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14749207 No.14749207 [Reply] [Original]

Given how much money you would make, can someone explain to me why there exists no reliable medical method to increase penis size?

How has this not been done? Whoever solves it will become an instant billionaire. The financial incentive is there. It does not seem particularly difficult.

>> No.14749226

Do you think a girl would care if a bodybuilder gigachad had a slightly below average peepee?
Unless you literally have a 2 incher, there's bigger things to worry about

>> No.14749240

Penis Pumps, Plastic Surgery, Catheters.
Though if you mean naturally, probably because of our limited knowledge of the physics of molecules. Or maybe people don't like radical methods of dick alteration

>> No.14749255

>Though if you mean naturally, probably because of our limited knowledge of the physics of molecules.
what do you mean by this?

>> No.14749260

Not a lot is known about how molecules react under differing circumstances. There's too many combos and quantum physics exacerbates the problem with an additional classes of particle arrangements.

>> No.14749262

Another way of putting it is, we can only predict molecules and reactions under easy or ideal circumstances, not the less ideal or uncertain ones.

>> No.14749264

The human penis is actually an extremely specialized and complicated organ. Sorry.

Probably easier to make an artificial heart than an artificial penis.

>> No.14749271
File: 483 KB, 1x1, Kelly2007.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper related

>> No.14749300

is it really so hard to extend it? cant we just replicate the hormones that were active when the penis was expanding in puberty?

>> No.14749305

I think there was a paper that attempted that, and they found it only works in adolescence. Not sure what the growth-plate equivalent of penises is though. You can look further into it. It just isn't a very interesting topic in biomedicine to me.

>> No.14749324

All the purported methods for extending dick size (stretching, pumps, jelqing, etc.) are based on the same principles on which building muscle mass works - that tissue grows back bigger and stronger when it undergoes micro-tearing and repairs itself. This, of course, only works for muscles, not the soft, delicate, spongey tissue your dick is mostly made of.

>>14749264 puts it best: The human penis is ridiculously specialized and complicated. So much so that even after more than a century of research we still struggle to come up with reliable solutions to erectile dysfunction, urinary strictures, hypospadias, Peyronie's disease, etc. The spongiosum and urethral tissue are so delicate and prone to scarring that performing surgery is like trying to cut a meringue.