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File: 1.48 MB, 1x1, Rainwater everywhere in world 'unsafe to drink' due to cancer chemicals.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14737064 No.14737064 [Reply] [Original]

Why do anti-science conservatives and even some new agers always assume that natural=better? This is a complete logical fallacy, since there are many "natural" things that are dangerous (e.g. mercury or arsenic).

Experts have recently discovered that rain water (much like garden soil) is highly toxic, and that it contains high levels of cancer causing forever chemicals. Nevertheless, anti-science types who are obsessed with doing things "naturally" often rely on rain water for things like gardening, or even drinking water and bathing. This is especially common amongst organic farmers, homesteaders, and people who are supposedly living "sustainably" or "off the grid". Unfortunately, we are now learning that collecting and consuming water in this manner can cause cancer, and can even be deadly, because of all of the forever chemicals in the rain water.

That being said, why do people always assume that natural=better? Also, scientifically speaking what is the safest and best water to drink? Obviously stuff like well water, spring water, or rain water is off the table, since water from any of those sources is likely to have extremely high levels of environmental pollutants. I guess the really question is, what's better municipal tap water, or bottled and filtered water?

>> No.14737072

If you are conservative you are probably retarded and should be summarily executed.

>> No.14737154

>what is the safest and best water to drink
Ozonated RO water

>> No.14737168

I feel vindicated for choosing only to drink soda

>> No.14737182

People assume natural=good like brainlets because they sense that artificially produced commodities are the product of an economic system that in no way prioritizes or even takes into account human welfare. They don't understand why this is the case usually, as it's more of a commonly shared intuition.

>> No.14737192

The planet is fucked and its only gonna get worse.
Make your money and hope to God, when The Musks and The Bezos of this world will accept you in their rockets after they leave this shithole.
Its over.

>> No.14737223

Based honestly.
There is no clean water source. The best way is to get a really good filter.
Filtered water sold in plastic bottles is like buying a — I’m too lazy to make a comparison, but having it in hot plastic for hundreds/thousands of truck miles negates whatever filtering they did.

>> No.14737228

Considering those forever chemicals are artificial, I don't see how them causing cancer disproves the "natural is better" hypothesis. If anything it just shows that it is necessary to take vengeance on anyone claiming otherwise for the violence they have done to the world, such that even the rain is tainted by their filth.

>> No.14737290

>AAAAHHH 1 ppb carcinogens!
>quick, everyone drink the water contaminated with estrogenic compounds and endocrine disruptors!

>> No.14737304
File: 1.90 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20220807_163419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vill not drink my 89% oxygenated UHT stevilized radioactively processed highly nutritive immuno-booster germ-free bottle vater.
Nice try fed.

>inb4 southerner conservative retard or other mental masturbatory seethe


>> No.14737314

Do you propose we buy Plastic bottles then?
People can purify rain water. How do you filter out microplastics?

>> No.14737324

That's it. I'm going all-in on container gourds as a cash crop.

>> No.14737589

>Why do anti-science conservatives and even some new agers always assume that natural=better?
How is rainwater containing man-made chemicals natural?

>Nevertheless, anti-science types who are obsessed with doing things "naturally" often rely on rain water for things like gardening, or even drinking water and bathing. This is especially common amongst organic farmers, homesteaders, and people who are supposedly living "sustainably" or "off the grid".
It may have less to do with science and more to do with rain water being free?

>> No.14737727

You are so brainwashed that i don't have enough time to shit on your dumb cnn ideas
i'm not a physicist therefore i don't mess with their mumbo-jumbo.
You are not biofags or into agro so you should stay in your "social scientism" forums

>> No.14738364
File: 60 KB, 613x537, glows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, scientifically speaking what is the safest and best water to drink?
Distilled water. Same as rain water but without the environmental pollutants that China corporations have released into the air.

>> No.14738367
File: 84 KB, 800x900, dkhhkf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are conservative you are probably retarded and should be summarily executed.
Please please PLEASE get on that. Conservatives, aka humans, would love the slightest excuse to wipe scumbag socialists off the face of the planet, FOREVER.

>> No.14739349
File: 86 KB, 570x479, 1641785268693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The chemicals – per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) –
are man-made chemicals that spread in the atmosphere, and
can now be found in rain and snow in the world’s remotest

Also how do you convert a webpage into a pdf like that? That's a neat feature.

>> No.14739355

If you and your owners are tortured and publicly lynched, our children won't have to suffer from toxic water and toxic soil. Your opinion shouldn't be tolerated anywhere on the planet. Expressing it should condemn you to torture and execution without any further questions.

>> No.14739357

>Also how do you convert a webpage into a pdf like that?
I imagine he did a print-to-PDF.

>> No.14739398

Ok thanks boss

>> No.14739621
File: 366 KB, 619x620, 1643439989648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artificially produced commodities are the product of an economic system that in no way prioritizes or even takes into account human welfare

good posting

>> No.14739648
File: 79 KB, 1500x500, climate-crisis-end-of-the-world-stonetoss-political-cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no, the world is coming to an end!!!!
>i know because i read it in the journal of reproducibility crisis science

>> No.14740796

You realize that the water in your tap has the same shit in it right?
>inb4 water cycle

>> No.14741536

Natural would be better in a lot of instances if we didn't have run-off and cancer-causing chemicals introduced to the environment from those same conservatives in the first place.

>> No.14741628
File: 2.96 MB, 576x1024, 1659579681203470.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pollute the air
>surely our rain won't be affected by this?

>> No.14741641

Everybody will say this guys ugly, but holy look at his erection and the video explains itself.

>> No.14743737

>why do people always assume that natural=better?
Because they aren’t informed. You’re better off investing in a good water filter instead of relying on rain water. You can make your life more homestead sure, but going completely off the grid will come to bite most people later on when they don’t have unlimited funds to make it work.
Ultimately my response to this new piece of bad news is the same as the rest: I can’t do shit about it, especially compared to billionaires and politicians that can enact change of some kind. If it’s truly as bad as they say it is we’ll be dead in 70 years regardless

>> No.14743758

>The chemicals – per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) – are man-made chemicals that spread in the atmosphere, and can now be found in rain and snow in the world’s remotest places.

>> No.14743786

>Ze vater iz not safe!
>you vill have to stop drinking until ve find another solution, it's for your safety goy!

>> No.14746741

Maybe because they've measured specifically known chemicals from important sources of water rather than repeating supernatural predictions that a few fringe jews were making up 2000 yearsago?

>> No.14748803

Bumping an actually scientific thread.

>> No.14748927

For the most part, natural things in their natural habitat have reached a sort of stasis over evolutionary time

"unnatural" stuff threatens to disrupt this stasis

>> No.14749037

>forever chemicals
Why aren't there more of these?

>> No.14750435

t. antivaxxer

>> No.14750487

Seeing this word makes my blood boil and I'm not even one of these "anti-science" types. The effects of prolonged exposure even without agreement are quite interesting.

>> No.14750492

>wow look at me I am taking an undergrad CS class
>rain is full of man-made pollutants
>this means natural things are not inherently good
You're making a pretty weak argument there. A much better argument has existed for ages
>bears and skin cancer are also natural

>> No.14750759

reddit post

>> No.14750807
File: 25 KB, 492x449, 415354342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy vey you filthy goylem don't you go and drink free water buy our coca-pepsi you ain't some antisemite right ?