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14720471 No.14720471 [Reply] [Original]

Why does gravity pulls you down instead of up or sideways?

>> No.14720481

i study physics for 15 years and i cant answer your question

>> No.14720504

The atmosphere is being pushed down into us by the gravity field

>> No.14720508

Because there is more mass on the center than in the sides?

The atmosphere only contribiute a small part

>> No.14720523

gravity is attractive, simple as.

>> No.14720533

The word "down" is defined by the direction of attraction for gravity. Change the latitude or longitude and the direction in space changes, but you still call it "down".

>> No.14720553

Gravity pulls you up in Australia

>> No.14720564

Because when the force behind gravity pulls you up or sideways, there is a different different term for it.

>> No.14720566

>pulls you down
Wrong, it pushes you down

>> No.14720596

Learn about special relativity. It's similar to how opposite charges in electrostatics interact.

>> No.14720621

Its actually pulling you up towards the earth. The sky is actually downwards, and we just barely avoid falling down into the sky everytime we take a walk.

>> No.14720626

Due to Gauss' law.

>> No.14720653

is this what we call pressure?
never actually looked into what the outside pressure or smt is

>> No.14720656

then why do objects stretch indefinitely while entering the event horizon of a black hole

>> No.14720668
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>Why does gravity pulls you down instead of up or sideways?
There is no "down" or "up" in the universe.

Gravity pulls you toward the "center" of the largest "mass" in your proximity. The closer to the center of that mass you get, the more gravitational attraction there is, exponentially related to distance.

>> No.14720670

>Wrong, it pushes you down
^bait. kek

>> No.14720672

>why does gravity
what is gravity?
are you sure it is not electromagentic or electrostatic field?
>here's someone in physics for 15 years who also doesn't know what is gravity

>> No.14720727

>are you sure it is not electromagentic or electrostatic field?
never heard about gravitational fields repelling, or anti-gravity.

>> No.14720738

Fuck off kid

>> No.14720741

Lots of talk about gravity and anti-gravity.
It's just nobody can define what it is.
Lots of talk about black holes and black matter too. At this point some lose canons claim that universe is 95% black matter , to keep covering failed theories.

>> No.14720775

to have a tangible definition of gravity you'll first need to understand how matter propagates in space and what space even is. look up de broglie's hypothesis, then it will make sense (sort of). also in my original post, i meant that gravitational fields may not be an electrostatic or -dynamic field, since they differ in how the electric or magnetic fields repel as opposed to gravitational fields.

>> No.14720787

We literally don't know why. And I am tired to pretend that we can really answer that. It's not like we can even answer at all.
Physics is literally phenomonoligcal. Nothing is fundamental and anyone who says the latter is just coping so hard.
No amount of mathematical garbage can answer this extremely basic question. It's not like laws of gravitation were pulled out of our imagination and we thought about comparing them with the reality.

They just there cause we see objects behave that way. Not the inverse.

We can't know, we can't know, we're fucking stuck and there is no fucking way out.

>> No.14720812


I feel pretty pissed of the niggers who think by correcting or slightly modifying the question to appeal to their rigor masturbatory OCDs, they have somehow answered it.

OP is just a linguistic retard for using simpler, obvious yet not precise terms. U are a metaphysical retard for being unable to figure out how obvious it was when they said 'down'.

Why the fuck does it pull towards center of mass.
Just fucking why ?
>inb4 sum of infinitesimal inward action from the attracted object to each point with mass ρdV

Why the fuck is it towards the center of action

>inb4 potential α 1/r, muh potential gradient, conservative field.

Why the fuck is it 1/r

>inb4 mathematical garbage tensor calculus ricci curvature shieet for mathcoomers

No premises?

>> No.14720815
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Because universe says so

>> No.14720832

>Me sperging cuz me think me smrt an gwan save and ejumukate evaybody

lay off the sherm and crack homie

>> No.14720862

Gravity is pulling people in Australia upwards

>> No.14720863

Gravity does push up. But all mass is really negative from what they think it is. Gravity pushing you up causes you to move down since you have negative mass.

>> No.14720913

There is no physical mechanism to explain the center of the earth grabbing us and pulling us towards it;

The gravity field is created by the Sun; the outside of the earth touches the gravity field first, and it is relavant to understanding that the Earth is spinning.

Imagine shooting a spinning cannon ball under the surface of a pool of water the size of Texas at 480,000 mph,

However the water around the ball would react is similar to how the gravity field around the sun reacts;

Except the gravity field is only most loosely analogous to water, in reality it is not understood exactly the nature of it's materiality

>> No.14720919

Ok then, why does gravity pull negative mass objects instead of push?

>> No.14720945

Yes we can, we just have to think of every possibility.

Imagine a cave man going to a factory of the 1920s, with all the motors and gears and engines and treadmills and fans and hydrolic presses, etc... Now imagine that cave man was an ant.

And instead of figuring out the whole big factory, we are just wondering about the machine mechanisms of one particular section.

But forget all that.

Think of a star.
Think of what it's made of.
Assume space is full of a material substance medium (as the ocean is full of water, and the sky is full of air).

How possibly could the Sun moving through a material medium cause the planets to spiral around near it continously?

How is there not a computer simulation program where you just plug in the variables of the Sun, and the variables of qualities if the medium, and then tweak them until you get the planets orbiting as they due per observation? Then you would at least be in the right direction of knowing some quality characteristics of the gravity field

>> No.14721080

The same question as why do charged particles with different signs attract each other, which has to do with the electric field that surrounds them. I think it is something similar.

>> No.14721089
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nobody actually knows. it's a fundamental force. you aren't asking why is the sky blue, you're asking why do we perceive nitrogen+oxygen as blue, you're asking why releigh scattering exists. You aren't asking "why do ships float", you're asking "why do things which are less dense than other things float". you aren't asking why dogs bark, you're asking why is it that the movement of air particles inside of specially shaped chambers produce vibrations.
You especially aren't asking why the sun is white, you're asking why is it that the fusion of molecules in a dense plasma creates photons.
Actually, scratch all that. I think you're just asking why gravity exists.

>> No.14721094

gravity is the result of matter distorting spacetime via it's mass, causing other particles and mass to fall towards the center of that distortion. Imagine a bowling ball on a trampoline it will make the trampoline sag in the middle , in this analogy the trampoline is space time and the bowling ball is a large mass of matter, if you put some small balls on the trampoline they will roll into the bowling ball because of the distortion in the trampoline same thing with matter

also op you're fucking retarded

>> No.14721395

Good question. They don't.

>> No.14721400

Nope, just facts.

>> No.14722027
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