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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14718083 No.14718083 [Reply] [Original]

Climate change is a cult

>> No.14718088
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>> No.14718092

Ever notice how AWG cultists and COVID cultists all use the exact same redditor talking points verbatim?

>> No.14718247
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No shit sherlock, anyone who pays any attention to the sun knows that it is what causes climate change, Solar cycle 25 is hard core and it was quite mild last year because solar cycle 24 was pretty comfy.

>> No.14718249
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Yes. People are easily brainwashed via school, academia and the media.

>> No.14718269

Climate scientists are insisting that this year's record setting cold spring, the coldest one in 11 years, across the northern and northwestern states is because of their "muh la lina". In 5 or six years it'll be
>muh el nino muffugguh
>i know coz i gots muh phd
i think they willfully ignore solar cycles because everyone would see how simple and brainlet their jobs are if the acknowledged the effect of solar cycles. they'd be relegated to the tier of calendar publishers if they didn't make up a bunch of fake bullshit like le nino and pacific decadal oscillation to pretend to be knowledgable about. cringey asf

>> No.14718274

i see you schizos are still pushing solar cycles as a thing
pray tell, what part of which cycle are we in right now? And how much increase in radiation should that be?

>> No.14718275

I believe in man made climate change, but suggesting that reporting has been balanced is laughable.

>> No.14718280
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If you look at the Solar Cycles from when the Little ice age ended and climate records began you will notice a familiar upwards trend.

>> No.14718283

what about ocean acidification, coral bleaching, glaciers that are thousands of years old all melting at record pace. Arctic ice shelf collapse.

>> No.14718296

People who whinge and complain about stuff like the great barrier reef are idiots, Great barrier reef is only 10k years old, it was created when sea levels rose from whatever caused the younger dryas.

>> No.14718303

>On the Northern GBR, region-wide hard coral cover was moderate and had continued to increase to 27% from the most recent low point in 2017. On the Central GBR region-wide hard coral cover was moderate and had increased to 26% in 2021.

People who complain about coral bleaching willfully turn a blind eye to coral growth. You will not see the one above you who complained about the bleaching reply to this post with "Thats good news, I didn't know about that, thanks for posting", but I might receive an insult or slur for contradicting their "woe is me the earth is dying" sob story.

>> No.14718315


>> No.14718320

this seems to imply our sun spots are less than they were 50 years ago

>> No.14718322

which part of this mathematical model is incorrect?
>70 IQ miga republicans cant answer

>> No.14718362

>he thinks no part of a model is incorrect
Holy shit. Look up the technical definition of a model, moron.

>> No.14718368

>the sciences do not try to explain, they hardly even try to interpret, they mainly make models. By a model is meant a mathematical construct which, with the addition of certain verbal interpretations, describes observed phenomena. The justification of such a mathematical construct is solely and precisely that it is expected to work—that is, correctly to describe phenomena from a reasonably wide area.
If you don't understand this, then neck yourself. If you don't understand that it implies all models have errors, then kys.

>> No.14718396
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>> No.14718399
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>bringing up math to /polx/ retards
>Implying their opinion isn't entirely an emotional reaction to democratniggers and women screeching and virtue signaling about climate change and literally nothing else
These people truly are the new fedoras

>> No.14718406
File: 125 KB, 1024x1003, plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to plebbit where people love science and especially science juice, soi boy.

>> No.14718412

>Go to plebbit
>entirely an emotional reaction
You literally cannot formulate an opinion for yourself if it isn't simply just the opposite of what you view as being mainstream.
You're still a mindslave and you will never be anything else. No thoughts your posses are your own.

>> No.14718415

Nobody trusts scientists. After the Alzheimer's, the pandemic, the serotonin depression meme , the climate alarmism, thalidomide, asbestos, etc

>> No.14718420
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Sure thing soientist

>> No.14718426
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Another incredibly emotional "rationalist" who hates those who dare fight science idolatry, funny.

>> No.14718428
File: 223 KB, 1074x800, EZAMfotXgAENZxm_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the takeaway you got from my posts
This is your brain on CNN, MSNBC and FOX

>> No.14718464

Me in the back