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File: 590 KB, 971x716, rocket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14714484 No.14714484 [Reply] [Original]

~2 tons (90% burnup on entry) of Chinese rocket falls back on the ocean.

There were lots of talk of the rocket debris hitting the White House, like the previous rocket debris, but it ended up in the ocean as well.

>> No.14715284 [DELETED] 


>> No.14715292
File: 96 KB, 600x337, 4F2AF248-550A-41EB-A330-33D4DE99CE6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what you get when you let 10 out of 20 grad students admitted to american grad schools be chinese, and then you let them all sit next to eachother during exams while the professor at the front dozes off.

in china they literally have serious anti-cheating measures, picrel. the fact we haven’t caught on to cheating culture of chinese people is ostrich-level

>> No.14715632

part of the purpose of china's social credit system is to make chinese home their deceptiveness, that way they're more competitive when they're sent overseas.

>> No.14715816


>this is what you get when you let 10 out of 20 grad students admitted to american grad schools be chinese, and then you let them all sit next to eachother during exams while the professor at the front dozes off.

you mean in regards to China or America? Because the final consequence of this is failure/killing people with debris as was risked by China here. In regards to the US, GPAs don't even matter so cheating on tests just means the student is fucked when they're put into a company and exposed as a fraud. Which is not uncommon.

>> No.14715946

Doesn't really matter that much. Most of us know that 90% of college education is just fucking around busy work and exams are an ineffectual way of measuring skill, cheating is just a way to cut through the bullshit. Those who seriously dont know shit get cut pretty quickly and those cheaters who used their time to acquire real skills, like social connections and insider information, get a leg up in the rat race.

Haven't you ever noticed that the fuckups are rarely ever punished for their mistakes, even if it kills people? They vanish for a while and then start over again somewhere else, making good money and living the life. The honest plebs who dont cheat and dont achieve high level positions are the ones who always take the real falls. This happens all the time and has happened for centuries. People bitch but nothing changes. The Chinese are smart enough to know this, you dumb westerners remain willfully ignorant.

t. plagiarized and cheated my way through to a 200k pa job that actually only requires high school knowledge plus about 6 weeks of specialty knowledge. Getting the job was entirely because of knowing who to know, rather than any academic ability. Learned the rest on my spare time when I knew what was actually required. Haven't fucked up yet but if and when I do I already have another job lined up.

>> No.14715981

> suppress the freedom of thought
> smartest of your citizens are in inner emigration and don't want to have anything in common with you
oh wow, what on earth could have gone wrong!

>> No.14716028


>Haven't you ever noticed that the fuckups are rarely ever punished for their mistakes, even if it kills people?

No I haven't, actually. I don't know what country you live in but this isn't common in the US. Granted I'm from a pissy liberal state (Illinois) and not Alabama or Kentucky but things aren't so bad where shit design doesn't have consequences. Also, the "honest plebs" is a subjective term; electricians make $150k/yr in my area but are considered working class and vice versa mechanics make only $40k but are largely not responsible for badly designed engines or parts made by huge companies like GM who have to pay millions in fines and issue humiliating recalls. Remember the Pinto? Or the exploding Explorer tires? Both huge Ls taken by Ford and not mechanics and not assembly line workers.

>> No.14716181

It was not a mistake, the rocket is designed that way.

>> No.14717072


All that matters to them is getting X tonnage into orbit per launch, they are playing catch-up with the US after all.

>> No.14717080
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, gretchen thunderburp loev chinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for polluting the oceans even more china, just go a head and continue to use the oceans, the atmosphere and outer space as your personal dumping ground, there couldn't possibly be negative consequences for it

>> No.14718500

>unironically linking Thatcher

>> No.14720088
File: 205 KB, 1200x900, ching chong summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]