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14733954 No.14733954 [Reply] [Original]

>Various non-human animal species exhibit behavior that can be interpreted as homosexual or bisexual. This may include same-sex sexual activity, courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting among same-sex animal pairs.Various forms of this are found in every major geographic region and every major animal group. The sexual behavior of non-human animals takes many different forms, even within the same species, though homosexual behavior is best known from social species.
Is homosexuality natural

>> No.14733964

Down syndrome and schizophrenia are natural it's still a disability and a mental illness

>> No.14733965

Homosexual corruption of animals is more frequently seen in areas where human homosexualism is higher (e.g. San Francisco), so environmental variables must be at play

>> No.14734014

>Various forms of this are found in every major geographic region and every major animal group.
Yeah nah.

This isn't science, it's LGBT propaganda.

What it's referring to is mostly a bunch of homosexual biologists projecting their human feelings onto observed animal behavior. The equivalent of seeing two bros with a close relationship and thinking "oh well they must actually be gay like me and my bf".

There are many animals that do exhibit actual homosexual behavior though. Male animals of many species have been observed to fuck each other in the ass, and species that pair bond when they mate will sometimes see two males pair bonding (two females is more rare).
However these are clearly deviant minority situations, not normal animal behavior, well, for some animals the dominant male buttfucking weaker males is normal but a make actually preferring to be buttfucked is a deviant adaptation to environmental stress pressures.

>Is homosexuality natural

Asking whether something is "natural" or not as though that would have any bearing on its social desirability is a logical fallacy.

Even if homosexual behavior was exclusively found in modern industrial human society it'd still be "natural" because humans are a product of nature.

>> No.14734016

So is cannibalism and rape.

>> No.14734047

>that can be interpreted as homosexual or bisexual
Meaningless ideology-driven nonsense. If one creates a context of homo vs bi then there is no such thing as homo in nature. They ALWAYS go back to opposite-sex coitus if given the chance. 100% every single time. Thus there are only "straight" and "bisexual" animals.
Sure there are homosexual acts, but if you create that context then what is a "bisexual act" in that context? It's meaningless
Thus if there is to be any objectivity in the matter one must conclude there are no homosexual animals in nature.
>This may include same-sex sexual activity
And the only appropriate context is to call this bisexuality.
>courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting among same-sex animal pairs
Not sexual, who cares. LGBT propaganda universally avoids the one question that matters: are there homosexual animals the way the phrase is used for humans... the answer is an emphatic no.

>Is homosexuality natural
No, not at all. Not a single species on earth in the wild permanently loses opposite sex attraction and gains same sex attraction, which is the way homosexuality is defined for humans.

>> No.14734068

This is just wrong, there are many animal species where it is observed that males will mimic female mating behavior to be mated with by another male.

This is exclusively what actual homosexual behavior is; males buttfucking other males or females mimicking intercourse are the simple bisexuality you've described.

The author of the study is a degenerate monkepox infested coomer faggot, yes, it's very rare to observe this and typically the result of severe environmental stress bit to just he like "nope,never ever ever happened not even once been observed under any circumstances" is shockingly ignorant.

>> No.14734220

Humans are not lions so it doesnt matter.

>> No.14734243

>This is just wrong, there are many animal species where it is observed that males will mimic female mating behavior to be mated with by another male.
Can you not read? This does not contradict anything I said, whatsoever. Prove they permanently refuse opposite sex coitus. You can't, because no animal in nature does this, ergo there is no natural analogue to gay humans
Wrongthink link explaining this was deleted by globohomo LGBT activists bc they must suppress info they don't like, so here is an archive link
>This is exclusively what actual homosexual behavior is; males buttfucking other males or females mimicking intercourse are the simple bisexuality .
>this is exclusively homosexual
>b-b-b-b-but it's ackshully bisexual
Pure contradicting sophistry and lies as I already pointed out. Those acts are homosexual acts, NOT bisexual. There is no valid context of BOTH "homosexual acts" or "bisexual acts" in nature. You must pick one or the other to describe individual acts, and the only valid one to describe those are homosexual acts. An animal that engages in homosex and heterosex is exibiting bisexual behavior. Since no animal exclusively engages in the former acts, it is invalid to use the term "homosexual behavior" if you are keeping terms consistent, which you are not.
>"nope,never ever ever happened not even once been observed under any circumstances" is shockingly ignorant.
HAHAHA! Ok midwit lets see which one of us is ignorant. Show me an animal in nature outside the influence of humans* that permanently and exclusively engages in same sex coitus when given the opportunity of opposite sex coitus (thus negating my claim/fact there are only "straight" and "bisexual" animals in nature as I directly said already).
I'll wait

*Domesticated rams do this, some have been released into the wild so that obviously does not count as being natural

>> No.14734327

homosexuality has been reported for all great apes, as well as a number of other primate species

>> No.14734334

>Male giraffes have been observed to engage in remarkably high frequencies of homosexual behavior. After aggressive "necking", it is common for two male giraffes to caress and court each other, leading up to mounting and climax. Such interactions between males have been found to be more frequent than heterosexual coupling.[82] In one study, up to 94% of observed mounting incidents took place between two males. The proportion of same sex activities varied between 30 and 75%, and at any given time one in twenty males were engaged in non-combative necking behavior with another male.

>> No.14734337

>homosexuality has been reported for all great apes,
Humans are not chimps or gorillas or some chimp-gorilla chimera so your argument doesnt matter

>> No.14734338

Please tell me more about how cannibalism and rape are natural for humans. :^)

>> No.14734357

>humans are not lions
>what? no you can't tell me that the seven closest species all show homosexual behaviour, we are not apes
What the fuck do you want to hear then? That homosexuality has been a thing for as long as written history?

>> No.14734362

Please tell me more how actions between consenting adults is the same as rape and cannibalism :^)

>> No.14734366

Completely incongruent and irrelevant response. Homosexuality is natural in exactly the same sense that rape and cannibalism are natural according to your own criteria. How do you feel about cannibal rapists?

>> No.14734375

>Is homosexuality natural

It's as natural as cancer

>> No.14734401

Obviously it's natural. No one doubts that rape or murder are unnatural. But we as a society have come up with a set of rules that roughly boil down to "don't do things that harm others". Rape harms the victim, can we agree on that? Consensual faggotry doesn't harm anyone, can we also agree on that? Can we then agree that your point was completely retarded? Thank you.

>> No.14734416

You didn't answer my question. How do you feel about cannibal rapists? Do you feel that maybe there's something off about them, or is it just a consequentialist kind of "we can't have cannibal rapists roaming around in an orderly society!" thing?

>> No.14734441

I agree with our common values that actions are bad if they harm people. We have a free will. Shitting is natural. Shutting your pants in public is weird. I choose not to shit my pants in public even though shitting is natural. If you choose to follow your natural instinct to rape and eat your cum-filled victim, then you're a few levels below someone shitting their pants. To protect society from repetition, you should be put to death.

>> No.14734452

Do you have a natural instinct to rape and eat other people?

>> No.14734524

Do you not? What defines us as human is to not act out our instincts. To wait until we get home to sit and to ask a girl out before you fuck her.
If you honestly think "I would politely propose recreational intercourse and wish her a pleasant day if she declines" instead of "she's hot, would bang", then you're the biggest betacuck in the world. The instinct to fuck a hot person exists independently of her consent.

>> No.14734540

Do you have a natural instinct to rape and eat other people? Yes or no?

>> No.14734555

I do not think about consent when I evaluate whether I wouldvommit fornication with a stranger. I do not think about eating humans, and I'm sure not many do so.

>> No.14734566

>I do not think about consent when I evaluate whether I wouldvommit fornication with a stranger
I didn't ask you about that. Do you have a natural instinct to rape and eat other people? Yes or no?

>> No.14734582

I hope you know it, but in case you don't: sex without consent is rape. Don't do it. You'll end up in jail.

Also, just because instincts are natural, they don't need to occur in every human. I don't have any homosexual or cannibalistic desires.

>> No.14734600

Do you have a natural instinct to rape and eat other people? Yes or no?

>> No.14734601
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>all members of this species are lesbian

>> No.14734624

Can you point out where it says "permanently and exclusively engages in same sex coitus "?
No? That's what I thought. How embarrassing of you.
Completely BTFO'd and yet you still shamefully dug up an irrelevant quote.
As always, you are just ignorantly showing bisexual behavior. There is no such thing as a gay animal.

>homosexuality has been reported for all great apes
It hasn't been reported even once. Bisexuality has been reported. You are observing bisexuality, not homosexuality, and you people are too dishonest to acknowledge there is a factual difference between homosexuality and bisexuality because your delicate narrative cannot hold up to facts, scrutiny, or basic logic.

>I agree with our common values that actions are bad if they harm people
Homosexuality harms people. It is the most concentrated vector of disease in the western world in terms of disease spread per person. HIV, Zika, and Monkeypox were all brought to the US by faggots and that is a verifiable fact.

>> No.14734639

>Homosexuality harms people
Literally who does it harm? If you don't want those diseases, don't let an infected gay man fuck you in the ass.

>> No.14734651

This maggot-infested child raping kike can't even give a straight answer on whether or not he feels the urge to rape. What discussion to you expect to have with a vile degenerate?

>> No.14734773
File: 83 KB, 722x777, 1551644815704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally who does it harm? If you don't want those diseases, don't let an infected gay man fuck you in the ass.
Bisexuals spread it from faggots to the general population you stupid degenerate groomer. Why do you think we have the adaptation to react to faggotry like they're diseased pussed up maggots? Because your ancestors were more likely to pass on their genes if they killed faggots and prevented their diseases from eventually infecting women. If a tribe saw men engaging in faggotry it was better/safer to aggressively get rid of them, just like it is today.
>What discussion to you expect to have with a vile degenerate?
None. But it's always good to expose their inconsistency and lay out a few hate facts in the process.

>> No.14734838

My friend monkeys fuck deers to relieve themselves. I had a bunch of rabbits the biggest male one was always horny. We had to keep the male and female ones separated(about 15 females and 5 males). The big one would always hump the male ones. But when kept with the females he would always prefer fucking them.
We have hands to relieve ourselves they dont

>> No.14734844

they harm kids by presenting an example of degeneracy. Kids imitate whatever they see

>> No.14734848

If you kept in your bedrooms most of us won't care. But you advertise it in every movie,show,sport and make it a trend. Why does my 11 year old brother know about homosexuality?
I didn't learn about it until i was 14

>> No.14734858

Ah yes, the children are growing up to be mass murderers and armed criminals because Fortnite/Valorant/COD exposes them to shooting other people with guns.

>> No.14734860

Why are you afraid of STIs, incel?

>> No.14734862

Got a scientific source on that? This is /sci/ after all.

>> No.14734864

>Why does my 11 year old brother know about homosexuality?
Why shouldn't he?

>> No.14734868

Also, how the fuck did you manage to live for 14 years without realising that some men like men and some women like women?

>> No.14734893

>Why does my 11 year old brother know about homosexuality?
>I didn't learn about it until i was 14
At least you two learned it the easy way. Think of all the children who learn about homosexuality and its dangers the hard way when they're 6 or 7.

>> No.14734909

Im kindergarten a kid called me gay, so I asked my mom what that means. She said basically "most men like women like dad likes me. But some men like other men"
They say that this confuses kids, but the only confusion I remember was why that other kid used it to diss me. 27 years later I still only like women. I doubt that children can be influenced like this. They see dozens of hetero couples every day. Why would a few men holding hands overshadow that impression? Where do gay people come from in countries where public display of faggotry is illegal?
I don't believe this "what about the children" argument one bit.

>> No.14734914

Homos reproduce by fucking children.

>> No.14734917

So kids of heteros can't be born gay?

>> No.14734941
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Sane people aren't degenerate bug chasing groomer filth like yourself.

>> No.14734943

You should stop raping children.

>> No.14734951

The reason i didn't know is because we castrate or drop them from roofs herem
Most of the world doesn't accept homosexuality. Only few cities

>> No.14734953
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>I doubt that children can be influenced like this
Grooming is 100% a real thing, that is why the LGBT lobby is going insane trying to cancel the phrase

>> No.14734957

>we castrate or drop them from roofs herem
Based goatfucker. Bestiality is the best kind of natural.

>> No.14734965

>it's ok to when children play family with baby dolls
>it's not ok if they see two gayfags kiss

>> No.14734969

Based off some insect studies homosexuality is natural in that it is outcome from gene expression. However it seems to be based on chemical imbalances involving certain protiens and dopamine.



The study above was done by Chinese researchers btw.

>> No.14734972

That's the best response you got?
How do you live in a western country and still have worse grammar than me. Kek

>> No.14734974

What's wrong with my grammar, Jawed?

>> No.14734977

>Bestiality is the best kind of natural.
>best kind of natural

>> No.14734983

What about it, autismo kid?

>> No.14734986

That's not the guy you talked to before. That would be me. And honestly, I'm speechless. When I think about countries like Pakistan, I don't have a better response than goatfucker. Your country probably raises kids to become suicide bombers. I'd rather have a gay kid than a kid that flies into a skyscraper.

>> No.14734990

>Is homosexuality natural
you don't need other animals for that. If it exists in humans it's natural.

>> No.14734994

>I'd rather have a gay kid than a kid that flies into a skyscraper.
That's because you're a filthy homo who thinks raping children is better than demolishing the ZOG.

>> No.14735000

>What it's referring to is mostly a bunch of homosexual biologists projecting their human feelings onto observed animal behavior.
Bingo. The animals perform the non-verbal equivalent of "no homo" before engaging in buttsex, so it's not actually gay. If liberal biologists weren't biased they might notice this.

>> No.14735002
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I think we can agree do disagree.

>> No.14735003

I'm from Syria friend. We fight terrorists not train them.
Pakis aren't Arab or syrian they're muslim poos

>> No.14735008

Not a Muslim. Don't care. I'm just saying I'll take a "terrorist" over an AIDS-spreading child rapist any day. They stand up against you and your handlers and that's commendable.

>> No.14735009

>said the mudslime from Sunnistan where the legal age of consent (if there even is one) is 11, and where women & children are treated like animals

>> No.14735014

Women should be treated like animals, child rapist.

>> No.14735021

>We fight terrorists not train them.
Weird. You have terrorists, we have fags. And if we have terrorists, ever so often they come from Syria. Maybe their pent up homosexuality makes them so violent.

>> No.14735023


>> No.14735026

We consider Christians to be our closest friends. That's why eastern Europeans and Russians have zero problems with us.
Despite what the fag loving media might tell you. We don't hate you we hate American zionists

>> No.14735038

>Chechens raping and murdering Ukrainian
>vallah it's a sign of friendship

>> No.14735041

>m-m-m-muh slava ukraini!!!
LOL. If you don't like getting beheaded by chechens maybe you shouldn't make your country into a ZOG base of operations.

>> No.14735047

Post evidence.
Where is all this rape occuring.
Murder is part of war you soft onions sucking bitch

>> No.14735053

Post evidence that explaining gayfags to children is harmful to them.

>> No.14735054

Daily reminder that Jewish American pornographers are making bank from the rape and abuse of Ukrainian women as we speak, in a fully systematized manner, and you support and defend it. You should be shot.

>> No.14735057

Cartoons are not real man. Seeing IRL people do things encourages kids to imitate that.
For that matter, violent video games or movies do make kids want to emulate their "favorite characters". But this never goes beyond daydreaming as some kid may put on a cape and pretend to be Superman. With fags, junkies and other social scum is much easier to follow that path because its literally the path of lowest resistance.
Kids need good examples, not lionized scum

>> No.14735060
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>Whether they’re preschoolers from Australian suburbs or Kalahari Bushmen, children copy adults to a fault, according to a new study. The findings suggest that overimitation—in which a child copies everything an adult does, even irrelevant or silly actions—is a universal human trait that may contribute to our complex culture.

>> No.14735062

That neither mentions harm, nor faggotry.

>> No.14735067
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Everything that can exist is natural, otherwise it wouldn't exist, no "I don't like 2 men sex" is not an argument, only an expression of your own personal preferences which nobody gives a shit about

>> No.14735068

It mentions imitation in general of adults by kids. So when a kid witness homosexuals, he wants to become homosexual too. Its called imitation. Thats how culture is propagated, kids just do what adults do

>> No.14735070

>f your own personal preferences which nobody gives a shit about
Most people do care about and they are repulsed by fags

>> No.14735072

Are you such a sissy that you can't be a heterosexual role model to your kid? It's gonna see you a million times longer than some random gayfags in the mall.

>> No.14735075

>t's gonna see you a million times longer t
Bad influence is bad influence. So the lowest possible exposure is the best. Ideally zero.

>> No.14735077

Children raised by homosexuals and lesbians are more likely to identify as LGBT.
My point wasn't that someone will turn gay because they heard about men having buttsex. My point is that children shoudnt be hearing about these things at such a young age.
You getting called gay cause you the part isn't the same as every corporation(fb,yt,twitter and the list goes on and on) shoving it in kids faces.
I can't even watch football cause every badge,corner flag and stadium is fag coloured.
If you dont think that exposure to homosexuality hasn't been increased over the years then you are simply wrong

>> No.14735078
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This. Not to mention the documented prostitution and pedophilia rings that serve NATO and American leaders bureaucrats. As always, these murdeders and child rapists are having the time of their life while warmongering and destroying poor nations overseas. Figures the child-raping homosexual will subconsciously engange in hypocrisy at every turn.

>> No.14735084

So you admit to being a sissy? Does your wife peg you?

>> No.14735089
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And I couldn't give less of a fuck, I'm repulsed by your neckbeard, zit filled face so why don't you look down a barrel of a pistol and pull the trigger?
Muh feefees is not an argument when someone isn't being coerced or forced into doing something they don't want to do, your subjective opinions and feelings about such irrelevant things like who has a different hair colour or who consensually fucks who have less importance than the dirt under my shoes.

>> No.14735091

>Is homosexuality natural
Yes, and so is rape, incest, pedophilia, necrophilia, etc

>> No.14735095

>Muh feefees is not an argument
Then why is it bad to banish faggots from society?

>> No.14735100

No need to banish or kill them. Just castrate them we already do it to pedos.

>> No.14735101

Because you need to justify banning things. You don't need to justify not banning things. Otherwise we should ban you from going outdoors because of my feefees.

>> No.14735103

You are literally a fag. Are you not ashamed at all?

>> No.14735107

>we already do it to pedos.
Where? The only countries savage enough for that literally worship a guy who fucked a kid.

>> No.14735112

>Because you need to justify banning things.
I already wrote many justifications. Gays are a noxious influence on kids so they should be somehow eliminated from society. Keep gays in some gay hotel with barbwire and leaded water or something.

>> No.14735116

Banish for what? Under what criteria, ones that you made up? What puts your personal opinion above someone elses?
Maybe we should banish you, I don't see you being a model example of humanity.

>> No.14735117

>Because you need to justify banning things

>> No.14735119

>his testosterone levels are so low that a single fag outweighs his het influence
>resorts to name calling

>> No.14735120

>Banish for what?
For being homos.

>Under what criteria
Expressing homosexual intent or engaging in homosexuality.

Why is this bad?

>> No.14735121

>already wrote many justifications
You wrote noise, not justifications.

>> No.14735124

>Gays are a noxious influence on kids
>source : my ass
Just because your country has a lot of aids ridden child raping niggers doesn't mean it's like that everywhere else, maybe you could fix the problem by improving your cultural values and standards

>> No.14735126

It's okay because animals do it.
For starters, some of the parents give monkeypox to children. Knowing about their intimacy can harm children. Children don't need to know about rectal penetration.

>> No.14735127

>Knowing about their intimacy can harm children
Your child will get monkeypox from seeking two men holding hands?

>> No.14735128

So we should banish all straight peoplr if enough gays want it? Because that's precisely the argument you're presenting.

>> No.14735132

I'm not presenting any argument. I'm asking why it's bad to banish faggots from society and you clearly cannot address this.

>> No.14735137

Actually, he wants to banish people based on individual opinions. So a single gayfag would be enough.

>> No.14735141

It's bad to banish arbitrary things without proper justification? What's next? They banish ugly people to make sure kids won't end up ugly? How will you get to work then?

>> No.14735146

Kek. One of the worst arguments I've heard. And i browse /pol/

>> No.14735147

"We should ban something because I don't like it" is not an argument, otherwise you wouldn't be posting on this site, dumbass

>> No.14735148

>It's bad to banish arbitrary things without proper justification?
Why does anyone need to care about your standards of "proper" justification?

>> No.14735151

What would stop me from banishing your face?

>> No.14735153

Are you having a psychotic episode? I'm not making an argument. I'm asking you why you think it's bad if people decide to ban faggots.

>> No.14735157

>What would stop me from banishing your face?
The fact that you have no say in anything, and no one else cares about banishing me.

>> No.14735158

Tons of justifications my friend.
The diseases,the mental illnesses, them grooming children, them killing themselves.
It's just not natural and it's being pushed everywhere.

>> No.14735159

It's bad because people will ban random shit. Don't like broccoli? Ban it. Don't like cars? Ban them. Don't like white people? Ban them.

>> No.14735161

Kek. Post arms

>> No.14735165

>The fact that you have no say in anything
What makes you have a say in anything?

>> No.14735167

Nothing. I'm just asking you why it's bad if faggots got banned and you keep turbo-deflecting. lol

>> No.14735170

Post face

>> No.14735171

Because you have no reasons to do so?
Why not ban freedom while you're at it, become a bug-eating jew fellator, an eternal wageslave to a dystopian system, it's clearly okay since some random retard with a worthless opinion said so, right?

>> No.14735172

>people will ban random shit.
People already ban random shit. Always have. Always will. You don't set the standard for what's "justified". In any case, why is it bad if faggots are banned? You seem to struggle with this question an awful lot.

>> No.14735174

The fact that this would go against the opinion of the vast majority of the population. If we start accommodating for each snowflake that gets triggered by men holding hands, we'll end up in a fucking mess.

>> No.14735175

>The diseases,the mental illnesses, them grooming children, them killing themselves.
You just named 4 things and none of them have homosexuality in them, so clearly two dudes fucking isn't the problem here

>> No.14735176

They don't have much to say. They just keep repeating the same things over and over again cause they have a ton of free-time. They can handle the stress of repeating themselves to the point where you can't remember most of your points.
Same with all those twitch "debators"

>> No.14735177

>you have no reasons
Suppose people got together and decided the reasons faggots haters have are reason enough. Why is this bad?

>> No.14735181

If the majority of the population is for it, then it's a decision of the people. No one argues against this.

>> No.14735182

>this would go against the opinion of the vast majority of the population
So you mean it's all down the the feefees of the majority? I thought it wasn't about feefees. Nevermind that you're profoundly mentally ill for thinking your little band of dysgenic clowns is a majority.

>> No.14735185

Okay so you don't have any muscles whatsoever. I think i know where this is going friends

>> No.14735192

So it's all about the feefees of the majority after all? Your crew was denying this simple truth just some minutes ago.

>> No.14735197

>Name things
>Names things

>> No.14735201

Suppose people got together and decided that pumping you full of stimulants and skinning you alive is okay, just because enough people got together, do you think they should be exempt from punishment?
Mass mentality like this is why the modern LGBT movement exists in the first llace, a bunch of delusionists who believe that if enough people have a shitty idea, then it should be enforced.

>> No.14735202

>maybe you could fix the problem by improving your cultural values and standards
You do this by castrating all homosexuals

>> No.14735203

>nothing except words from your side

>> No.14735205

You disagree with the justification because it works against you. You dont even deny it you just say your bad influence is just a minor problem so not worthy of attention

>> No.14735206

>Suppose people got together and decided that pumping you full of stimulants and skinning you alive is okay
Then that would be it.

> do you think they should be exempt from punishment?
Punishment by whom? If society decides that I specifically should be killed, who's going to punish my killers? You sound like you're having a stroke.

>> No.14735209

Name real things schizo. When asked to provide evidence, all we got was an article on something completely unrelated.

>> No.14735210

All these hypothetical situations. Yet you still can't prove why homosexuality is good for society.
Majority of countries have banned it they don't need to reason with the likes of you.
Go ahead tell china to have buttsexm they'll throw you into an iron furnace.
In the grand scheme of things majority opinion does not matter it's the one who holds power

>> No.14735212

>So we should banish all straight peoplr if enough gays want it?
In general these things go according to mainstream culture, somehow correlated to democracy. When most people decide you are disgusting your life is at risk

>> No.14735215


>> No.14735216

Why don't we castrate you too, while we're at it, we all know all you do is sit on 4chan all day and jerk off to loli porn because you're too much of a social smegma to accomplish anything meaningful in your life, you're an unmatural waste of sperm, so it's perfectly okay, right?

>> No.14735222

He's not spreading diseases or grooming children.
He's just jerking off.
Does it make you mad cause you don't have a penis? Shouldn't have cut it off then tranny hahaha

>> No.14735226

Im a good influence in society while you are a social disease. If you were tied to a post and castrated no cop would help you. People would just smile and be happy. Thats the difference

>> No.14735229
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>muh china
Yes, because china is the leadin example in human greatness, lmao, cooking oil made from sewer waste, food made from cardboard, roads collapse under a few drops of rain, buildings collapse with a slight gust of wind, half the population is unemployed, 90% of young people don't work and just buy the latest iphone and versace with their parents credit cards, genociding innocent people, lying about technological advancements, etc..
You should at least pick better role models if you want to make a point you retarded faggot

>> No.14735231

>He's not spreading diseases or grooming children
And neither am I, so if I was gay why would you care, again?

>> No.14735232

Yes if my child was adopted to gay parents or if my child had been babysit by gay parents although the spread is unlikely in that scenario. Monkeypox can spread when parents kiss their child on the cheek, bathe them, hold them tight, etc.

>> No.14735233

Wow i didn't know that. If they are really that much of a loser then why does the west fear them

>> No.14735240

Monkey pox,AIDS and all that those STDs are spread by homosexuals. I'm not saying that you're spreading its your kind doing it.

>> No.14735241

>babysit by gay parents
Not sure if you know how babies are made, but why exactly gay "parents"? Or do you think that whoever watches a child currently is called parent?

>> No.14735250

Monkeypox spreads by contact that's all anybody needs to know. They pose a threat,simple as that. It's nature,God,universe or whatever you believe in punishing them

>> No.14735256
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I agree with you on China, but most of the world rejects homosexuality. Most of the world subscribes to religions that forbid it. Especially since these people spread HIV/AIDs and monkeypox.

They also lead to societal decay with being degenerate. We've seen what happened in the west, homos know that if they were free to do what they want in the privacy of their bedroom, it would seem wrong because It's hidden so they want it open with teaching kids so they can feel normal about what they do.

Just look at drag queen story hour, the Folsom Street Fair and Pride parades with minimal clothing. It's beest to listen to most of the world. Now people can change their gender based on what they feel, most countries will definitely not makes sense of this. The worst part is if they is forced to be normal in other countries.

>> No.14735269

>Most of the world subscribes to religions
Sir, this is /sci/. We don't give a fuck about what ancient invisible friend retarded people around the world pray to.

>> No.14735270
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I'm referring to adoptive parents, basically guardians. When they raise kids, there's always familial moments of affection which could cause monkeypox. HIV/AIDs and HIV spread throughout the same community. It's horiffic to imagine kids sleeping and two men railing each other in the other rooms. Homos are a net-negative to society, tolerating their actions reveals a society with a lack of morals. These people spread diseases anyway. If the health response with monkeypox was the same as COVID, we would have to resort to literal homophobia. But the WHO and cities allowed Pride festivities to spread monkeypox. It's not worth defending this community.

>> No.14735271

>>it's not ok if they see two gayfags kiss
Correct. This has been established itt that homosexuality between males is a dangerous disease to humanity hence society should not tolerate any form of it. If you groom impressionable young children into thinking it's ok that will only confuse them. You are a disease that needs to be eradicated.

>Based off some insect studies homosexuality is natural
Absolutely hilarious cope

>> No.14735279

>This has been established itt that homosexuality between males is a dangerous disease to humanity
No. It has been repeated ad nauseam. You don't win arguments by being loud or repetitive.

>> No.14735283
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Oh no, you're literally like r/atheism. Most scientists are religious, especially throughout history. Also, the Scientific method was literally invented by 13th Century Christian monks. Also, there has to be a Creator to create the universe. Something can't appear out of nowhere, particles literally have to be created. As long as the west doesn't enforce their morals on other countries, we're good.

>> No.14735286

If sponges and sea horses can change sex, why can't humans. We're both made of cells and have a common origin.

>> No.14735287

Why is it so uncommon in nature then?

>> No.14735290

Not mammals.
Anyways I was trying to see what arguments these people have against nature

>> No.14735297

Why can't accept the fact that homosexuality is more dangerous than smoking cigarettes. If you accept this simple fact we'll move on.
Oh wait you can't cause you'll lose lol

>> No.14735305

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.ncregister.com/blog/scientific-method%3Famp&ved=2ahUKEwjMj8a5i7P5AhVklIkEHYzmCHoQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw17frhL9MlAoX1twD6asTik Source.

>> No.14735306

If you want to get consequential, neither smoking nor homosexuality has directly killed anyone. But by the same language, more cigarette links may have been worse given.

>> No.14735317

I mentioned to be sarcastic on the first part, the fact that people point to animals to justify their degeneracy just proves my point. Pigs roll in the mud while gorillas eat their own poop. It's like pointing out an act that a specific and obscure tribe does and justifying it's tolerance in the west.

>> No.14735318

>Is homosexuality natural
Yes. You quoted it yourself. It happens in a slew of different critters, ergo it's origin must be natural to occur in such unrelated species.

>> No.14735320

Check out >>14735305

>> No.14735334

>Pigs roll in the mud while gorillas eat their own poop
You say it like that's all they do. A case their could be made for their bodies work differently so they can do it without trouble.

>> No.14735339

An arguement in favor of degeneracy is that people favor some long term consequences over others. Homosexuality while being a risk for aids or immune issues, probably has a shorter range of long term consequences than a sedentary lifestyle or eating one veggie or fruit so much you poison yourself.

>> No.14735340

Yes, their bodies protect them and they mostly do other activities. You're obviously right. My point is that justifying actions from humans based on animals is flawed. Animals are obviously different and their bodies work differently. We should we stoop to their level? Why should we compare ourselves?

>> No.14735346

>No. It has been repeated ad nauseam
>HIV, Zika, Monkeypox, (probably a vastly disproportional amount of COVID)
Don't be this completely stupid.
>You don't win arguments by being loud or repetitive
You don't win arguments by denying them

There has never been a gay animal observed in nature, temporarily engaging in homosex acts is a confused bisexual animal, at best.
Thus "being gay" is not natural.

>> No.14735348

>Why should we compare ourselves?
Animals have varying levels of success in different areas based on their different attributes, and their behaviors mirror ours at times given having a common ancestry.

>> No.14735357

Good point, although homosexuality has long-term consequences to society in general. Having a sedentary lifestyle does bring serious long-term consequences although the impacts on society is limited to people copying those actions and feeling like It's normal. It doesn't lose the innocence of children and It's not a rabbit hole to less morals and more depravity. The same thing applies with people eating less fruit and vegetables.

>> No.14735362


>> No.14735365

Good point, some of their behaviour mirrors ours and some don't. My point is that they have different standards, animals often have stronger immune systems and can handle dirty environments and dirty acts. It's also consider an insult to call someone an animal since animals have lower social expectations so they end up doing more filthy and disturbing things like eating poop, rolling in mud and eating another animal alive.

>> No.14735367

>animals often have stronger immune systems and can handle dirty environments and dirty acts
Why is it dirtier to rub two equal urinary orifices against each other than two different urinary orifices?

>> No.14735376

>disturbing things like eating poop, rolling in mud and eating another animal alive.
We may not eat poop, but with Bill Gates and the omniprocessor business we can drink it. For rolling in mud, we consider mud baths a luxury activity. Not sure how people have spun cannibalism if you're referring to that, though in a catholic sense you are eating the body and blood of Christ.

>> No.14735391
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>no source
>no source
>no source
No, most of the world doesn't hate homosexuals, even in my homophobic country people don't give a fuck if yoi just shut the fuck up and live your life, what people hate are the loudmouth, narcissistic, brainwashed LGBT faggots that US culture helped raise in front and forced others to pander to, there are zero cases of monkeypox here, pretty much no aids, and even that is majority straight people, no child molestations, nothing, so clearly the problem isn't being gay, but your society and culture teaching you to be a retarded selfish asshole and treat others like shit

>> No.14735393
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Good point, although most homos don't rub their genitals on each other, they penetrate each other's rectums which involves feces particles which can go in one of their urinary orifices.

The point of sex is reproduction, that's the literal definition. A vagina has anatural lubricant, sex can be efficient and lead to pregnancy. Rubbing two urinary orifices defeats the purpose of sex hence It's just mutual masturbation.

Most people have a natural disgust towards homosex, diseases have been primarily spread by homos. There's also consequences like fecal incontinence. Tolerating homosexuality leads to less morals and a depraved society.

>> No.14735406

The child innocence is a cultural deal, and morals shift depending on how somethings packaged and the tribe doing it. Its like the classy vs trashy thing with the same behaviors being looked down upon if your poor but looked up to if you're rich.

>> No.14735407
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>Is homosexuality natural
Remember that homosexuality and heterosexuality are social constructs. Other animals don't have words for these concepts and neither did people thousands of years ago like the Romans. Animals don't think
>I am a hetero/homosexual and thus only attracted to a specific subset of the population
No, instead they just hump whatever they want to hump. Why wouldn't that male lion not be attracted to another male lion that is attractive? Same with humans. Why wouldn't a man be attracted to a hot twink? Sexual orientation is an abstraction. It doesn't exist in the real world.

>> No.14735409

The omniprocessor business made by Bill Gates purifies sewage water into clean water. Mud baths are gross, most people would agree anyways. Besides, wouldn't they have to clean the mud first? If they don't, then their activity is depraved which proves my point. You missed my point which was that animals do unhygienic things because they have a stronger immune system, no societal expectstion and because well, they're animals, not humans. I'm not Christian, but the blood of Christ is a metaphor.

>> No.14735418

Couldn't we strengthen our immune systems by doing unhygienic things?

>> No.14735421

Child innocence is more important than a cultural deal, I see your point though. Although child innocence should be protected, but it isn't. People have been way too open with sex in general, gay or striaght.

Homosexuality has been packaged as something private, but we were tricked like a Trojan horse. Morals should be static or else we're betraying morals. Societies do have different interpretations on actions based on what social class the people who do those actions are from. Although most acts are gross regardless of who's doing them.

Everyone should should be regarded the same when they do depraved acts. People get grossed out at celebrities drinking blood to look younger and Kim Kardashian admitting that she would eat poop to look younger.

>> No.14735425

Good point, but no since it ends up making us sick most of the time and it spreads diseases. People shouldn't be eating disgusting things, eating wild animals gives people diseases just like homo acts increases the risk of monkeypox.

>> No.14735428

Cope. You don't live in eastern Europe or the middle East or asia. Therefore you do not have first hand experience.

>> No.14735454
File: 123 KB, 1200x927, 1200x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most countries don't have homosexuality legalized.
As you see with the image (pic related), only North America, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and parts of South America tolerate homosexuality. Africa has a growing population and most people live in Asia. A big concern is if western values are forced onto those countries. Of course people won't care if others keep their degeneracy to themselves, buy most of the world doesn't like homosexuality and they would hate it even more if it was in public.

They clearly don't tolerate it then and gay people know this so they publize their actions by doing it in public during parades and they teach kids about it. The west is ahead in terms of homosexuality than others so other countries tolerate it less, but they are heading towards the same outcome as the west. If people are less tolerant towards homosexuality, they would deal with less problems.

Because the west is more tolerant than where you live, they deal with more issues. Go and ask people near you how they feel about homosexuality. Also, gay people are aligned with transgenders which are a whole entire problem. Here is the degeneracy you see from them.

>> No.14735463

>There has never been a gay animal observed in nature, temporarily engaging in homosex acts is a confused bisexual animal, at best.
There has never been a gay human observed, temporarily engaging in homosex acts is a picky bisexual human, at best?

>> No.14735475
File: 503 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20220802-040755_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://muslimskeptic.com/2022/07/20/muslim-parents-beware-perverted-sex-educators/ https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/sex-work-is-rewarding-pupils-told-by-education-providers-8zxs6rk80#top Another two sources showing degeneracy.
Bathhouse links. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2891333/ https://www.sfaf.org/collections/beta/the-bathhouse-battle-of-1984/
https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2022/05/23/monkeypox-gay-bisexual-sauna-darklands-fetish-festival-spain-belgium/ - Even their own people know.
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.advocate.com/news/2022/5/23/monkeypox-outbreak-linked-gay-sauna-and-festival%3famp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ndtv.com/world-news/antwerp-monkeypox-belgian-monkeypox-outbreak-linked-to-fetish-festival-2995443/amp/1
https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/world-news/monkeypox-outbreak-linked-belgium-fetish-24028883.amp https://www.aidsmap.com/news/may-2022/monkeypox-spreading-among-gay-men-worldwide https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10849239/amp/Monkeypox-outbreak-sparked-sex-two-raves-Belgium-Spain-expert-warns.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10875645/amp/Britains-monkeypox-outbreak-linked-gay-bars-saunas-Grindr.html

>> No.14735476

>There has never been a gay human observed
Go back to /pol/ you impossible retard and stop shitting up this board with your 20 posts of samefagging nonsense

>> No.14735479

No, humans are more developed and they act on their depraved urges which results in more monkeypox. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10875645/amp/Britains-monkeypox-outbreak-linked-gay-bars-saunas-Grindr.html

>> No.14735484

Eastern Europe also doesn't tolerate this.

>> No.14735501

See >>14735476

Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.14735532

You didn't open a single link, or read a single word of what's behind those links. So why should anyone else read this? Kys spammer

>> No.14735539

>Daily Fail
>even worse: the amp version
>even worse you didn't even open it, you absolute faggot

>> No.14735542

I don't know why you bother trying to reason with them lol. They're not going to change their minds and they will never hold the power that would give them the major societal influence they crave.

>> No.14735549

I still did open it and it still showed the Amp link. Daily Mail is a trusted source though. If this isn't enough, check out >>14735475
Most of the links are Amp though.

>> No.14735553

ITT closet fags

>> No.14735561

I opened the links, the gist of all these links is that monkeypox did spread because of gay people. Since It's so clear, why do you all ignore that and continue to support degeneracy? We were warned twice, yet you ignore those warnings. Instead you focus on the links.

>> No.14735562

There is no justification to post amp links, phoneposter. Neither the on-website one like 4chan.org/amp/foobar, nor the Google ones.
>Daily Mail is a trusted source though.
They are the exact opposite of trusted. The sections "Libel Lawsuits" and "Criticism" fill half their Wikipedia page.

>> No.14735568

>the gist of all these links is that monkeypox did spread because of gay people.
No one doubted that. We didn't need a wall of jewgle links for that. What still has not been proven despite you closeted faggots claiming this repeatedly is how the sheer knowledge that homosexuality exists is dangerous to a child. How seeing the same behaviour heterosexual couples display in public is suddenly traumatising if it's men doing it.

>> No.14735569

What's wrong with Amp links? Also, the Daily Mail is an official source and what matters is what's in the article which proves my point. If you're not satisfied with the Daily Mail, check out >>14735475

>> No.14735584

define natural and explain if it should be value-judged or not