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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14724637 No.14724637 [Reply] [Original]

>religion and science are incompatible
Where did this meme came from?

>> No.14724648

it came from logic and facts

>> No.14724660

It depends on the religion.

>> No.14724664
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For the scientist, the serpent who gave the fruit of knowledge to Adam and Eve is the "good guy", a total inversion of what good and evil is.
Scientists have fallen and become the most insufferable and foolish kind of men thanks to their own ego and pride, thinking they are just way too smart not to grasp the laws of the universe and reality.

>> No.14724668

Human arrogance.
When their messengers came to them with clear proofs, they were prideful in whatever ˹worldly˺ knowledge they had,1and were ˹ultimately˺ overwhelmed by what they used to ridicule. 40:83

Saying I won't believe in what experimental science can't prove means all the stuff science discovered in recent years never existed before. They a bunch of arrogant infidels and they deserve what's coming for them in the afterlife. Science is the new miracle. Because the more we know about the details of ourselves and what's around us and how a lot of things work, the more it becomes apparent that there must be a designer behind it all.

"We will soon show them Our signs in the horizons and in themselves until it is evident to them that it is the Truth. And does it not suffice as to your Lord that He is The Ever-Present Witness over everything?" 41:53

>> No.14724672

>scientist spent years carefully doing experiments in order to understand nature a little better
>religious guy says its wrong because its not in the old book and old book is always right because yes

>> No.14724681
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Sure thing soientist.

>> No.14724691

the voices in your head aren't god talking to you, you are a schizo

>> No.14724732
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>> No.14724742

If you're the person posting bible verses and you believe any of that shit, you're not brainwashed. You're retarded.

>> No.14724754
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Oy vey

>> No.14724763

Atheists that particularly hate Christianity

>> No.14724767

oc they are, both sides agree

>> No.14724806

They are obviously incompatible when a religion continues to believe things that have been proven wrong by science and willfully ignore facts and reality. And especially when religious people want to impose their opinions while mocking science because "it's obviously wrong" when they are the ones using invalid arguments like "god did it" or "because it's written in my holy book"

I mean, what happens most of the time with religious people even on this board, a 'science' board ? They can't accept seeing discussions that don't involve God. Some religious people will derail any thread that talk about the bigbang or consciousness or evolution for example because they're mad when those discussions don't involve God or the concept of soul. Science don't work with things that aren't tangible at all and can't be studied at all or we'd need to take seriously any inane thing anyone came up with.

And then you have all the people who places religion above science when they have an argument about something purely biological for example which don't make sense at all.
An also those who will mock scientific "theories" because they don't understand what a theory is.

Religions could be compatible with science as a complementary thing but that's not what happens, generally religion want to be above all else.
So they are incompatible for the most part because religious types are making all the efforts possible to make them incompatible. I mean look at most of the answers to OP's question ITT.

>> No.14724843
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>> No.14724892

From atheists obviously to strengthen the validity of their ideology.
Midwits tend to perpetuate it more than atheist thinkers tho

>> No.14724946

I don't think you understand what religion really is

>> No.14724949

>They are obviously incompatible when a religion continues to believe things that have been proven wrong by science
Like what?

>> No.14724959

Overreacting caused by the tyranny from Christianity over scientific progress

>> No.14725014

projection, the post

>> No.14725019

Religion claimed several truths in the past that science proved false, this lead to a century of them being often at odds. Now though many church heads changing their stance to support that science it's not really an issue anymore but some sects hold firm and still claim the research is wrong to this day.
These days you can be most religions without your church disagreeing with scientific consensus but there are a few holdouts that make it incongruent.
You can also claim any religion while disagreeing with the churches official position so nothing is set is stone.

>> No.14725021
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Atheism is a cult, a false religion, idolatry.

>> No.14725046

Catholic church was the biggest supporter of scientists in middle ages

>> No.14725054

And by scientists you mean people who made copies of greek philosophy books?

>> No.14725062

>Religion claimed several truths in the past that science proved false
[Citation needed]
Science can't even prove I'm not a brain in a vat.

>> No.14725064

Smart people may believe in God and magic, but they aren't exactly religious.

>> No.14725067
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Maybe from scientists trying to tackle questions like the origins of life and being met with rabid resistance from those who believe God made them out of dirt.

>> No.14725072
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Imagine still believing the theory of evolution.

>> No.14725075

Case in point.

>> No.14725085

>those who believe God made them out of dirt
Are those who believe life made itself out of dirt really that much smarter?

>> No.14725086
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As if more proof is required that science is thrash, full of arrogant people who dare claim to understand the universe and where mankind comes from.
There is not a single proof the theory of evolution is true, yet it's a dogma among the atheists, leftist parasites.

>> No.14725090

Monasteries used to have their own laboratories.

>> No.14725091

I like how you're too dumb and primitive to even remember what the original discussion was about and instantly get sucked back into your standardized seethe routine.

>> No.14725102
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Not an argument soi boy.
Why do you exist, if not for God?

>> No.14725106 [DELETED] 

The argument was made way back here >>14725085 and it stands unaddressed.

>> No.14725109

The argument was made way back here >>14725067 and it stands unaddressed.

>> No.14725111
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Either you believe you exist for no reason which is absurd and what most soientists believe or you believe you exist thanks to God which is far more reasonable.
You soientists are the most dishonest scum to walk this Earth and hopefully the vaxx liberates mankind from your influence.

>> No.14725116

Atheist bot needs to spam in order to drown the conversation out.

>> No.14725121

>t. quadrivaxxed jew-worshipping NPC
Drink your koolaid.

>> No.14725123
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Projection: The post

>> No.14725137

You can't choose to reject all dogmas and to follow several dogmas without questioning at the same time. Well, you can, but you shouldn't be able to.

>> No.14725139

Philosophy can't prove you're not a brain in a vat, that isn't an area for science.

>> No.14725151

>you shouldn't be able to.
Why not?

>> No.14725166

Christiancucks they ruin everything. Not even norsefags and celticfags, not even buddhists are this anti science as christcucks.

>> No.14725168
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Oy vey

>> No.14725203

>you exist thanks to God which is far more reasonable

>> No.14725211

That definition of atheism and that understanding of the bigbang is at the level of "why are there still monkeys if we evolved from monkeys ?"

> Like what?
Flat earth, that the bigbang never happened, the fact that dinosaurs never existed, that we never went to space or to the moon, that evolution is wrong, that as humans we're something different than animals, etc. all of those anti-science beliefs have a religious basis.

>> No.14725213

>[Citation needed]
The fact that the earth was the center of the universe ?
That the sun was the center of the universe ?
That Earth was 6000 years old ?
That humans are not primates ?
That schizophrenia and epilepsy were definitely demon possessions ?

>> No.14725215
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The religion of soience is incompatible with other religions the same way any religion is incompatible with any other religion.

>> No.14725218

Just have faith mate :^)

>> No.14725242

>That schizophrenia and epilepsy were definitely demon possessions ?
That's correct though

>> No.14725285

My grandad was a freemason, everone in my family was a freemason, my dad didnt become one because a club for boomers wasnt appealing to him and because it died out.
If you look for it there's bound to be a freemason club in your city.
It seriously isnt anything even remotely comparatable to some secret society conspiring for control, its more like a social club for upper class boomer males.
That's it really

>> No.14725310

science is itself a belief system.
It's like saying devout pagans can get along with devout muslims.

religion is not a word which means "you believe in god and ancient sorcery".
what does it mean to do something religiously?
means to believe in it, do it often, usually through rote.

modern science believers take more for granted in the name of the invisible "Science" man behind the clickbait articles, than people who really really really like their book about some stuff that happened with angels n god n shit.

radio is literally magic and not a function of the material world where Earth is located. humans didn't invent it. speed of light is neither measurable at the claimed speed (too fast for humans), nor actually real (information can go much quicker). Atomic Clocks aren't real either since humans can't measure that shit too. The goddamned SI standardized unit for a second is a measurement of hertz frequency, even though the hertz is defined by a cycle per second. Self referential retarded gobbledygook.

Even the month ordering on the calendar is retarded and everyone just takes that shit for granted. 7,8,9,10 = Sept,Oct,No,Dec. 366th day of the leap year is arbitrarily at the end of the 2nd month cause LOL XD RANDOM

fuck humans. sub-animals.

>> No.14725349

Somewhere in america sometime in the 1800s. Not sure why, but people began to interpret parts of the bible as literal that were previously thought to be allegorical. This then brings it into conflict with science which draws some very incompatible conclusions.

>> No.14725371

>Flat earth, that the bigbang never happened, the fact that dinosaurs never existed, that we never went to space or to the moon, that evolution is wrong, that as humans we're something different than animals, etc. all of those anti-science beliefs have a religious basis
No one with a brain takes genesis literally. That's just american protestants

>> No.14725376

Big bang was literally invented by a jesuit

>> No.14725393

look up

>> No.14725402

Consciousness and evolution do not require a god and do not indicate the existence of a god, but the big bang was clearly a creation event where a god created the universe.

>> No.14726049

>Consciousness and evolution do not require a god do not indicate the existence of a god
No, but the existence of consciousness is a little sus. Like, you have a God with a personal world he controls. And a common world with laws that force many organisms to learn to exchange information with those isolated Gods. Very sus.

>> No.14726057 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14726326

No one sane believes in the supernatural.

>> No.14726331
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>tfw not a doggu
>have "ruff tongue" so never fed peatnu butter
why live

>> No.14726348

>People doing math have a compass
Oh my goodness the secret societies are controlling society

>> No.14726353

It came from Catholic theologians that *repeatedly* insist upon the marriage of faith and logic within their religion and then *repeatedly* throw logic out the window.

Source: Catholic college grad

>> No.14726356

>How to tell if you flunked out of high school physics

>> No.14726363

It would make much more sense if there a magical super-being that came from nothing and then created everything from nothing and then told you not to shave the sides of your head

>> No.14726366

>source: dude, trust me

>> No.14726372

you can believe two contradicting things at once nobody will stop you, religions just adapt to the thinking of the times anyway ex. Jesus is your personal friend and is now cool with whatever you do

>> No.14726376

>Jesus is your personal friend
>and is now cool with whatever you do
not true, never true.

>> No.14726381
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Some people are TOO close to their pets.

>> No.14726382

They used to be pretty nasty people, apparently they would rip your tongue out if you told their secrets.

>> No.14726385

It has always been around, and has never been true. Most likely it originated from the Devil, trying to tempt weak people with shaky faith. Pay no mind to the lies, and take comfort in your own faith.

>> No.14726402

>infinite forgiveness
>no infinite forgiveness

pick one. this is why people don't seriously blend faith and logic.

>hurrr youre too black and white!!!1

youre retarded

>> No.14726410

>>infinite forgiveness
>>no infinite forgiveness
you have to actually be sorry and apologize in order to be forgiven, retard.
This is why no one takes atheists seriously, you have no idea what you are even arguing.

>> No.14726435

The earlier Judean writers came from a culture closer to the mesopotamia where the understanding of the divine was more materialistic, the later Jews and early Christians came to understand more of this was allegorical than originally intended because it fit their contemporary worldview better

>> No.14726438

I can easily forgive people who are not sorry. How can I, a mere mortal, be infinitely more forgiving than God? Maybe your ideology is just full of shit.

>> No.14726456

>Properly understood, justice constitutes, so to speak, the goal of forgiveness. In no passage of the Gospel message does forgiveness, or mercy as its source, mean indulgence towards evil, towards scandals, towards injury or insult. In any case, reparation for evil and scandal, compensation for injury, and satisfaction for insult are conditions for forgiveness.

>Thus the fundamental structure of justice always enters into the sphere of mercy. Mercy, however, has the power to confer on justice a new content, which is expressed most simply and fully in forgiveness. Forgiveness, in fact, shows that, over and above the process of "compensation" and "truce" which is specific to justice, love is necessary, so that man may affirm himself as man. Fulfillment of the conditions of justice is especially indispensable in order that love may reveal its own nature.

This is from "Dives In Misericordia" by Pope John Paul II.

You have a cariacture of God in your mind, and thus all your attempts to rebuke God by rebuking your laughable version fall flat.

>> No.14726459

Another one.
>In no passage of the gospel message does forgiveness, or mercy as its source, mean indulgence toward evil, toward scandals, toward injury or insult. In any case, reparation for evil and scandal, compensation for injury, and satisfaction for insult are conditions for forgiveness

>> No.14726462

>t. baby brain cancer is ok

>> No.14726477

>again resorting to beating up on his incorrect cariacture of God
imma just pray for you man. All your arguments have been BTFO for 2 thousand years. Are atheists too retarded to read?

>> No.14726480

no dude... you just dont get it!!! god has a PLAN! its still faith&reason because uhhh... because god has a PLAN!

>> No.14726526
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I wonder why theyre so obsessed with geometry...

>> No.14726541

Religion never proves its points thats why its incompatible.

>> No.14726547
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>For the scientist, the serpent who gave the fruit of knowledge to Adam and Eve is the "good guy"

This is the gnostic interpretation. It is the real truth of the story.

Being told to stay in ignorance is the command of a petty god. Every time a child in Sunday school is scolded for asking a question that the 'adult' cannot answer, they become a reflection of the demiurge. The urge to rule over ignorant followers. The urge to bend other people to your unjust will.


Because of small mindedness and dogmas from both sides. Petty men that want to feel the thrill of bending children to their will, but without the character to justify their respect.

>> No.14726549

So what you're saying is that the claim that God is merciful is a complete lie, got it.

>> No.14726550

Highschool textbooks caused this, there is nothing, the universe always existed as a subplanck singularity that suddenly expanded for some reason [insert estimated age of the universe here] years ago.

>> No.14726565

>I can easily forgive people who are not sorry.

Because you are a weak minded fool. 'Forgiveness' like so many other words in our language, has been twisted for the benefit of those who would do evil to you.

'Forgiving' those who do not repent their actions simply encourages them to continue doing evil. You choose 'forgiveness' because you lack the strength to make things right.

Forgiveness is a wonderful thing that should be given without hesitation, to those that admit wrongdoing. For those who maintain they did no wrong, it is simply acquiescence and encouragement.

>> No.14726572

Grudges are for bitches. And holding such a grudge against someone for the "sin" of not kissing your ass that you would torture them for all of eternity is the pinnacle of bitchdom.

>> No.14726587

>Grudges are for bitches

No, bitches are the ones that quietly accept the abuse of others. You are the prison bitch accepting your role as the dumpster for the frustrations of others.

>the "sin" of not kissing your ass

You cannot even fathom the concept of admitting wrongdoing. You claim to be enlightened in your forgiveness, while you call anyone that doesn't agree with your weakness a 'bitch'.

Wanting someone to learn from their mistakes is just. Trying to convince yourself that you should just let that serial killer continue murdering innocent people because holding grudges is wrong is weakness.

>> No.14726603

Have you ever spoken to a scientist in any field ever. Most would love for you to test their experiments because it would mean they wouldn't have to again.

>> No.14726611

>i have no argument

>> No.14726633
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You can't make consistently accurate predictions with religion... because religion is based on faith, aka the assertion of facts without evidence.

You can make accurate predictions with science, because it's merely the investigation of facts through a process of inquiry... usually yielding a working theory that can generate models and predictions with some modicum of accuracy.

People would say they're incompatible largely because one takes an extreme leap (god), the other takes a very small leap (what my senses tell me are indicative of the truth of the reality around me)

>> No.14726666

>aka the assertion of facts without evidence
>TIL eyewitness reports are not evidence.
2 thousand years ago a man proclaiming to be the Messiah preached of love and performed miracles of such abundance and magnitude that thousands of people literally left their jobs and followed him around the Levant. He was crucified to death and according to first-hand accounts rose again.

This was such a big event that hundreds of his followers spent every last moment of their lives telling people what happened so that people may not forget. These same people never recanted their faith and lived in abject poverty until they were tortured to death.

Yeah, i'll believe these people who were actually there and wrote down what they saw over...you, who ironically says
>what my senses tell me are indicative of the truth of the reality around me

>> No.14726673

>inconveniencing me in any way = literally murder

>> No.14726674

>2 thousand years ago a man proclaiming to be the Messiah
Nice quads Satan
I'm not falling for your lies

>> No.14726685

>2 thousand years ago a man proclaiming to be the Messiah preached of love and performed miracles of such abundance and magnitude that thousands of people literally left their jobs and followed him around the Levant. He was crucified to death and according to first-hand accounts rose again.
Except there's zero evidence that any of that shit happened.
>i'll believe these people who were actually there
The people who wrote the gospels weren't there. They were written a hundred years after the supposed events.

>> No.14726706

>Except there's zero evidence that any of that shit happened.
People dont just become hardcore believers of nothing anon. Plus a multitude of written accounts from both the Jewish temple and the Roman records.
>The people who wrote the gospels weren't there. They were written a hundred years after the supposed events.
Wrong, thats just when things started getting compiled. Homer wasnt at Troy either.

>> No.14726731
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So, is this just a weak cherry pick for convenience?
Religion makes claims (like genesis) that are just assertions. It tells people how to behave in story formats. It even attempts to dictate a universal morality.
But at the end of the day, religion doesn't save anyone, it comforts them as they die of curable illness, or needless starvation, or arbitrary crusader wars... it also doesn't help people advance as a civilization, which makes sense, given it was supposed to conform people in an ancient civilization.

Science on the other hand is just guessing, and then verifying with experimentation. With the bonus of using past results to fuel future guesses... the byproduct being meaningful/useful advancement.

Trying to defend religion with accounts of jesus against something like science is legit retarded. Again... science only requires that your observations are indicative of reality. It's extremely more credible than stories made up by sand jews looking to usurp their modern power hierarchies.

>> No.14726733

>People dont just become hardcore believers of nothing anon.
Scientology and mormonism and islam prove you wrong.
>a multitude of written accounts from both the Jewish temple and the Roman records
There are no accounts of Jesus the messiah; only of Christians and they were always seen as cultist freaks until they hijacked the empire.
>thats just when things started getting compiled.
Because that's when the cargo cult came into existence.
There are no contemporary records of Jesus the messiah.

>> No.14726749

Lets have a real discussion after you hit puberty anon. The Bible is just as relevant now as it was back then. Thats because morality IS universal, and dictated by God.
you are so wrong just read any fucking book. The historicity of Christ is something even faggot atheists you worship like Pinker acknowledge. Not even worth debating you.

Praying for you both, lets see what your "senses" tell you when you die.

>> No.14726760

>Where did this meme came from?
From the scientific disproval of many magical claims by organized religions. A somewhat natural conclusion to draw from religion getting dabbed on again and again is that religion is simply false. However, actually disproving the philosophical notion of religion itself is outside the domain of science. Religion is only incompatible with science when religion makes claims about the natural world that can be assessed and disproven scientifically.

>> No.14726764

Jesus is a myth, deal with it, delusional faggot.

>> No.14726782

>Wanting people who do wrong to apologize=unreasonable

Your attempts to make the truth seem absurd bely your pride.

>> No.14726784

I don't know who Pinker is and I don't care because unlike (you), I'm capable of thinking for myself.

>> No.14726789
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And how many people, living in different circumstances, with different needs, in different contexts need to die for you to be satisfied?

Morality isn't universal, what's good for a person or group of people isn't universal. Trying to enforce that is peak hubris/egoism... don't act like shifting the buck to the people who wrote the books makes it any better. Universal morality is literally the equivalent of saying: "I know everyone's needs better than they do".

Easy examples you can understand: "Murder in self defense, hate with which to preserve the things you love from their aggresors, greed with which to fuel ambition, etc"

God is just that apriori assertion they use to posit why you should listen to any of their other baseless assertions to begin with.

>> No.14726791

Wanting people who do wrong to apologize =/= refusing to forgive people for not apologizing.
And if someone's an abusive cunt, just cut them out of your life. Holding grudges will just harm your health.

>> No.14726797

>Wanting people who do wrong to apologize == refusing to forgive people for not apologizing.

That's exactly what it is.

>just cut them out of your life. Holding grudges

Refusing to associate with someone is holding a grudge. You are so full of contradictions you are incoherent.

>> No.14726805

That's not holding a grudge. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, it just means you don't seethe about it and instead you get on with your life.

>> No.14726818


That absolutely is holding a grudge.

Not forgiving does not mean seething. It simply means you will seek justice and retribution where you are able.

>> No.14726836

Smart people are much more atheistic than the general population. Most of the NPCs in society are religious because their parents told them to believe it. This meme is a shitty cope.

>> No.14726846

>Smart people may believe in God and magic
No they don't. The National Academy of Sciences is 92% atheist/agnostic.

>> No.14726847

>Smart people are much more atheistic than the general population
And by "smart people" you mean "academic midwits", which just goes to confirm that narrow, indoctrinated, oversocialized minds are always in line with the institutional status quo.

>> No.14726851

Jesus himself was obviously a real person and the details of his life are obviously exaggerated, simple as

>> No.14726853

>the most prestegious scientists are more atheist than general scientists who are more atheist than the general population who are more atheist than 60 IQ niggers in Africa
Generally, knowing more about reality and how the world works makes you less likely to believe that everything was created by an invisible sky wizard who sent his son who was also him but also not him to Earth to be tortured to somehow save us from the punishment that he made up for no reason but only if you telepathically submit yourself to said son. Post as many baseless "midwits" memes as you can, that won't change the fact that your beliefs are only popular among stupid and ignorant people.

>> No.14726858

The top tier in terms of intelligence is significantly less atheistic than the academic midwits you keep putting up on a pedestal.

>invisible sky wizard
This stale, regurgitated strawman shows that no thought process was involved in the writing of your post. :^(

>> No.14726861

There have been many men named Jesus, but none of them performed miracles and they most certainly weren't God in the flesh.

>> No.14726868

>Interestingly, this difference is far more evident among distinguished scientists: Larson and Witham (1998) found that 92% of the members of the National Academy of Sciences reject a belief in God or higher power.
That is much higher than the atheism rate among the general scientists, or "academic midwits" as you call them despite nearly all of them probably having a higher IQ than you.
>This stale, regurgitated strawman shows that no thought process was involved in the writing of your post
I like how you picked out this part as if my entire argument revolved around the joke term I used the describe god. Your beliefs are completely nonsensical and you can't accept it because your mom and dad have been forcing this shit down your throat since before you could speak.

>> No.14726879

>but muh distinguished academics
Irrelevant. This is a heavily biased sample of people who choose to work for and within atheism-infested institutions. Highly intelligent people are surprisingly variable in their beliefs -- something you wouldn't have any experience with as a low-grade mdiwit.

>Your beliefs are completely nonsensical
You actually know nothing about my beliefs, schizo. Take your meds.

>> No.14726893

>people who choose to work for and within atheism-infested institutions
Why is it that highly advanced scientific institutions tend to be atheism infested? Could it be... no.
>Highly intelligent people are surprisingly variable in their beliefs
Something they have in common, however, is that they're unlikely to share your retarded made-up views of the world.
>You actually know nothing about my beliefs
A-actually you just don't understand all the intricases and nuances behind a story where all of humanity is punished because a talking snake convinced a rib woman to eat an apple, a crime that the creator knew was going to happen.
You believe in fairy tales.

>> No.14726900

>Why is it that highly advanced scientific institutions tend to be atheism infested?
The history behind it has nothing to do with your kindergarten narrative. I don't know what the rest of your schizobabble is about. You seem to be arguing with imaginary characters in your head.

>> No.14726914
File: 71 KB, 640x882, 9B763EC4-7D52-4D8D-84C7-A8830A3B423A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting how people ignored this post to instead pursue pointless bickering about lesser points...

>> No.14726916

>everyone needs to immediately address my kindergarten opinion!!
You've said nothing interesting or remarkable.

>> No.14726925

Why aren't you a freemason?

>> No.14726927


>> No.14726934

The inability to understand neither science or religion

>> No.14726940

Science is not a belief system, that's a half baked line of thinking originated with obsessed and dopey naturalists

>> No.14726941

This, it's not that religion is inherently incompatible with science, it's that all modern religions typically have parts which encourage disregarding empiricism and scientific theory in favor of one's emotions.

You technically can't completely disprove all the magical stuff Jesus has said to have done, but people in religion tend to regard such as 100% fact, even when our current scientific understanding of gravity points to things such as a human walking on water being completely impossible.

Religion and science definitely are complementary in ways, religion fills in the gaps of uncertainty and unexplained things to put minds at ease and science goes and verifies the validity of these of all these explanations from an unbiased perspective without the influence of human emotions. Humans were all polytheistic until we gained a better understanding of the moon, the sun, the ocean, etc and no longer needed individual gods to explain them all.

>> No.14726969

Low IQ take.