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File: 293 KB, 924x677, just be positive bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14702432 No.14702432 [Reply] [Original]

What are some depression turns out isn't real and it's just a glorified attitude problem?

>> No.14702487

That's been the case all along. People would rather take pills and pay someone to care about their problems than face them themselves.

>> No.14702515

people who lack the courage to be happy will always be unhappy and will find comfort in unhappiness

>> No.14702820

>if it can't be explained by humorism then it's not real
STEMtards are truly something else

>> No.14702825

that's not a question

please point out where someone said depression isn't real

>> No.14702862


>> No.14702889


>> No.14702909

Google is your friend

>> No.14702937

>to care about their problems than face them themselves.
When your problems are the entire fucking capitalist society, you need help because you can't win alone.

>> No.14702949

>my life isn't bad because of my own decisions, it's capitalisms fault!

>> No.14702960

I think that psychedelic therapy mogging SSRIs means psychological components play a more crucial role than the chemical imbalance paradigm gives credit. I suspect the default mode network has a big role, although I don't have a lot of neuroscience training beyond watching Robert Sapolsky's lectures, plus I suspect even that's really reductive.

>> No.14702983
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Dear Science Community, this is why depression shapely increased.

Who wants to get recognition for an easy Scientific discovery? Don't you finally want recognition?

>I don't... Here is your clue.

>> No.14703004

Jordan is that you?

>> No.14703038
File: 178 KB, 1016x970, 1813710946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something we've known all along.

>Attitude problem
Sounds jewish.

>> No.14703053

No they're not they want me dead and family broke and raped

>> No.14703060

Ted poster was right. Modern work culture is unnatural and frustrating
>just decide to be rich bro
Kill yourself kike

>> No.14703087

Ted was right about everything

>> No.14703089

Do you want to go back to being a serf?

>> No.14703095

Life is in fact more fulfilling in a band society living with your close relatives hunting foraging and perhaps even doing agriculture. But that was only possible due to the very small number of humans back in those days.
The real problem is overpopulation and the tragedy of the commons. You might move off grid with your wife, but if everyone does that it would be unsustainable with the current number of people so they gotta live like rats stacked on top of each other.

>> No.14703098

There are people that have unlucky dice roll and depends little on what they can muster out of their own will.

There are idiots like this, but also plenty of people that are fucked.

They tend to be less visible since one of the things that you loose in the process of having your life destroyed is your social connection, and thus your social visibility.

>> No.14703102

No I want to go back to a cabin in the woods grow my own opium and hunt/harvest my own food.
Enjoy 8 hours in a cubicle cramped like a sardine then going back to your rathole apartment.

>> No.14703116

In some shitholes in Europe there are laws against camping. You can't even move away from the shithole society for a while, let alone live or sustain yourself.
So the alternatives are breaking the law and going to prison, becoming homeless or joining the system.

>> No.14703128

It's still physiological, just more complex than the "bag of chemicals" lie. Reductively speaking it's all physiological at some level, but we're talking about structural brain changes that can take months or years to counteract. And to be fair, attitude is one of the things that has a two-way causal relationship with that physiology, no doubt.

>> No.14703135

Depression is either environmental or diet.

>> No.14703169

... or a psychological auto immune reaction

>> No.14703176

"scientist find" that niggers tongue my anus

>> No.14703184

>>if it can't be explained by humorism then it's not real
>STEMtards are truly something else
most respectable psychiatrists haven't thought depression was "a state of low serotonin levels in the brain" for the past few decades. SSRIs don't help many people, but they do seem to help many others, and this may or may not be directly due to their serotonergic effects

>> No.14703193

It's caused by being a fat fuck eating processed shit, and not exercising.

>> No.14703237

>What are some depression turns out isn't real and it's just a glorified attitude problem?

It's a society problem. People are fucking assholes. People realize they are surrounded by assholes but do not have the tools to change their current situation. When they can change their situation, magically, the depression cures.

Medication is a tool, like a bandage, to help people calm down long enough to get control over their thoughts, emotions, and life.

External factors are always the issue. Medication is a chemical lobotomy to make the people around the depressed person feel better about abusing the person.

>> No.14703288

SSRI's work in mysterious ways.
Why do they help with anxiety and panic disorders, but not with depression? Or at least not better than placebo when it comes to the latter.

>> No.14703298

just....don't be rich.

>> No.14703299

You are confusing depression for sadness and so are most normgroids who think they are depressed.
Indeed life is shit and it makes people perpetually sad.
But there are also people who on paper have decent lives but just can't enjoy shit.

>> No.14703422

>You are confusing depression for sadness and so are most normgroids who think they are depressed

Sure thing, smart guy. I've been suicidal since I was 5. I had a plan to get a kitchen knife and stab myself in the heart because that was the only way I knew how to die. I was officially diagnosed with GAD and depression when I was 16. I've been through therapy and every med from zoloft to benzos and everything in between. They do not cure anything. They normalize your mood long enough to (actively) change your own thoughts. The cure for depression is to literally just stop being a faggot. Depression is a symptom, not a fucking disease, retard.

My life is great. I still don't enjoy shit unless I put actual mental effort into being happy.

Retards, like you, aren't depressed. You're undisciplined faggots that are addicted to serotonin hits from (you)s.

Sometimes I wish I was just a retarded normy so I could wallow in blissful ignorance.

>> No.14703428

You are definitely retarded if you believe you can put effort into enjoying things.

>> No.14703453

>You are definitely retarded if you believe you can put effort into enjoying things


imagine having a brain that's so smooth that you can't even control your own delusional thoughts

>> No.14703456

Depression is extremely real. It's a mental allergic reaction to an environment that is not suitable for adequate mental and physical functioning.

>> No.14703461

>Depression is a mental allergic reaction to an environment that is not suitable for adequate mental and physical functioning


>> No.14703462

Imagine being so retarded to think that humans can exert a certain type of effort that helps them enjoy things.
It might work for you, but that's a product of your rampant schizophrenia.

>> No.14703466

Hello Ted

>> No.14703468

>Imagine being so retarded to think that humans can exert a certain type of effort that helps them enjoy things.
>It might work for you, but that's a product of your rampant schizophrenia.

Oh, I get it now, you're just an asshole that isn't capable of forming meaningful relationships. That sounds depressing. You should probably start working on addressing those thoughts. Try meditation.

>> No.14703477

>goes on an off topic retarded rant
Magical thinking is a sign of schizophrenia or simple mental retardation.
See you actually believe you can exert some kind of effort upon your own mind to improve your enjoyment of an outside factor, but you are met with skepticism when you try to shill your idea to normal non-schizo people.
Why you ask? Because this type of effort is not scientifically proven, in fact it'a just magical thinking. Look I can do the same if you cut your nails at the perfect length you can enjoy masturbation more, these normyes just don't understand meee

>> No.14703481

The number of mentally imbalanced retards ITT is concerning.

>> No.14703483

>goes on an off topic retarded rant
>Imagine being so retarded to think that humans can exert a certain type of effort that helps them enjoy things.
>It might work for you, but that's a product of your rampant schizophrenia.
>You are definitely retarded if you believe you can put effort into enjoying things.
>You are confusing depression for sadness and so are most normgroids who think they are depressed.
>Indeed life is shit and it makes people perpetually sad.
>But there are also people who on paper have decent lives but just can't enjoy shit.

kek imagine being (you)

>> No.14703488
File: 150 KB, 800x750, 1649798919312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't just heckin' change your mindset to improve your life!!
>just take your heckin' peckin' deboonked soience pills!!
This is your brain on determinitard religious dogma.

>> No.14703490

>he just gives up when he gets called out on his bullshit
glad you know your place in the pecking order, brainlet

>> No.14703493

>conveniently remove the part that says that it doesn't change the fact that antidepressants are an effective treatment.

All that study says is that there's more to depression that simply a chemical imbalance, something everyone in the field already knew.

>> No.14703495

You sound like a retarded Buddhist who has failed at life and is trying really hard to "improve his mindset" to cope with his garbage low caste life.
Are you literally starving right now posting from a McDicks wifi you pathetic retard?

>> No.14703504

>Magical thinking is a sign of schizophrenia or simple mental retardation.
>See you actually believe you can exert some kind of effort upon your own mind to improve your enjoyment of an outside factor, but you are met with skepticism when you try to shill your idea to normal non-schizo people.

Anon, do you know what therapy is?

>> No.14703507

Do you have free will? Do you support antinatalism? On a scale from 1 to 10, how much is Putin literally Hitler? How worried are you about AGW?

>> No.14703512

A fucking meme. Literally the worst case of pseudo-science in the history of humanity. In 100 years it will be ridiculed the same way as blood letting and lobotomy.
Go back to plebbit where you belong.

>> No.14703513

Do you have free wifi you poorfag? Is this why you improoooove your mind cause you can't do shit about your environment?

>> No.14703514

And by the way, I'm depressed because I'm an incel. Your pseudoscience therapy won't fix my jaw. You lost the argument, pledditor.

>> No.14703516

Did my questions make you uncomfortable? Let's try it again: Do you have free will? Do you support antinatalism? On a scale from 1 to 10, how much is Putin literally Hitler? How worried are you about AGW?

>> No.14703517
File: 320 KB, 457x560, 1656621683582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression is an inconsistency between what you know, what you want, and what you think you want. You can be poor and happy, rich and happy, envious and happy, but you can't be happy at all if you decide that you want what you don't actually want. You might be fearful of something, or simply confused. You're stuck. Maybe you have something pushing you further down, in your head or out. What do you really want? What do you really care about?

>> No.14703518

Sorry about your normie "depression". Hope you never have a real one.

>> No.14703519

Did my question make you uncomfortable? Let's try it again: Do you have free wifi you poorfag? Is this why you improoooove your mind cause you can't do shit about your environment?

>> No.14703520

>I'm depressed because I'm an incel

Exactly. It's entirely environmental. I never said you could magically improve your life. I said IF you COULD improve your life, it would cure your depression. You actually sound like a schizo though. lol.

>> No.14703521

Nice false flag retard. Replying to yourself was really smart.

>> No.14703522

It's okay, I know what the answers are, you know that I know, and the way you desperately deflect proves I'm right.

>> No.14703524

Writing edgy text isn't going to do anything to me, anon.

>> No.14703525

>It's okay, I know what the answers are

based schizo retard poster

gib next week winning lotto numbers pls

>> No.14703526

Writing normie platitudes isn't going to do anything for you or anyone, either, so why did you bother?

>> No.14703531

Pick one and go.

>> No.14703533
File: 63 KB, 602x666, 1642787729652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun.

>> No.14703534

No, sadness is an inconsistency between what you want (your crush's pussy) and reality (someone else is fucking her pussy).
If you actually fuck her pussy and are still sad then you may claim depression. As in irrational sadness caused by god knows what.

>> No.14703535

So was putting you back in your place. :^)

>> No.14703537

2 bots are arguing in this thread

>> No.14703540

Only non-living things submit to reality. Write something that isn't false next time.

>> No.14703543

Only non-living things submit to the metaphysical. Write something that isn't schizophrenic next time.

>> No.14703548

Feel free to join. Do you think depression is internal or environmental?

>> No.14703553

>Do you think depression is internal or environmental?

>> No.14703558

I think that you are too lazy to even think. You just let your fears carry you.

>> No.14703560

I think you are too schizo to even think. You let your delusions carry you.

>> No.14703562
File: 17 KB, 326x293, 34234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Determinism is false.

>> No.14703567
File: 443 KB, 400x296, 1381781743980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever excuse you've got to throw at me, at least I'm not a coward.

>> No.14703667

skill issue if you will

>> No.14703706

Have you tried not consuming caffiene, nicotine, cannibis and cut down on sugar? Maybe try some live yogurt?


I swear you people are just the same as those winy liberals who cry about pronouns.

I get bad depressive days if I've had too much sugar and don't have a sensible diet.

>> No.14703709
File: 23 KB, 600x625, 46345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you tried not consuming caffiene, nicotine, cannibis and cut down on sugar? Maybe try some live yogurt?
>I swear you people are just the same as those winy liberals who cry about pronouns.
>I get bad depressive days if I've had too much sugar and don't have a sensible diet.

>> No.14703769

you're genuinely retarded

>> No.14703823

You can cure depression with self brain shocks. Just exert your brain until you overload the depression. It'll get worse a thirst while you're tired but then it goes away

>> No.14703827

That's right, goylems! Just give yourself brain damage so you don't feel so bad about being tormented by our subhuman prison system.

>> No.14703891

Seething Coffee and Cigarette consoomers.

>> No.14703892

You sound like you have some serious mental illness.

>> No.14703901
File: 140 KB, 323x356, IMG_5483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry you cant get your lobotomy reversed but does it have to be our problem

>> No.14704173
File: 113 KB, 768x768, 1658203915939598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are many bones in the human body and even more ways to break them.
There are infinity ways to enter the depressed state.
Getting out is a matter of recalibrating your sphere of influence and training your mind's interrupt handler. Depression is a mental autoimmune response and should be treated like inflammation.

>> No.14704430
File: 332 KB, 880x892, IMG_20220726_100116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you actually fuck her pussy and are still sad then you may claim depression
wrong, you cannot claim it even then. that only means that you were mistaken about what you wanted.