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14750537 No.14750537 [Reply] [Original]

This is what a scientist looks like

>> No.14750549
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>> No.14750569
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>> No.14750589

God needs to End Humanity already.

>> No.14750595

Puritanism was a mistake
How does it feel to know that your country still sucks Britain‘s 500 year old dick?

>> No.14750631

he must study psychology so not a scientist

>> No.14750640

research on sexuality has been a thing since forever, so this isn't an insanely radical thing, right? if the guy can get his Ph.D. for writing about jacking it to shota, then all power to him. though I do understand that the UK is a lot stricter toward that kind of material, at least compared to the U.S.
but also
^what he said

>> No.14750646

What a chad

>> No.14750659

>2020 - Master of Arts, Visual and Media Anthropology, Free University of Berlin (2018 - 2020)
>2003 - Bachelor of Arts, Applied Linguistics, Stockholm Universitet
He's as much a scientist as binmen are engineers.

>> No.14750676
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>at least compared to the U.S.
not anymore, federal courts have recently ruled that drawn depictions of child pornography are every bit as illegal as photographic of video child porn. bad news for you, pedo, your anime child porn loophole has been closed.

>> No.14750690
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>> No.14750691

Why would the U.S. DOE be expected to have accurate numbers on the average yearly number of child sexual abuse incidents carried out by catholic priests?

>> No.14750701

/shit thread

>> No.14750708

This. Normalfags can't tell the difference but there is nothing scientific about any field softer than biology, with rare exceptions like some subfields of economics.

Psychology and sociology are a fucking joke. An exercise in overfitting tiny datasets and using statistical methods as if they were arcane incantations.

>> No.14750711

The thing I don't get is how one guy's personal accounts of jacking it to drawings of prepubescent boys amounts to research. He should be free to write and submit whatever he wants, but journals shouldn't be too keen to publish drivel like this and it certainly does not seem like something that should contribute to a PhD in any field that is not a complete scam.

>> No.14750716

>what is base rate fallacy

>> No.14750717

biology is pretty borderline because studying the processes inside of a cell isscientific and requires and understanding of chemistry but observing the behaviour of animals and making your own judgement is a little bit fucking stupid

>> No.14750721

can you britcucks stop spelling it that gayly already? your cuckture was already replaced by american anyway

>> No.14750726

I didn't say all of biology is scientific, just that pretty much nothing softer than it is.

>> No.14750727


>> No.14750742

It was published in Qualitative Research. Its a journal for 'research' that even a typical sociology journal wouldn't touch due to the absence of anything resembling rigour or actual data.

>> No.14750746

>base rate fallacy
Great, more fake vaccine science

>> No.14750747

So it's like one of those "journals" that fill up your spam folder after you get a real publication begging for article submissions?

>> No.14750750


>> No.14750752

>t. biologylet

>> No.14750758

nice nonargument pfizer shill

>> No.14750763

Here are some recent highlights. Judge for yourself:
>Identity, language and culture: Using Africanist Sista-hood and Deaf cultural discourse in research with minority social workers
>Interviewing elite women professors: Methodological reflections with feminist research ethics
>The maroon boxer briefs: exploring erotic reflexivity in interview research

>> No.14750769

holy based

>> No.14750788

Are we sure this wasn't a joke taken too far? Did one of you do this? If he's gonna study this, shouldn't he interview dudes who use shota, interview real child molesters, do brain scans before and after maybe even while they beat off, follow search history's of convicted CP owners, interview the artists, stuff like that?

>> No.14750795

Yeah bro it's just a joke, everything thing is a joke in a terminally sick society.

>> No.14750809

If this means a lolicon study can get the same approval that's kinda based.

>> No.14750818

extremely based

>> No.14750820

im not british you retard, i just learned english and use the two kinds interchangeably

>> No.14750826

You done being an ironic faggot? The easy answer of him being a pedophile or weirdo is a base given but what would be the correct course of research for said topic?

>> No.14750835

Describing shit you see and then constructing an elaborate yet ambiguous natural language description of some implicit model you overfit to a tiny dataset is not science.

>> No.14750841

I can't tell this from anything else they do in the humanities and social sciences.

>> No.14750845

Well, what exactly are you looking to model? I don't see what you can accomplish by non-systematic observation of a single subject engaging in unstructured masturbation.

>> No.14750847

Peak "cultural studies" lmao

>> No.14750869

>Well, what exactly are you looking to model
I'd assume the idea is "does shota porn correlate with desire for 3d CP". If he's using himself as a control it's retarded so how else would he go about studying this?

>> No.14750874

At least do the bare minimum of research before sounding like a retard. If you're "so smart" then you'd know that a logical fallacy doesn't imply that the argument is wrong. That's the fallacy fallacy.

There are 37,192 preists in 2016, according to the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
Latest I could find.
That's 0.5% rate.

And there are 3,827,100 teachers at around the same time in the US.

Divide those numbers, and you get a 0.76% rate. That's 52% higher.

>> No.14750888

stupid pseuds. I am not stupid like you are

>> No.14750900
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>> No.14750908
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Why do people like you keep falling for this? It's posted as a trap to get you to admit that MANDITORY government schools are full of sexual predators. No one is forced to join a church, attend services, or leave their kids alone with priests but you are legally required to submit your child to a den of sexual depravity. The only ways out are either expensive private school or someone giving up their ability to wage earn by staying home to educate their children on their own (which isn't a skill all parents have).
You can easily avoid having your children victimized by priests by simply ignoring churches. Try that with schooling by simply ignoring it and men with guns will come arrest you and then a court will imprison you.
So good job smarties pants, you've fallen into that anon's trap (which he has baited "smart" people like you with dozens of time already this year) and shown that government schools are a risky place to send your children because they're full of sexual deviants looking to molest your kids.

>> No.14750917
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Superb thread, thanks for making it.

>> No.14750923

To add to this, there are 36.000 catholic priests in the us, while there are 3,5 million teachers
It’s a classical case of confirmation bias. Easy experiment to do: what do you think there are more of, why salespeople or shy librarians? Most people would intuitively answer librarians, because they immediately think of a shy librarian when they hear the question. In truth, salespeople outnumber librarians by a factor of 700 in the us, meaning there are of course much more shy salespeople.
To add to this, there is also the case of whether or not there is a similar detection rate of pedophile teachers as to priests, as well as many other factors that don’t get represented in just the number of cases. Similar to why Sweden has the highest amount of rape cases in the Eu. Is it because there are so many rapists as there are reported cases? Of course not, Sweden is just the only country where multiple rapes by a single person are counted as multiple rapes. Fritzl for example raped his daughter probably hundreds if not thousands of times of the 30 or so years he held her captive. Still only got counted as one rape by the Austrian justice system

>> No.14750927
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For several years now, I've documented the intensity of my orgasm when masturbating to several large cardinal axioms. I preserved the exhaust in tubes in my fridge.
There's nothing weird about this, it's called science. Correlating the size of a big black cardinal to the tiny drop of my dickilet is more informative than any other shitfuck "pure math" of Lurie and Spider-Man Prof and Terrence that nobody cares about.

>> No.14750929

sure you did...

>> No.14750932
File: 469 KB, 674x382, GSA_Network.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The GSA Network is an umbrella organization for thousands of “Genders & Sexualities Alliances” (GSAs), which operate in elementary, middle, and high schools in 40 states. The organization has a multimillion-dollar budget and its activism is subsidized by many public schools.
> In a political manifesto, the GSA Network endorses calls for the “abolition of the police,” the “abolition of borders,” the payment of “reparations” to minorities, the “decolonization” of native lands, and the overthrow of the “cisgender heterosexual patriarchy.”
> The GSA Network trains adults to use cult-like programming techniques to recruit children into “gender and sexuality” activism.
> The GSA Network trains adult and child leaders to keep the program a secret from parents.

Public schools in US are nothing but places where all forms of child abuse are legal and infact mandated by the state.

>> No.14750935

There is something called per capita statistic.

>> No.14750938

this reminded me comiket is this weekend

>> No.14750939

That's what I said. You're totally unfamiliar with any research in biology.

>> No.14750950


>> No.14750958

Which wasn’t presented here, only the absolute number of cases

>> No.14750962
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It's coming, we all know it's coming, and on the day it does come all the trannies currently pretending that it isn't coming will call you a bigot for disapproving.

>> No.14750964

you can't masturbate to shota comics then write about it anymore? Though that sounds more novel than most papers coming out of soft science nowadays

>> No.14750968

The gas networks in schools are student initiated and student run. If the Illuminati can’t do better than providing a bunch of highschoolers with pamphlets then it’s gonna be a while before the nwo happens
Wanna know the real reason why public schools are so bad in the us? Because they are funded largely by property taxes, creating a feedback loop of poverty in low income areas

>> No.14750971

Literally 1984

>> No.14750986
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However I think we are missing key information. Was it ss, gay, or loli/shota?

>> No.14750988

A woman would not have faced such harsh criticism

>> No.14750989

>called out for being a retard wasting everyone's time
fuck off

>> No.14750993

I was strictly taught to never speak in the first person when writing papers

>> No.14750997

He specifically mentioned this in the abstract

>> No.14751007

This bothered me more than the content.

>> No.14751013

Yes but was the shots fucked by an adult woman, an adult man, or another child? This is the only important question here

>> No.14751015

Snopes can now fact check him that, indeed, he's a gay rapist

>> No.14751079

You need to build upon existing dogma or it's not science. You can't just have a lot of walks without considering the intersectionality and privilege of what you're doing

>> No.14751088
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This is extremely normie behavior. I routinely jack off to large cardinal axioms in IZF or CZF, where cardinals are not totally ordered. When I want to experience more bizarre wank settings, I go straight for MLTT extended with anti-classical axioms like CT or weak univalence + negation of full univalence. Not sure this is totally legal, but it's definitely enjoyable.

>> No.14751096

>Why should hard-working taxpayers in my constituency have to pay for an academic to write about his experiences masturbating to Japanese porn?
Unironically one of the less useless ways that tax money is being spent

>> No.14751268

Yeah, me too. Everyone uses "we" or impersonal passive voice. I don't know why but I guess it's a great filter for the kinds of narcissistic schizos that come to this board to shill their grandiose delusions. Or the guy in OP

>> No.14751272
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>> No.14751276

I've seen plenty of "observational studies" that literally amount to what I described. Just because your niche is hard doesn't mean the entire field is. Nobody is denying molecular biology is a hard science.

>> No.14751277

If a (cute, voluptuous and socially awkward christmas cake) woman did it, it would be hot

>> No.14751280

Shota is illegal in the UK

>> No.14751281

>Divide those numbers, and you get a 0.76% rate. That's 52% higher.
Ok but now do it for male teachers only.

>> No.14751347

The real Chad narcissist praises his prior work in third person
>as Anon (2017) brilliantly demonstrated..

>> No.14751382
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