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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 300x168, transferir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14713571 No.14713571 [Reply] [Original]

There is no way possible to a crewed spacecraft cross the van Allen belt without the crew suffer severe damage from radiation. Checkmate, space losers. NASA lied and you believed.

>> No.14713649

they need to be in it for days for it to be dangerous, they crossed it in 3.5 hours.
you're literally SEETHING now

>> No.14713711

It always baffles me that all the best scientists in the world at the time made all those obvious mistakes and oversights while creating the biggest and most scrutinized fake of all time. Even their direct competitors saw nothing.

I'm glad we have so many scientifically illiterate 4chan schizos to debunk it now though.

>> No.14713714

Good thing it was manned rather than crewed then.


>> No.14713727

There's no way you have a rich social life, seeing as you're here on a Saturday trolling for (you)s.

>> No.14713730

They'll just say the published radiation levels are intentionally shown far lower than they actually are. They won't explain how they know the "correct" higher rates but they're 100% that they are much too high for humans to pass through.

>> No.14713738
File: 19 KB, 450x450, Moon Lights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek at the "Sun" in this image.
should have used a bigger bulb, chuds.

>> No.14713742

back in the 1960s they didnt imagine there be a way of the world to easily share uncensored information over the telephone lines. they thought they didnt need to plug every hole.

>> No.14713743

Its not all bad, look at how clean that diffraction pattern is. looks great compared to the distorted garbage that nasa tries to pass off as legit imagery these days.

>> No.14713745

>they need to be in it for days for it to be dangerous, they crossed it in 3.5 hours.
Why does NASA say they can't cross it now if there's no problem with just a few hours?

>> No.14713813

hows your Saturday night going replying to shitposts?

>> No.14714269

Where has NASA stated that they cannot cross it now? They are actively planning another moon landing with the Artemis program in near* future.

*Yes, NASA is pretty bad at getting things done one time these days, but that is largely a bureaucratic issue, not technical.

>> No.14714320

the only reason to go back to the Moon is for H3 so it becomes profitable, China will be winning that one

>> No.14714330

>Where has NASA stated that they cannot cross it now?

>> No.14716184
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>> No.14716210

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O5dPsu66Kw [Embed]

Fucking hell, that's the kind of thing that count as a proof we never went to the moon now ? a chose of words in a sentence in the middle of a video when we know exactly how the apollo missions that went to the moon managed to cross it ?
It's even worse than I thought.

>> No.14716213

>There is no way possible to a crewed spacecraft cross the van Allen belt without the crew suffer severe damage from radiation.

>> No.14716244

Honestly I think its getting to the point now where we need to round up all the idiots and turn them into fertilizer. All the moon hoaxers, the flat earthers, the 9/11ers, the evolution deniers. Round them all up, put them through a big mincer and then plow them into the ground as fertilizer.
Ideally we would do that to all stupid people, but this would be a good start. Its a good, logical, and rational step. After all, we have had over 2000 years of steady scientific progress, our ancestors fought and died to create conditions where education and science could flourish, and yet we still have these fucking morons wasting valuable oxygen with their stupid blitherings. At best they are annoying, at worse they consume resources. Enough is enough I say. Its time to limit population growth in the most rational and environmentally sensible way. Imagine a world where everyone is scientifically literate, rational and well educated. Yes, it would be a paradise.

>> No.14716252
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Sorry, pal, but the soientists and those who believe them are the ones who will be eradicated... by their own devices no less.

>> No.14716339

t. fertilizer

>> No.14716343
File: 60 KB, 800x800, vaxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey

>> No.14716352

they did suffer severe damage, neil armstrong is fucking dead

>> No.14716362

Fake and gay https://www.tctmd.com/news/reports-sudden-deaths-among-athletes-after-covid-19-vax-are-misinformation

Why do you /pol/ tards have to shit up /sci/? Can't you just go back to your echo chamber and talk about how much you want to guzzle the jizz of your obese, senile reality TV star God Emperor?

>> No.14716365
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Oy vey

>> No.14716488

They were able to cross without any problem because they are lizard-people and immune to the effects of radiation. Why do you deny the truth of lizard-people, OP?

>> No.14716491
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An now, for some real sources, with real infos.
https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586 -022 -00403 -0

>> No.14716492
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Oy vey

>> No.14716505

>real sources
>links to a bunch of propaganda outlets
Mentally ill.

>> No.14716634

>why yes, I get my news only from trustworthy sources, like christians4truth.com

>> No.14716645

this board needs FAQ
> moon landing
fake and gay, never happened

>> No.14716659

Notice how your mental illness causes you to sperg off at imaginary boogeymen as your only defense.

>> No.14716733

buzz aldrin already said mutliple times that it was fake so why believe that shit?

>> No.14716739


>> No.14716765

Inb4 it's the clip of him talking to a kid saying "we can't go today" ignoring all the context around it.

>> No.14716782

He literally says that the Orion craft has shielding to protect the instruments. At 3:27 he literally says "But Orion has shielding". He never admits, not even once, that NASA can't send anyone through the Van Allen belts. Nothing he says in that video can be misconstrued that way, unless you think, "We have to solve these problems before we send people" means it can't be done, when it was already done multiple times before.

>> No.14716788

>no more argument, starts the ad hominem and the automatic conclusion of collusion
Love to see it, every single time.

>> No.14716802

also, the clip where he is discussing the framing of a photo, using proper photography terminology, which when purposefully taken out of context sounds bad.

>> No.14716807

Only 6% of Americans believe the Moon landing was a hoax. They're the trannies of their generation. They're people who feel like they are somehow special, somehow smarter than everyone, but are unable to prove either. So they start believing in conspiracy theories. This gives them a psychological construct that reinforces their belief that they're smarter than everyone else even while lacking any substance for such a belief. Their delusion is their evidence.
The biggest predictor of a person believing that the Moon landing was a hoax is a pre-existing belief in another conspiracy theory, such as cover ups of extraterrestrials, the JFK assassination, or the existence of the Loch Ness Monster and other forms of cryptozoology.
The second biggest predictor is the combination of an IQ in the 105-115 range and having earned a GED.
Though many would expect schizophrenia is be the biggest predictor, it is actually only the third biggest predictor of belief that the Moon landing was a hoax.
While it isn't uncommon for a person to have multiple predictor attributes, there is a surprisingly large amount of clustering within the three attribute groups and much less overlap between groups than is typical for such subpopulations.

>> No.14716816
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Oy vey

>> No.14716856
File: 777 KB, 1x1, northwoods[1].pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two mates that went down the conspritard hole and while I agree most of them are stupid and explain away clear issues with more conspicaries there are some that have merit. I consider JFK to be one of the few that does seeing he shat on Operation Northwoods pissing off a lot of spooks that wanted to kill Americans to justify invading Cuba.
Because /sci/ is a schizo board these days I feel the need to make this clear, Operation Northwoods was real.

>> No.14716878
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>> No.14716885

I think ESL posters should be shot.

>> No.14716891
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You leftists sure are tolerant, eh?

>> No.14716949

>moon hoaxers, the flat earthers, the 9/11ers, the evolution deniers
don't lump in the political conspiracy with the science conspiracies. unlike reproducible hard science experiments, nobody wants to recreate a terrorist act. therefore it is important for citizens to independently investigate and critique their governments, regardless of the correctness of the outcome.

>> No.14717030
File: 26 KB, 497x497, 1611770627381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be year 7000
>archeologists and historians debate whether 9/11 truth, each claiming "primary sources"
>future spergs try to build twin towers using "technology they had in their day" the same way historians try to rebuild stonehenge or the pyramids.
>future spergs try to build airplanes using "technology the had in their day" despite running out of crude oil millenia ago.
>future spergs then proceed to crash the planes into the towers
>future conspiritards believe large airplane collider experiments will intentionally create a black hole.

>> No.14717065

it's worth pointing out one of the only reputable people involved with the 9/11 conspiracy theory movement - Cambridge physicist John Wyndham - started out completely on board with the controlled demolition/cruise missile hitting the Pentagon camp and then immediately changed his mind once he actually made a serious attempt at investigating everything. He still believed there was hinky shit involved (as any reasonable person who takes even a passing glance at the last 40 years of American MIC lobbying and our political relationships with Israel and the rest of the Middle East would naturally conclude), but that the physics of the NIST reports were mostly sound and suggested that if the community wanted to retain any semblance of scientific objectivity it needed to revisit the theories about controlled demolitions and approach them more skeptically.

Of course, for his trouble he was promptly accused of being a government agent and booted off of the editing team for the online 'Journal of 9/11 Studies'.

>> No.14717348

>for H3

le h3 meme

>> No.14717375

>suffer severe damage
he got 20 years older than my chain smoking dad. severe damage my ass. neil died from complications during a bypass operation

>> No.14717409

You know it just so happens that the moon is exactly the same shape as the sun but you know the sun gazillion miles away and bigger but anyways trust the science goyim we are travelling through space with million miles per second while spinning in multiple directions

>> No.14717586


>it's another episode of a flat earth schizo autist being intimidated by and not understanding sizes and speeds

>> No.14717743

I am from Chile, we are going for the fourth dose of the vaccine, from the third dose my heart hurts

although I could not say that the cases are related