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File: 22 KB, 626x490, images - 2022-08-06T165315.993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14733543 No.14733543 [Reply] [Original]

Half my physics department seems to believe these things are aliens. Are they trolling me? Should I take these more seriously?

>> No.14733550

If they are real, they are using something that eliminates inertia and if that doesn't sound crazy enough they're also using something that manipulates the influence of gravity.
I wouldn't even know where to start looking for serious discussions within physics that addresses either of these topics and most professors would dismiss it out of hand.

>> No.14733557

Physicists are more likely to be contrarian/nonconformist in my experience. Or, if you prefer, "open-minded." Ironically, it's the people who don't know physics who are more likely to gripe about these things "violating physics."

>> No.14733562

Yeah I always want to see an open mindedness to the extreme. Every time I check on discussions about FTL there's somebody that wants to talk about it not being possible and then giving the same basic argument we've all fucking heard already because they want to sound smart.
For me, the idea of finding out my entire understanding of physics has been blown the fuck out with some wild revolution in physics would be awesome. Then again I'm a nobody not a tenured professor with books written and a reputation or whatever.

>> No.14733593
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US navy dark electronic warfare program, they used the carrier group as a guinea pig to test their capabilities.
People who ranked above the pilots were informed about it, but the pilots were kept in the dark.

What they saw wasn't actually a physics defying device, most of the 'insane maneuvers' were only seen on a radar screen and didn't actually happen, the radars and their operators were being fooled by electronic warfare.
The pilots openly acknowledge that they were under electronic warfare attack when they tried to acquire the target with their own radars.

The physical object that the pilots saw was most likely a balloon, either a decoy or carrying an independent EW payload of it's own.
Any maneuvers that the pilots saw with their eyes were likely a result of optical illusion and suggestion.
This might seem wild, but ironically we have already seen with the classified video disclosure that supposed pilots and experts can be easily fooled by misleading imagery.
When presented with video of a round featureless object targeted by the F-18's flir pod, pilots and laymen described the object as flying fast at low altitude, but this directly contradicts the objective azimuth data from the pod it's self; indeed the object in that video moves at speeds and altitudes entirely consistent with a balloon.

>> No.14733617

>Physicists are more likely to be contrarian/nonconformist in my experience. Or, if you prefer, "open-minded."
Calculations don't add up?

>> No.14733620

You really think we're alone at this point bro? Your government works with ayys ut keep on thinking their trolling you.

>> No.14733641

that particular photo is a mockup from the navy pilot’s description

most of the videos are bluebeans bullshit, the green pyramid is aperture bokeh, the GIMBAL video is exactly what the name says—gimbal lock—idk about GOFAST maybe that one is aliens or secret tech I would need to learn more about the kind of things that can go wrong with airplane cameras, rangefinders etc before trying to deboonk

>> No.14733649

Looked this up, apparently that's an artist's rendition of an UFO that a pilot saw

what's the rest of the story? what was it doing?

>> No.14733652

>finding out my entire understanding of physics has been blown the fuck out
Wouldn't it just be that a certain process that's very specific is the reason? Like how fundamental forces change at heats so high it's basically theoretical.

>> No.14733654
File: 34 KB, 900x537, 03862B86-757D-4B88-9E8D-3D4D7678F27D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it’s an artist’s rendition based on (iirc) the description given by navy pilot David Fraver. You can hear his story on the Joe Rogan show. Here’s an excerpt, which is already quite long: https://youtube.com/watch?v=CnIG-i2WCfg

>> No.14733662

Jesus Christ you fucks are thick. This has been adequately debunked already.

The US military occasionally tests its cyber security by fabricating these stories and then waiting to see who tries to hack their way into their systems. Then they back trace the attack . If its foreign then they fry them. If its domestic then they assess the competency of the hacker. If the hacker showed talent they try to enlist them, if the hacker refuses ( which is common ) they just get flagged. And no, they dont get vanned or some some shit.

>> No.14733664

I'm exaggerating my point but yes you're correct.
But finding out FTL is possible not just in theory but in practicality would be very exciting.

>> No.14733672

You are overthinking this. While it does military security systems it is far more simple. What they do is concoct some bullshit story like this. Then they instruct all concerned personnel to keep their fucking mouths shut. Then they watch and see who blabs. Nothing much happens to those who do, at least for a while. But they get tagged as unreliable, have any future promotion blocked, and if they have any rank they get demoted for some contrived reason much later on. Demotion is far more severe the higher the rank. Those who dont blab get a good boy mark in their books.

>> No.14733677

You are both wrong. Its nothing like that. The military personal involved are in on the operation. Yes, its a made up story, but they try to make it seem as plausible as possible while also incredible. The point is to try to lure foreign military assets into snooping about trying to uncover if there is any truth to the story. Especially when the potential return is so great ( new physics ). So the Chinese and the Russians send subs over to the west coast of the US to snoop around. The USN then sits back and watches and checks the effectiveness of their detection systems, basically monitoring the enemy subs with a home side advantage. They can learn a shitload of useful information about the enemy's capability simply by watching.

>> No.14733679

Correct, but it also is helpful in exposing domestic spies. Basically it is a classic honeypot trap.

>> No.14733684

>these things
Which things? The things on video that don't do anything interesting, or the eyewitness reports that never have any supporting evidence?

>> No.14733686

I was really looking for a quick rundown

>> No.14733691

GOFAST isn't going fast, it's at wind speed.

>> No.14733692

Occum's razor. The simplest explanation is the correct one.

>> No.14733714

>Capt. David Fraver working on aircraft carrier off the coast of California
>gets sent on mission to investigate some funny radar readings
>turns out they’ve been getting these readings for weeks
>the radar blips are just chilling in some spot, going up and down in altitude
>Capt. Fraver, another pilot and two copilots go to investigate in their F18s
>get to site
>there’s this fuckin flying white tictac-candy shaped thing down over the water, at helicopter altitude
>looks like there’s somethingunderwater too
>Fraver’s plane cautiously approaches for a while, tictac starts moving to keep its distance
>try to intercept
>fuckin tictac thing ZOOMS away in an instant
>get back to aircraft carrier
>a different plane goes to investigate with better equipment
>you can see their recording on one of the released videos, I think it is GOFAST
sorry if I skipped anything or got the dude’s name wrong haha I don’t really care

>> No.14733715

its a tictac on a picture

>> No.14733778

It's because there are basically 2 options.
1. The videos were somehow bullshit, and the pilots' stories about the radar and heat signatures etc are bullshit.
2. They're telling the truth and they really did observe these things.
If these data exist and are real then I unironically don't see a better option than aliens. Humans are nowhere near this level of technology. The fact that they can not only accelerate and turn like this but do it all without emitting heat is far beyond any human capabilities. We don't even have a plausible theory of how to do that and some of the things they're describing sound like they'd need a rethink of physics or some very clever loophole we never noticed.

>> No.14733782


>> No.14733785 [DELETED] 

Probably unrelated to that exact instance, but:
A submarine cannot effectively use radar while submerged.
Therefore it might be useful to have a kind of small device attached to it which may be lifted
up sufficiently above sea surface to make observations with EM equipment. There is not
much reason why it could not go to "helicopter level". If it should sense its detection, it could
be pulled back quickly below surface and disappear from sight that way.

>> No.14733795

>rethink of physics or some very clever loophole we never noticed.
Don't we have dark matter and dark energy which is code for "shit we can't explain so use a placeholder" to describe 90% of the universe? It could just be the property of some material or element mixed in the stuff we don't know. Especially since it's said that dark whatever only works with gravity. Might be some gravity distortion via dark engine.

>> No.14733804

>It could just be the property of some material or element mixed in the stuff we don't know
Well yeah but it still falls firmly in the "we have no idea how to do this even in theory" category.
If it is true and these objects were actually cold, not warm, it would be good reason for the physics world to shit its pants

>> No.14733813

That'll be enough, thanks anon

>> No.14733816
File: 109 KB, 615x343, 84C9D02B-B96C-43E5-9400-27D81B5B6048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Therefore it might be useful to have a kind of small device attached to it which may be lifted up sufficiently above sea surface to make observations with EM equipment.
Cool idea. Tictac could be a balloon holding equipment. If anything goes wrong, you just pop the balloon, nobody will see the much smaller equipment drop into the sea, from that distance.

>> No.14733819

Anons post the likely explanations
But mouth breathing retards prefer to believe bullshit.
When did /sci/ become inhabited by flat earth tier idiots?

>> No.14733900

>Physicists are more likely to be contrarian/nonconformist in my experience. Or, if you prefer, "open-minded."
Ask them to consider a flat earth model then in which there is a dome of clear ice which acts as a convergent lens and creates a focal point which is called the Sun. The light for the focal point is created by a spiral of plasma being repelled by the magnetic field of the planet, the force lines of which can be demonstrated by the video series the primer fields.

If you don't think Earth Is flat, read the book "ringmakers of Saturn" where the author describes the images of tic tac UFOs but using the wrong model since he's a globe earthen. To get the actual measurements read Zechariah 5, and the apply that to the images to get the actual distance to Saturn and others bodies

>> No.14733939

I also concluded it must be something like this. While it sounds somewhat implausible, it’s orders of magnitude more likely than actual aliens.

What’s also always suspicious about this kind of thing is that the only imagery is grainy black and white that gives you enough wiggle room to see what you want to see. David Fravor, in his interview with Lex Fridman, even mentioned they have sharp color cameras on board, but he “forgot” to turn it on.

>> No.14734180

Open mindness in physics means recognizing that we dont know how physics operates at interaction energies above 13.6 Tev and it could be literally anything

>> No.14734253 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 920x561, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this did work, then some clever anon would already have created a balloon, filled with a mix
of helium and air, enough to just make it lift higher into the air once it is released.
Then, while snorkling, carry said balloon submerged to the outer range of a crowded beach.
Release it from below the surface, and return to shore unseen.
Then watch ensuing hilarity from a distance. Including F18s trying to intercept.
Would the videos not become national news? Even international?
Since that has never happened, it is doubtful that it is a feasible thing.

>> No.14734263 [DELETED] 

I mean, obviously it should have to be shaped like a tic-toc.

>> No.14734268

You're a retard and they're trying to gauge how retarded you really are

>> No.14734906

how does this explain ufo sightings from the 1940s moron?

>> No.14734916

Search Hyperspace Engineering

>> No.14734922
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>> No.14734927

>it’s orders of magnitude more likely than actual aliens.
aliens are likely, in fact aliens here are likely just assessing habitable planet numbers.
as to the videos, they dont address the 7 decades of UFOs before them. what was roswell?

>> No.14735044
File: 356 KB, 800x900, Himmelserscheinung_über_Nürnberg_vom_14._April_1561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


or the 16th century

>> No.14735048
File: 3.40 MB, 2000x1600, Tabernacle100dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


or the 15th century BCE

>> No.14735058

shut up and calculate

>> No.14735122

It's very plausible aliens are already here, or have been for eons. They've had hundreds of millions of years between when Earth likely had clear biosignatures and present day. That's ample time to get here, even if FTL were impossible.
And the facts; the concept of extraterrestrial life is relatively new, we're just now beginning to take these sightings seriously, and technology tends towards/still is advancing rapidly- gives credence the idea we've been seeing them, but not understanding what they were. And technology we assume they'd be using could be ancient bygone technology, laughable even, to them.

>> No.14735223

Some details: Fravor and Dietrich claim the Tic Tac jammed their radar as they approached, and Fravor claims the thing rose to meet his plane and locked onto him in a classic death-spiral position before zipping off to another CAT point.

>> No.14735778

The story behind this was kind of cool, basically it was two competing groups of Ayys and they had a huge fight over the city, heaps of people saw it and we didn't get fucked up so maybe they were fighting over us for some reason.

>> No.14735833

>Half my physics department
undergrads do not constitute the "department"

>> No.14735869


>> No.14735875

They sure as fuck aren't human. Human scientists are concerned with coming up with rhetorical devices explaining how BLM rallies are corona GOODIES instead of suprespreaders, and don't have any remaining brainpower for the technologies needed for a flying tic tac. God I hate you parasites.

>> No.14735879
File: 110 KB, 750x750, tic tac freshmints.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most shameful viral marketing campaign in history and I'm surprised the world governments are tolerating this shit. The people at Tic-Tac should be ashamed of themselves for playing on our hopes and fears just to sell their shitty mints.

>> No.14735920

Reminder that you thought a slice of chorizo salami was a closeup pic of a star, LMAO LMAO LOL LMAO

Lack of access to pussy turns you "geeknerds" with your "geeked out nerdery brains" into RETARDS

>> No.14735924

Aliens are real time debugging of the simulation, or perhaps telemetry systems
Or maybe they're hacks

>> No.14735940

I meant what I said.

>> No.14735944

Or as this anon suggests
which also seems an entirely reasonable explanation.
But no, retards have an almost impenetrable layer of retardation, they prefer to believe it is something mysterious and alien. They are the same sort of people who believe in astrology and tarot card readings. If there was only an effective way of sterilizing them all.

>> No.14735958

>they prefer to believe it is something mysterious and alien

Midwits just believe the consensus on every issue.

>> No.14736436

>They're telling the truth and they really did observe these things.
Just because they are telling the truth, does not mean it IS the truth.

Could very well be a radar anomaly happening and the pilots seeing optical illusions.
The pilots are telling the truth of what they experienced, but it's not the truth of what has actually happened

>> No.14736567

All lies from literal zogbots

>> No.14736568

I only heard about the chorizo after it was over. The story burned itself in less than 24 hours, i never had a chance to fall for it

>> No.14736573

The intended meaning is pretty clear anyway.

>> No.14736580
File: 57 KB, 976x549, _124686536_tgm-10180r_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The pilots are telling the truth
Literal zogbot wedding bombers

>> No.14736584

Fermi's Paradox aside, David Fravor is the second sketchiest motherfucker I have ever heard speak. Just something about his tone made him seem like he was smirking internally at getting one over on the audience.
The overall sketchiest motherfucker is that bearded dude who accompanied Fravor onto the Joe Rogan show. I've forgotten his name, he was some sort of filmmaker, but he he came across as the most extraordinary untrustworthy person I have seen in my life.

>> No.14736588

There's no video of the Fravor encounter. The various videos are from an unrelated incident years earlier.
There's also the peculiar video from the Nellis Airforce Base encounter, which is hardly talked about, and seems to have disappeared from Youtube.

>> No.14736590

ah yes the cyber security of the 1950s

>> No.14736675

>I've forgotten his name, he was some sort of filmmaker, but he he came across as the most extraordinary untrustworthy person I have seen in my life.
Jeremy Corbell lol. He was also co-interviewed with Bob Lazar, he was sketch as fuck then too

>> No.14736708

First result for me.

>> No.14736759

I dismissed most of those because it looks like some bullshit show surrounding the actual footage. The one I used to have bookmarked was just the plain footage without commentary.
But this one seems to be the same stuff, just a different upload
The quality seems lower though but might just be my recollection.

>> No.14736770

swamp gas