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14710066 No.14710066 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't gays being locked down to prevent the spread of monkeypox?

>> No.14710068
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>t. picrel
How are you going to enforce that?

>> No.14710070

how do you morons not realize that this has nothing to do with science. It's a political question.

>> No.14710073

why do you care? they cant transfer it let them die

>> No.14710078

Yes and no. Whether or not a group of people should be detained against their will is a political question but whether or not it would be effective in containing the spread of (new name yet to be determined)pox is a science question.

>> No.14710083

I like how the gook displays the fag flag while pretending to hate fags

>> No.14710084

>Whether or not a group of people should be detained against their will is a political question
Ummm, no, sweaty. That's a scientific question, and the experts decide. Crawl back to the 20th century where you belong, luddite.

>> No.14710085

I'd rather it not spread to more children through "household contact".

>> No.14710087

you ask to lock them in their homes to prevent household contact?

>> No.14710173

Again, OP's question is "Why aren't gays being locked down to prevent the spread of monkeypox?" which is a question of the type "Why isn't the government doing X?" which is a political question. Post a thread asking if such measures have been shown in epidemiology to be efficient for containing such a disease.

>> No.14710183

tbf that would prevent monkeypox-negative gay men from contracting the disease and passing it on to other members of their households

>> No.14710196

Most gays swing both ways. They get sick from butt sex and needle sharing. They pass it on to other swingers. Tons more people swing that would dare admit it. Discouraging butt sex is a healthy practice. So is banning orgies.

>> No.14710473

No lockdowns and mandates are a scientific question, and the science is settled. If that bothers you, then you're a schizophrenic neonazi conspiracy theorist spreading pro-Russian propaganda. I mean what, do you really think the government, corporation, big tech companies, big pharma, or the biotech industry would ever lie to the public, or act in the interests of their shareholders rather than the general public? That's batshit insane, and people like you need to be censored and deplatformed. Hate speech and disinformation of this nature is literally killing vulnerable members of the BIPOC community.

>> No.14710497

Children wouldn't be present in a homosexual household in the first place.

>> No.14710540

KEK retard gays adopt their kids, are you so fucking stupid that you thought they were saying that gays can have kids together?

>> No.14710571
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>How are you going to enforce that?
Leave monkeypox to me