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14719065 No.14719065 [Reply] [Original]

There are varying degrees of will
There is no free will
For the sake of this thread, I possess more will than you

Assuming this, life, the judicial system and basically of all civilisation, needs to be slightly revised to all function under the truth of determinism and fate
I mean to suggest, more systems and restrictions/freedom in regards to one’s will in society.

It functions on the basis of outcome of our actions but not with any insight to the precursors of our intents
In the realisation of a fated universe, failsafe systems must be in place for the negative impulses of man

/sci/ is so low iq I’ve posted this multiple times and nobody can glean the greater realisations of determinism and what to do about it

Seriously, fucking plebs.

>> No.14719073
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>There is no free will
Prove it.

>> No.14719074

Tell me, what is to be gained by telling me your Bible told you, you had free will.
Why spout npc nonsense instead of just admitting you don’t understand.

Are you so stupid or shameless not to even construct an image of yourself that isn’t completely retarded?

If you don’t get it, you were never going to reach this truth by yourself. So why not consider the only useful thread on /sci/ right now and fucking respect yourself

>> No.14719080


>> No.14719081
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>Tell me, what is to be gained by telling me your Bible told you, you had free will.
Why do NPCs always sperg off about imaginary boogeymen?

>> No.14719084

Free meaning unconstrained.
All actions and will are constrained.

Why even post if you’re going to npc up the fucking board? May as well get your Dick sucked by the local tranny you monkeypox faggot

>> No.14719088

>Free meaning unconstrained.
So there is no free will because I want to fly but gravity keeps me down? 170 IQ argument right there. Just delete this thread.

>> No.14719089

Because i have no understanding of your stupidity
So i attribute it to the stupid doctrines you read
Or i can just assume you’rea total dolt

>> No.14719092

>i attribute it to the stupid doctrines you read
Why do you double down on your mental illness and brainwash after getting called out? Can't you at least pretend like your thought process isn't a fucking monorail to delusion?

>> No.14719093

That’s basically it.
You had to pull a reductio ad absurdum but nice try

I even start by talking about degrees of will
But thanks for the bump npc

>> No.14719096

>That’s basically it.
I'm sorry to inform you that your definition of free will is as retarded as everything else you wrote ITT, so you've only refuted your own idiotic notions. Loser.

>> No.14719098

Pathetic, you can’t even maintain a train of thought
Go lose your place somewhere else simpleton

>> No.14719104

If you don’t understand, wait until someone has explained it for you instead of just npc fearing up the thread

>> No.14719108

>fully automated generic seethe
Yep, looks like you lost this formal reddit debate. :^)

>> No.14719112

Npc response. At least i gave you a taste of the truth cucklord

>> No.14719119

Also tell me how it’s generic when it’s catered to your stupidity?

>> No.14719130


>> No.14719136

Free will exists. It is just “free” as in libre and not gratis unironically.

>> No.14719137

>poster count stays at 3
Samefag seething. :^)

>> No.14719141

Why do npcs have nothing to say to nobody? Just a waste of time for the mc

>because i have greater will than you
>not limited in my responses
>you’re a beta

t. Psychopath

>> No.14719145
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>it continues to lose its mind
>it doesn't even try to form coherent posts anymore

>> No.14719147

You know how i know you’re a weak willed beta?

>> No.14719151

Also an idiot

>> No.14719152
File: 21 KB, 600x315, 3524453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fully automated determinitard will reply again because it has no free will

>> No.14719158

You didn’t even wonder how i know you’re a beta

>> No.14719163
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 2342532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fully automated determinitard is a slave to its nigger impulses
>it is a slave to my free will
>it will reply again

>> No.14719169

Wanna know how i know you’re fat?

>> No.14719173

>t. Psychopath

>> No.14719174

Hello samefag

>> No.14719176

Every time you do this, you remind me that you are still seething over me. Feels nice. :^)

>> No.14719179

Don’t run from me

>> No.14719379

Free will and "unfree" will are logically equivalent.

>> No.14719452
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it's the varying degrees of will as experienced by sentient beings that causes the "debates." Setting aside motivation, some organisms exert far more influence over themselves and their environment than their peers.
If we do science instead of philosophy we isolate all the factors and conclude that nothing arises independently and so the organism that exerts meaninful influence does so because the factors for that influence align and are utilized by the organism that can perceive them. It's another flavor of the aphantasia debate.
My philosophical grenade for this wank is therefore "what about free won't?" How do humans overcome drug addictions and mature past biological impulses in general? Even though the set of physical actions a being can take is ostensibly limited, a human with sufficient self control can ignore any impulse, even to death.

>> No.14719458

>If we do science instead of philosophy
Uh oh. You just dun a philosophy. Start over.

>nothing arises independently and so the organism that exerts meaninful influence does so because the factors for that influence align and are utilized by the organism that can perceive them
Aaand you said nothing.

>> No.14719509

alright let's start over. Is it possible to separate choice from motivation? The nothing I said is an attempt to do this with regard to how an organism selects when presented with ambiguity.

>> No.14719518

>Is it possible to separate choice from motivation?
I don't know. What do you mean by "choice" and what do you mean by "motivation"? I thought we were doing science, not philsophy.

>The nothing I said is an attempt to do this with regard to how an organism selects when presented with ambiguity.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?