goethe, or Newton, spend 5+ decades in their search for the "secret principle", we begin to approach a 150K-hour rule

In other words: stop being such a lazy fatass.

>> No.14762948

>Typically geniuses suffer from social isolation or social difficulty
There is correlation but not causation here. If I'm good at socializing and if there were some magical pill that raised my IQ by 20, I wouldn't suddenly lose that ability if I were to take it. Any methods suggested here will not affect your ability to socialize either. Geniuses tend to have underdeveloped social skills (sometimes caused by high functioning autism), it's not because they use language that others are unable to comprehend.

Increasing your g, if it were possible, would almost always be a good thing. It's just that there really aren't any confirmed methods that could do that. I think that even stimulants only increase your IQ rather than g; you may perform better on IQ tests due to improved attention and memory, but it doesn't increase the inter-connectivity of your brain or something (which afaik is linked to g).

>> No.14763077


No sir I disagree, higher IQ is not an all-around net gain. The more you increase in one thing, the more you lose in another area. Whether it's blissful ignorance, happiness, sociability, the ability to enjoy something and so on. A connoisseur of food is not going to be able to enjoy normal food anymore, yet he is knowledgeable in food for example. It's debatable as to what areas you lose out in are, but you definitely lose something to gain something, period.

Also what is "g"??? If g factor is breadth of understanding, you naturally sacrifice depth (other than fields you specialize in)...there is only a limited amount of time. You have to pick what you want to be, jack of all trades are frowned upon.

>> No.14763157

I don't doubt that you lose SOMETHING when you raise your IQ, but my claim is that for most people, in most cases, it is a net positive. Not everything is an equal trade off, that would be an overly simplistic view of our world. Raising IQ is like choosing to not cut off your leg. Sure, this leg will never itch anymore, but it's obviously moronic to cut it off for no reason.
>Blissful ignorance
Of what? Name one thing that could make you really sad that an average IQ person wouldn't get.
It's what the IQ test attempts to measure, the general intelligence factor. A rather vague concept
>If g factor is breadth of understanding, you naturally sacrifice depth
Not if I am more efficient, which is what higher intelligence provides

>> No.14763214


>Of what? Name one thing that could make you really sad that an average IQ person wouldn't get.

One thing? Right off the bat I can think of the fact that it's lonely at the top.

>Not if I am more efficient

Being efficient sacrifices spontaneity, randomness, personality and creativity. You turn into a cold calculating robot.

>> No.14763258

No, you can lower your effective IQ though I think, but you can't increase your potential as far as I know
I hope you could, and perhaps it will be possible in the future, but its not right now

>> No.14763369

> it's lonely at the top.
If you can raise your intelligence to those levels, then sure. But we're talking about average people. The possibility of raising your intelligence by a small yet significant amount is debated, but it's clear that there are no current methods that would make an average person into a genius who could be affected by this problem.

>Being efficient sacrifices spontaneity, randomness
Most people would benefit from that. You can still be random if you wish to, like in cases where you don't want to waste brain power on a problem
Why? Does a random process have more personality than an efficient one?
I don't think so, most creative people I know are intelligent. Efficiency doesn't turn you into a robot, it allows you to make the most out of your time.

>> No.14763408


>Most people would benefit from that

It's only beneficial for certain things, it depends on what your goals are. For being a math or calculus professor it's probably good, for thinking of original concepts it could be bad.

>Why? Does a random process have more personality than an efficient one?

A less efficient person isn't anal about regulating aspects of their life, they're more intuitive, go with the flow type people. Instead of being anal about eating an optimal diet, they might just vouch for a pizza instead...I dunno about you, but the guy who buys pizza for dinner is a funnier sometimes more fun to be around person, then the anal person who min/maxes their diet for optimal nutrition.

They might use slang, memes, culture reference and incorrect spelling in the way they type. They might speak abstractly, not logically...intuitively, emotionally. Those are the sorts of things I'm talking about. You insist efficiency is best because you are more robotic, you are probably a "stiff" kind of a person, especially since you hang out on /sci/. Some people don't want to be "stiff" so they purposefully hinder their sobriety with things like alcohol, which acts as a social lubricant.

>> No.14763417

Saving this thread since I'm on vacation atm, finally a normal conversation on IQ and intelligence in life in general on sci, thanks OP, whether this was intentional or not.
I wish you all the best

>> No.14763613

I feel this thread has veered away from my initial goal of finding ways to enhance it and off into the implications of intelligence and whether being more intelligent is always a net positive.
Nevertheless, there is definitely a lot of valuable information here, which I'd like to save. Does anyone here know how to save 4chan threads? I guess I could screenshot and scroll, but I feel like there must be some extension or bot out there that can do that better.

>> No.14764176

> this thread has veered away from my initial goal of finding ways to enhance it
Well, because there aren't any
> Does anyone here know how to save 4chan threads
This post will probably be archived with this link. Otherwise use any 4chan archive with the OP post number. You can also use your browser's save webpage functionality

>> No.14764457

Yeah, you're probably right there's no way, but I just can't accept that. There must be something that works out there, either kept secret, in some fringe online community, or yet to be undiscovered. I will spend the rest of my life searching until I find it or die trying. dumb pursuit, but I can't stop myself.

In the meantime, I'm going to save this thread and spend some time investigating creatine, exercise, mental models, writing, and some stimulants.

Thanks for the replies! Means a lot

>> No.14764468
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Curious anon, what have you discovered so far? Or is this thread the first thing on your quest to do that?

>> No.14764531

This thread is close to the beginning of my quest, so there isn't much else I've found that hasn't already been mentioned.

There are a few biggies: iodine deficiency (even mild to moderate severity) can cause mental retardation and a loss on average of 12.5 IQ points. But, because I have hashimotos, I can't take much iodine as that causes bad flare ups, but I'm looking for ways to circumvent that stupid issue.

Look at the countries with highest average IQ and you'll notice they eat a lot of seafood that's rich in iodine and other essential nutrients. Japanese people on average eat like 5x the rda for iodine, and rank near the top and yet don't seem to suffer from the symptoms of iodine toxicity (so maybe the rda from the FDA is insufficient or at least not optimal.)

I've experimented with some nootropics, and the only ones that seemed to do anything for me were black seed oil and lions mane. They didn't make me more intelligent, but they helped calm me down and dramatically improved fluidity of speech and thought.

I hope that helps someone out there!

>> No.14764535

regular exercise is the biggest single contributor to IQ gain that exists

if you arent getting regular exercise as a baseline then you're making a huge mistake buying supplements

>> No.14764541


Thanks anon, wow iodine...nice. Yeah I've heard about it

>> No.14764864

Another interesting discovery is that scientists have been able to enhance working memory in rats by upregulating a certain sub receptor on the nmda receptor. I don't know much about neurochemistry, so if someone who knows this stuff would like to explain how I could take advantage of this information, that would be pretty cool!
Here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ExperimentalNootropic/comments/wll3wx/nmda_receptors_are_the_key_to_iq_enhancement/