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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14727736 No.14727736 [Reply] [Original]

After thinking about it for a while, I've come to the conclusion that this board is dead because of an influx of people with very rudimentary math skills.
Look at the IQ threads (or IQ general now, kek), and you'll see people doing the same mistake social scientists/retards usually do, since they've never taken a single course in statistics.

I miss when this board was full of venerable, autistically erudite, yet degenerate oldfags; people who just knew their shit. These days, it's nothing but underage phoneposters regurgitating whatever their favorite e-celeb said.

>> No.14727746

i know what you mean, i start with sci 2 years ago it was great till /pol/tards schizos start to swarm this board with their conspiracy theories transphobia vaccine demonization and climate change denialism

>> No.14727749

>These days, it's nothing but underage phoneposters regurgitating whatever their favorite e-celeb said.
Its called summer retard.

>> No.14727762

Faraday had nearly no math skills and was a physics genius. Nobody will name the cap unit after you, you humongous math faggot.

>> No.14727770

Yes the board has definitely suffered quite a bit in quality these last few years because of the pandemic.
It used to be so great, I remember fairly advanced discussion going on in nearly every thread. Cambridge math PhDs and shit posting too.
I think the biggest problem right now is that we have too few interesting threads up, thats why every now and then I try to start a cool thread.
Maybe everyone should aim to do the same.

>> No.14727787

>2 years ago
Ive been on /sci/ since 2019, and its been the exact same, lmao. Dumbass. Nothing has changed. The only somewhat productive time on /sci/ was on the discord server. This board has always been fucked, since probably 2016. Idk. That's what people say. But that claim of yours that /sci/ has degenerated over 2 years is Bullshit. It's been degenerate and unproductive FOR 2 years. Constant. Same.

Idiot, newfag.

Also, ywnbaw

t. Math major at a top school

If you want math discussions: go to a college and talk to your professor. What are you doing here?

>> No.14727799

who talk about math? im here for climate change, vaccine threads and gender awareness

>> No.14727804
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Exactly. As it should be.

>> No.14727833

>Ive been on /sci/ since 2019
Yeah, it started going to shit then. It definitely has degenerated bro, and big time.
I've been here since I started my bachelors in 2016.
It used to be way better.
Or well, it might be that since my knowledge has advanced so much ever since the board just seems to have degenerated when it fact it just has stayed pretty much the same.
I think it just has degenerated to be honest

>> No.14727842

I think it's you advancing in knowledge, also you being here since 2016. You said 2 years. I can testify the changes in two years, not before. many grad students complained about how /sci/ turned into IQ land and a bunch of low level nonsense in 2019, to me. Thats another testimony.

By the time I was browsing sci, I was into topology and diff geo, while most posters were like 15 and asked stupid bullshit. Its always been a low level board: dumb math questions (basic algebra, or calculus I stuff), IQ threads, climate change.

I never had hope. But I read that sci once made a contribution to a math problem. So, that does suck knowing such things existed, and now its gone.

>> No.14727854

>Claims board is dead
>Claims he brings in quality
>Doesn't post his quality thread
>Posts crying like baby that we don't talk about his toy

>> No.14727897

Why do you make this thread every week? Your brain isn't good enough to merit this thread more than once a month.

>> No.14727935

I'm just a new fag here but these kinds of meta-commentary posts come off as ironic, they are far more common than you'd think. Just let the surplus of IQ posts and erroneous mathematics wash over you, and if you ever feel nostalgic look back through the archives to see that nothing really changed.

>> No.14727974

its just verb-niggers thinking they are contributive to society lol

>> No.14727978

The IQ shit used to be much worse back in 2014.
I don't think the overall quality of the board got worse, people always used it to shitpost about popular current events.

>> No.14728007
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You’re complaining about summer.

>> No.14728054

Its astonishing that despite the crazy amount of content the internet provides there is not one centralized hub where apolitical, rational and reasonably educated people can access a reliable source of news, science related topics, self education programs, and generally useful information. All without spin, an agenda or a political slant. So far as is reasonably possible.

I used to watch Al Jazeera for world news. But the outbreak of the Ukraine war showed just how facile their reporting is.

I want to come home, log into a site that shows a brief summary of news, with further detail available if I am interested, gives a selection of science and maths videos to watch which aren't some childish bullshit but also aren't PhD level, do some online study on whatever topic I want, and then watch a short documentary about history, or how to build something, or how to fix a toilet, or an impartial and balanced discussion about electric cars.
Instead I have to spend almost as much time plowing through all the bullshit before I can find something, usually at random, that is of interest and which isn't obviously biased. But because I clicked on some shit Vsauce video, or wanted to watch a Wet Leg music video, fucking google decides I want to watch lots more of that.
I would have liked to have learned more about Covid without 90% of every video or article being some Government tripe, some idiot's disinformation, or some lunatic pro-vaxxer or lunatic anti-vaxxer talking through his ass. An interview with medical professional and researchers around the world, with verifiable credentials, would have been nice.
It would be nice to have a search function that filters on the basis of user inputs. Like your age, education, interests. Basically allows you to customize the amount of prescribed and random content that you want to be exposed to. But fucked if I can find anything like that.

>> No.14728096

Pitch your idea to someone with money

>> No.14728111

>I miss when this board was full of venerable, autistically erudite, yet degenerate oldfags
It never was

>> No.14728119

I've been here on and off since 2007. I took a break for a few years in 2018. Nothing has changed all that much except the board is slower / less people than there used to be.

>> No.14728177

It is all by design.
A free market would have facilitated all of this.

>> No.14728187

There's no money to be made with that idea.

>> No.14728231

This place was never good, and you're a delusional fuck if you think otherwise. This place is a cesspool of anti-intellectualism, garbage, and degeneracy. This is due to the fact that this board mostly attracts the lower percentile of the academic class, if anyone here were actually smart or skilled in their craft, they wouldn't seek this place out for discussion or validation, they would have plenty of stimulation given their academic standing. The rest are schizos, /pol/tards, and self studiers (LOL) that have convinced themselves that they're doing something significant to distract from the ever growing dread of their shitty life, biding their time until they an hero. The old days were no different, there was maybe one or two good threads here and there, but it was all the same shit, attracting all the same garbage. If you're someone of halfway decent intellect, stay far away from this place, it doesn't deserve your contributions. This place deserves to burn and its inhabitants hung, shot, or thrown into a gas chamber. The internet and humanity would be better off for it.

>> No.14728237

This board has always been one of the slowest and "dead" you retard. Think about it, it's "Science and Math" shit that 95% of the population loathed having to do in school. The only people here are genuinely autistic mathheads and people who want to posture as smart, not a lot of appeal huh.

>> No.14728240

>people who want to posture as smart
That's /lit/

>> No.14728260

The average IQ on /lit/ is 105 but that's still a whole standard deviation higher than /sci/. :^(

>> No.14728345

This place is filled with pretentious nerds who didn't get bullied enough in grade school.

>> No.14728349


>> No.14728358

I blame the new slider captchas and the fact that the new captchas have recently become harder.
When it was a matter of clicking on 3 fire hydrants or 3 mountains anyone would post.
But now with sliders and 6 letter captchas its just becoming a pause, a hand shift away from one's dick, and a few finger movements too much extra effort.
When the new slider catchas were first introduced it also became painfully obvious that many posters were in-house bots, i.e. part of the 4chan system, since criticisms of the new captchas was frequently met with obviously automated replies to the contrary.

>> No.14728364

Oh God, that cuts me to the bone. What am I doing with my life? Yes, you are right. I need to leave this place and never come back....
...say, what are you doing here then?

>> No.14728365

Do you make the same bullshit meta threads on stackexchange? "Hey fags, I don't like the content you post. It's your obligation to entertain me!" You know exactly what would happen. Your post would be rightfully downvoted and deleted. But on 4channel retards like you feel entitled to make these pointless meta whining threads every day. You don't like the board? Then get the fuck out.

>> No.14728382

Burn you degenerate tranny.

>> No.14728393

Speak for yourself. I'm a nobel laureate with TWO publications in nature. Seethe and cope and dilate and kys.

>> No.14728397

>nobel laureate with TWO publications in nature
>in nature
lmao even

>> No.14728400

Seethe more. Cope more. Dilate harder. In that order. YWNBPIN

>> No.14728403

Take a hot spike and shove it up your mother's cunt till it comes out of her skull then stick up your ass and call yourself nancy.

>> No.14728423

Yeeeeah no 2016 /math lurker here for my undergrad
definitely always been a conspiracy type threads

>> No.14728430


>> No.14728440
File: 259 KB, 1594x845, betterplacethanreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't on /r/reddit?


>> No.14728461

You are genuinely retarded

>> No.14728521

There are people that still defend therapeutic covid injections as "safe and effective" vaccines, despite the real world evidence that Faucci/pharma lied, its not effective, and its not safe.

>> No.14728524

>I fucking LOVE SCIENCE(TM)!!!!

>> No.14728538

The internet and humanity would be better off for it.

yes the 100 people that browse here really effect the scientific community at any significant level, While /r/sci has 24million subs and 5000 browsing daily

Why are you over dramatizing your point?

>> No.14728546

Get the fuck out tourist 4chan has always hated trannies and nogs

>> No.14728556

>the 100 people that browse here
Lurk moar newfag

>> No.14728564

>redit is real people guys
>they actually love science!

>> No.14728618

there's 24 posters here, on a 8 hour thread, You're going to claim 1000 people lurk here daily

>> No.14728636

>I miss when this board was full of venerable, autistically erudite, yet degenerate oldfag
Never happened.
Shit-tier bait that idiots will take seriously.

>> No.14728638

To be fair, this thread is extreme gay.

>> No.14728639

My math skills suck lol
>t. Chemchad

>> No.14728640

Everyone doesn't post in every thread. In fact most people probably only post in a couple at a time.

>> No.14728642

No fucking shit, thats why i said 100 people "browse here"

>> No.14728655

If you weren't mind-numbingly stupid, you would have realized that my point was actually that if 24 people are in a single thread, 100 for the entire board is an underestimate.

>> No.14728734
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>> No.14728751
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>These days, it's nothing but underage phoneposters regurgitating whatever their favorite e-celeb said.
You're observing the scientific and technical aspects of information warfare. Glowniggers and their stooges are engaged in an aggressive campaign to create a monolithic authoritative source of "truth" which has google, faceberg, twitter, cnn and the washington post as the arbiters of all significant information.

>> No.14728752

newfags dont know about board culture anymore, /sci/ isnt dead, 4chan is

>> No.14728761

nah youre lying, ive also been here since 2019 and at least half of the math posters left late 2020 when half of all threads here were about vaccines and covid, its definitely not the same as it was before, /sci/ is faster and objectively has more uneducated simpletons

>> No.14728776

>still believing covid "vaccines"
Just leave shill lmao

>> No.14729088

If you look at archives, you will see a very similar cataloug. I am unsure about whether or not math posters left, but I am sure the general way the board has worked is the same. Everytime I asked an advanced question, or wanted to say something I would get no responses. Unlike reddit. This was in 2019. Ive always thought of this in sci. Also, the grad students I talked to were oldfags from 2008 or something. They agreed. Maybe they were lying too though, idk.

I can concede to math posters declining, but you have no proof. All math posters were in generals (math and sqt). This was always the case. As I realized later. If math posters left, I figure it is because most of those posters became trannies, then got bullied- or suddenly got offended.

I met a lot of people into math when I was 16: half of them became SJWs or trannies. I think that's the reason to math posters leaving. In such a case: blame the outside world for pushing tranny propoganda on people. Transphobia has always been common here. I am one included.

In eithercase, as people are born, and more people become radicalized: I feel that new posters will fill this new gap. And the cycle continues. At the school I go to (super leftist) they actually have a club for rightwinged people- because they have to allow contrarian groups- and it has like the most members of any club (~400). This is a leftwinged stem school. Also my math counselor always has this face of disgust when talking about humanities courses and marxism.

So, I think the gap of math posters will fill, IF you are right that math posters left in the first place. In such a case, /sci/ will now be only half as shit as you say it is. Though the cataloug wont change.

>> No.14729226

Apparently no one can recognize b8 anymore. Maybe this board really is dead.

>> No.14729305

>and you'll see people doing the same mistake social scientists/retards usually do,
what exactly do you mean?

>> No.14729322

As a retarded /g/tard lurker, i'm inclined to agree.

>> No.14729349
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how can we scientifically resolve the phoneposter problem

>> No.14729379

It's been dead since around 2011. The fact that it took you that long to realize this means that you're part of the problem. Social media has destroyed the internet that once was. Including this shithole. Time to accept what is.

>> No.14729946

>There's no money to be made with that idea.

Exactly. The sort of people this would appeal to are a vanishingly small minority. Unbiased? Balanced? Non-political? Educational? Self improvement? Are you fucking crazy? Only 1% of the population are into that. The cost of building the platform and then reaching that very small user group would exceed the cost of revenue. Even if by some miracle it was successful to any extent it wouldn't be long before copy cats showed up, or worse, one of the big platforms noticed and developed their own "niche" app. The moment you showed any decent revenue is the moment you would be squeezed out.
It could be done if you were already very big and had huge resources to throw at and to defend the project. But in that case why would you bother expending resources on a risky sub par investment? Much easier to just rake in money from the 99% of the population whose idea of intellectual stimulation is watching bimbos pout on Tik Tok

>> No.14729974

>start to swarm this board with their conspiracy theories transphobia vaccine demonization and climate change denialism
Can't refute them, ignoring the prove that there are no viruses at all but is pretty sure other people are the problem. Guy you are part of the problem, a big one.

>> No.14729988
File: 83 KB, 870x441, common_core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this board is dead because of an influx of people with very rudimentary math skills.

Are you saying common core math is a failure!

>> No.14729993

it's over. all the boards are dead. time to leave.


>> No.14730308

Is anyone capable of translating that video into plain speak? My brain hurts trying to make sense of it.

>> No.14730323

Have sex

>> No.14730742

A fairly good example of the type of poster that kills this board.
Stupid, moronic and incapable of anything more than short monosyllabic sentences.

>> No.14730791
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>> No.14730795

>since 2019
You should still be lurking, newfag.

>> No.14731233

Dude you dont have to think too hard you can just spend two seconds browsing the catalogue to see this board is a steaming pile of shit.