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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 227 KB, 1079x1461, Screenshot_20220730-145911_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14714197 No.14714197 [Reply] [Original]

When will the average troglodyte stop lashing out at science, scientists, and doctors because they tell the public objective if uncomfortable truth? How do these simpletons hear credible stats about COVID and vaccines and still bully their betters like this is still 6th grade? We're NEVER going to advance as a species with the average person holding us back by attacking the people leading and guiding us to it..

>> No.14714202

Another vaxxie dies of vax related illness

>> No.14714208

We're NEVER going to advance as a species.


seriously, this will probably never change. work within and around the limitations set by the masses of idiots or remove yourself from them like your picrel scientist.

>> No.14714210

Is this sarcasm?

>> No.14714215

bullying works

>> No.14714221
File: 965 KB, 1300x729, 401-29-year-old-overcomes-covid-19-suffers-cardiac-arrest-while-on-ventilator-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another antivaxxie intubated and literally choking on his own bile

>> No.14714249


>> No.14714258

That's pulmonary edema he got from his clot shot bruv

>> No.14714266

>uses picture of person from summer 2020
I can tell you put a lot of thought into that.

>> No.14714278

It really does, I don't feel sorry for the doctor one bit. If anti vax campaigns targeted him he probably spent all his time on twitter shit talking pharma skeptics while complaining he's so overwhelmed at work. Probably cheered on policies that put his co workers out of work or made them take a shot they didn't want to keep their job, so I hope the water is nice and warm for him down below

>> No.14714293

You've had like over 20 vaccinations if you went to public school, stop being a baby and get the jab please

>> No.14714299

Mrna clot shots aren't vaccines and you know it. How many child schedule vaccines have sub 50% efficiency rates? Pfizer and moderna's products shouldn't even be on the market nevermind required for essential activity. That's actually how it was for all of Moderna's previous attempts at getting a product to market before covid curiously

>> No.14714390

she support lockdowns? she propagate nonstandard vaccine? to children? without scientific justification? she supported the incitement and discrimination of people?
if so, good riddance

>> No.14714416

After the last soientist finally dies, preferably by it's own hand. Thanks for the good news, nice to see that our work is effective. Soientist might think that they're smarter than everyone else, but we have the sois badly outnumbered so our victory is inevitable. Might as well kys now if you're one of the sois, you'll save yourself a lot of intentionally inflicted psychological torture before you perish.

>> No.14714440
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>When will the average troglodyte stop lashing out at science, scientists, and doctors because they tell the public objective if uncomfortable truth?
It looks like this time the public have informed the doctor on some uncomfortable truth he couldn't take well. Yes redpilling (breaking taboos) without demand from the recepient is not polite and I would even say rude, rough, but life is rough, rock is hard, shills for big pharma should repent and redeem, not to irresponsibly escape from the consequences of the conscience reminding them of their sins.

>> No.14714473
File: 153 KB, 770x438, HepBVacc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm very grateful I was born just before they started this practice.

How does nobody question giving a 'vaccine' to a baby whose immune system is not yet developed?

>> No.14714505

I'm just happy that my shitposting is getting to them. We all know the one thing these doctors crave is to be loved and respected, and I've spent a year helping to make sure everyone hates them

>> No.14714516

>uncomfortable truth
Like race, climate, homos or iq?

>> No.14714534
File: 898 KB, 1366x4279, fda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wahhhhhh wahhhhh wahhhh we are the victims!
>kills millions
dont have many fucks to give

>> No.14714538
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>> No.14714576

>obese nigger is killed with a ventilator by white doctors
Huh, based?

>> No.14714780

>You've had like over 20 vaccinations if you went to public school
I haven't taken more than 15 vaccinations in my entire life and I'm fine

>> No.14714785

>credible stats about COVID and vaccines
Like this one?

Who word have thought the solution was not locking people inside concrete jungles, but to spread them as much as possible in rural lands

>> No.14714813

He could of been anti-vaxxers most fav doctor. One who cared in their message the most and could not handle no more the philosophy of his work he had trusted in so much.

>> No.14714839

The very reason I haven't been indoctrinated into the Church of Science™ stance on vaccination is because I haven't been public schooled.

>> No.14716108 [DELETED] 

We are held back by rhose who turned svience into a religion and scientists into prestigious class that decides and dictates the truth. Anyone who supports this corruption 100% deserves whatever attacks that they receive

>> No.14716110

We are held back by those who turned science into a religion and scientists into prestigious class that decides and dictates the truth. Anyone who supports this corruption 100% deserves whatever attacks that they receive.

>> No.14716496

And none of them were rushed to market and under EUA. My great-grandparents however do remember when the Polio vaccine was rushed to market and caused lots of harm to the public. Eventually the kinks in that vaccine were mostly worked out but it took time.

>> No.14716530

I really hope than anti-science people and anti-intellectualism are taken care of in the coming years.Those retards are becoming a menace to the entire humanity's future.
Fortunately, the hate against antivaxxers has never been this high. Before Covid they were just seen as a few potentially dangerous retards, now they're an actual nuisance.

That guy died from undiagnosed aortic dissection. it's a well-known antivax fake.
Do we need to remind you of all the prominent antivaxxers who died of Covid ?

>> No.14716538

That's legitimately the opposite of what is happening. Anti intellectualism is increasing because our "intellectuals" are liars and essentially paid marketers for corporate products and shills for the government

>> No.14716540

Good start would be to stop bullying people into injecting stuff into their bodies against their will.

>> No.14716543

>I really hope that anti-christian people are taken care of in the coming years. Those retards are becoming a menace to the entire humanity's future.

>> No.14716618

how the fuck did he survive med school anyway? are you telling me he was able to put up with all the bullshit just to break when some autist told him the vaccine is fake?

>> No.14716653
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oh, "coVid" is coming back, shill Goys, autumn approaches

>> No.14716656
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> doctor
> people
chose one

>> No.14716724

>Those retards are becoming a menace to the entire humanity's future.
Are you talking about Jews?

>> No.14716758

>stop having health standards
No. It's *Public* health for a reason. Grow up.

>> No.14716761
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>> No.14716917

>be doctor
>poison thousands of the patients you have been seeing for years
>commit suicide
What does this have to do with intact humans?

>> No.14716962

>That guy died from undiagnosed aortic dissection. it's a well-known antivax fake.
stop lying, he died from global warming and toxic masculinity

>> No.14717033

>I really hope than anti-science people and anti-intellectualism are taken care of in the coming years
We know. You keep building up the the crescendo. Unfortunately for you you forgot to read the part where it says we drag you out to the streets and hang you by lampposts in the end.
>Those retards are becoming a menace to the entire humanity's future.
And this is why they always hang people like you
>Fortunately, the hate against antivaxxers has never been this high
And this is how they convince the 1% with their non issues to riot against the rest of the country
>Before Covid they were just seen as a few potentially dangerous retards, now they're an actual nuisance.
That was the weeding out stage. They were looking for useful idiots such as yourself to work for free for them. You're doing a great job!

>Do we need to remind you
No you really don't yet that's not gonna stop you is it, book learned retard?

>You've had like over 20 vaccinations if you went to public school,
0. Deal with it.

>stop being a baby and get the jab please
How about you stop being a baby and stop telling people what to do with their lives?

>> No.14717144

What's the point of the vaccine? Because the virus will mutate anyway and will get over the vaccines protection and become more weaker at the same time. Vaccinated people have got covid I don't.

>> No.14717703

The companies that make the vaccines need to make money and governments already signed contracts they'd shill their product for them

>> No.14717710

>Fortunately, the hate against antivaxxers has never been this high. Before Covid they were just seen as a few potentially dangerous retards, now they're an actual nuisance.
Kek. The entire thing is backfiring. People who never had any reason to distrust vaccines are now questioning them thanks to the failure of the covid "vaccines." This entire thing only served to increase the number of skeptics. It's not anti-intellectualism btw, because most people followed guidance without questioning it at all. Observing and questioning is far more intellectual than blinding following.

>> No.14717714

>stop having health standards
>It's *Public* health for a reason. Grow up.
Forcing an injection is a necessary health standard, but becoming morbidly obese and developing numerous comorbidities that make COVID-19 more dangerous are not a necessary health standard? 90% of hospitalizations are preventable through better lifestyle choices.

>> No.14717881

What's easier, mandating a shot or somehow convincing an entire country not to be fat slobs?

>> No.14717892

Fat slobs shouldn't be able to force people who took care of their health to get mystery injections to help "protect" the fat slobs that got themselves into their unhealthy state.

>> No.14718007

Super cool mRNA technology lets us rapidly update the vaccine to match a new strain. That's why you STILL get the 2019 spike protein version if you book a booster appointment today.

>> No.14718257

It's it amazing that with this easy to update technology, the original injections were being trialed in volunteers within months of the first genomic sequence, and two years later, nothing has been updated? Such remarkable tech. But it's good to know we *may* get an updated version this Fall, which will target yet another long vanished variant.

>> No.14718264

The original version was based off of a model given to the world by China. Makes me wonder if the western pharma companies actually know how to model the variants or not. They might be stuck unless China gives them a new model, which might be impossible if China's initial model was based off of what they were doing in the Wuhan lab but now they have no more ability to model the wild mutated variants than anyone else.

>> No.14718265

>Mandate vaccinations
>Mandate lock downs
>Mandate masks
>Rarely mention that being fat and having low vitamin D levels are two of the most significant risk factors

>Gently tell gay people to have less sex with strangers

Public health policy is a joke.

>> No.14718633


Some of the proofs:
Organs of dead vaccinated proves auto immune attack
Spike damages the heart muscle through innate immune arm activation (but only the engineered coof19 spike):
Treatment studies intentionally delayed:
Immune systems are globally fucked:

Who in their right mind would think this wasn't intentional? Oops, we did shit science, oops, immune systems are fucked and pandemic doesn't end, oops, the "vaccine" (a novel immune therapy) was accidentally a multi-system poison? Oops, no treatment.

>> No.14718641

This is so fucking depressing. The dumb literally murder people (e.g. Idat-Oberstein) or harass people until they lose everything and have no option left except killing themselves. And politics, the police and the judicial system do nothing to protect their citizens from this mob.

>> No.14718643

there's no such thing as "public health"

>> No.14718730

>When will the average troglodyte stop lashing out at science, scientists, and doctors because they tell the public objective if uncomfortable truth?
Never. People get more infantile and, as result, will lash out on everything not comfortable or edgy enough for them, like spergs they are, because they can't be spoonfed simple solutions anymore.

>> No.14718732

When these people will be ok with mass executions of them during another outbreak, then sure.
But nobody will have that kind of self-responsibility.

>> No.14718735

You can't get fat from talking to fat fuck, though.

>> No.14718754

>they can't be spoonfed simple solutions anymore.
I see the opposite problem. People push needlessly complicated solutions and various pointless bloat where simple solutions would be perfectly adequate.

>> No.14718780

>Observing and questioning is far more intellectual than blinding following.

Antivaxxers are the ones who blindly follow. They just blindly follow people from the opposite side. the side full of gurus and quacks.
Observing and questioning make you pro-vaccines.

>> No.14718784
File: 183 KB, 790x901, vaxbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, there isn't one valid source in all of your post.

Here you go, some recent ones:
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586 -022 -00403 -0

>> No.14718804

>Observing and questioning make you pro-vaccines.
I observe the more people take vaccines the less healthy they are and the less they live with good health

>> No.14718829

That is a lie.

>> No.14719318

Why are you replying to my comment? Your link dump is completely unrelated.

>> No.14719323

>Who in their right mind would think this wasn't intentional?
People whose entire identity is invested in opposing le heckin' peckin' Drumpffffffff-voting, science-hating, far-right, homophobic, bigoted anti-vaxxers. These "people" will be defending Pfizer even as they're fucking dying from their viral mRNA induced heart attack.

>> No.14719655

>get infected by sitting next to someone on the bus
>no way to prevent this

>get infected by fucking someone
>actually quite easy to prevent this, ask the incels over at /pol/

>> No.14719662

>and two years later, nothing has been updated?
Almost like updating vaccines takes time because they do proper trials on safety and efficacy.

>> No.14719674

>29 shit skin dying in hospital bed

Thanks fucking god, one less parasite leaching off of civil society. It's good to know he was only 29, too. Got taken out nice and early. Otherwise he would have been a leech on the system for many more decades. Moreover, you have to take into account that he was probably an even bigger leech on the system than your typical nigger, since people who die from COVID generally have several other pre-existing conditions/comorbidities. This guy, for instance, was obviously obese, and possibly also diabetic and cognitive impaired.

>> No.14719940


Not him, but I have seen people 'die of covid' after taking their 'vaccinations'. Those that haven't died have gotten sick more frenquently, and with more severity than I, an unvaccinated person. They've also tested positive at least a couple of times.

I'm living proof that it's an unnecessary treatment, unless you're old and/or have not taken care of yourself.

>> No.14720043

>What's easier, mandating a shot or somehow convincing an entire country not to be fat slobs?
The latter of course since they just have to stop eating so much

>> No.14720054

>That is a lie.
Shut up liar

>> No.14720259


>> No.14720260
File: 62 KB, 600x400, awoo sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't wanna breathe in coronachan germs

>> No.14720362
File: 46 KB, 1196x1082, 1647950847267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shills are subhuman scum

>> No.14720409
File: 614 KB, 3400x2400, united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status-by-vaccine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have seen people 'die of covid' after taking their 'vaccinations'.
Well, per capita they had much better chances to not die though.
>I'm living proof that it's an unnecessary treatment,
Anon, anecdotes with n=1 mean nothing.

>> No.14720417

Neither of those article mentions vaccines. And they both give plenty of reasons that have nothing to do with vaccines. Did you even read those articles, dirty liar?

>> No.14720418

>Anon, anecdotes with n=1 mean nothing.

>The Baduy, an Indigenous group in Indonesia, believe that vaccinations are impure, and unnecessary, and that their beliefs protect them. To skeptics, they note their Covid death toll: zero.

>> No.14720421

>Neither of those article mentions vaccines.
It should be easy to infer that if the common assertion modern medicine and vaccines increases lifespand with good health it wouldn't be decreasing over time

>> No.14720452

>Like race, climate, homos or iq?

>> No.14720531

Take your meds and don't waste our time.

>> No.14720534

>I am as smart as literal bush people.
Did you just burn yourself?

>> No.14720752

1. The original roll out started in December 2020, when the virus wasn't even sequenced until earlier that year. So less than a year to release the original vaccines to the public, and more than 2.5 years later we're still using the same vaccines.

2. At least in the USA, they've already passed legislature that removes the need to test updated mRNA vaccines for safety or efficacy. Regardless, they finally started testing some Omicron-specific vaccines this year, and they were a massive failure in test animals. Moderna's solution is to release a version this fall that's a combination of the original vaccine and an Omicron-specific mRNA sequence. Hopefully the public sees how absurd it is and opts out.

>> No.14720814

Aren't the Jews one of the most highly vaxxed demographics on the planet? The problem might be taking care of itself

>> No.14720928

Israel is one of the most highly vaccinated but the conspiracy theory is that they got a different formulation than the rest of the world. No way to prove that either way. The Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, especially women, have been very vaccine hesitant so not all Jewish groups have the same level of vaccination.

>> No.14720966
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>> No.14720983 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14720984
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The cocksucker pushed defective, experimental injections on his own subjects for a deeply corrupt pharmaceutical company.

The most enthusiastic peddlers of the mRNA injections should be hanging from street lamps.

>> No.14720989

wtf is that creature ? is it even human ? i see no human life lost, and not even an agreable animal

>> No.14720993

>We're NEVER going to advance as a species with the average person holding us back
You can help remedy this by offing yourself

>> No.14721214
File: 436 KB, 880x752, incel chud..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14721218

It's the jews who turned science into a new religion. It's not even a conspiracy theory, they seem to be proud of it.

>> No.14721446


>> No.14721498

>When will the average troglodyte stop lashing out at science, scientists, and doctors because they tell the public objective if uncomfortable truth?
Probably when policymakers realize that doesn't give them carte blanche to fuck with peoples' lives, so literally never. Get used to it.

>> No.14721655
File: 223 KB, 803x871, 1659258225058048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proposed mechanism behind vax autoimmunity problems


>Potential Autoimmunity Resulting from Molecular Mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Human Proteins

Molecular mimicry between viral antigens and host proteins can produce cross-reacting antibodies leading to autoimmunity.

we computationally investigated molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 Spike and known epitopes. We discovered molecular mimicry hotspots in Spike and highlight two examples with tentative high autoimmune potential

We show that a TQLPP motif in Spike and thrombopoietin shares similar antibody binding properties. Antibodies cross-reacting with thrombopoietin may induce thrombocytopenia, a condition observed in COVID-19 patients. Another motif, ELDKY, is shared in multiple human proteins, such as PRKG1 involved in platelet activation and calcium regulation, and tropomyosin, which is linked to cardiac disease.

Antibodies cross-reacting with PRKG1 and tropomyosin may cause known COVID-19 complications such as blood-clotting disorders and cardiac disease, respectively

>> No.14721660

and reminder how the COVID spike and the vax spike are different

>far greater systemic quantity and a much longer duration of spike protein exposure through the vaccination route than natural infection
>far greater systemic quantity and a much longer duration of spike protein exposure through the vaccination route than natural infection

>Differences in Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Replication Derived mRNA: Implications for Cell Biology and Future Disease

First, the biodistribution of non-specific LNP transfection of mRNAs does not discriminate towards ACE2 or CD147 expressing cell lines as seen with the virus.

Second, the mRNAs are known to have a 2 Proline substitution (K986P and V987P) altering the proteins conformation. N1-methylpseudourine substitutions that alter translation fidelity and Toll Like Receptor recognition.

Additionally, the expression levels and duration of these mRNAs may be longer and of higher copy number in many tissues that never experience natural virus infection.

Finally, the pharmacokinetics of injection are different than infection. 30ug- 100ug per injection (90ug-300ug for those boosted) of Spike mRNA equates to 13 Trillion to 40 Trillion mRNAmolecules injected in a few seconds with each injection. The pharmacokinetics of this bolus injection differs from that of viral replication that occurs over the course of a few days. If each of these mRNAs can produce 10-100 spike proteins and you have 30-40Trillion cells, there may be a far greater systemic quantity and a much longer duration of spike protein exposure through the vaccination route than natural infection. Boosters given more frequently than a year will lead to total body accumulation of spike protein and further heighten the risk of disease in organs such as the brain, heart, bone marrow, and immune cells and tissues. This false equivalency may lead to an under appreciation of the symptomatology of vaccine based adverse events

>> No.14721683


>> No.14721695

Is this a reason to threaten to kill a doctor? To bring her to the point that she commits suicide? What the guck is wrong with you?

>> No.14722351

Yeah and they're also the most pissed off at pfizer. Pretty much every good study that shits on vaccines comes out of israel. They get personally offended over being scammed

>> No.14722355

The doctor threatened to make people unemployable and unable to travel

>> No.14724577

The doctor did none of that shit, asshole. If you truly believe that, you're exactly like that cattle with blood on their hooves.

>> No.14724852
File: 97 KB, 520x344, modern.medicine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust the doctors, their first concern is your health

>> No.14724898

Collaborators are always the first to be shot.

>> No.14725056

Were we not told once the vaccines quit working to prevent infection and spread, that they were still necessary to prevent overcrowding in hospitals? So if overcrowding is such an issue, shouldn't we do something to prevent the 90% of hospitalizations that were preventable? That includes hospitalization from COVID-19, since that's overwhelmingly been in those with comorbidities, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.

>> No.14725223

still not see any argument against >>14721655

the vax doesnt work, in fact it can make autoimmune diseases appear

pfizer and moderna bosses should be sent to the firing squad

>> No.14725591
File: 929 KB, 2048x1365, elena.azzolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust the researchers, their honesty is beyond doubt

>> No.14725628

say the line, vaxxie
____ _____ __'_ _______

>> No.14725645

>Do we need to remind you of all the prominent antivaxxers who died of Covid
I don't know a single person who took the vaxx. I know many who recovered from covid though.

>> No.14725904

Vaccinations changed hardly anything.
Before we had vaccinations, 100% of deaths were by the unvaccinated, now it's gone to 99.99%

>> No.14726271

Good, hope all the injection pushers kill themselves.

>> No.14726286

>"bush" people are smarter than every vaxxed

>> No.14726469


>> No.14726504

>many chose selbstmord (TL note: German for suicide)
Reads like some nigger who writes excessive trivia on media wikis or ridiculous TL notes.

>> No.14727119

doctors are more people than frogposters are

>> No.14727166

It will happen once they can understand and comprehend scientific results for themselves.

Humans are simple creatures, we can understand simple math like 2+2=4, we understand when a ball is thrown in the air it will come back down because we've seen it happen.

But what the majority of people can't understand is the statistical analysis and empirical workings behind all of our scientific findings which are made by people which we don't know and have never met and regards concepts which are not intuitive at all.

Covid comes along which is something bad and new, subsequently change comes which naturally people are opposed to, so they choose the side which appeals most to their emotions which is believing it's all a sham.

They can't understand why the correct explanation is correct any more than why the wrong explanation is wrong, thus end up taking their beliefs mostly by word.

>> No.14728122

OP's post is satire, and it flew 100% over your head. The doctor killed itself because it knew it had harmed people with the clotshot. Austria isn't mourning anything, since it's a land mass not a person.

>> No.14728173

Not a single word of this is true, but it's no surprise coming from an antivaxxer.

>> No.14728218

Nope. Try again.

>> No.14728283
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>OP's image
If you were right, and you knew you were right, and the mainstream media all said you were right, and the majority of the population said you were right...

...would you kill yourself just because a few crazies said you were wrong? Does this make any sense to anybody?

>> No.14728322

I'm pro-vax, pro-science, pro-intellectualism, but yeah basically the entire mainstream medical and scientific community bullshitted their way through the whole pandemic, and everyone smelled it. You can't be wrong every step of the way while at the same time claiming a position of authority and expect people to keep taking you seriously. They overplayed their hand, they got bit in the ass for it, and now huge portions of the population don't trust them anymore.

The vaccine was still experimental at best, and it turns out people don't like being forced to take experimental injections. Go figure.

>> No.14728372

>...would you kill yourself just because a few crazies said you were wrong?
They didn't say she was wrong. They constantly made extremely graphic death threats, the police didn't protect her, she had to pay private security guards and couldn't afford them, so she had to close her surgery. If someone threatens to torture and murder you and your family, and no one does anything, what does it help that the mainstream media write that the vaccine is safe and effective. The state has failed her, she had to fear for her life and the lives of her family for months. She was professionally and financially ruined by this. This wasn't about someone thinking or saying that she's wrong.
The government said they'd take action and did nothing. It shows what kind of people are in the antivaxxer community and the inaction of the police, the judicial system and the government is a complete disgrace.

>> No.14728406

Yeah sure buddy.
> a few random crazies say they're going to kill me... I'll kill myself to show them who's boss even though the entire establishment backs me up
sure, that makes sense.

>> No.14728410

I'd like to see documented proof of all of that. You should know by now that 99% of all claims of having received a death threat are made up and 99% of the 1% that do happen are from LARPers. Sounds more like she was mentally unstable and as the covid narrative she bought in to (and participated in) started to unravel, her imagination got out of control over the potential consequences of having harmed so many.

>> No.14728422

> Sounds more like she was mentally unstable and as the covid narrative she bought in to (and participated in) started to unravel...
... her sense of purpose and aspirations to power started to unravel as well.

So yeah, she got drunk with power and purpose, but then reality came knocking and tore down her everything. Obviously she was unhinged in the first place, but I also blame the media and government for playing into her fantasies in the first place. By building her up, they gave her a ways to fall.

>> No.14728444

Well, see for yourselves: https://twitter.com/drlisamaria/status/1541518896875847680
>I'd like to see documented proof of all of that
I know that now you'll scream that it's all fake and she could have sent those emails to herself. Save your breath. Why the fuck would she spend six-digit sums on security, fire her whole staff and close her business? Does this sound like something people do for fun?

>> No.14728448

>somebody on twitter was mean to me.... I BETTER KILL MYSELF
utterly deranged

>> No.14728450

>then reality came knocking and tore down her everything
>literal schizos threatening to murder you = reality
The state of /sci/ in 1796+226

>> No.14728455

>didn't even open the link
Yeah kys

>> No.14728456

>schizo threatens to kill me
>oh no, I don't want to die

>> No.14728462

>schizo ruins your life
>you have been living in fear for your and your family's lives for months
>police leaves you on "read"
>you've lost your business to this
>Austria is now a place where doctors can't practice freely anymore
>you're ab doctor who wants to practice freely
I'm not surprised that people in such a situation kill themselves. That's living hell. Unfortunately disgusting trolls like you aren't in such a situation, otherwise the world would be a better place.