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14716641 No.14716641 [Reply] [Original]

Do private jet emissions contribute to global warming?

>> No.14716650

Dude even your poop, pee and farts contribute to muh global warming, your existence does it too.

>> No.14716654



>> No.14716673

Umm, sweaty? The elite chosens can do whatever they like because there's too few of them to make a difference. They are fully within their rights to tell the filthy masses of cattle how to live. There's just too many of you.

>> No.14716690

Who tf cares?

Gloabal warming or climate chnage - however you want to call it; IT WILL NEVER BE HANDLED

You think some poor country is going to be more concerned about the globes weather or it's fucking poverty and existance?

So whatever?

I'm supposed to be careful the whole year and these mfs ruin all my work in one day.

Fuck it. Let it burn!

>> No.14716693

>it's the fans' faults for forcing her to travel on tour.

This is why per capita measurements are useless.

>> No.14716704
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>> No.14716705

>>>it's the fans' faults for forcing her to travel on tour.
It really is. She is a product that the ubanite green shills consume, so her pollution should be deducted from their carbon allowance. Same thing with every other celebrity, politician and establishment figure. Urbanite green cattle should be held accountable for their pollution.

>> No.14716709

> no
Didn't read the latest scientific american article?

>> No.14716716

But it's not the urbanites' faults they were brainwashed to listen to pozzed shit. Blame their parents, or their grandparents ad infinitum. Blame God.

>> No.14716718

>it's not the urbanites' faults they were brainwashed
They're not brainwashed. They're highly intellectual and well-informed, and therefore should be held personally accountable for the actions of the parasite class that represents and entertains them.

>> No.14716731

I don't believe you understand how the carbon cycle works. Living things are carbon neutral because their carbon comes from plants which get their carbon from the atmosphere. You exhaling carbon dioxide does not increase atmospheric carbon dioxide. Methane from your farts can contribute to global warming because it has a large GWP, but you will never come close to producing as much methane as oil and gas companies allow to leak into the atmosphere every day. Urine doesn't contribute at all.

>> No.14716876

I've never heard a single song from this useless whore. Does that mean I'm fighting global warming?

>> No.14716912

yes, but insignificantly. if we want any real change to happen it needs to be instituted at a government level, and that will never happen so long as the government is funded by the corporations. cheaper and more efficient technology is probably the best answer.

>> No.14716938

>oil and gas companie
20th century terminology, they're called "energy companies" these days. they own all the "green" energy business as well as traditional energy businesses. "green" energy is far more profitable for them than oil & gas, hydropower also makes less money than other "green" energy, thats why they're taking out hydropower dams and building windmills and solar farms at the same time.

>> No.14716941

yes, but to such a miniscule extent that it hardly matters compared to the big contributors

>> No.14716946

Wow, just wow. We need to start arresing big oil shills like you for spreading extremely toxic, dangerous and problematic propaganda. The literal future of the planet depends on it. Just fucking wow. I don't care about your fake "freedom of speech". You have no freedom to doom us all with your right wing chud speech.

>> No.14716957

>I don't care about your fake "freedom of speech"
you guys are really ethical intellectual and progressive

>> No.14716964

You are slandering green energy scientists who are trying to save the planet. You are supporting big oil barons. Give me one reason why your "speech" matters.

>> No.14716986


>> No.14716988

He's right and you have not refuted him. Seethe.

>> No.14716997
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>> No.14717073
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>> No.14717086

There's nothing to refute, it's just nonsense. Investing in renewables doesn't negate the fact that those companies deal on oil and gas, and there are renewable energy companies that have no connection to oil and gas. Besides that his post was a complete non sequitur to the post he responded to.

>> No.14717112

how does "land use" contribute to your imaginary global warming since most "land use" involves sequestering CO2 in agricultural products. the only "land use" which displaces vegetation is urban land use. your graphic is intentionally misleading political propaganda created to shift blame for imaginary global warming from the urbanites with the highest CO2 footprints to innocent rural people who have tiny and often negative carbon footprints.

>> No.14717122

Agricultural products don't sequester carbon, moron. If you actually care about your question then read the drawdown review.


>> No.14717129

So is Joe Sixpack's V8 pickup but celebrities want Joe Sixpack to be forced into a Prius or to ride the bus.

>> No.14717323
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>big contributors
Shes a big girl

>> No.14717836
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Aviation is not a huge contributor to CO2 emissions and the difficulty of replacing liquid fuel engines in aircraft means it should not be a top priority. Ground transport and shipping is much more adaptable to other energy sources. Leave Taylor alone

>> No.14717856


>> No.14717882


>> No.14717912

On the contrary, flight is an unnecessary luxury that should be the first on the chopping block. Time for transatlantic lines to come back. Otherwise, take the train

>> No.14717929

Now do per capita.

>> No.14718383

Do you think she does reverse cowgirl? Or is she a dead fish?

>> No.14718702
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> I'm supposed to be careful the whole year and these mfs ruin all my work in one day.
I wish I could be that squirrel for you, fren.

>> No.14718718

>you're an idiot and i hate you
but also
>please read my political literature

mental illness

>> No.14718723

replace liquid fueled jets with nuclear-electric powered propellor driven aircraft. they'd be as fast as jets given the available power and they've have more range.
bonus: every major airport runway in the world can be shorted by 50%

>> No.14718811

literally no one cares

Look at India and China for a day

>> No.14718833

I think shes a dead fish and smells like one too.

>> No.14718840

trust the science

>> No.14718842

yes but it's a small fraction of the total.
It's the idea that you have to cut down on so much of your emissions when the rich have such large ones.

>> No.14718847

women can't genuinely enjoy sex unless they are fertile, she is not, so it would necessarily be a letdown of an experience no matter the smell. fucking a human fleshlight is every bit as much of an unstimulating ersatz experience as fucking a real fleshlight. the legit fleshlight might be slightly more enjoyable because you wouldn't have to be worrying about getting AIDS as much

>> No.14718879

throughout the world there are many Joe Sixpacks which have these cars and contribute a lot more in sum than a single jet that flies once in a awhile

>> No.14718885

by big contributors I mean agriculture, energy and the rest of transportation

>> No.14718970
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throughout the world there are many jet aircraft which burn incredible quantities of fuel and contribute a lot more in sum than a single V8 pickup.

>> No.14718980

now extend similar usage to every car in the world. sure, not every car will be like that, but a large amount of small individual amounts still ads up to a large quantity, while far less airplanes, even if they emit more per capita, does not

>> No.14718985

And Taylor doesnt use agricultural products? Doesnt use transportation? What even is your point.

>> No.14718994

my point is emissions from global air traffic are small compared to global overall emissions

>> No.14719004


>> No.14719010

chances are taylor has an over sized use of agricultural products as well if her use of high footprint transportation products are any indication

she sure as fuck doesn't eat any heavily processed low footprint cheaply produced goy slop

>> No.14719014

ITT: oil shills point fingers yet again to delay meaningful action

>> No.14719015

so you're saying jet aircraft emission are too small and need to increased proportionally to match other sources

>> No.14719017

Any subsector of transportation is small compared to total transportation. Your observation that the whole is made of many small parts is trivial and irrelevant

>> No.14719020

It's not irrelevant to the aim of this thread

>> No.14719021

>meaningful action
like what exactly?
we've all seen what happens to governments when fuel gets too expensive

>> No.14719033

Like admitting that it's real, for starters

>> No.14719042 [DELETED] 

words are not action
besides, and besides not admitting it's real is a psychological survival mechanism for too many, and the technology is not yet there (and may never be there) for that to change

unfortunately addressing population growth was our only hope, because denial that that is a problem is a psychological survival mechanism for a smaller fraction of the population

>> No.14719043

words are not action
and besides not admitting it's real is a psychological survival mechanism for too many, and the technology is not yet there (and may never be there) for that to change

unfortunately addressing population growth was our only hope, because denial that that is a problem is a psychological survival mechanism for a smaller fraction of the population

>> No.14719087

then again
talking about overpopulation is literally the opposite of virtue signaling, and we all know virtue signaling is what all the "winners" are doing right now

>> No.14719097

read my initial response to OPs question

>> No.14719099
File: 79 KB, 1500x500, climate-crisis-end-of-the-world-stonetoss-political-cartoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your common delusions are real

>> No.14719102

I am not talking about her, I am merely clarifying my answer to OPs question

>> No.14719106

literal retard, or jus epic troll, cant decide

>> No.14719110

no, things like all personal vehicles or all trucks
make a much larger share of total emissions than all aircraft

>> No.14719113

>when fuel gets too expensive
You really think, this is about fuel and your trip to the brothel coating $1 more?

>> No.14719117

Urbanite trash should be held accountable for their imaginary climate change and also for the pollution caused by the parasite class.

>> No.14719118

Action can't take place until people actually admit it's real and stop lying and obfuscating the issue like you and the rest of the shills in this thread are.

>> No.14719122

No, you should be held accountable, oil shill

>> No.14719123

The only actions that will be taken are going to be physical actions against your cult. People are fed up. Your """experts""" and your soience agenda are being undermined every day and you are hated.

>> No.14719126

The day your corporate owners try to hold real people "accountable" for your climate scam will be the last day of your life. Keep pushing and see what happens.

>> No.14719142

Hello Ivan
Hello Chang

>> No.14719148

Hello, paranoid lunatic.

>> No.14719161

Not only have you completely failed to comprehend the content of my post, but you've also gone on the offensive and accused me of being someone that would be completely incompatible with writing such a post. This is exactly the kind of disappointing retard lashing out response I've come to expect from this place. I'm done here. Good luck.

>> No.14719168

>malthusianism-brainwashed AGW retards lashing out at each other for no reason

>> No.14719200

>how does "land use" contribute
Land use changes how much energy the surface of the Earth reflects vs absorbs.

>the only "land use" which displaces vegetation is urban land use.
LOL, it's the exact opposite. The most significant land use changes are from agriculture in rural areas. Not all vegetation is the same when it comes to sequestering carbon.

>> No.14719280

Divide "land transportation" into sub-components like trucks, SUV, bikes, passenger cars. And then divide them by other categories like regional markets, sedans, etc, and you will see that the overall transportation sector is made of many small components, waay smaller than the entire sector. So your comment is random and irrelevant and trivial. You can say the same about anything, the forest is made of many trees, a person is much bigger than any individual organ, etc.
So its true but completely random and irrelevant.

>> No.14719532

The real flashlight can fuck you back though.

>> No.14719571

Retard take

>> No.14720245

Why is it retarded? It is literally the truth. What part is wrong? You can't even give a counter argument, loser

>> No.14720255

Literally no one is caring for this planet and the very idea has been co-opted by brainless rich twits for clout and power and maybe a taboo by others because of muh politics
This species deserves to die out