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14732389 No.14732389 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to have proper nutrition by only eating plants? Can you last 20, or even 10 years on this diet without running into any deficiencies?

>> No.14732395


>> No.14732411
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Nutritionists have already explained that is very hard to replace animal proteins from your diet.


>> No.14732424

Protein is protein, chud. Stop spreading conspiracy theories in the middle of a literal climate emergency. It doesn't matter if your protein comes from murdering helpless animals or from delicious insects.

>> No.14732455

>Is it possible to have proper nutrition by only eating plants?

>Can you last 20, or even 10 years on this diet without running into any deficiencies?
Depends when yous tarted. You need to keep in mind vegans don't exist, they either eat other animals or they're eating themselves, how long their reserves last depends on when they started.

>> No.14732464

You have to plan your diet, the person in your pic is poor or lazy

>> No.14732474

>the person in your pic is poor or lazy
Dr Dray has 1.6 million subscribers in youtube and had a PhD
but she probably looks like a corpse also because of eating disorder

>> No.14732485

I don't get how people can have a meatless meal

>> No.14732493

>but she probably looks like a corpse also because of eating disorder
She also has light sensitivity which is very common among vegans

The worst part of veganism for me are the diseases associated with a lack of bile, which cause a lack of vitamin d3 and of course poor teeth

>> No.14732498

>I don't get how people can have a meatless meal
people used to call it poverty

>> No.14732503

No, primarily because your missing out on essential fats and amino acids that plants don't produce.

>> No.14732505

Even bottom-tier medieval peasants ate meat. The vegoids and bug eaters are truly setting new lows for humanity.

>> No.14732511

>Even bottom-tier medieval peasants ate meat

>Raising animals for meat, such as cows, goats or sheep required pastures. Hogs were also very expensive to have. Hunting was also forbidden, as forests belonged to the king or his followers (remember Robin Hood saving some peasants because they killed a royal deer?). Having a cow was a sign of wealth - with a cow, one could get milk, produce cheese and even sell them.
>All of these things lead to a simple conclusion - peasants ate very little and their diet was far from diverse. Usually, in the village, it was porridge, vegetable or chicken stew, fish for religious days (there were many!), and cheese and different kinds of preserved meat, if they were lucky enough. And they ate twice a day.

Of course, the nobles who worked out (kngihts) wih their heavy meat diet were in top shape

>> No.14732515

Why are you quoting some blogpost?

>> No.14732521

>medieval peasants ate meat
He is correct
That's a blog and not a scientific journal.

Here's a scientific article on the European peasant diet.


And it states
>Lipid residue results from the pottery, mainly jars, identified the importance of ruminant carcass products and leafy vegetables, likely used to prepare the stews or potages known to be the mainstay of the medieval diet, and confirmed by the dominance of sheep and cattle in the faunal assemblage.
Peasants ate meat.

>> No.14732530

Yes, but it's very difficult and most vegans are malnourished. Consider vegetarianism instead. Ovolactovegetarianism is probably the best type of vegetarianism.

>> No.14732535

i'd forget vegetarians even exist if /pol/tards weren't screaming about them so often

>> No.14732550

I'd forget that /pol/tards even existed if YWNBAWs weren't hallucinating them in every thread.

>> No.14732556

this is the thousandth time /pol/mongs have reminded me of the existence of trannies today, just like yesterday's thousand times, and tomorrow's

>> No.14732562

Are the /pol/mongs in the room with us right now?

>> No.14732564


>> No.14732566

I'm tired of seeing retards in my WhatsApp groups push the meatless monday shit. I will lstart posting my meatful monday bbqs there

>> No.14732569

How often do the /pol/mongs talk to you?

>> No.14732583

you're talking to me right now

>> No.14732585

I don't post on /pol/. How often do the /pol/mongs talk to you?

>> No.14732596
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Call it "Meaty Monday"

Have you ever tried cevapi? Give it a go, it's really tasty and easy to make.

>> No.14732600

>Is it possible to have proper nutrition by only eating plants?
You almost certainly need to supplement a few things.

>> No.14732607

My parents love it Ivar or Sour Cream. What's sad is mom is a dental assistant and she even talk about virtually ever vegan that she met in dental offices looks sickly.

>> No.14733127

No. Not possible. This will lead to vitamin B12 deficiency which can lead to permanent damage. This is why vegans are constantly told that they need to supplement their diet with B12.

>> No.14733131

Fuck yeah. Bosnian here. Cevapi are the way to go.

>> No.14733152

>Peasants ate meat
Only on sunday. Meat was not a common staple, it was something kept for celebration and the day of the lord

>> No.14733158

Kurva! I love these! One of the few acceptable things from your corner of europe

>> No.14733364

Vegeterian and vegan is not same

>> No.14733395
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>> No.14733398


>> No.14733578
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My personal opinion is that consuming meat in moderation is fine. Like once a week or so. Our ancestors sure as fuck didn't eat meat multiple times a day.

>> No.14733668

Yes. My cousin's husband has been vegan for 20+ years now and looks great. Looks young for being mid-40s, still had abs last time I saw him at the pool, when he was probably still at least 40. Not big but not skinny either.

Also had a friend who was vegan for a long time but a very good climber and looked good.

I did it for about 2.5 years. Have to be careful if you're an athlete and supplement. But if you hit your macros and don't go deficit on micros, which is easy with supplements, you should be fine. I didn't notice any big change in performance of mass. I had already been lifting for a decade at that point so I wasn't gaining or losing much weight.

>> No.14733673

You're brainwashed by media trying to market to your deficient masculinity. You definetly don't need meat every last meal. Trying to get all your calories from meat while doing anything heavily active (backpacking, mountaineering, actual day long training) is full on retarded and meat has a pretty shit nutrient to weight ratio, which is why normally you only pack dry goods for the backcountry. No one is going up the Andes with heavy as fuck wet meat because you're blowing through 6-8,000 calories a day. Flour, yeast, and oil are light and filling.

Then you buy a sheep or goat when you get back and gorge yourself.

Hardly every meal.

>> No.14733696

>No one is going up the Andes with heavy as fuck wet meat
where did that come from lmao, of course there are exceptions, but actually I do like to bring some jerky along too

>> No.14733705

The "complete protein" thing is pretty overdone and is only really a threat if you are eating literally the same thing over and over again, you really have to be trying to be deficient in an amino acid
At this point almost every plant milk already comes with it fortified with B12 and since you don't need much B12 in your diet to be okay it's vanishingly unlikely that you'd ever run into a complication on this front

>> No.14733724
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>noooooo you don't get it, you NEEEEED essential amino acids... WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY????? BECAUSE SCIENCE SAID SO THEY EVEN NAMED IS ESSENTIAL

>> No.14733729

when people rant about "vegans" they're generally getting bothered by the "not eating meat" part of veganism. they're really ranting about vegetarianism. this is why i said vegetarians -- it's a larger group that doesn't eat meat

>> No.14733731

you type like a mentally ill person, almost like your brain has rotted from all those vegetables. have sex, incel.

>> No.14733735

it's ok when you ironically shitpost in the exact same way yeah?

>> No.14733737

Vegans have a reduced risk of diet-asociated diseases compared to non-vegetarians. These include overweight and obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of tumors.
These findings persist when the overall healthier lifestyle of vegans (e.g., more physical activity, more frequent non-smoking, lower alcohol consumption) and other non-dietary lifestyle factors were statistically accounted for. In the Adventist Health Study 2 (AHS-2), the difference between vegans and mixed-food eaters was about five BMI units. Accordingly, vegans are less likely to be affected by overweight or obesity than the general population [13]. In another evaluation of the AHS-2, the BMI-adjusted risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus was 49% lower in vegans than in mixed-food eaters [14]. The risk of developing metabolic syndrome was also significantly reduced in vegans (OR 0.44) [15]. Vegans have lower mean blood pressure levels as well as lower hypertension prevalence. In the EPIC-Oxford study, the age- and BMI-adjusted hypertension rates of vegans were 6.1 and
8.3% and that of mixed-food eaters 12.9% and 10.6%, respectively (men and women, respectively) [16]. A meta-analysis (39 studies, > 21 000 participants) found an average of 6.9 mmHg lower systolic blood pressure in vegetarians (including vegans) (diastolic -6.6 mmHg) than in the non-vegetarian comparison groups [17].

>> No.14733742

Morbidity and mortality from ischemic heart disease are lower in vegans than in mixed-food dieters. An analysis of four prospective cohort studies (> 66 000 participants) showed a 26% lower CHD mortality in vegans compared to meat eaters [18]. A meta-analysis (7 studies, < 125 000 participants) confirmed lower CHD mortality (-28%) in vegetarians (incl. vegans) [19]. In the EPIC-Oxford study, the risk of developing ischemic heart disease after 11 years of follow-up was reduced by 28% in vegetarians (incl. vegans) compared with meat eaters (BMI-adjusted) [20]. A recent meta-analysis (8 studies, > 180 000 participants) found a greater effect on CHD risk in Adventist studies (RR 0.60) than in non-Adventist studies (RR 0.84) [21]. Besides lower blood pressure values and lower prevalence of hypertension, the more favorable lipid profile (lower total and LDL cholesterol) of vegans is considered to be the cause of the reduced CHD risk (but: often hyperhomocysteinemia!). In the available studies, vegans tend to have a reduced total cancer risk than meat eaters (AHS-2: -16%, Oxford Vegetarian/EPIC-Oxford study: -19%) [22; 23]. Differentiated according to tumor types, however, there are only single significant differences.

>> No.14733748


Some nutritional intervention studies show success by switching to a vegan or vegetarian diet. A low-fat vegan diet without caloric restriction (duration 74 weeks) showed comparable body weight reduction (-4.4 vs. 3.0 kg), greater improvement in blood glucose concentrations (HbA1c: -0.4 vs. +0.01%) and blood lipids (LDL cholesterol: -13.5 vs. -3.4 mg/dl), and sustained drug dose reduction. Compliance was the same in both study arms [24]. A systematic review and meta-analysis of six studies (n = 255) of vegetarian interventions for type 2 diabetes mellitus confirmed greater improvement in glycemic control (esp. HbA1c) with vegetarian diets compared with conventional diets [25]. A 12-day intervention study in which 500 subjects ate a low-fat, vegan diet, combined with physical activity and stress management, achieved an average blood pressure reduction of 6% [26]. A meta-analysis (7 intervention studies, n = 311) found a blood pressure difference of -4.8 mmHg (systolic) and -2.2 mmHg (diastolic) for vegetarian and vegan interventions, respectively, compared to omnivorous control diets [17].

>> No.14733753


In the Leipzig Stupid study of 151 cardiac patients, a lacto-vegetarian diet resulted in significantly higher reductions in total cholesterol (-31.1 vs. -16.9 mg/dl) and LDL cholesterol (-27.7 vs. -11.8 mg/dl) compared with a fat-modified, cholesterol-reduced mixed diet [27]. A review (14 plant-based dietary interventions) showed an average reduction in triglycerides and LDL cholesterol of 10-15% with vegetarian dietary changes and 15-25% with vegan dietary changes [28].

Vegans have reduced adjusted risk for numerous diet-associated diseases. Nutritional interventions with vegan diets usually show greater success than conventional comparison diets. Properly implemented, a whole-food vegan diet offers significant preventive and therapeutic potential.

>> No.14733757


[13] Orlich MJ, Singh PN, Sabaté J et al.: Vegetarian dietary patterns and mortality in Adventist Health Study 2.
JAMA Intern Med 173 (2013) 1230–1238
[14] Tonstad S, Butler T, Yan R et al.: Type of vegetarian diet, body weight, and prevalence of type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Care 32 (2009) 791–796
[15] Orlich MJ, Fraser GE: Vegetarian diets in the Adventist Health Study 2: a review of initial published findings. Am J Clin Nutr 100, Suppl 1 (2014) 353S-358S
[16] Appleby PN, Davey GK, Key TJ: Hypertension and blood pressure among meat eaters, fish eaters, vegetarians and vegans in EPIC-Oxford. Public Health Nutr 5 (5) (2002) 645-654 [17] Yokoyama Y, Nishimura K, Barnard ND et al.: Vegetarian diets and blood pressure: a meta-analysis. JAMA Intern Med 174 (2014) 577–587
[18] Key TJ, Fraser GE, Thorogood M et al.: Mortality in vegetarians and nonvegetarians: detailed findings from a collaborative analysis of 5 prospective studies. Am J Clin Nutr 70 (1999) 516S-524S

>> No.14733759


[19] Huang T, Yang B, Zheng J et al.: Cardiovascular disease mortality and cancer incidence in vegetarians: a meta-analysis and systematic review. Ann Nutr Metab 60 (2012) 233–240
[20] Crowe FL, Appleby PN, Travis RC et al.: Risk of hospitalization or death from ischemic heart disease among British vegetarians and nonvegetarians: results from the EPIC-Oxford cohort study. Am J Clin Nutr 97 (2013) 597–603
[21] Kwok CS, Umar S, Myint PK et al.: Vegetarian diet, Seventh Day Adventists and risk of cardiovascular mortality:
a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Cardiol 176 (3) (2014) 680-686
[22] Tantamango-Bartley Y, Jaceldo-Siegl K, Fan J et al.: Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in a low-risk population. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 22 (2013) 286–294

>> No.14733762


[23] Key TJ, Appleby PN, Crowe FL et al.: Cancer in British vegetarians: updated analyses of 4998 incident cancers in a cohort of 32.491 meat eaters, 8612 fish eaters, 18.298 vegetarians, and 2246 vegans. Am J Clin Nutr 100, Suppl 1 (2014) 378S-3785S
[24] Barnard ND, Cohen J, Jenkins et al.: A low-fat vegan diet and a conventional diabetes diet in the treatment of type 2 diabetes: a randomized, controlled, 74-wk clinical trial. Am J Clin Nutr 89 (2009) 1588S-1596S
[25] Yokoyama Y, Barnard ND, Levin SM et al.: Vegetarian diets and glycemic control in diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cardiovasc Diagn Ther 4 (2014) 373–382
[26] McDougall J, Litzau K, Haver E et al.: Rapid reduction of serum cholesterol and blood pressure by a twelve-day, very low fat, strictly vegetarian diet. J Am Coll Nutr 14 (1995) 491–496
[27] Brestrich M, Claus J, Blumchen G: Lactovegetarian diet: effect on changes in body weight, lipid status, fibrino-gen and lipoprotein(a) in cardiovascular patients during inpatient rehabilitation treatment. Z Kardiol 85 (1996) 418–427
[28] Ferdowsian HR, Barnard ND: Effects of plant-based diets on plasma lipids. Am J Cardiol 104 (2009) 947–956

>> No.14733765

didn't read

>> No.14733767


>> No.14733788

12years without meat, 2years without fish
Doing just fine, Have not lost or gained weight.. Basically everything still seems the same

>> No.14733796

>12years without meat
and you look 24 years older

>> No.14733809

has he angered you or something?

>> No.14733811

post face

>> No.14733818

you might as well, you'd fit right in with all the deranged kids that fantasize of beating up lgbt people

>> No.14733830

>lgbt people
The correct term is LGBTQIA

Here you can read more about it

Never pretend to be an ally without knowing about the people you're trying to help, we're not a shield you can use and abuse.

>> No.14733835

>if /pol/tards weren't screaming
OP here, literally never went to /pol/ ever. I think you might have some unresolved issues

>> No.14733839

>plants have more bioavailable B12 than meat from animals like us
You can eat a rock anon, doesn't mean you'll absorb the minerals

>> No.14733841

Why would i look older

>> No.14733844

ITT: retards pretending to know what they are talking about

>> No.14733846

do you know what bioavailable means?

>> No.14733849
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>Our ancestors sure as fuck didn't eat meat multiple times a day
the more primordial Homo Sapiens sure as fuck weren't eating primordial lettuce and bananas

>> No.14733850

poor nutrition

>> No.14733851
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vegan brains literally shrink holy shit

>> No.14733857

I probably eat 4times more in variety of ingredients these days tho

>> No.14733859


If you keep macros and training constant, you get statistically indiscernible results for mass, and statistically significant, but extremely small variances in body fat %. Meat eaters get a slight benefit in body composition, but holding macros and training constant it is like a fifth of one percent difference, which you're not even going to see.

That all said, there are a lot of ways to fuck up a vegan diet if you aren't careful.

>> No.14733863

>Vegans have reduced adjusted risk for numerous diet-associated diseases. Nutritional interventions with vegan diets usually show greater success than conventional comparison diets. Properly implemented, a whole-food vegan diet offers significant preventive and therapeutic potential.
1º for how long would said vegan diet last? none of those studies suggest going on it for years let alone a life time
2º comparing vegan diet to the regular shit diet people have these days is disingenuous

>> No.14733868

lack of collagen on the face, duh
stupid vegans

>> No.14733878

Go eat your minced meat you poor fatty, dude sounds so manly and eats fucking half chewed meat
>B-B-butt mah face..

>> No.14733907
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>Vegans have a reduced risk of diet-asociated diseases compared to non-vegetarians
Pic is the standard "non-vegetarian" diet

Vegans are completely dishonest if not outright liars, there are plenty of studies not made by seventh day adventists who contradict "the benefits of veganism"

>> No.14733916
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>the deranged kids that fantasize of beating up lgbt people

>> No.14733926

>If you keep macros and training constant, you get statistically indiscernible results for mass
I don't know a single vegan with even a comparable strength to any omnivore (case in point vegan gains, who has mediocre lifts for the time he has been lifting and a very shitty body), all of them rely on 100 supplements too and even then they usually give up on veganism down the road

>> No.14733928

you're saying you're an ISIS member?

that doesn't discount the gathering part of the hunter-gatherer thing though

>> No.14733932

and you're on gear like a tranny

>> No.14733941

neither of those are vegetarian options not to mention not vegan you retard
you are literally just seething at the prospect of eating more plant protein instead of your shitty steaks

>> No.14733942

>Protein is protein
oh wow, an actual retard!

>> No.14733959

1° - A valid point. We're still lacking detailed long term data for a strict vegan diet done for decades. While we're waiting for that data, let's do maybe what we do usually, extrapolate?
Besides the plenty data that is out there in the world for extrapolation, the very first source I linked had a look into a total of 96,469 Seventh-day Adventist humans recruited between 2002 and 2007. These religious folks are eating like this their whole life like this.

2° - Again a valid point. A massive amount of western ppl living so shitty, that a lot of diet plans, if not any, would 'beat' the hell out of it.
Though be aware, that I never stated you couldn't get to a healthyier lifestyle in general, even through animal product consumption, which you can surely.
(In fact, experimenting over the years, my screenings and personal performances, was on a plant based diet indistinguishable from the former plant+fish diet.)

>> No.14733961

>Protein isn't protein
wew lad

>> No.14733983

Quit cold turkey, you see it in 2weeks how addicted you really are to meat
Or eat meat once a week, you will learn how to actually cook pretty damn quickly

>> No.14734013

It's mostly the influence on your brain by gut bacteria. From all sources, not just meat. Different cultures thrive on different food.
What you eat more, will obviously dominate your gut.
Don't feed a particular culture and you'll get off from it and your 'unbearable' cravings fade away. It's a matter of weeks. A cleansing speeds this process up significantly.

>> No.14734022
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>the gut-brain axis

>> No.14734069

Oh, in that case how about I give you some prions? They're just proteins so it should be ok.

>> No.14734122

>you're saying you're an ISIS member?
I'm saying he doesn't need to fantasize anything, there is plenty of anti gay material on the internet

>> No.14734149

And religious holidays, which there used to be tons.

>> No.14734252

No. Vegans must take multivitamins extracted from animals in order to live.

>> No.14734258

When should i start taking them

>> No.14735347
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underrated nutrient. Papau New Guinea delicacy

>> No.14735512
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Yes it's not that fuckin hard. I eat the same shit I used to eat except instead of meatballs I eat plant meatballs, instead of chicken I eat plant chicken, instead of milk I drink plant milk. The proteins in most of this stuff is based around onions, pea, other veg protein. Plus I get non meat-replicant stuff like tofu, tempeh, seitan. I eat beans with almost every meal and they're loaded with protein. Plus you'd be surprised how much protein is in a big bowl of brown rice, pasta, quinoa, oatmeal. If you're an autist about protein intake you can always supplement with pea/onions protein powders.

I usually eat two meals a day so for reference today I had:

breakfast: cold oatmeal (aka overnight oats) with chocolate onions protein powder, peanut butter, chia seeds, flaxmeal, chocolate basedmilk, cinnamon.

dinner: pasta with mixed veggies and breaded plant-chicken. sauce has chickpeas, onion, garlic, hot sauce, black pepper, nutritional yeast.

if i do eat a lunch it will usually be a peanutbuter and jam or honey sammich, cereal, or salad.

if you're not doing it because you truly care about animal welfare or the environment you probably won't stick to it.

>> No.14735873

Maybe, but only if you center your entire life around your food building and maintaining a complex diet as to get all you need to survive. Normal people can barely survive without diet restrictions, let alone being vegan.

>> No.14735916

Why are you asking these retards? They sincerely thought a SLICE OF CHORIZO SALAMI was a HECKIN star from the james webb telescope.

Ask on bodybuilding MISC instead if you want real answers.