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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 2.44 MB, 2017x781, no retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14706519 No.14706519 [Reply] [Original]

i am sick and tired of reading what they have to say on this site, so how best would i get rid of them? a virus targeting certain receptor isoforms not present in the intelligent? a propaganda campaign to segregate the populace? how can i get this done?

>> No.14706522

>I'm sick and tired of reading what retards have to say
You should probably find different websites to frequent, anon.

>> No.14706524

>find different websites
they don't exist. i have checked. unless you count ncbi

>> No.14706525

Are you asking how to do mass IQcide or how to limit low IQ from posting on 4chan?

>> No.14706527

whichever is faster

>> No.14706530

You're not going to achieve either, so it's a pointless question.

I think your best chance is training an ML model and integrating it with a browser extension which would autohide low-IQ posts.

>> No.14706535

quality advice. i still think that ideally they would get genocided

>> No.14706541 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 795x431, Jacques Attali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let those midwit soientists get the vaccine, the elites are taking care of them, don't worry.

>> No.14706554

Don't worry OP, the clot shot is taking them out

>> No.14706557
File: 616 KB, 2048x2025, LoooooooNgCooooVid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically true.

>> No.14706558

>a virus targeting certain receptor isoforms not present in the intelligent?
A virus with an existing vaccine would be good. Even better if the vaccine didn't stop infections, but only protected the vaccinated from dying, then they could still help with infecting the dumb.

>> No.14706590

Ok here's what we're going to do: Develop a model to predict the correlation between text content and IQ, then distribute it as licensed software. To acquire a license, you have to submit a mini essay on a randomly assigned topic. It uses plagiarism detection to verify originality. A license is granted if it predicts your IQ to be a certain amount higher than the average predicted IQ of a corpus of colloquial discourse gathered from around the web. You can then give it an IQ threshold that it will use to censor all text content deemed to be of too poor quality.

>> No.14706801

>long covid is real
>v-vaccines can't cause long term illness though, the spike goes away in 2 weeks

>> No.14706802

>muuuuhhh IQ

>> No.14706806

The covid jab thing has convinced me that humans are indeed cattle. Just think about it, how easy it is to annihilate plebs.

>> No.14706811
File: 183 KB, 1600x1062, This guy again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, yet another meta thread by a plebbitor angry that people don't agree with him on everything.

>> No.14706818

>retard boundary is 100

Retarded 105 detected

>> No.14706821

The Mars One project was a good pilot. Simply offer people a one way trip to Mars ( which they pay for ) and then load them into a container ship crewed by Somali pirates.

>> No.14706825
File: 22 KB, 326x317, This+isnt+slojak+though+this+is+grug+_128e1971fbae0a9da75cdbb817c2e3f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me stingy from spikey
>spike bad!

>> No.14706828

>>v-vaccines can't cause long term illness though, the spike goes away in 2 weeks
I think you have a crucial misunderstanding of what "long term" means.
Vaccines can cause things that last long. But they can't cause things that start after a long time.
1 in 83,000 people vaccinated with the smallpox vaccine got encephalitis that led to permanent brain damage. But that didn't happen a year after the vaccine, it happened soon. So even if something is permanent, these effects happen in a couple of weeks after the vaccination.
In the 70s, some people got Guillain-Barré Syndrome from flu shots. Not many, but those who got it, got it within a month.

>> No.14707906

Adventurous people aren't the ones you want to kill though, that is a positive trait

>> No.14707922

>I spend all day reading things I don't like
>How do I get the people to stop posting things I don't like
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.14708254

>But they can't cause things that start after a long time.
Microclots would disagree with you, just do a d-dimer test if you're not afraid of the results vaxxcattle

>> No.14708277

Get rid of pol IQ scores will increase.

>> No.14708297
File: 2.52 MB, 2012x1234, 1628045560391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't really want to kill low IQ people, what would be best is just if there was some separate place exclusive to those with higher IQs. Society needs all ranges to function properly, think of it like a pyramid, generally the bottom tier needs to be the largest. The world needs more janitors, street sweepers, garbagemen, line cooks, etc. than it does engineers and doctors.

>> No.14708331

Yes, this is basically correct. There are no intelligent communities on the public internet, anymore. I'm not going to discount the possibility of a university discord server or someshit that has good people but there's nothing that you can access just by going to Google dot net and 4channle dot ru which will let you speak exclusively with the nonretarded.

You're going to have to go offline. Ask your smartest friend who their smartest friend is, and have a dinner party. If they say their smartest friend is you they want to fuck, so suck their duck and ask them who their second-smartest friend is.

>> No.14708341

Honestly not impossible, but I don't think anyone could be paid enough to go through the agonizing and high-trust task of categorizing and labelling hogbrained shit.

>> No.14708715
File: 25 KB, 569x490, 4scianon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQ ppl are ruining my life
>i can't figure out a way to outsmart those low IQs
>they are so stupid, thats why i can't use my superior intelligence to outwit them

>> No.14708729

>generally the bottom tier needs to be the largest
To help corrupt politicians keep their power?

>> No.14708825

an IQcide would get rid of hookers, not worth it

>> No.14708867

How do I find my IQ? Years ago In 8th grade I tested at 80.

>> No.14708868

>How do I find my IQ
Look under the mattress.

>> No.14708871

Electric shocks. Just figure up a way to send electric shocks down through the internet and up through the keyboards of stupid people. Every time they say something stupid...ZZAP!

>> No.14710149
File: 524 KB, 828x1022, Attali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jab already is eliminating midwit scientists, you need not worry.

>> No.14710175

nigga just rangeban america, mexico and brazil
that's all you have to do

>> No.14712653

Trannies believe that positive discrimination is good, but this debunks equality, and without equality you can create unequal education programs: let niggers skip STEM classes and focus on strong curriculum for whites.

>> No.14712660

>Still using traditional vaccines to judge the potential outcomes of a gene therapy

Not going to make it.

>> No.14712670

>You should probably find different websites to frequent
everywhere else is compromised. old school forums are dead and / or full of retarded boomers.

>> No.14712675

Unapologetic math and spatial captchas will work wonders. You will also rape your traffic so you'll have to tuck cookies and deal with it, op.

>> No.14712689

this, captchas should be based on items from IQ tests. there must be a way to weed out retards fast and consistently.

>> No.14713885

No, a high IQ based population will have self discipline, there will be no any issue and trash or fake jobs anymore.

>> No.14714262

That's just not true lol

>> No.14715930

>they don't exist
Go create your own website.

>> No.14715953

For real? Make a clubhouse, charge $2 for entry and everyone must wear a mask at all times. Comments uploaded through RFID card and minimum 1,000 words. All comments anonymous and sorted by topic. Maximum 10 posts per day.

>> No.14715957

i have 130 iq and i write the stupidest shit on this site. i'll take a random transition from discrete math like "assume", post a basedjak and watch the hilarity. i'm just not interested in actual sci topics, i like to lift weights and have sex with young blonde women.

>> No.14715959

By living in the woods without tech probably, can't think of another way to limit contact properly.

>> No.14715961

>a virus targeting certain receptor isoforms not present in the intelligent?
>how can i get this done?
you can start by kys

>> No.14717616

quack medicine and conspiracy theories that are harmful to health

>> No.14717627

intelligence -> foresight -> not doing stupid shit all the time

>> No.14717935

>i'll take a random transition from discrete math like "assume"
Don't write posts on the verge of passing out drunk.

>> No.14718304 [DELETED] 

Are older versions of windows in anyway safer or more private for the user?

>> No.14718324

Win98SE is peak performance, but I don't know that its capable of multiple CPUs so getting it to play nice with modern hardware could be tricky.
SE stands for "Second Edition", I don't know why they didn't version number it like everyone else does.

>> No.14718341

Long covid is just the vaccine. Long covid didn't exist prior to the completion of operation warp speed

>> No.14718752

IQ is overrated and Mensa faggots are the best example.
We should get rid of retards though, the problem is that metrics are shit.