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14706221 No.14706221 [Reply] [Original]

zoomers cuck'd themselves out of $3.9 trillion with their laughably naïve trust in science.
bill gates laughing all the way to the bank again

>> No.14706337

So billionaires created 0.2 trillion of riches, what's the problem here, that you didn't create any?

>> No.14708213
File: 205 KB, 680x545, polcel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to your containment board, incel.

If you don't want to be a poor white trash retard living in a trailer park, then maybe you should go to college and get an education, instead of blaming all your problems in life on globalists or the elites or the new world order, or whatever the latest conspiracy theory happens to be.

>> No.14708312
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>zoomers cuck'd themselves out of $3.9 trillion with their laughably naïve trust in science.
No, it's millennials. It's us.

>> No.14708508

Remember who it was pushing the hardest for the lockdowns, masks, injections, and all the rest of that garbage? Seems like they got what they asked for.

>> No.14708548
File: 42 KB, 620x700, zoomers cuckd again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

young + naïve + low iq + bad education + poor = zoomer

>> No.14708926

I find it hard to believe that billionaires in general got riche during the pandemic, except perhaps Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. I'd like to see some backing to these claims. The economy as a whole got battered.
Were any oil trillionaires getting richer when oil got into negative price and they paid you to take oil from the fields?

>> No.14710020
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>> No.14710158

>Hey man they are just extracting value from you labor
>>ok i trust you professor
>>does no labor
>billionaires get richer by 3.9 trillion
>uh man that uh
>>Stay away from me you smell like weed

>> No.14710200

>I find it hard to believe that billionaires in general got riche during the pandemic, except perhaps Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates
>Increased money supply and lowered interest rates
>Government bailouts
>Small businesses closing (less competition)
>Shorting the stock market
>Insider trading

>> No.14710245

So you are saying airlines, hotels, oil companies, Hollywood and trucking billionaires got richer during the pandemic?

>> No.14710251
File: 1.43 MB, 1168x4386, dynasties are not counted when factoring in the richest individuals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will become deeply upset if you ever research economic trends and who owns what.

>> No.14710263

Only 2 trillion?
So who are these 8 men? The rothschilds themselves are hundreds of people
Theres likely around 400 trillion dollars in capital in the whole world. Thats not cash but capital, its mostly the value in land and buildings, 2 trillion not so much

>> No.14710314
File: 374 KB, 1946x1592, EPI_productivity_compensation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who stole everybody's productivity?
Chart is related.

How is it that Productivity and Salaries completely disconnected?
Companies and super rich became richer.
Stocks and director salaries soared.
While workers compensation did not go anywhere.

Explain this.

>> No.14710343

>>does no labor
cry me a river.
Explain chart here: >>14710314
Why people lost 50% in salaries, while providing massive increases in productivity?

>trucking billionaires
Don't know any, name one.... but yes. Everybody got locked in homes, shopping was done by home deliveries. Trucks had to deliver it.

>> No.14710356

So the bottom 50% only own 426billion total?
Thats like $110 each, for 3.8 billion people
No idea why the rest of the image tries to trick people into an antisemitic conspiracy

>> No.14710371

>Were any oil trillionaires getting richer when oil got into negative price
received compensation from the government(your tax)

>> No.14710388

The rothschilds are listed on the forbes list, you retard

>> No.14710393

We have Few real jobs and too many people. Companies hire to improve bottom line or please the government, around 70% of employees have no immediate effect on companies earnings, the big question is why do they hire so many people. The answer is to get tax breaks. Taxation has successfully plunged humanity to the deadly abyss of meaningless jobs. We are living in a modern version of hell. You don’t exist and your work has no value. You are a number in the balance sheet.

>> No.14710394

The wealthy understand 'buy low, sell high' and almost as importantly, have the capital to do it. The wealthy were able to buy up lots of assets during the pandemic at fire sale prices.

>> No.14710410

Find me Jacob Rothschild on this list.


>> No.14710418

>received compensation from the government(your tax)
I dont believe this. Prove it. Prove they received compensation equal to their losses.
One thing i noticed about oil is that everyone attacks them during times of expensive oil such as now, but nobody pities them during times of low prices. Even now during "record profit time" they lost tens of billions in assets in Russia they just had to abandon, not a single thank you.

>> No.14710422

>That means that the billionaires took the 3.9 trillion from the workers
Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
Yes, the rich and powerful keep doing this, but your picture still is retarded and has nothing to do with science.
Also, this keeps happening because you polcels keep voting for people like Dubya and the Donald. But that's a discussion we should have in /pol/, not /sci/ so go back.

>> No.14710427

>Oil got negative price
I'd like to expand on this a little. Oil is ENERGY. Energy goes before anything else, before any paper (stocks) or speculation. If you don't have energy you don't have an economy , basically.

Paper Oil PRICE in storage by SPECULATORS went negative for 1 night. Possible that some one big speculator or a shark was trying to eat another speculator or a shark or a bunch of smaller fish.

>> No.14710432

not Jewish
Not Jewish
Not Jewish
Not Jewish

Yeah, obviously it's as /pol/cels tell us. I think, their logic is "I'm white non-Jewish trailor park trash, so I bet I'm only human garbage because I'm not Jewish REEEE"

>> No.14710436

*tips mutilated dick*

>> No.14710442

>So the bottom 50% only own 426billion total?
>That's like $110 each, for 3.8 billion people
And that is why current so called "Capitalist" system is collapsing , and we need to either restart this Monopoly game or create a new one.

>We have Few real jobs and too many people.
I agree with you.
Currently top 3 industries in USA are : 1) Financial, 2) Government, 3) Healthcare.
Financial is bankers, mortgages , stocks, financialization of everything. This is a parasitic industry, it makes people financial slaves.
Government should not be #2. We have gov that is too big. But you can take more taxes and give it to your friends who do gov contractors like Military Industrial Complex.
Healthcare is a death care, they don't heal people, primary purpose of this industry is to maintain half sick population and to put you permanently on drugs.

The fact that all 3 of them are larger than the Energy industry is astounding.

We need to cut all 3 of those parasites by 75%.

>> No.14710444

>Paper Oil PRICE in storage by SPECULATORS went negative for 1 night.
So? The price was still super low the entire time. Were oil companies getting richer from low prices and reduced demand?

>> No.14710446

You are mistaken. I am not a subhuman American. My parents didn't cut off a third of my dick because the cornflakes man told them to.

>> No.14710449

>We need to cut all 3 of those parasites by 75%.
What's the logic here? You don't have enough jobs, so you want to decimate the jobs in the most successful industries? Because ... that would achieve what exactly? Wouldn't you have even fewer jobs then?

>> No.14710454

>that would achieve what exactly?
It would increase profits into all the other industries. Banks and finance and healthcare keep doing what they do but will lower compensation, that is passed to the rest of the economy

>> No.14710462

>I dont believe this. Prove it

>> No.14710466

>It would increase profits into all the other industries
Why? How? Why would your plumber ass earn more per pipe just because some nurses and bankers are unemployed now?

>> No.14710472

>Were oil companies getting richer from low prices and reduced demand?

I'll give you an example.
We have a Rockfeller's Standard Oil monopoly, which was broken up and is currently getting back together via Exxon Mobil + Sunoco + Chevron + Marathon Oil. Maybe I forgot a few smaller ones, still the same Rockfeller's monopoly.
So. Old Rockfeller tricks were to bankrupt all competitors and buy on the cheap.

It is entirely possible that a massive oil depot that was hit by speculators , was a target of Rockfellers take over. It may have either gone bankrupt or received a takeover offer in the morning that they couldn't refuse.
While speculative price later normalized.

Most oil companies use various protections, such as insurance and Derivatives, as the industry is fairly risky.
A random oil company may have had puts and calls in their portfolio structured correctly so that once a price went lower than X their derivatives started bringing serious money the lower the price went.

Maybe some whistleblower will eventually step up and tell the story.

>> No.14710476

>Why? How? Why would your plumber ass earn more per pipe just because some nurses and bankers are unemployed now?
Say interest on loans is reduced, then banks get less money while everyone else pays less to banks. That means you get to keep more of your own money, that means theres more money to spend. Perhaps more people will hire plumbers and pay them more if they have spare money from lower interest rates.
That is how. Idem with healthcare.
And bankers would not go unemployed, they would just get paid a lot less

>> No.14710480

What is the purpose of writing such a random-ass tale?

>> No.14710481

Maybe the environmentalists are right and we should just stop burning oil?

>> No.14710486
File: 367 KB, 1060x1404, 57D03910-621A-4B93-8A5C-5A919BD4C2BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that people still believe in reaganomics is astounding

>> No.14710489

>Say interest on loans is reduced
Only corporations and subhumans take loans.
>That means you get to keep more of your own money, that means theres more money to spend.
No, I get to keep all of my money. I think, I pay my bank €1.50 for my monthly payment to my ETF savings plan. I could also not invest my money and keep everything, but the €1.50 are easily worth it.
Don't spend money you don't have.

>> No.14710491

You know why that list is total fraud? Because it only lists people whose source of wealth is publicly known, And a lot of that wealth is in stocks, it's not tangible.

Pablo Escobar was a cartel overlord gorillionaire, he only made into the list only when his front businesses themselves became worth that much, This is exactly the reason why you don't have any generational Bankers like Jacob Rothschild on that list, a lot of their wealth is physical (big mansions, gold, etc) and their source of income is diverse, complex and historical, it's not publicky known.

>> No.14710498

Because that is how business in real life works.
Someone asked if oil companies got richer.
In my example: 1) Rockfellers oil companies got richer as they bought a competitor on the cheap via a hostile takover , and
2) some random oil company with correctly structured derivatives may have earned massive profits from price of oil falling this low.

>> No.14710500

>I think, I pay my bank €1.50 for my monthly payment to my ETF savings plan. I c
You pay banks when you buy anything. Corporations pay banks, when you pay a corporation part of that money goes to a bank.
10% of general expenses are going to finance, this includes banks and insurance

>> No.14710501

Why are you so obsessed with that family?

>> No.14710504

>While workers compensation did not go anywhere.
Why would it?
Shit got automated a lot. That doesn't increase the value generated by the bathroom cleaners.

>> No.14710508

>You pay banks when you buy anything.
Don't they have cash in your country? When I exchange 50 cents for a pretzel, no bank takes 5 cents out of my hand.

>> No.14710510

>Someone asked if oil companies got richer.
I specifically asked about the pandemic and you wrote about some Eisenhower-tier historical lesson. Why are you trying to deflect attention, who are you protecting?

>> No.14710515

>no bank takes 5 cents out of my hand.
You pay a grocery store that gives 5 cents to a bank

>> No.14710521

>you want to decimate the jobs in the most successful industries?

The problem is that we are paying too high of a price.
People are financial slaves to bankers - they pay 30 years mortgages, and/or move or refinance for another 30 years etc and they are stuck in debd to banksters their entire lives.
Great to bankers, great for faking GPD where you added financials and services.
Extremely bad for the people and the economy.
with money sent to bankers you can't buy new stuff, you can't create new companies. Small business is destroyed, and small business used to be over 50% of all jobs.

Government wastes humongous amounts of money. spends massive billions of dollars on various friends and government contractors, starting from companies in MIC. Some gov contractors like Lokheed Martin are being paid $360/hour for their work in unrelated industries, for instance. This is how much Social Security Administration used to pay.
They literally pillage our taxes. It is extremely ridiculous and should be addressed if we are ever to figure out ways to improve our economy.

>> No.14710522

First of all, pretzels are sold by bakers, not grocery stores, and second of all, why would they? What service do they provide? Okay, they will take the cash and add it to their balance and let them transfer the money to flour wholesale, but they surely don't take 10% of that.

>> No.14710524

>they pay 30 years mortgages, and/or move or refinance for another 30 years etc and they are stuck in debd to banksters their entire lives.
Then don't? I don't get it. I don't own real estate and I don't have a mortgage.

>> No.14710528

>Maybe the environmentalists are right and we should just stop burning oil?

Not really . At this point I Believe environmentalists are paid shills by the Oil industry.
They hate any possible REAL alternatives to the Oil industry - Nuclear and Coal are the two. They HATE Nuclear and coal with passion.
And they push tech that doesn't really work - solar and wind.
Clearly paid by the Big Oil.

>> No.14710529

You speak like one.

>> No.14710532

>What service do they provide?
All businesses have loans. They pay banks for the interest. Even the businesses that dont borrow money they also buy supplies from other businesses that do have loans.
Banks on average take 10% of any random business profit. Its more on some businesses and less in others.
Do you have a house and paid in cash? Well the builder had loans to pay. Even without a mortgage some of your cash payment went to a bank

>> No.14710533

Thanks for the compliment on my language proficiency and fuck you for the attack on my intellect.

>> No.14710534

People in USA on average sell a house and move every 7 years.
Usually because of jobs or personal circumstances - they get married, divorced etc.
Even if every 10 - you get a house, 30 year mortgage, you pay mostly interest to the bank first 10 years. Then you sell it and move, get another house, another 30 year mortgage.
Basically they never pay off their mortgages to the banks and are permanent banker slaves.

>> No.14710535

So you pay rent?

>> No.14710586

Why the fuck do you think coal is an alternative to oil?

>> No.14710587

Yes. Like most people in my country.
So how does it work? Do you get a bunch of cash and keep your mortgage? Do you get out of the mortgage and sign a new one for your next house?

>> No.14710591

>How is it that Productivity and Salaries completely disconnected?
Automation and technology.

>> No.14710597

That's simply an example I chose, there are many people that come under that category, how many corrupt billionaores Or maybe trillionaires do you know? There are multi billion $ of illegal activity that goes on around the world, none of that comes up on that list, Have you heard of panama papers?

>> No.14710631

>Yes. Like most people in my country.
How much of your rent goes to pay your landlord's mortgage?

>> No.14710665

Its impossible for the law firms and swiss banks that create these millions of fake companies to not be the target of every single intelligence network. Its impossible for MI6 to just not know who owns some house in Britain

>> No.14710670

>That's simply an example I chose, there are many people that come under that category
No, I have a coworker who I suspect as a /pol/tard and he always tells us about the Rothschilds. I'm from the same city as that family (their name literally means the family from the house with the red shield) and he kept asking me weird questions until I told him that the entire quarter burned down in WW2, so even if it still existed back then, it is gone now. I said it in a way that emphasized that the Nazis started a war and then lost, thus ruining Germany and destroying a lot of German heritage (including the Jewish heritage). After that he never bugged me again. Maybe he lurks here, in that case hi.
Zero, since my landlords have owned and lived in that house for over 50 years, I think. But I do pay about 20% in rent.