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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1472104 No.1472104 [Reply] [Original]

I grew up on Space. Star Wars, Star Trek, Gundam Wing, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Foundation, Ender's Game. My head was full of dreams of Space.

I read countless Astronomy books, including ones that should have probably been outside of my understanding. I lost myself in Lego creations and imagination, the adventures of Luke Skywalker, in the idea of Man going wherever he wills, with all the vast and incredible wonders of Space at his fingertips.

The Space Shuttle was a magical artifact, proof that Man had begun the journey to the stars, that I was not alone in my dreams.

>> No.1472127
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I believed in NASA, in America, in Europe, in China, in everyone. We would be able to go further, leave our troubles behind, and strive for a better future, where we no longer live with all our eggs in a basket with suicidal tendencies.

As I grew, I learned more of reality. I no longer believed my adulthood would be filled with Star Trek-age technology, with my own starship to travel the galaxy. Inspirational "Hard Scifi" books, such as Red Mars, served as more appropriate dream-feeders for my age.

>> No.1472148
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Each delay, each problem that plagued us as a species, was just another piece of evidence that we were moving forward, making progress. The unforeseen was a challenge that proved, in my mind, that we could forge a path to the future.

When the ISS was behind schedule, I didn't worry.
When Colombia burned up, I didn't worry.
When Bush proclaimed Space to be the next frontier, I cheered.
While progress slowed, the new designs for the future, the latest "What's Next" kept me occupied.

>> No.1472154

Go on

>> No.1472163
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And yet, I could not hide forever.

Cancellations of programs, reduced funding, politics, red tape, conflicts, wars, fighting, spending elsewhere, apathy, ignorance.

My dream is gone. Man seems all to eager to sleep in his cradle, while my mind strives to be free.

Where did we go wrong, /sci/? How could the species that brought itself to its natural satellite in less than a decade of effort fall so low?

>> No.1472165

your from newmars aren't you?

>> No.1472173

I noticed that someone told you to come here to start a meme

>> No.1472176

Don't worry Private corporations will take us back to the moon.

>> No.1472177

...increased funding...

>> No.1472181


I asked this because I have continually been in despair over the state of Space Exploration. What is meme-like about my question?

>> No.1472182

Lets try to make it better instead of complaining about it on the Internet.

>> No.1472187

Over its history, NASA has received less and less funding. Minor boosts do not reverse a long-term trend. NASA currently receives about half a penny of every tax dollar in the USA. As for other Space Agencies, I have less knowledge.

>> No.1472190

preoccupation with popularity instead of something awesome

panem et circenses is the bane of the populist civilization

>> No.1472198

There is no profit in a short-time frame (ie; the lives of the investors) in space.

>> No.1472200

I can write to politicians, but I'm only one man. I'm studying to be an engineer, but I'm only one man. Do you have an idea?

>> No.1472208
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>> No.1472209
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i can relate, op

we live on a planet full of people waiting to die and get rewarded for their faith. not much motivation for progress in a life they believe is just a test of faith.

>> No.1472210
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Shortsightedness will be our downfall.

>> No.1472214
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>> No.1472218


People just don't see the importance of it all the way we do man. My own family doesn't even give a shit. They'll humor me from time to time but 99% of my telescope sessions are done alone. They think I'm some kind of super genius because I love astronomy and physics and they assume whatever I have to say will go right over their heads. That's fine by me. You just have to find people that share your passion and surround yourself with them, and never forget that the government can't stop us from dreaming.

>> No.1472221
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>> No.1472222

Because we started wrong, space was a program, a medium to measure strength between two powers, and not a place to be developed and grown into. We touched the moon, but we did it with tools that were useless to do more than poke, then we lost interest and those that didn't were poisoned by visions of monolithic super programs that would never find a reason to be funded. Only now grudgingly are we looking at doing it right, many different groups doing different thing for different reasons, many will fail, some will die, but every success will seed paths to further growth.

>> No.1472235
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>> No.1472236

All the major world powers (with the exception of China) have democracy as a fundamental pillar of their government. Democracy is based, in some way, on majority, or popular, rule. The majority of people are idiots.

The best form of government in use today is nowhere near perfect, and results in situations like this one.

>> No.1472241

google "flyback booster" click second link

these folks are like all the best of space threads on /sci/ without the cancer

>> No.1472245

The shuttle was a ridiculous boondoggle which, if anything, set the space program back.

>> No.1472246
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>> No.1472255


>> No.1472264

As I recall, NASA needed funding for their new Super Shuttle, which would have great turnaround times and generally be a good, cheap space vehicle. The only ones that would fund it were the Air Force Brass, and they wanted to be able to use it as a weapon. NASA changed the design, Air Force said "lol whatever" and didn't use it, and now we have the LEO piece of crap we have today.

That sound about right?

>> No.1472265
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Tell me, what will I get for investing billions of dollars into this? That's right, nothing. Therefore, GTFO.

>> No.1472286

OP, this guy is the reason everything has gone to shit >>1472265

>> No.1472309

You likely don't know the half of it, read a book called "this new ocean", covers the history of space exploration up to the early 90's with a lot of focus on the politics behind the curtain, the politics played and out right lying done to get the shuttle flying is downright grotesque.

>> No.1472312

I am doing something. I will make a solar powered tug. First I will use it to ferry shit from leo to higher orbits, then I will buy satalites that where deliverd to unusable orbits and sell them to people who can now use them. Next I will ferry shit to the moon, land it on the moon shoot moon rocks up and ferry them back to reentry trajectory. I will sell the rocks to folks. I will continue tuging around satellites and selling moon dirt untill I can build a cannon on the moon to shoot shit out cheaper. Then I will start a platinum mine on the moon, flowed by a fuel prosing plant and manufacturing areas. I will build colony ships in parts shoot them to low lunar orbit for construction then its off to mars...

>> No.1472314

Ancient China had the art of massive shipbuilding down pat. They set out exploring, and discovered (and conquered) much. They then decided to cease exploration, and within a century lost the art. Europe came into the picture soon after, and China was whored out to foreign nations for centuries.

Moral of the story? Exploration is vital.

>> No.1472342

later I will make a magnetic train in the ort cloud 2-3 au long and shoot multi generational closed life support colony ships deep into space

>> No.1472345

Investing to explore the Earth with ships will easily give you power and profit within your lifetime, even years. Exploring space will be a massive money sink to start off with, and no "profit" for at least centuries.

>> No.1472385

Umm yea you faggots, we kinda have bigger issues to deal with than fucking throwing all our money into space. This is why scientists should never control money. They're too disconnected from reality.

>> No.1472410

We thought that space travel would be just like everything else we've ever accomplished: Hard to imagine but easier and easier to do once we understood it. We experienced technological advancement as a continuous upwards climb towards the simple and the routine.

We had gone from the beginnings of manned flight to a moon landing in a single human lifetime.

But space travel never got easier. There wasn't some amazing new power source out there that made it cheap and easy to escape Earth's gravity... and there's no natural world in space to provide air, water, comfortable temperature, and the protection from radiation that we take for granted here on earth.

>> No.1472417

does this look like /cosplay/ you fucking faggot?

>> No.1472422

In other words, the dream you had was a false dream. As much a fantasy as Tolkien's Middle Earth.

>> No.1472425


Yet Chinese exploration contributed nothing to Chinese society, since they really never discovered anything in the process. And they pretty much bankrupted themselves in the process, which was what led to that backlash in the first place.

>> No.1472442

Plus the costs inherent to space exploration dwarf anything on earth. Once you leave our atmosphere, there's nowhere as habitable as Antarctica anywhere within trillions of miles. That's daunting.

>> No.1472443

A neutral effect is preferable to a negative one, correct?

>> No.1472451

High expectations tempt us to exceed them...but when we expect so little, we fall apart...

>> No.1472458

There are two versions of the NASA Authorization Bill going through the legislative procedure in Congress right now... the original draft of the Senate version was pretty fucking sweet, but now in the newer versions, both the House and the Senate have caved into the pressure from the Constellationfags. Both bills now cut virtually all funding set aside to help the commercial industry develop, as well as most of the science and development funding in order to continue shoveling money into the black hole that is Ares I.

About the only thing you can do is write to your representatives asking them to support the original draft of the Senate bill and hope enough people do the same.

>> No.1472460

> Implying those people knew the exploration would pay off

>> No.1472468

I know a lot of people who expect the world to end within their lifetime because Jesus is coming back any day now. Will trying to exceed those expectations by working to end the world themselves lead to a brilliant new tomorrow?

>> No.1472470

That is why some research is being done on how moon bases may be self-supportive. With nuclear reactors (fusion, hopefull), moon bases, and even mars bases are doable, but are intially very expensive. Terraforming is also theoreticall possible, but is also very, very expensive and will take time.

>> No.1472480

Those people can't work, though. Their faith requires them to do nothing and just wish the world was a better place.

>> No.1472482

>implying the explorations did pay off

>implying exploring new lands for resources like cold and cotten, technology, trade, etc. weren't known to profit derp

>> No.1472487

You did not just seriously suggest terraforming the fucking Moon.

>> No.1472492

I meant Mars.

>> No.1472496

You should be ashamed to even call yourselves human beings.

>> No.1472501

Yes. If we had developed cheap, simple fusion in the 1970's then we'd be living in a brave new world. Heck, if we'd developed cheap, simple fission in the 1970's we'd be well on our way.

We didn't.

There is no energy technology on earth that works better than oil. Not for lack of scientific effort, but for lack of easy answers.

>> No.1472502

silicon world

>> No.1472504


>> No.1472505
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Hari Seldon would be disappoint.

>> No.1472507

That is such an embarrassing lie that I don't even know where to start.

>> No.1472513

More like cause funding for nuclear engergy was drastically cut cause of faggots protesting it from fear of another Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, etc.

>> No.1472518

Fuck. EVERYONE is disappointed with these guys.

>> No.1472520

We have trained ourselves to fear the word Nuclear, much like a dog salivates in anticipation of a meal. Pavlov would be proud.

>> No.1472523

Start with naming one energy resource that's as fungible, as energy dense, and as easily convertible into every kind of power as gasoline.

>> No.1472528


>> No.1472530

>Heck, if we'd developed cheap, simple fission in the 1970's we'd be well on our way.
We did. Politics prevents it from being used.

>> No.1472534

We only have nuclear power BECAUSE of fear. It's so absurdly expensive that it could only be justified as defense spending.

>> No.1472543

Nuclear is even cheaper than coal.

>> No.1472545

Things that are guaranteed to be around long after peak oil: The sun, Geothermal energy, the basic physics of nuclear reactions.

>> No.1472548
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>> No.1472554

None of those thing can really replace gasoline.

>> No.1472557

Those nuclear costs ignore the enormous defense subsidy that fuel enrichment receives.

>> No.1472558

Oh, I forgot about hydro-electric power.

>> No.1472560
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>> No.1472561

Yes, they actually do.

>> No.1472564

[citation needed]

>> No.1472574

Does Finland also get money from the US's defense budget?

>> No.1472575

Yeah, they work so well that we have solar, geothermal, and nuclear cars for sale right now.

>> No.1472578



>> No.1472582


>> No.1472583

Are you trolling or are you really that stupid?

>> No.1472588

We don't have that because there's is/was too much protest against nuclear energy research and developement.

>> No.1472590
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>OP expresses disappointment in apathy towards space program.
>anon suggests something people can do about it >>1472458
> /sci/ continues to philosophize about technocracies and and bitch and whine 'if only there was something we could do about it!'

>> No.1472592
File: 18 KB, 288x288, bakesale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's start a bakesale to raise funding to go the moon again, who's with me?

>> No.1472603

It's not stupid to realize that solar, geothermal, and nuclear power can't run a real car.

You have a point, but I still think a nuclear powered car is far fetched.

>> No.1472609


>> No.1472623

but that would require getting off their metaphorical asses and no longer being able to blame others for a lack of progress.

>> No.1472630








>> No.1472632

Sorry to burst your bubble there, but American public schools get more funding per pupil than any other country in the world. They DO 'get all the money they need'.

>> No.1472634

Politicians/rich people are the faggots that can do something, and whoever we elect turns out to be retarded.

>> No.1472635

Don't worry, OP. I'll take over this country one day and restore the pioneer spirit.

>> No.1472636

>derp, i don't know that superconductors at room temp. will be around within the next few 100 years, thus allowing totally electric cars, powered by solar farms on the other side of the planet

>> No.1472642

>Implying that the next few hundred years is now or the near future.

>> No.1472643



>> No.1472648


>> No.1472652

>Also implying tat solar will ever be competitive, that we won't have fusion by then, that we will still be confined to the earth, and that we will even be around by then.

>> No.1472653

>idiotfag forgot to check for samefag before accusing of samefag

>> No.1472657

>They DO 'get all the money they need'.
You're kidding, right? And it was just a random picture I put on the post. It's somewhat relevant.

>> No.1472667

And hey! Most of the progress being made today is funded by successful entrepreneurs like Bigelow, Musk, and Branson. Waiting for the second coming of JFK isn't going to accomplish anything.

>> No.1472687

Yes... but the thing politicians want more than anything else is to keep their asses in office.

YOU are their constituents. A congressman keeping his job depends on making sure his constituency is happy with the job he's doing. While it doesn't seem like writing a letter will make a difference, think about it from the perspective of your representative.
It's a midterm election season and you, like a LOT of congressmen are up for reelection - you NEED every vote you can get... and every person whose support you lose because of how you vote on a bill or the stance you take on an issue is potentially one less person voting for you, one less person convincing their friends and family to vote for you, one less person campaigning for people to vote for you.

Sacrificing one person's support can cost you one vote or it can cost you a whole district.

>> No.1472693


Fuck the corporations.

>> No.1472703

how about...
>fuck the evil corporations that only care about money

I mean, there are some small corporations that are kinda cool

>> No.1472728
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eat the rich, fight the system!

>> No.1472756

End corporate personalization, right a treacherous wrong that has plagued international society.

>> No.1472759

There has never once been a rich man who deserved his wealth. Prove me wrong, faggot.

>> No.1472778

>I could do something to make a difference... but I'd rather sit on my ass and complain about like... how stupid rich people are and how like... you know... the corporations and fatcats and stuff man... they're like... bad and junk...you know?

>> No.1472812
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A whiny child of privilege wants to argue about earning, ah 4chan never change.

>> No.1472878

Let's ask a better question for this board, what is the best medium where ideas on the space exploration issue can be discussed effectively? We want to be as open to original ideas as possible while still being able to avoid crap like this: >>1472812

>> No.1472922

Let's ask an even better question of this board: Are you content with sitting on your asses while NASA is stripped down and transformed into a glorified jobs program and while the developing private spaceflight industry is snuffed out... ensuring virtually all exploration and expansion in space is shut down in our lifetimes? Or would you rather do something about it?

>> No.1472957

go read some baxter and niven. the sci fi you listed is sub par at best.

>> No.1473023

I'm working with robotics, my immediate goals are terrestrial, but automation in manufacturing and agriculture will be key to developing space. If my ideas work out I'll certainly be investing some of them in space.

>> No.1474562

I want to do something about it. I've written and performed speeches at tournaments about Space, but that's about it.


>> No.1474678
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This, since nobody care about sending human in space we may as well cut the cost and send robot that will do repetitive job ten time faster.

Sometime I really wonder if our only chance would be to prepare things sort of like Hari Seldon.
World will collapse ? Stay out of range, brace for impact and rebuild behind showing the precedent model as utter failure.

Unfortunately since we surely won't agree about what goes bad it may be just a cyclic Chaos.

>> No.1474725
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I stopped paying attention the to shit in Congress right now. I'm just disappointed that Obama goes on endlessly about creating and saving jobs, but there's been a ton of layoffs at NASA.

So not only are we not going to space, but he's destroying the already fucked up lives of everyone in South Houston. Fuck you, Mr. President.

>> No.1474734

He's been saving other, useful jobs.
If NASA can't get us to Mars and back in a month with trillions of dollars in benefits, then no president will ever approve the budget needed for any real Space missions.

That's the harsh reality.

>> No.1475726
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>> No.1475765


This is for you OP.

>> No.1475786

ops image totally broke my heart again

>> No.1475821
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(>>1475726 here)

This is the most touching thread I've seen on /sci/.
Problem is there are more and more people on /sci/ on the opposite line of thinking.. I wish we could depart from each other.

>> No.1475845

This!! I'm going to write my senators too! Cmon guys, if enough of us write, and we convince enough other people to write, it might be enough to at least get their attention :)

Most of the jobs being lost are because of the shuttle program ending. There's nothing anyone can do about that anymore, the end of the shuttle program has been set in stone for six years now, and most of the architecture needed to continue the program has (like what happened with the Saturn V) been shut down for years already.

Constellation isn't a 'bold space plan'... it's just a very very expensive, taxpayer funded effort to keep as many of the shuttle jobs as possible. NASA is not a fucking jobs program... if you think aerospace engineers and the like are going to have a hard time finding a job you're out of your mind.

>> No.1475880

so much collectivist stuff going on here

>> No.1475940
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>Implying the coming generation of electric cars aren't real cars

>> No.1475945


If it took them less than a decade to put a man in space....

Don't you think they'll figure it out once the earth is unusable? It's not far off, definitely by the end of the century. OP, if you're in the same age bracket as the rest of us (14-30), I'm sure you'll get a chance to go to space.

>> No.1476171

... I think I'm going to go with the "make an effort to convince our elected officials NOT to completely fuck over space exploration for the next century" option over your "sit on my apathetic ass on the off chance that I get to go into space when I'm 90 years old" option.

>> No.1476327


>> No.1477275


>> No.1477926
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Pffff, like that would ever happen to us.

Ohhh.. waaiit..

>> No.1478521

It's not too late for us to redeem ourselves though... especially if we help get the private spaceflight industry up and running.

Hell, with so many countries and private interests wanting to start their own space program... 'space' could become an American export. How cool would that be.

>> No.1479158

OP here, I suppose the best I can do at the moment is to write my representatives and senators. Politicians are the ones that control NASA, even if indirectly.

I only hope the private industry manages to take up the slack, but it's a long-term investment.

>> No.1479260

Politics. The end of the space race, we didn't need to beat the Soviets anymore, WE HAD WON! Senators started looking to for money they didn't have to spend. There was a war going on after all. So they cut going to the Moon. But NASA still had ambition then.

It wasn't until 1977 when some senator got angry, went national television, and basically said building a space colony was stupid and that NASA's budget should be cut to the bone. After all we had plenty of land on Earth and we didn't need to have a space solar power satellite or space manufacturing capability. He got his wish and NASA's budget was cut to the bone.

>> No.1479326

NASA never really recovered from that. Their attitude changed. They lost ambition. "No we can't do that, if we do some senator might get angry at us and chop our funding some more." They didn't want to repeat what had happened before.

There's hope however, the Japanese space program is doing some pretty interesting stuff, they landed a probe on an asteroid, possibly sampling some dust on it, and that wasn't even the point of the mission. They deployed the first working solar sail. And they're doing all this on a shoe string budget.

The thing is though, they're doing this as a national economic recovery- national pride thing. They've even found a way to get the public involved, much more so than NASA does. IE putting anime characters on their spacecraft and personalizing their spacecraft into mangas.

Still they don't have any human spaceflight plans, but they're ambitious.

>> No.1479336

Which Senator? I want to read up on this.

>> No.1479377

a dead one.

>> No.1479403

American politics, the real reason why we will never have nice things.

>> No.1479427

Fuck waiting for someone else to do it... /sci/ needs to grow a pair, those of us pissed about the direction our space program is going need to actually DO something about it!

>> No.1479438

I'm writing to my senator as I speak.

>> No.1479448

before you do:

>> No.1479464

Fuck NASA, the future is in the private sector.


>> No.1479471

Don't see uk doing anything real in space

>> No.1479504

are you me in another dimension?...

>> No.1479510

The UK is a member of the European Space Agency:

>> No.1479526
File: 23 KB, 295x265, uk-space-agency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they were never part of the ESA, and now they're starting their own program, UKSA

>> No.1479736

Fuck yeah!

>> No.1479764

>Arthur C. Clarke and Larry Niven retaliated by respectively writing the award winning stories Death and the Senator and The Return of William Proxmire.

Have I mentioned how much I love Clarke?
So /sci/, how likely do you think it is that we will construct or devise an alternate method to enter Space? I'm partial to the Launch Loop, but need more information about it before I start working out some general information on such an implementation.

>> No.1480083

I just finished Ender's Game tonight. Very good book.

>> No.1480201
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"The whole concept of space travel needs to be thought about in a different way. We must stop thinking about what's best for our return on investment, or what's best for the bottom line, or what's best for our respective nations. We need to think about space in terms of what's best for Humanity, and what's best for the future role of our species."

>> No.1480205
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>> No.1480209

Yeah, I like to have a smoke and imagine myself giving speeches like an angry Carl Sagan. Who doesn't?

>> No.1480215

And this is where we shall fail for the forseeable future, since most of the people responsible for the funding are so narrow minded they can barely see a few weeks ahead of their own personal interests. There is no hope to convince them to think about the "future of humanity". Only some kind of global calamity could spurr them to make the necessary push for true space travel and colonization. For now, it's only us the dreamers.

>> No.1480246
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Unfortunately OSM is making some very stupid decisions. The biggest of which is making Coppenhagen Suborbitals its first fundraiser cause.

I know options are limited until companies like SpaceX open for public trading... but COME ON, you guys can do better than a company whose launch plan consists of sticking a chair into a couple of welded oildrums and mounting it on top of a rocket.

Come on OSM... this is like one step removed from ducktaping passengers to the side of a rocket.

>> No.1480247

Zubrin is cancer for space!

>> No.1480255

That would only happen in an ideal world, one in which we do not reside. Therefore, for the foreseeable future, we still need to look at space in terms of profit lost and profit returned. Science needs to be grounded in fact, not fantasy.

>> No.1480292

Well I say bollocks to that!

I would postulate that a properly organized public space venture could steamroll over all existing accomplishments in manned spaceflight to date, in a matter of years, rather than decades.

We bought the Internet. We can damn well drive space access next.

>> No.1480300

>For now, it's only us the dreamers.
And that’s all the dreamers do, it's those who are getting off their asses and applying themselves instead of waiting for free money to fall from the sky.
And as someone who wants to go into space I realized long ago that at best state funded space activities are a spectator sport, and I'm not satisfied with that.
And fyi while I'm not directly in aerospace, I'm in an industry relevant to it and I'm working, in part, to make it real. What are you all doing to actually contribute?

>> No.1480322

Then by all means, what would you suggest as a good pre-starting point? We like to weigh different options.

>> No.1480342

Zubrin colonization plan:
1:Send 4 people to Mars in a flags and footprints mission.
3:Mars colony!

>> No.1480345

fukcing conservative redneck bullshit

>> No.1480354

>Zubrin colonization plan:
>1:Send 4 people to Mars in a flags and footprints mission.
>2: ?????
>3: Profit!

Fix'd for ya mate

>> No.1480363

you forgot write a book

>> No.1480400
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Nope! No economic return actually planned, just the warm feeling of creating space Haiti.
inB4 grasps at Mars some how being involved in belt mining, sorry it isn't any better than supplying from earth, pic related to superior option.

>> No.1480405

does it look like the presidium from mass effect to anyone?

>> No.1480410

i knew those fucking fags stole so much ideas from star trek but wtf this is just lame

>> No.1480418

I'll write to my senator, but what should I tell him/her?

Just to spend more money on NASA?

>> No.1480425

protip: dont forget to mention that you
voted for him.

>> No.1480477

and that you *won't* vote for him again if he doesn't support space exploration.

>> No.1480487

This except maybe forge a shitload of signatures or get a bunch of real ones or just tell him that a large number of people support this and would not vote for him/her if this was not also supported. Write some shit about communists and the moon or something too.


>> No.1480715
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Dos and Donts for writing to your congressmen.
1. Do be extremely respectful. Letters to senators and representatives traditionally start with
>Dear Honorable (your senator's/representative's first and last name),
use this format. Letters that don't open respectfully get thrown out.
2. Do introduce yourself, always use your real name (note: you should open the letter with the senator's name, mailing address, etc, and end with your name, address, etc... you can find this information in copy/pasteable format by looking up the House/Senate pages), you don't have to tell them your life's story but mentioning where you're from and what you do is good. Don't forget to mention that you've been a big supporter of theirs in the past (even if you aren't), maybe even mention some piece of legislation they helped pass that you 'really like'. Congressmen have egos like everyone else - complimenting them and identifying yourself as a supporter will ensure they pay more attention to your complaints.
3. Do be very precise and clear about what you want. Mention bills by their title, ex. NASA Authorization Bill, or designation. Write that you "respectfully" ask that they take suchandsuch a position on that legislation.
4. Do check if the congressman you're writing to is up for reelection. If they are, make sure to mention that this is a very important issue for you, and you're don't know if you'd be able to continue supporting a senator/representative who didn't take that position on the bill.

>> No.1480719
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1. Don't use fake information, use your real name, and use your real address. Fake info just ensures a letter gets tossed.
2. Don't EVER threaten or disrespect a congressman in your letter. They may well be deserving of it, but threats get taken VERY seriously. Pull shit like that and you'll very quickly find yourself paying a big fucking fine or spending a few months in jail.
3. Don't ramble. Keep it short and to the point. If you can try to keep your letter under a page. Remember, you're not trying to convince them to demand a hundred billion dollars a year for NASA or support some hypothetical rocket... you just want them to support a few changes to a bill.
4. Don't forget - writing a letter may not seem like much but this CAN make a difference.

Also, here

>> No.1480844
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Cmon /sci/! No more moping! No more daydreaming about technocracies and how great things would be "if only". No more whining about could bes and should bes! Our space program is in trouble, let's fucking do something about it!

>> No.1480862

>2. Don't EVER threaten or disrespect a congressman in your letter. They may well be deserving of it, but threats get taken VERY seriously. Pull shit like that and you'll very quickly find yourself paying a big fucking fine or spending a few months in jail.

>implying I havent walked up that cock suckers office and beat the shit out of him and got shit done

>> No.1480929

> implying youve got the balls to do that


>> No.1480942

>implying i want beat the shit out of you now

>> No.1480951
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>He's being an internet tough guy!

>> No.1480956

>implying i wont beat the shit out of the internet

>> No.1480973

implying he lost his balls in a matter of seconds

>> No.1480978
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>> No.1480982

>PhD in mathematics
>any jon i want
>3k starting

>> No.1481036

Religion happened.
We have doomed our selves by over consummating, over populating, over exploiting.

We need to have a new world order that strives after expansion in to space.

We must muster the courage to live this rock or risk stagnation, and death.

>> No.1481047

Just started writing one to my senator

>> No.1481383
File: 32 KB, 612x842, letter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this for a draft?

>> No.1481507
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>they think we'll into space in a signifigant manner within the next 100 years
>they want more money put into space research than into life sustaining technologies

>> No.1481510

oh shit, you're me. and my dreams have been shattered by moronic teachers disputing me when i said jupiter, uranus and neptune all harbour ring systems.. yea, back in elementary :(

>> No.1481562

God gave us Earth, that's all you greedy fuckers need.

>> No.1481979

No one "gave" us Earth, and even now it's still not "ours".

>> No.1482384
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>> No.1482411


And now we sit here and hope.

If only NASA could be given a fixed budget and then LEFT TO ITS OWN DEVICES FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST.

>> No.1482449

Good effort, but remember than congressional representatives will tl;dr most of the letters they get - and the staffers that weed through them might just slap a "thank you for your interest" letter in an envelope after reading about half of the first sentences of each paragraph.

>> No.1482460

One letter to one senator does nothing. If more people write more letters to more senators and representatives... then maybe there's at least a chance of making a difference.
Think about it, if we can convince Congress to change their minds on a bill... maybe later down the road we could convince them to put the scientists and engineers in charge of NASA instead of the bureaucrats, or to put NASA funding as a fixed percent of the budget.
But if we do nothing, they pass the shitty bill and then best case scenario NASA accomplishes nothing for the next decade or so, worse case scenario NASA accomplishes nothing for the next decade or so and Congress in its 'infinite wisdom' decides, "hey! these space program guys are just sittin' around doing nothing! no sense in wasting funding on those lazy bastards!" and shuts down the space program altogether.

>> No.1482463

Cold War has ended. Space is a forgotten frontier.

>> No.1482521

Any suggestions?

>> No.1482586

Hutchinson from TX would probably get on board with switching back to the first draft.

Nelson from FL, maybe but probably not, he's got a lot of reasons to support going back to Constellation.

>> No.1482678
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Since this discussion already has some politics in it,anybody caught that daily show segment where John Stewart was making fun of Fox because they were mocking the new director of NASA. The whole thing started because Obama wanted NASA to improve relations with the Muslim world and from there it was all left wing progressives vs right wing conservatives.
I must say for once I was with Fox at least the last time NASA was used for politics was against us in the Cold War and we had THE Space program so you had to work to compete, nowadays sadly you can bridge the gap with Islam,which would be great,without going into space so yeah more of NASA resources wasted on something completely useless scientifically speaking.

>> No.1482989

There so much wasted resource that we could do both at the same time you know.

I too want to live long enough to actually go myself into space.

>> No.1483220


>> No.1485296

Holy shit, someone actually wrote one

>> No.1485302

You grew up on space? Fuck man, that's awesome!

>> No.1485657

politics make me cry

>> No.1485829

Don't talk shit about Copenhagen Suborbitals, yo.

>> No.1486216

ill sign it

>> No.1486331

1. Stick someone into a tiny metal tube and mount them to the top of a rocket.
2. ???
3. Profit
I don't think it's a petition... I think he's planning on sending letter(s?) to his state senator/representative/whathaveyou

Still, with the exception of the name/address stuff and the bit at the beginning... that letter could probably be used as a template for anyone else who wants to do one.
Just replace the name/address with your own and that of the person you're writing to, and replace the opening in the first paragraph with your own personal details.

>> No.1486626

CS sucks balls

>> No.1486654

I wonder if my local rep is coming by soon? I could talk to him.

>> No.1486684

>PhD in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300k farting

>> No.1486715


Well done Anon, very impressed. Now let's get it mailed in.

>> No.1486804

Try calling their office and ask if you can set up a meeting the next time he's in town. Even if you only get five minutes thatd be awesome.

>> No.1487874

I think this is a great idea. It's not likely that any bill will be finalized before September or October... if we got enough people pitching in - even if we could totally convince congress to change their minds

>> No.1489683

People have the power, just gotta educate them.

>> No.1490814

We're the voters, we're the constituents. Time to make them start listening

>> No.1491525

make sure you double check all the numbers and shit

>> No.1491554


This. If I lived in the US I'd sell an arm to get two minutes to convince one of the congressmen/senators/whatever of the real value of the space program and that we should not dump it.

>> No.1491793

Does anyone know if Congress has a summer recess coming up? Lots of times, especially during reelection years Congress takes August off to go tour their state, the ol shake hands kiss babies routine. If that's the case, we could make an effort to get lots of people setting up short face to face meets with their representatives and senators, maybe get people to ask space questions at rallies and shit

>> No.1491838


Anything that can be done from Norway?

>> No.1491855

America stop going to war, start going to space.

>> No.1492769

I just did some digging and I found this:

Both the House and the Senate are going to be in recess from August 9th to September 12th.

If we really wanted to go big with this... like getting hundreds of people to write letters, or getting people to schedule face to face meetings or show up at local rallies... that would give us a couple weeks to work with.

Just throwin that out there.

>> No.1492853

Doing lunch with National Space Society tomorrow to talk about ITAR compliance and due diligence practices for the OSM.

>> No.1493089

Here's the member lists of the committees and subcomittees in the House and Senate that have been involved in the NASA bill so far. While it's a good idea to appeal to as many members of Congress as possible... if there's anyone you want to focus on, it's the people on these lists. Their assignments to these committees grant them a lot of power... so they have a lot more to lose if they think their constituents are pissed off at the decisions they're making. Look up your state's senators and your districts representatives and see if they're here.

House Science and Technology Committee:

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee:

Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Science, Justice, and Related Issues:

>> No.1494741
File: 60 KB, 612x792, ReelectionList1of2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bored anon at the office here, took the lists from >>1493089's links and organized them. Members of all three groups are listed by state, and I went through wiki for a bit and found which ones are up for reelection. Bad news... a couple of major space advocates aren't up for reelection (like Hutchinson). Good news, it looks like most of the candidates who are up for reelection are in pretty tight races. They're going to be desperate for any vote they can get their grubby hands on.
Shelby - AL, Hall - TX, and Mikulski - MD are all up for reelection and are all chairs/ranking members in their committees.

>> No.1494745
File: 61 KB, 612x792, ReelectionList2of2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you're congressmen aren't on any of these committees, it can't hurt to write to them anyways :P

>> No.1495752
