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14748586 No.14748586 [Reply] [Original]

I watched a youtube video were this critic of psychology referenced this as an example of how weak of a science psych really is. At first I thought he was joking "a child not listening the principal" is somehow a disorder if it happens rnough according to
because what's disorderly is just what these people say.

If the very existence of specific diagnoses is in question (see CPTSD), or it's essentially impossible to find a single feature that consistently characterises a certain diagnosis (see ASD), you have more than a problem with "the finer theory". There are fundamental categorisation problems at work here.

The DSM acknowledges this in its very last section where there has been a proposal for a very long time to characterise conditions by scoring them along a set of fundamental axes or principal components. While we appear to be nowhere near a consensus on what those components should be, this will almost certainly be a better approach than the wordy, subjective criteria that currently form the basis of modern psychopathology/psychiatry.
which is that majority behaviour seems to prescriptively determine minority "dysfunction" by virtue of simple comparison. Psychological function is impossible to divorce from social context, and this is not a new observation. A large subset of "neurodivergent" people such as those with high functioning ASD or ADHD are vocal proponents of this. They posit that much of the dysfunction or social distress comes not from some inherent lack of capability but just a general impedance mismatch with neurotypicals. Those with ASD often report much fewer problems empathising and interacting with other ASD persons, for instance. It's reasonable to ask: If they were the majority, would ASD still be a disorder?

>> No.14748602


>> No.14748703

Wow, elisa would make for an interesting fuck

>> No.14748718

>I watched a youtube video
Stopped reading there

>> No.14748777

Little shit disorder

>> No.14748793
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Enjoy watching your society disappear up its own asshole as one half of the population insists that being a degenerate, deranged lunatic is normal because sanity is a social construct, while the other insists that you should be lobotomized if you're not close enough to the standard of the perfect urban bugman. This is what you get in a label-thinking, """"expert""""-driven, """"rationality""""-worshipping anti-human unsociety.

>> No.14748807

It's a made up disorder for kids because they don't want to label them as psychopaths.

If you don't think psychopaths are mentally ill then what fucking is? Normal people don't like torturing dogs or leave people chained up in their basements.

>> No.14748885
File: 44 KB, 750x735, 1616723084288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason fake mental "disorders" like these keep popping up is because wishy-washy millennial parents have discarded the most simple, yet effective form of child discipline that has been around for millennia, which is a good old-fashioned beating.

"He that spareth the rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him correcteth him betimes."

Nice trips.

>> No.14748900

>quoting the holly bibble is justify beating children
straight into the cringe folder

>> No.14749035
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So? Am I wrong?

You can be as religious or non-religious as you want, but the point still stands that capital punishment is probably one of the most effective forms of discipline. Anything else (blackmail, taking away stuff, grounding, trying to reason with your offspring, etc.) can easily be gamed or circumvented, but the one that can't is cold, hard physical punishment-- not to the point of injury, but enough that it sticks in the child's mind.

On another note, while you're living it up in nihilist la-la land, why don't you give me a reason why children *shouldn't* be beaten, instead of attacking my religion? Then tell me why westernized children are so weak and entitled while you're at it.

>> No.14749062

Mental health diagnoses are labels through which services and products are transacted and sold. You get a diagnosis mostly to access those services and make someone else, i.e. the tax payer via services such as healthcare, school services and social security, pay for it. And because it's mostly private companies which provide them, whose very existence depends on the continuing selling of such products, they are 1. not actually interested in successfully curating those 'conditions', giving rise to the notion of mental illness as something permanent, and 2. they are also very much interested in expanding their market. It makes much more sense to view the contemporary concept of mental illness through the lens of market processes.

>> No.14749234

>spend time with me insist on that even when I ask you to go away
The answer to oppositional defiant disorder is to be oppositionally defiant

>> No.14749320

>11 years old
How about you have a seat right over there.

>> No.14749467

read what she wrote, lmao

her body needs it

>> No.14749588

Capital punishment is the death penalty, something you should never give your kids. Yoh were probably thinking of corporal punishment

>> No.14749602

>Not having 36th trimester abortions

>> No.14749622

>"a child not listening the principal" is somehow a disorder
That's not what oppositional defiant disorder is. Even the picrelated you posted shows that.

>> No.14749926


Damn, yeah that's what I meant-- thanks for the correction, brother. It would've looked really bad had I ever got that confusion in a public setting.

>> No.14750103

Counterpoint: I was diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and I told my sixth grade principal to suck shit through a straw.

>> No.14750124

I teach high school. Half of my students are spoiled fucking brats with this fake disorder. It makes me sick to my stomach.

"For the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastises every son He receives. Endure suffering as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?" Hebrews 12:6

No discipline. At least 50% of the kids have this fake disorder and they're insufferable. Prepare for the unraveling of society.

>> No.14750359
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>which is that majority behaviour seems to prescriptively determine minority "dysfunction" by virtue of simple comparison
Why not? You can be 100 times dysfunction, nothing follows from that. Lawyering is not the goal of medicine and never was (although the pharma jew wants it).

>> No.14750373

do these kids get to act however they want, never get in trouble and receive guaranteed disability bux for life?
sounds like a fun life

>> No.14750391
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>Prepare for the unraveling of society
Perhaps these kids are chosen to bring about God's will?
Society has gotten too structured.
We have turned away from the Lord's magnificence to create our own abomination of hive-like hierarchies, and for what? To parade around our pride and gluttony?
No man is God and these children are here to teach you that.

>> No.14751328

Oppositional defiant disorder? So basically every child ever?

>> No.14751353

This really sounds less like legitimate mental illness and more like being a teenager.

>> No.14751450

>guaranteed disability bux for life?
No. For one, it's a childhood-only diagnosis, and two, it's a lot easier to get approved for disability as a kid than it is to stay approved once you turn eighteen. And if, heaven forbid, you should happen to receive this diagnosis and not be intellectually disabled, you're practically guaranteed to be deprived of an education appropriate to your abilities, which isn't as much fun as you might think.

>> No.14751469

Okay now picture a kid who acts like a typical teenager, but the kid is only six.

>> No.14751480

>This really sounds less like legitimate mental illness and more like being a teenager
if youd say any of those quotes as a teen then you're autistic as fuck bro

>> No.14752539

>anti-human unsociety
Absolutely perfect description of this hellscape

>> No.14753173
File: 125 KB, 735x562, 1659909211714050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking retarded nigger.

Africa's pathetic state as a continent contradicts all of the oral diarrhea your spewing. Rich lawmakers that don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves, violent thieves that attack to kill and steal, and sometimes, families forced to put up massive fucking fences with dogs to keep the thieves out(thieves that they spawn.) What do all of these people have in common? Their "discipline" methods that are just a pathetic way to relieve their anger out on someone to weak to fight back. This emotional feedback loop just goes on and on and on until you have people that simply don't give a shit about their own fucking kids. This doesn't even touch on the fact it was proven that beating kids decreases their cognitive ability and the other obvious downsides that are obvious to anyone with an IQ over 90.

Instead of underestimating the child's intelligence, challenge it and use logical explanations for why things are the way they are. Not only does this give them a headstart thinking logically, but it also decreases the chance they will disobey in the first place.

>> No.14753291

>11 years old
you dropped this :crown:
i guess they patched the exploit that made emoji posting possible, no fun allowed