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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 58 KB, 770x433, FrenStones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14740009 No.14740009 [Reply] [Original]

Do I have to study to pass the GED test? I'm trying to get my life on track at a bit older age after having to drop out when I was young after having to move because my mom died and i've been doing construction and lawn jobs most of my late teens early 20s, but I want to get a real education and don't get me wrong i make good money and have a family now but i just don't like I never got to get a real education

>> No.14740013

are you smart? solve 3x^2-6x+7=0

>> No.14740030


>> No.14740033

I've been tutoring for the math HiSET and I think you should study. Not because they're hard, but because they're all word questions and might catch you off guard if you see them cold.

>> No.14740684

In my experience, for the majority of questions in the math and english sections, you can logically deduce the answers without prior knowledge as long as you understand notation. They even give you sheet with all the formulas you need. The science portion was the trickiest for me because there were a significant amount of chemistry questions that you couldn't solve without some knowledge of how chemistry works. Despite that I still passed all the sections at the "college ready" level without studying so imo if you're a decent test taker you probably don't need to study THAT much; Especially if you just want to pass and don't care about getting a high score.

>> No.14740972

>Do I have to study to pass the GED test? I
Blacks take it and pass. If you can walk and listen to rap music at the same time, you will pass it easily.

>> No.14741003

Just take a practice test to see how you do. If you find some sections hard, then you know what you need to study. Back when I was trying to get my high school done I found I needed to study algebra and a little social studies but the english writing came easier.

>> No.14741131

Still don't unserstand why people hate the stones so much.
Literally getting mad over rocks with words on them.
>proof the NWO trying to cull the population
No. It's probably just some rich dude with too much dough wanting to leave an impact on the world. Two cents for if we fuck shit up so bad that we take ourselves back to the stone age.
I think it's based. I'm not saying we should go around killing people for me 500mil seems a bit low. But if something apocolyptic happens, not overextending ourselves numbers wise as humanity recovers is a good idea. Just look at india and china, overpopulation leads to needless suffering. Keeping populations in the goldilocks zone is a good idea. Japan is starting to become underpopulated and their economy and people are starting to suffer because of it.

>> No.14741140

>Still don't unserstand why people hate the stones so much.
They don't "hate the stones", brainlet. They hate the idea of some rich degens deciding "guidelines" for the future of humanity behind their backs. You can't relate because you're a terminal bootlicker.

>> No.14741165
File: 1.53 MB, 3919x2152, 358729810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would your stones say? If you had the time and money to make them?

>> No.14741168

Nice image

>> No.14741169

"Lynch the economic parasites and their social engineers".

>> No.14741173

>Still don't unserstand why people hate the stones so much
Perhaps it's the more explicit bit of keeping humanity under a few hundred million people? For the more smart folks, it's the "guide reproduction and tradition with reason" part.

>> No.14741231

memorize your exponents for quick navigation on math questions where exponents are letters. replace letters with multiple choice options and then quickly do the exponent math after you memorize the exponent table.

>> No.14741279

That's it? Nothing else you'd etch into a giant piece of rock for your grandchildrens grandshildrens grandchildren?

>> No.14741307
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, 342344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I just don't have 10 quick hacks for a better future that all of humanity should follow, you deluded narcissist.

>> No.14741613

Wtf is everyone going on about? Don't Americans need Calculus II for their secondary education diploma?
No wonder your degrees are not accepted here and you have to apply to Europoor unis with the same credentials as someone from Eritrea.

>> No.14741867

Just buy a book on passing the GED with sample questions and take the practice tests even if you don't think you need to.