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14756923 No.14756923 [Reply] [Original]

The existence of uncanny valley implies that there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't.

... so what was that reason?

>> No.14756929


>> No.14756932
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>> No.14756943

It's only a symptom of lead deficiency.

>> No.14756950

Or it could be for the boring reason our brain is extremely specialised at reading peoples faces, because, you know, that would be kind of useful.

>> No.14756951


>> No.14756955
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Maybe ape species? Apes aren't too dissimilar to humans except they don't have the same capacity of thoughts and moral reasoning that humans do. Just my own speculation.

>> No.14756962

No it doesn't.

>> No.14756994


>> No.14756996

>The existence of uncanny valley implies that there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't.
No, it implies that there's a reason to be put off by deformed humans.

>> No.14757003

This and
There was Neanderthals and other sub species of humans that used to exist with us. I'm sure they were quite dangerous.

>> No.14757162


>> No.14757167
File: 88 KB, 564x550, Female_Neanderthal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was Neanderthals and other sub species of humans that used to exist with us. I'm sure they were quite dangerous.

Well actually, we bred with them so much that that they ceased being a separate species.
Neanderthal women were WILD in bed.
Once you have had Neader pussy you can never go back to anything else.

>> No.14757257


>> No.14757306

It also implies that you're a faggot. What sort of experiment could we design to find out which of those two competing hypotheses is more likely to be true?

>> No.14757323 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 459x668, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the other way around faggot. Neanderthal men enjoyed the best SAPIEN PUSSY, and thats what led to our downfall.

>> No.14757362
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, Joi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neanderthal men enjoyed the best SAPIEN PUSSY, and thats what led to our downfall.

No, there are **NO** male Neanderthal genes in modern humans.

>> No.14757413

It's highly debatable at this point. Some studies say Neanderthal men fucked the sapien women. Other studies say the Sapien men fucked the neanderthal women. The most important thing to notate currently is that Y chromosome for Neanderthals is missing in the current modern human population. Which implies the later is true not the former as you view.

However nothing should be ruled out just yet. Also nice edit.

>> No.14757454

>evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't
My dog goes crazy barking when he sees a black person, a cripple, a guy in a costume. I don’t think it’s a recent adaptation at all.
I’ve met Romanian/Moldovan chicks who look exactly like this kek

>> No.14757459

Nature is filled with examples of predators that disguise themselves to look like their prey, or the prey of their prey, or fucking rocks and leaves and shit, etc. Obviously nature would select for members of a species that are more wary of shit that doesn't look quite right.

>> No.14757488
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it's to avoid breeding with people with birth defects. "Correct" facial structure is correlated with "correct" brain structure, it's how you can tell someone is retarded just by looking at them. It's not even a human level instinct, I bet all kinds of critters are repulsed by species members that are too ugly.

>> No.14757490

It's very simple, there always were mental illnesses, famines etc. Those kind of people give you that uncanny feeling .It's mechainsm to stay away from crazy mofos so you won't get killed.

>> No.14757514

This may be an actual bot post. I've seen this thread word for word before

>> No.14757642


>> No.14757751

Evolutionary psychology is one of the dumbest fields in existence. The only "methodology" used never goes beyond
>Why does X happen?
>Maybe outlandish reason Y, I guess. Who fucking knows?
Followed by hundreds of I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE articles saying
that cement this as a fact. I hate it and I hate you for giving a shit about it and supporting this behavior.

>> No.14757976

Dead bodies
Also jews

>> No.14758114

it's that human-looking things aren't if you were to try to talk to that dummy it wouldn't respond and you know that but you also kinda think it would wouldn't you? hahahahahaahhaa

>> No.14758162
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people don't "look human" they look like males or like females of a particular race, anyone who "looks human" without having well defined gender and racial characteristics falls into the uncanny valley

>> No.14758170

>t. mongoloidal drooler
It works exactly like any other hypothesis: you deduce the logical implications of the hypothesis and see if they hold.

>> No.14758202

Women who covered their face in makeup. You don't want to marry someone wearing a mask, only to figure out later that they have a disfigured face.

>> No.14758208

make up is sexy though

>> No.14758343

uncanny valley isn't real and is a literal meme. as in people are disgusted by it only because they are told to be disgusted by it.

>> No.14758494
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>You don't want to marry someone wearing a mask, only to figure out later that they have a disfigured face.

>> No.14758515

Animal predators. Eg. people feel uncomfortable with large mouths and eyes because they resemble an animal ready to attack

>> No.14758536

>The existence of uncanny valley implies that there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't.
Wrong. It could be a vestigial instinct developed in one of our ancestors two hundred million years ago. Or it might simply be an 'unintended' artifact of our recognition facilities that never evolved in response to any stimuli at all, and simply exists because there was no selective pressure to remove it.

>> No.14758544

Only women think this, and the only reason they think it is because they're gullible and allow themselves to be swept up in cosmetic industry lies.

>> No.14758563

You can't design an experiment of something that happens over a million years retard. Evopsych is basically just like those fairy tales that explain beans have a seam because it fell into a canyon and was repaired by a tailor after it escaped an old lady's pot with a straw and a coal

>> No.14758564

>You can't design an experiment of something that happens over a million years retard
Why not? Let's watch you shit and piss all over yourself trying and failing to answer this question.

>> No.14758576


No, it doesn't. All it means is that we detect something that breaks the pattern, and as creatures programmed to recognize each other and see patterns we become uneasy to varying personal degrees upon seeing an "other" who disrupts this.

>> No.14758584

a little big of dark makeup around the eyes is sexy, nothing else.

>> No.14758606

>The existence of uncanny valley implies that there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't.
No it doesn't imply that, that's merely a potential explanation

>> No.14758617

I remember making a very similar thread because I saw this question posted on Reddit.

>> No.14758622

What psychology is there besides evolutionary? Creationist? Since humans and their psyche are products of evolution, all psychology is "evolutionary" psychology.

>> No.14758638

If you want dark patches around your eyes so much, you don't need makeup for that. Just keep running your whore mouth.

>> No.14758692

>If you want dark patches around your eyes so much, you don't need makeup for that. Just keep running your whore mouth.

We welcome the Irish to this thread!

>> No.14759208

Either dangerous human subspecies, terrestrial mimic species, or aliens.

Good thing that nearly all DNA sequencing equipment isn't made by a single company which would be a single point of failure a hidden society of not quite humans could compromise to help keep themselves hidden.

>> No.14759606
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Wrong. We are basically atlantians who left home

>> No.14759731

Makeup mimics the sex flush women get just before orgasm: Increased blood flow to the face causing red lips and dark spots around the eyes. Men are biologically programmed to find this more attractive than a woman's regular face even when it's painted on.

>> No.14759777
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>gf that asymptomatically approaches anime standards

>> No.14759801

While physical defects often imply mental deffects that they share a cause with, if you think you need to hallucinate in order to tell that somebody is retarded, please consider the possibility that you may be retarded yourself.

>> No.14760192

The Other is just it, the Other. There's nothing more to it. If you're part of the Other, stop bitching about being flung hatespeech at you, JUST LEAVE! It's. That. Simple.
You wouldn't want to be around people who don't like you either, right?

>> No.14760239

>The existence of uncanny valley implies that there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't.

No it doesn't. It might, but that is a huge leap to take.

Why is it such a common misunderstanding that everything in evolution has a "reason"?

>> No.14760241

Sick people and psychopaths.

>> No.14760243

>Why is it such a common misunderstanding that everything in evolution has a "reason"?
Why is this mindless and invalid objection such a common cliche among reddit-educated midwits like you? Everything in evolution has a reason by definition.

>> No.14760291

No it fucking doesn't. Evolution is the interaction of variability in life with variability in environments. Traits that are most conductive to being passed on in certain environments will become over-represented over time. The same traits that are conductive in one environment are not conductive in another.

Evolution is not guided, it has no reason or reasoning. It is the process of handfuls of sand being thrown into ever-changing filters, yielding different outputs with every iteration, with new handfuls of sand full of different-sized kernels continuously being added on top.

The uncanny valley could be the result of specific pressures selecting for fearful responses to semi-human appearances, it could be the result of entirely different pressures generating a fear response to an unknown set of stimuli that are simulated by technological reconstructions of faces, it could be the result of an entirely random species-typical human trait interacting with an entirely random stimulus resulting in a random outcome we cannot infer or measure. It could be any of these things, or none of these things.

It doesn't HAVE to particularly be any of them. To come huffing and puffing your chest about everything in evolution having a reason by definition and spouting ad hominems to shield yourself is nothing but you projecting your complete ignorance about the process of evolution.

>> No.14760318

Low IQ post. Any direct or indirect consequence in terms of genetic fitness is a reason for a trait.

>> No.14760340

the reason was for women to feel repulsed by mentally ill autists like you. they failed since your defective genes are still around, but probably not for long

>> No.14760425

My wife has that flush naturally and never wears makeup. Makeup is a shitty facsimile for what can be found naturally

>> No.14760430

It could be as simple as a slight aversion to weird looking people increasing reproductive success by 1%. Absolutely tiny things that have no day to day bearing on anything.

>> No.14760431

>quote from a twitter "intellectual"
No it doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.14760434
File: 65 KB, 1200x628, 1542735904775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evolutionary psychology is one of the dumbest fields in existence

>> No.14760448

uncanny valley is a literal meme.

>> No.14760946


we didn't bred with them "so much"
we have like 2% Neanderthal DNA (if you are of Eurasian ancestry) and it has been selected against the last milleniums, like 4000-5000 years ago you could find people with 4% neanderthal ancestry
they were freak events that gave us a few useful genes, but mostly genes we had to bred out

>> No.14760953

Gensokyo is real, the entire lore is real

>> No.14760971
File: 42 KB, 800x450, MonkaSSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the existence of foot fetishism implies that at some point in our evolutionary history you could impregnate a girl's feet


>> No.14760983

Avoiding the dead and severely diseased, maybe?

>> No.14761008

>The existence of uncanny valley implies that there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't.
It literally doesn't. It could be a byproduct of some system designed that evolved for an entirely different purpose.
For instance it might be that the body is like "hmm something is fucking off, maybe I'm poisoned or smth"
Or maybe it's the consequence of as system that tries to avoid getting scammed in general by being suspicious of any thing and everything.

>> No.14761027

people who are sick/dead look slightly off

it evolved to help you avoid disease

>> No.14761029
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We evolved it to spot trannies.

>> No.14761103


>> No.14761120

Have you ever seen black people?
From a distance they look pretty normal but they don't move correctly. They have a loping, wobbly gait.
These are the human-like creatures that are going to murder your village in the night.

>> No.14761151



>> No.14761170


>> No.14761175

>It could be as simple as a slight aversion to weird looking people increasing reproductive success by 1%.
Maybe. And that's a reason by definition.

>Absolutely tiny things that have no day to day bearing on anything.
Clearly, it has at least enough bearing for this trait to exist and that's a given no matter what your reddit social science education says.

>> No.14761201

Yes, everything has a reason by that logiv, every atom in existence has a reason for being where and what it is today through the chain of events that led to its current state throughout the passage of time in the universe.

What OP is inferring is that there is a particular guided or inferable intent of evolution in our evolutionary past. From what we know of evolution, that doesn't exist and even if there were we do not possess the means to determine whether there is or isn't.

>> No.14761221
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>> No.14761226

>everything has a reason by that logiv
It's the only logic: if it increases genetic fitness by some means, that's a reason.

>What OP is inferring is ...
I don't care what OP is inferring. I was addressing your blatant error.

>> No.14761235
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>> No.14761409

It was so we could cull potential competitors e.g. monkeys

i fucking hate monkeys like you couldn believe

>> No.14761654

nothing uncanny valley about this. its a fucking designer drug junkie. next.

>> No.14761665

Deformed humans are deadly for species survival. Rival groups of humans often destroy the living space if they are allowed in. Corpses are dangerous to species survival. You are confused because you have been taught not to notice patterns that correlate strongly with danger.

>> No.14761679

She was a Narcissist, that's quite different from Psychos. To Psychos, everybody else is a NPC. Narcissists just want to dominate you or take your money. Psychos will cut you to pieces for no reason at all, as long as nobody is looking.

>> No.14761751

romanians ARE the modern day neanderthals

>> No.14761757

It was neanderchad men that bred sapiens grills while sapiens bois couldn't do anything but watch.

>> No.14761783
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Things that pretend to look human are usually predators.

>> No.14762009

It's not that uncanny valley is an evolved response to something in our past, it's more like it's a self-preservation INSTINCT that some people intuitively feel against what is going to be coming *in the future.*

>> No.14762604

You mean to say suggests the possibility of. Fucking ESLs.

>> No.14762801

op is copypasta fren

>> No.14762844

corpses you fucking idiot
you instinctually find them scary because they transmit diseases not because of ebin ghosts