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File: 33 KB, 413x541, William_James_Sidis_1914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14739126 No.14739126 [Reply] [Original]

So why don't we start school at an earlier age and try to make every mid-wit a genius and every retard a mid-wit? Just apply the "methods" parents used on their "prodigy" kids, on a (more-or-less) mass scale. Thoughts?

>> No.14739187

The method is just ancient Greek education

Another example

The obsession with IQ and "multiple intelligences" turns one away from what intelligence actually is and how to nurture it.

Literature has to be memorized, specially poems, so you have the language to express what you perceive. Perception (that is, intelligence) is increased maimly via literature becuase you are essentially working to perceive the same individual experiences of the poet and authors.

You don't need to be a toddler for this to work, you can do it starting today.

>> No.14739364

Wrong. https://youtu.be/iVJpNZIl_T4

>> No.14741216

just pay me 20x to ejaculate in a cup

>> No.14741266 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 625x910, IQ_Genes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to make the population smarter

Why are you so racist!

>> No.14741880

kek fucking pseud. Your math and logical reasoning skills are down the fucking shitter but at least you can recite 5000 poems by heart lmao

>> No.14742103

>Your math and logical reasoning skills are down the fucking shitter but at least you can recite 5000 poems by heart
Language precedes math and "logical reasoning", in the right education literary training also precedes logical-analytical training, otherwise you end up with semi-literate morons who can't grow out of materialism and have no competency outside their very specific field (if that). If you don't have the linguistic tools to express your perception, you might as well not have one.

I gave plenty of examples of people much more successful than you (an anonymous who might as well be a basement coomer, a beast who despises good free information for the sake of his ego) who followed the recipe I described. I'm willing to bet you haven't read any classical literature work, let alone memorized it.

>> No.14742111

Math is mostly memorization. Anything else is just a midwit take.

>> No.14742276

that's already happening the population is over educated

>> No.14742340

>can't navigate 4chan fields
>super genius

>> No.14742408

Cope. No amount of geriatric reading will ever make up for the fact that you weren't born hyperlexic. You either teach yourself to read no later than the age of four, or you will be sufficiently proficient with language.

>> No.14742413

*will never be proficient

Sleep is important too, kids.

>> No.14742433

>They indicated that children with hyperlexia have a significantly higher word-decoding ability than their reading comprehension levels.
Weird flex

Go get a disciplined routine before trying to lecture others in subjects you have no expertise on, sleep slacker.

>> No.14742436

>why don't we start school at an earlier age
Because child indoctrination is a crime against humanity and shilling for "schooling" programs should be an offence punishable by execution.

>> No.14742454

>>why don't we start school at an earlier age
>Because child indoctrination is a crime against humanity and shilling for "schooling" programs should be an offence punishable by execution.
>How to make population smarter?
You need agreement from the elites.
In current strange version of Capitalism, rich elites want to educate their kids and grandkids (even though they killed and scammed to get on top and didn't do it by being geniuses),
the elites want masses to be dumbed down.

Nobody is interested in educating masses in US .

>> No.14742467

There are other methods.
We literally have the technology to identify geniuses by their brains. Maybe by age 10-15.
But this will clearly show what everyone knows - nepotism rules, financial elites and administrators have kids that are not geniuses in any way.
We have Parkinsons Law situation, when the country is run by kids and grandkids of the rich which are nothing special.
Once geniuses could be identified and they are not the current elites, what would their kids be doing? they would have to pass control of the governments and enterprises to the new elite.
But they won't.
They will go as far as kill anyone who approaches their power.
And hence, we are slowly drowning.

>> No.14742472

>Weird flex
Not really. The hyperlexic's reading comprehension ability catches up to their decoding ability as their reasoning skills develop, specifically introspection. But the normie never, ever catches up to deficit in information absorbed in their formative years, compared to the hyperlexic.
>Go get a disciplined routine
lol. lmao. Go father three children and then get back to me.

>> No.14742695

>the elites want masses to be dumbed down
Nigger the masses dumb down themselves. They could learn almost anything with the internet yet they choose to focus on the hot news of the moment or some netflix show

>> No.14742729

The lack of introspection is blatant on this one

>> No.14742900

Feel free to substitute "neurotypical" if it helps soothe your butthurt.

>> No.14743032

Go fishing

>> No.14743055

I'm more of a hiker really. I only have a fishing license so I can cast a line at my kids' Scouts fishing events.

>> No.14743102

>the masses dumb down themselves. They could learn almost anything with the internet yet they choose to focus on the hot news of the moment or netflix show

You think this is NOT by design, and masses THEMSELVES do this?
You have millions of distractions. The actual true information is being drowned in half truths , quarter truths and various BS-es and outright made up stuff.

People are addicted to netflix , youtube, video games and tiktok scrolling and fakebook/instagram. It is addictive by design.
The internet was a thing that worked unexpectedly against elites, they have been saying this out loud. That's why it has been taken back over by big corps and glowies, basically, a lot of small content creators were wiped out and had to move to corp and glowie platforms.

>> No.14743292

You're just wrong, as seen in this video >>14739364
pretty low iq post, not gonna lie

>> No.14743709

>You think this is NOT by design, and masses THEMSELVES do this?
Yes. I myself am tampted to go back to videogames and anime/manga sometimes but I can choose not to and have continued to do so for a long time

>> No.14743724

People in charge don't want smarter people. Sorry bro. If they did, they'd automate more stuff and use that automation to give people more free time to increase their knowledge. Educational institutions will actually devolve more as time goes on. We are in the bad end timeline.