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File: 18 KB, 849x465, the average IQ of Polynesians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14756770 No.14756770 [Reply] [Original]

If the popular consensus is that all races have the same IQ, why does AI say otherwise?

>> No.14757019
File: 23 KB, 910x491, nnnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14757050 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter what a program built by some nerd says, black men are fucking white girls and white men can do nothing about it except seethe or jerk off

>> No.14757174

that second line makes me wonder if they programmed in something by hand

>> No.14758558

are you literally retarded????????

>> No.14758679

Not to be rude but people like you could die choking on your own vomit.

>> No.14760104

>If the popular consensus is that all races have the same IQ
Literally no one believes this.

>> No.14760129

I believe it but I'm a retard.

>> No.14760368

Then why did James Watson get cancelled for going against it?

>> No.14760452

>false leading assumptions
1. IQ difference is an open secret
2. AI are glorified internet comment dataminers. Zero credibility on what it spits out.

>> No.14760468

To be precise, the race difference in IQ isn't contested. It's that the difference is caused by underlying genetic differences that is rejected by most of mainstream science.

>> No.14760470

quintessential -10 IQ post

>> No.14761442

I have seen those articles and they don't really delve into it like other neuroscience topics, the main point is that all races have the exact genetic makeup. the thing is that small percentage of genetic variation is a pretty big deal right? I'm not a biologist but I think that small percentage has a role and not just socio-economic conditions also

>> No.14761538

Garbage in, garbage out.

If the data they gathered for this said "2+2 = 5", then that's what it's gonna say when you put "2+2 = ". And you're a low IQ moron if you don't understand this about ML.

>> No.14761583
File: 56 KB, 750x536, 1633487509515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because censorship is the only way to defend an objectively incorrect position.

>> No.14761605

>religious rightoids try to persecute scientist
4 centuries and nothing has changed.

>> No.14761608

>the difference is caused by underlying genetic differences that is rejected by most of mainstream science.
Correct. This is why after adjusting for SES the whit-black IQ gap vanishes. Oh wait.

>> No.14761624

>doomsday cult
>puritanical censorship
>obsession with afterlife (muh Right Side Of History)
>faith-based ideological system frequently contradicted by plainly observable reality or logic
>crusade to impose their belief system on heretics, with violence if necessary
>religious garments deemed to have magical powers
There are religious extremists in this country, but the vast majority of them ain't on the right.

>> No.14761637

>describes the right
>"but they're not rightoids"
Why are rightoids like this?

>> No.14761642
File: 647 KB, 1143x1094, 1660052481469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n...no u

>> No.14761649
File: 83 KB, 587x700, 1333868909001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe that but I won't admit it in public :)

>> No.14761653
File: 214 KB, 1600x2416, whoopsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14761664
File: 57 KB, 476x475, 1660389571717474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right though.

>> No.14761668

>(((a right winger))) used the term once therefore it's a right wing thing

>> No.14761673

Yeah, the mainstream narrative is that different races do have different IQs but it's because of non-genetic factors, and/or racist tests, and/or it doesn't matter goyim why do you even want to know this you aren't racist are you?

>> No.14761682

>no TRUE rightoid

Yes, that's what I said, you're rightoids.

>> No.14761686

If Jews control everything, doesn't that make them the superior race?

>> No.14761690

Leftists and liberals will never admit IQ is genetic because it means that inferior races (Negroids, Aboriginals, etc.) are inherently irredeemable and unaidable.

>> No.14761698

galileo used arguments that could ne be proven
the church was literally the only institution that funded science back then including galileos reseaches

>> No.14761710

And they opposed him because "muh religion".

>> No.14761718

They did not my retarded muttoid friend, the creed of the catholic church was always that science and religion can not be at odds.
I know that might sound weird considering you are used to retarded protestants but the catholic church was basically the only institution had an interest in science for over 1000 years.

>> No.14761719

>It's that the difference is caused by underlying genetic differences that is rejected by most of mainstream science.
It's rejected by mainstream media, but not actual scientists. The majority of molecular biologists acknowledge and accept it, but don't talk about it because doing so would jeopardize their careers. Easier not to rock the boat.

>> No.14761721

>fundies who control the money and who decide what beliefs are socially acceptable cut off funding and ruin the career of a scientist whose research contradicted their ideology
many such cases

>> No.14761760

name a couple non-muttoid ones

>> No.14761765

>name anyone who was killed in the Crusades outside of Jerusalem

>> No.14761767

>brings up a completely different topic
kek tranny has lost its mind

>> No.14761770

>name any jews Hitler killed outside of Europe

>> No.14761772

are you okay?

>> No.14761773

Susan Crockford. Prof at U Vic in BC fired for (correctly) stating that polar bears are thriving and not in danger of extinction.

>> No.14761786

Uh oh, the bots broken.

Recompile your software.

>> No.14761789

>uncomfortable result is dismissed by increasingly unquantifiable hand-waving
Yep, sounds like Science™ to me. Meanwhile, the actual science is still out on the matter because no one wants to do research that is objectively racist.

>> No.14761811

The west is the only place where this shit exists, of course no one in China or India is getting fired for pronoun violations or questioning climate change.

>> No.14761998

Saw a thread about this earlier. If you want to settle the debate, retest countries today and see how things have changed with development. I’d be interested in knowing how much India’s average IQ improves by 2030 since it’s one of the major countries that’s developed significantly since then.