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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14731493 No.14731493 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks, science!

>> No.14731563

People actually fell for this. The absolute state of science "fans"

>> No.14731675
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>> No.14731971
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It was a harmless joke, something that scientists did often in the past. But he still felt like he had to apologize because way too many people fell for it and some were offended, sad.

Yeah but he didn't do that to mock the "I fucking love science" crowd. He's one of the good guys.
In pic-related he compares the people who believed so easily in this joke to the people who believed fake antivax "experts"
I guess there are some subjets that have become way to touchy.

>> No.14731999

>get caught hoaxing to "own the antivaxxers"
>"It's ok he's one of the good guys"

>> No.14732028

>fake antivax "experts"
I wonder who those are, the only "antivax" experts I know of are indeed experts

>> No.14732042

lol at French people. Only thing they're able to do nowadays is produce interracial porn.

So many interracial porn companies are owned by French people or people with French heritage.

>> No.14732164

if he were one of the good guys he'd be exposing the vaxperts

>> No.14732170

That's not his field of expertise.

>> No.14732191

he's still mocking one side

>> No.14732199

Catalog, OP, ever heard of it?

>> No.14732206

It doesn't matter what his intention was, that's not interesting to me. Let the man have his jokes. What's interesting is how many "lovers of science" mistook a goddamn salami for a red dwarf and then had the gall to blame him for misleading people. sad.

>> No.14732229


>> No.14732633

Heckerino luvin’ it like a big geek nerd!!!!!!’nnn

>> No.14733086

Anyone have the reddit post comments when this was first posted . Just wanna see them all falling for it lol

>> No.14733095

Just remember the pattern is:
>What? You doubt it is real? YOU HATE SCIENCE!
>What? Revealed as a hoax?
You are here
>How dare they!
>I was never fooled.
>Nobody was fooled.
>You were fooled by it, science hater.

>> No.14733104

>one of the guys
>>antivax bad
>implying the people who fell for it are only wrong because they didn't trust the "experts"
>not because they are RETARDED IDIOTS who don't know what chorizo or a star look like

>> No.14733118 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 473x722, 1659711040609563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science, the property of Satan

>> No.14733419

It’s time to GEEK OUT and really heckerino worship the slice of chorizo. Those who doeth not shall be cast into science hell!!!!!!

>> No.14733424

Salami, Scienceist, ever heard of it?

>> No.14734425

mutt's law

>> No.14734588

Based baguette eaters dabbing on the hambergicans.

>> No.14734599

nothing is naturally flat, why would the earth be?

>> No.14734614

probably the stupidest ball earth argument

>> No.14734644

Please watch this video and then come back and tell us all why you are wrong.


>> No.14735237

The greeks were wrong. The sphere is not the most perfect geometric shape, we know now that it's actually the flat plane that is the most perfect. That should be all the proof you need.

>> No.14736608

Now imagine how many things are faked when they put atleast a little of effort.
Give it enough time and you'll see

>> No.14736621

if he didn't reveal that it's a slice of chorizo /sci/ would autistically defend that it's a real picture of a star

>> No.14736623


>> No.14736664

Of course the problem is the retarded people who fell for it and then were mad at the guy instead of laughing with him like they did before since the chorizo hoax is a well known recurring one. it shows how bad things have become in internet discussions.

But that doesn't change the fact that anti-science people here are trying to twist what happened to their advantage when they were originally the target of the joke. You should constantly be reminded that no matter how loud you shout "I fucking love science" ironically, you'll always be on the wrong side of the debate.

>> No.14736669

how was that joke aimed at "anti-science" people, when they don't trust what scientists posts anyway?

>> No.14736679

>getting butthurt about chorizo
vegans did this, didn't they

>> No.14737365

Is it true that people here fell for it?

>> No.14737386

did you came out of the woodworks just for this?

>> No.14738419 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 1080x608, IFLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14739069

>Yeah but he didn't do that to mock the "I fucking love science" crowd
And yet that was the end result.

>> No.14739102

No, a flat plane requires immeasurable extension to infinities where a sphere consistently repeats itself every 2 pi, so doesn't need immeasurable infinities.

>> No.14739104

>get caught hoaxing
Since when is trolling hoaxing?

>> No.14739389
File: 48 KB, 800x800, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14740056

I always enjoy the "close Sun" arguments for the image's implication that the Sun is in fact only a few miles up and this has somehow managed to evade everyone else's notice.

>> No.14741343


>> No.14741404

>I wonder who those are, the only "antivax" experts I know of are indeed experts
You will not get an answer on this. This is a propaganda forum and that's the normal.
The glownigger or whatever simply wants to repeat his lie. In a total idiotic way, out of any context. That's how they work and are, liars and idiots. He binds your energy in this forum now even below reddit.

>> No.14742312


>> No.14742324
File: 216 KB, 801x642, 989EB964-0EAB-49CC-9ABA-CD95FCB01D24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The social experimentation guy teaching his braindead instagram followers (whom he deeply respects) a lesson