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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 243x313, Rankballotoval.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14709724 No.14709724 [Reply] [Original]

I prefer approval voting because it's simpler than ranked voting but still has the possibility of choosing alternative options.
What do you prefer?

>> No.14709731

I reject voting. Midwits only vote by popularity and not by rational choice. All voting systems should be replaced by a government consisting only of high IQ geniuses.

>> No.14709741

Yeah, then the current government will manipulate the IQ testing for the sake of putting the people they want in and keeping the opposition out of power

>> No.14709745
File: 666 KB, 1024x768, 1647401073499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer a technocracy where our betters decide what's good for the proles and everyone who isn't in the ruling class just minds their own business and eats their crickets in their pod.

>> No.14709813

Fun fact 1. Over half the voting population would be incapable of understanding this system and would fuck it up.
Fun fact 2. You could spend billions attempting to educate the voting population on how to use this system and they would still fuck it up.
Fun fact 3. Is when you realize that the vast majority of the population has nether the intelligence or education to make any rational decision that affects the nation.

>> No.14709817
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Fun fact 4: 99% of them don't even attempt to make rational decisions and just vote for whoever funny TV man tells them to.

>> No.14709827

>rational decision
The worst part is that dumb cattle like you thinks it's somehow different from the people you're trying to elevate yourself above.

>> No.14709841

I support theocracy but only if I’m the god king

>> No.14709843

And if not, you support a dysgenic pedo oligarchy, I presume.

>> No.14710293

Probabilistic ballots. Rather the winner being whichever option gets the most votes, the proportion of voters for each option become probabilities from which the ultimate outcome is selected.

Would solve a lot of the problems with democracy.

>> No.14710305

I prefer just making a decision by logic and possibly discussion instead of trusting the ignorant. Also skips the step of faking/skewing results just to make people feel like they've been heard

>> No.14710324

Not science or math. Belongs on /pol/

>> No.14710433

Voting systems are math
And not just voting in politics, this can extend even into online polls

>> No.14710438

It's just a weighted average. The math is settled. You're not asking how to do the math behind it, you're asking about sociology and personal preferences.
Not science or math

>> No.14710452

>"everything is gonna be perfect if the correct people are at power"
congratulations, you just fell for the same trap latin americans keep falling into since ever

>> No.14710455

No I just make my own decisions is the point. I don't trust authoritative figures to, I trust myself to

>> No.14710458

Don't you think how this could affect statistical modelling?
As in, a corporation is doing a research about the public opinion about certain brands, depending on how they structure the polls it could have an impact in the data.

>> No.14710479

Random selection parliament. There are no public elections. People are randomly selected to serve in the governing parliament. Within the parliament, leaders are selected by the members. Parliament is sized so that the inevitable number of randomly selected mouth breathing morons in it doesn't have a high variance. Once you've served a term in office, you're removed from the selection list permanently. Terms are rolling, with each week seeing some members leave and some new members come in.
The death penalty is abolished for all crimes except one: public corruption, which has the penalty of public execution by exposure.

>> No.14710499

Yes and I've had shitty surveys with 20-40 questions asking about my top 3 orders choices between a list of 10. They asked the same question 20-40 times shuffling around the set of 10. You can just ask for a fuckin list. I'm not interested in corporations and their shitty methods. Don't complicate the system and don't lose information. Just assign a number within bounds for each option to indicate how much for it against you are and do a weighted average. Anything not congruent is sociological silliness and not science or math if you're not asking about the actual math behind it

>> No.14710506

I don't want to serve so I'm going to not show up or if you legally force me to I'll passively aggressively pull a bunch of fuckery just to get vengeance

>> No.14710509

>t. idiot

>> No.14710526

Survivor island to the death, last survivor is spayed or neutered and takes office for the next five years then lives on a section 8 housing pension for the rest of their life with no access to the banking system or corporate job market.

>> No.14710531

Theres no need to vote if society just decides on a set of rules from the outset. Plurality of the world is Christian and growing, so i see no problem with those rules being the catholic catechism. problem solved.

>> No.14710539

Maximize Affirmed Majorities (MAM) is my favorite by far.
Don't know why there's so little information about it online (and most information that was available no longer is)
But here is a nice description of the method:

>> No.14710975

What's your goal? Maximize government competency? Maximize public buy-in? Something else? You need to decide what you want to accomplish before exploring which system best gets you near that goal.

>> No.14710981

Looks like something the IOC or FIFA would come up with to allow them to manipulate things with small changes in carefully selected areas.