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14734621 No.14734621 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we need money to advance science? It's not like the money just magically creates resources it's not like having 1.6 billion dollars just creates a rocket, we already have the resources on earth to build one, why don't we just build one? Like nothing is stopping us from having a cure for Cancer or whatever but we can't because we don't have "funding" for it? seems like it's just holding us back when we could just do the things we want.

>> No.14734626

money is an abstraction of labor

>> No.14734631

>money is an abstraction of labor
Money is debt, retard.

>> No.14734636

>Why do we need money to advance science?
Because resources cost money and scientists participate in the consoomer economy.

>> No.14734638

All the people that dedicate themselves to the task need some consistent promise that their dedication is worth it, that they can live well

>> No.14734666

locking everything behind the value of money seems to be the only way we can function as a civilization. it's not ideal. i want to return to monke every day. but to accomplish the things we do in the modern world, there has yet to be discovered a better way to overcome the problems of humans than capitalism.

>> No.14734697

>there has yet to be discovered a better way to overcome the problems of humans than capitalism.
LOL. If so, why don't free markets exist?

>> No.14736832

they do in liberia
go enjoy

>> No.14736834

money is an abstraction tool for distribution of resources in exchange for labour
even if some people would be willing to do charitable work for free they would still need money to acquire proper instruments to achive their goals

>> No.14736857

If you actually search, you will find that in last 40 years or so, we had a lot of money - hundreds of Billions, put into cancer research, still we don't have a cure for Cancer. There isn't lack of Funding.

As for your question regarding why we just don't build rockets, when we already have resources - The reason for that is the fact that we no longer live in primitive tribal world, where you can just do stuff because everything is up for the taking, Try building a rocket, and you will realise just how fast you get into problems with Law. There are Institutions, largely Government run which have monopolised certain things - Rocketry is one of them, the resources you are talking about aren't just lying in the open for you to take, even the technical know-how is basically behind security clearance.

>> No.14736869

Money in modern world is basically Bank control, state is the political Enforcement arm of the Bank. You don't have money do build Nukes, Missiles, Rockets etc because the State doesn't want you to.

Money has nothing to do with "labour", in private it's just demand - supply that guides spending, Government spending is basically how badly Banks want something to get done.

>> No.14736909

You can just move to a country that allows you to do anything
Stop being a bitch

>> No.14736914

>just demand - supply
Air has a large demand but since it doesn't require someone else's labor to get then it doesn't have a price
Same thing applies to coconut on desert island

>> No.14736920

Coconut is free despite demand and low supply because labor and property are not involved

>> No.14736927

You're a retard and need to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.14736940

Because if you relied on hopes and prayers, you would still be shitting in your food.

>> No.14736950

>we have resources
I dont even own my house

>> No.14736953

you are the resource

>> No.14736988

Air has a demand and has such an enormous - continuous - autonomous (natural) supply that we don't need to economise. It is simply already available.

>> No.14737096
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The biggest issue isn't even the money. It's not a money problem. We have the money and technology, for example, to go to the moon or go to mars, or probably even to do things like cure cancer or HIV. The biggest obstacle often isn't money, but rather politics. There are a lot of very ignorant and uneducated people out in the world who don't really value or care about science. In fact, if you look at a lot of rural conservatives or the white working class, it's not just that they don't value science, but they actively hate and dislike science, for a variety of reasons. Either because it conflicts with their religious or political beliefs, or because they simply don't understand it.

The COVID 19 epidemic was a great example of this. We had the money and the knowledge to beat back COVID. We very easily could have gotten the pandemic under control. The problem wasn't funding or lack of knowledge, but rather the fact that even with all the funding and resources and knowledge in the world, a lot of right wing nut jobs and conspiracy theorists will refuse to listen to the experts and follow basic medical advice even during the middle of a deadly pandemic that has literally been filling up hospitals and morgues with dead bodies for the last 2 years.

In other words, the problem isn't money, nor is it lack of knowledge. The biggest thing holding back scientific progress is ignorance, bigotry, conspiracy theories, and right wingers constantly trying to obstruct and interfere with any policies that are rooted in science and evidence, rather than conservative social values and religious dogma.

>> No.14737103

What's the difference? Monke has to work or monke starves.

>> No.14737107

Not the same anon, but those are not mutually exclusive claims.

>> No.14737127

>Talentless tranny gives opinion

>> No.14737639

credit is debt, money isn't.

>> No.14737661

Who's going to build the rocket, buy it's materials, manage it's labor force, and design it?
Who's to research whatever drug is correlated with cancer, set up the trials, buy the equipment?

People are in charge of all of these things and they need money to go to work