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14755822 No.14755822 [Reply] [Original]

So is the COVID therapeutic injection safe and/or effective? What scientific documents from independent third party research centers are there that can replicate the claims of its safety and efficacy?

>> No.14755844

Covid isn't real, its a plot concocted by the Chinese to sow confusion and chaos in the west to make it easier to invade and establish a worldwide communist society where everyone will have mind control chips implanted into their brains

>> No.14755912
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Spike is spike. Oops.

They weren't kidding about a Great Reset.

>TL;DR: The spike protein from COVID-19 and the injections cause auto-immune disease. Everyone has AIDS.

>"On Tuesday, a real zinger was dropped onto the medRxiv preprint server that could potentially explain many of the commonly observed pathogenic features of SARS-CoV-2. The authors provide solid evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates the envelope (ENV) protein encoded by HERV-W in blood cells, which is in turn directly responsible for many pathological features of the disease."









>> No.14755961

It's safe. Not that effective though.

>> No.14755966

>mRNA vaccines therefore have slight modifications that simultaneously make the mRNA less immunogenic
>doesn't read his own source

>> No.14755972
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Willing to risk the lives of you and everyone you love on a "slight modification" they may or may not have made to each dose?

>> No.14755973

Then why do people want to make it mandatory?

>> No.14755980

I don't know. Lots of reasons. It was pretty effective at first but it's less so now because the virus changes. The vaccines can be updated, but that's expensive and the public may not accept it. There are also perverse economic incentives at work. Pfizer etc. are out to make money and they are friends with people in governments. There's also desperation from governments to do something. Vaccines look like an easy fix so they make people hopeful.

>> No.14756216

No one ever claimed that mRNA or the spike protein wasn't long lasting. Stop trying to revise history. Everyone knew both stayed around to provide lasting protection that was superior to the weak protection that comes from having a previous infection. It's the entire point of the vaccine!

>> No.14756230

>Stop trying to revise history.
>Tries to revise history
Can you revise the lost jobs, businesses, schooling, and deaths?

>> No.14756237
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>> No.14756308

>feels > reals

>> No.14756332

Unemployment is at an all time low. Deaths would have been higher without interaction and schooling would have been impacted to a greater extent if parents and teachers died off due to a lack of action.

>> No.14756339

yeah. CDC is merely revising the statement.

it will soon read:
spikes are now permanently circulating in your body. and that's a good thing! now your body will be prepared to fight nuflu all the time. but you'll need a booster every few months to make sure your body doesn't slowly clear out the spikes.

>> No.14756342

It's still reduce the risk of having a severe case. So it's still useful for the elderly, the immunocompromised and the weird occasional severe cases in healthy people.
But the Omicron variant evades your antibodies pretty easily and you don't stay immune for very long, be it from the vaccines or a previous infection.

>> No.14756372

there's like 8+ threads about this per day

The vaccine doesn't stop, cure, or prevent covid. Vaccines exist to prevent you from getting seriously ill, but you still get slightly sick. If you are unable to comprehend this or unwilling to accept the idea of injecting bad things into your body to prepare it for something worse, then you've clearly never been hospitalized for a very serious, life-threatening illness before. Most of human society can't afford 3 days off work to recover let alone 3 weeks in a hospital ICU, and such is why the vaccine is safe and effective. Which is what vaccination always was, in the current era with injectable ones and in the past with more less effective methods.

>> No.14756383

even if you get permanent damage from toxic protein reproducing it is still better to get the vaccine to avoid Covid-19 infection

>> No.14756385

Now do obesity!

>> No.14756386


what does that have to do with vaccines

>> No.14756400

Studies have been able to show that elderly are at an severely increased risk of dying from covid in the period from injektion to being considered vaccinated. Immunocompromised won't get that sick because they won't get the hyper inflammation. Rare cases in healthy population are entirely offset by rare cases of serious or fatal side effects.

>> No.14756405

Yeah you're right I haven't been hospitalised but that's more to do with access to plentiful nutrition and clean Water.

>> No.14756508

>safe and/or effective?
Yes, Marvin, we've discussed this as nauseam in the past 1.5 years. Although it's much less effective against omicron than the ancestral type.

>> No.14756510
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>preprint server

>> No.14756620

God antivaxxer chuds are so stupid. Yes the vaccine has quite serious side effects, and no it doesn't stop transmission or infection. BUT it might slightly reduces your chance of getting seriously ill from covid. So its better than getting covid unvaxxed. Seriously do you bigots not care that over 6 billion million people have died from this deadly disease? And that number is vastly under reported because some countries lie about their stats to look better. I'm so friggin sick of antiva....ACK!

>> No.14757036

Are these bot posts? Nobody actually believes these lies still, right? They keep changing "what they meant" to always be right.

>> No.14757055

>It was pretty effective at first
>but it's less so now because the virus

>> No.14757070

the thais and germans have admitted the rates of serious adverse vax events are between 1 in 3k and 1 in 5k... funny thng is they are skewed to happen more in young people. funny stuff

>> No.14757080
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And those are just the immediate effects, can't wait to see how many are going to die through the years of cancer and the like.

>> No.14757308

sunk cost fallacy; governments spent hundreds of millions on shots that are junk for younger and healthier people, so they mandate them to help them feel their purchases were justified

>> No.14757310

pharma companies spent tens of millions to dispatch online fact checkers

>> No.14757360


People losing weight would be more effective with less risk to preventing severe COVID than a rushed gene therapy.

>> No.14757453
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Trying to get USAians to eat less would lead to an overthrow of their government, probably by fatties sitting on it and squashing it to death.

>> No.14757471
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>> No.14757646
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autumn, soon

>> No.14757957

>mRNA vaccines therefore have slight modifications that simultaneously make the mRNA less immunogenic
Meanwhile, the mRNA is transported into cells via LNPs, which are extremely immunogenic.

>> No.14757961

>No one ever claimed that mRNA or the spike protein wasn't long lasting.
Not sure if trolling...

>> No.14757969

At least one of those is a copy pasta. Either very bad bots or anons who think they're being ironic.

>> No.14758047

bottom line is that virology is a hoax to manipulate degenerate cattle