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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14698736 No.14698736 [Reply] [Original]

So what's your take on the Climate Change crisis. Is it real, a fabrication, can they fix it, or are we all going to be barbecue in 10 to 15 years?

>> No.14698738

Global warming is a >>>/pol/ topic.

>> No.14698739

Shut the fuck up, how many threads do you want to create every day, fucking poltard incel, kill yourself already and don't shit up our board

>> No.14698742

Its real, the climate is changing, but not because of humans. The earth goes through climate cycles whether we like it or not. A bigger concern than global warming is pollution, now THAT is our fault

>> No.14698751

>The earth goes through climate cycles whether we like it or not
Except it's not cyclical at all. Show the cycle or piss off

>> No.14698756
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it's real, it's caused by humans, but the apocalyptic scenarios that were made famous by scientists in the 70s are no longer true, partially because we have mitigated it and also because their data was not correct. Now the crisis has been downgraded from an existential one to an economic and political threat to the status quo.

>> No.14698767

>So what's your take on the Climate Change crisis.
That it's a boring, played out topic

>> No.14698781


>> No.14698818
File: 196 KB, 828x851, 1655532327118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it real
yes the planet's average temperature is increasing
>a fabrication
>can they fix it
no. and if "they" could fix it, it wouldn't be fixed by giving more money to the governments and corporations that caused it anyways, which is what the "solutions" are. cucks, all of you
>are we going to bbq
I'm bbqing tonight, so although possible, I believe that "they" will win and force all of us to live in pods inside of commieblocks and eat bugs. Not me, of course. They'll execute me in my home when I refuse the corn syrup military police.
>ok but can someone else fix it
the only solutions offered are not solutions. wind will not help much. solar will actively make it worse. electric vehicles will actively make it worse. the planet is warming and we don't like that, we know our emissions contribute. how much we contribute is incalculable. all you see are billionaires jerking eachother off with their groups of newpapers and media outlets, it's shilling, old school "you should buy my products" style, disguised as news and information. it's disinformation, plain and simple, designed to siphon your paycheck away from the oil elites and towards the "renewables" elites.
First they said your hair smelled, and then they started selling hairspray. Curious!

>> No.14698829

So our species survives, but we're going to have a shit time?

>> No.14698831

>climate change
global warming. it's global warming caused by the greenhouse effect due to anthropogenic CO2. Got that? Stop using weasel words.

It's also bullshit. The greenhouse effect due to atmospheric CO2 levels off at about 100 ppm. It might fuck up the ecosystem by accelerating the growth of plants.

>> No.14698846

You should be ashamed of that post...
It is absolutely going to completely and utterly destroy the environment.

The environment of deserts that is, since C3 plants benefit so much from enhnced CO2 that any kind of precipitation is going to sustain literal jungles at any latitudes.
Will somebody think of the scorpions ?

>> No.14698858

yeah or it won't be too bad depending on how quickly we develop technologies to deal with it

>> No.14698861

climate change is more appropriate because a warmer globe makes places like europe colder in the long term by weakening the gulf stream

>> No.14698870

t. underage
it was global warming 20 years ago in high school. they changed it to climate change because the globe isn't warming and sea levels aren't rising. it's just an excuse to de-car you.

>> No.14698878
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>Its real, the climate is changing, but not because of humans.

>The earth goes through climate cycles whether we like it or not.
Which cycle is causing current warming?

>> No.14698882

>The greenhouse effect due to atmospheric CO2 levels off at about 100 ppm.

>> No.14698887

Nuclear is the actual solution

>> No.14698890
File: 7 KB, 489x213, harries_radiation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The greenhouse effect due to atmospheric CO2 levels off at about 100 ppm.
Then explain this.
In 1970, NASA launched the IRIS satellite that measured infrared spectra between 400 cm-1 to 1600 cm-1. In 1996, the Japanese Space Agency launched the IMG satellite which recorded similar observations. Both sets of data were compared to discern any changes in outgoing radiation over the 26 year period (Harries et al. 2001). The resultant change in outgoing radiation was as in picrel: Change in spectrum from 1970 to 1996 due to trace gases. 'Brightness temperature' indicates equivalent blackbody temperature (Harries et al. 2001).

What they found was a drop in outgoing radiation at the wavelength bands that greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) absorb energy. The change in outgoing radiation is consistent with theoretical expectations. Thus the paper found "direct experimental evidence for a significant increase in the Earth's greenhouse effect".

This result has been confirmed by subsequent papers using more recent satellite data. The 1970 and 1997 spectra were compared with additional satellite data from the NASA AIRS satellite launched in 2003 (Griggs & Harries 2004). This analysis was extended to 2006 using data from the AURA satellite launched in 2004 (Chen et al. 2007). Both papers found the observed differences in CO2 bands matching the expected changes from rising carbon dioxide levels. Thus we have empirical evidence that increased CO2 is causing an enhanced greenhouse effect.

>> No.14698896
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>they changed it to climate change
No one "changed" anything. They are two similar descriptions used at the same time, schizo.

>the globe isn't warming and sea levels aren't rising
But they are. Why are you lying?


>> No.14698898
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>> No.14698899


>> No.14698904

Here's the culmination of that research, using kernelizations also derived from direct observations: https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/174407/

>> No.14698907

So if I'm reading that right, Covid-19 is a realistic photoshopped shark and Climate Change is an absurd teenage mutant ninja photoshopped shark? I'll cosign.

>> No.14698910

Are you ever going to read the paper you keep spamming as a non sequitur?

>> No.14698913

Sure, as soon as you explain how is a "non sequitur" in any context I've used it. Dumb schizo.

>> No.14698919

It doesn't follow from any of the papers cited in the post you replied.

>> No.14698925

>No one "changed" anything. They are two similar descriptions used at the same time, schizo.
Well, actually, it was the bush administration that changed it.

And you'll find that even 20 years later, some /pol/ faggots have the same strategy.
>"Therefore, you need to continue to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue in the debate."
>The phrase "global warming" should be abandoned in favour of "climate change", Mr Luntz says, and the party should describe its policies as "conservationist" instead of "environmentalist", because "most people" think environmentalists are "extremists" who indulge in "some pretty bizarre behaviour... that turns off many voters".
>Words such as "common sense" should be used, with pro-business arguments avoided wherever possible.

That's literally /pol/. "It's common sense that the climate changes, it has done so forever and will always change, also didn't scientists say that the earth would be a snowball bei 2000?"

>> No.14698936

Not him, but there's a truth in your post I'd like to highlight. The Guardian is literally no more or less credible than /pol/, which is to say both are pure bullshit with zero credibility.

>> No.14698937

What do you mean by follow? It uses satellite measurements of outgoing and incoming radiation and radiative kernels to directly observe the change in greenhouse effect from CO2 emissions.

>> No.14698944
File: 1.47 MB, 1x1, LuntzResearch.Memo.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Guardian is literally no more or less credible than /pol/,
Here, without Guardian or anything.

>> No.14698943

>Well, actually, it was the bush administration that changed it.
But they failed. Both terms are still being used regularly.

>> No.14698945

>But they failed.
Well, if it's a and I want it to be b, then I'm happy if it's b at least 50% of the time.

>> No.14698950

I know what it says because I've read it. I really don't think you have. You just spam it everywhere like a cat mom who's proud of her cat and wants everyone to see her cat baby. Tell me why you thought it made sense to reply to this post >>14698890 with that paper.

>> No.14698970

>I know what it says because I've read it.
Then you should be easily able to explain how the paper is a "non sequitur" in any context I've used it. But you fail every time. I've only ever seen one person ever make a substantive argument against the paper but it was just misrepresentations and grasping at straws to manufacture doubt. All you do is spam "non sequitur" which just tells anyone reading that you have no argument.

>Tell me why you thought it made sense to reply to this post >>14698890 # with that paper.
I just did. The paper even begins with a reverence to Harries et al. 2001. Doesn't you read the paper? It's on the first page. lmao. You must be some kind of masochist. Do you get sexually excited when you get outed as a lying moron?

>> No.14699002
File: 2.85 MB, 1359x1709, 1424276095537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all scientists agree with climate change.

In 2009, Aldrin commented on climate change by saying: "I think the climate has been changing for billions of years. If it's warming now, it may cool off later. I'm not in favor of just taking short-term isolated situations and depleting our resources to keep our climate just the way it is today. I'm not necessarily of the school that we are causing it all, I think the world is causing it."[32]

Buzz is one of the smartest men in America, one of the few who went to the moon.

>> No.14699034

Well the weather has been crazy where i live. Last year we got our worst freeze in 100+ years, and now we've had all except three days this year month lower than 100 F

>> No.14699063

>Not all scientists agree with climate change.
Not all scientists know anything about the climate.

Is this really your best example? He's not even a scientist. His personal opinion has no importance.

>Buzz is one of the smartest men in America
Not even close.

>> No.14699088
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>> No.14699094
File: 411 KB, 1284x1057, C07964E7-47AE-4204-A514-27BFB97EAE3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The greenhouse effect due to atmospheric CO2 levels off at about 100 ppm
God you’re retarded

>> No.14699159

He had engineering degrees, yes. What is your point?

>> No.14699203

he's a revered scientist who went to the moon. Being a scientist is a pre-requisite for being an astronaut.

>> No.14699287

>The paper even begins with a reverence to Harries et al. 2001
Tell me what's wrong with your quote.

>> No.14699304

ITT: A bunch of unqualified people argue about a really complex science topic pretending as if they understand it just to defend their political agenda.

>> No.14699309

You don't need any qualifications to recognize and rightfully dismiss this scam.

>> No.14699318

Yeah right you just have to listen to a bunch of political commentators that don't know shit about anything other than defending their political party's talking points

>> No.14699319

how is that any different from the scam the other anon was describing?

>> No.14699322

It's not a scientific question from the perspective of the public. Sorry that you're too brainwashed to see it, even after stating it outright yourself.

>> No.14699359

>he's a revered scientist
No, he's an engineer at best.

>> No.14699362

What quote?

>> No.14699367

No one here is arguing against the evidence, they can't.

>> No.14699374

The one I quoted
>The paper even begins with a reverence to Harries et al. 2001

>> No.14699375

No one here, including you, is in a position to use any of your supposed evidence in their arguments, so it's strictly an argument about how much faith and trust one should put in what talking heads on TV are saying.

>> No.14699387

>It's not a scientific question from the perspective of the public.
The public is wrong and brainwashed.

>> No.14699391

You said "your quote."

>> No.14699396

>the public is... le bad
Completely irrelevant. You've already conceded that it's inherently not a scientific discussion and thus your "scientific" evidence is irrelevant.

>> No.14699397

>No one here, including you, is in a position to use any of your supposed evidence in their arguments
You desperately need that to be true, because you're competent incapable of arguing against the evidence. Pure cope.

>> No.14699400

>Completely irrelevant.
Then why bring it up?

>You've already conceded that it's inherently not a scientific discussion

>> No.14699407

>You said "your quote."
This is your quote (or the quote in question)
>>The paper even begins with a reverence to Harries et al. 2001
>Tell me what's wrong with your quote.

>> No.14699422

>Then why bring it up?
I never bring it up. Pseuds like you do.

Where you admitted that the vast majority of people don't have the expertise to reason about the climate and therefore have no expertise to reason about the validity of your "evidence", or what it actually entails.

>> No.14699425

No, that's your quote of me. ESL?

Anyway, I'm not playing your dumb little game. You've proven yourself to be a liar and a sophist. Either tell me what you think is wrong or fuck off.

>> No.14699428

>I never bring it up.
>It's not a scientific question from the perspective of the public.
Why are you lying?

>Where you admitted that the vast majority of people don't have the expertise to reason about the climate
Where did I say that?

>> No.14699432

You and your tribe will be dealt with. No amout of schizophrenic lying will help you then.

>> No.14699433

You've proven yourself to lie in every post. Thank you.

>> No.14699437

Says the guy who just got caught lying. lmao

>> No.14699439

You should try crushing your meds and snorting them, kike. You're really losing it here.

>> No.14699457

>You've proven yourself to lie in every post.
Show one lie then. Here's you lying about having read the paper:
>I know what it says because I've read it.
and then showing you didn't even read the first page that references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890
>Are you ever going to read the paper you keep spamming as a non sequitur?
>Tell me why you thought it made sense to reply to this post >>14698890 # with that paper.

>> No.14699551

dozens of global warming threads daily for a decade and the board can't come to a consensus on the issue, we should drop it and move on to other areas.

>> No.14699557
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>> No.14699670

I'll remind you that going to the moon was just part of his distinguished career.

>> No.14699684

I'll remind you he was not a scientist and knew nothing about Earth's climate.

>> No.14699814

If it's not cyclical, then is it random? And if the climate is random, then are humans even capable of altering it?

>> No.14700080
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brb inventing carbon neutral gas chambers

>> No.14700236

>If it's not cyclical, then is it random?
You think cyclical and random are exhaustive? Why are you here?

>> No.14700320
File: 37 KB, 662x386, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commies be like

>> No.14700448

i wouldn't mind a global barbecue in 10 to 15 years
we'd have beef brisket and extinction

>> No.14700529

What's that? A graph of your IQ?

>> No.14700536

>Is this really your best example? He's not even a scientist. His personal opinion has no importance.
You might be thinking of Buzz Lightyear instead.
Also, Neil Armstrong is neither a cyclist, nor does he play the trumpet.

>> No.14700667

Yes, if it's not real explain why the CO2 isn't making the temperature go up

>> No.14700685

Crisis is an inapt word.
A tsunami is not a crisis. A rogue tractor with the pedal locked on is not a crisis. Tectonic plates smashing is not a crisis.

Crisis would be something where you have to act right now or feel the penalties right now - that’s not what this is.
Act now or the penalties are inevitable is what it is.

So, calamity?

Anyway, pull your thumb out fucknuts, use market mechanisms to cover what til now has been an “externality”.
And if international politics are bothering your bussy just fucking do it anyway, the signal is as important as the action.

>> No.14700794

Consensus? Does it matter? Are "we" going to do something? Lmao
t. Biofag

>> No.14700804

>t. Biofag
That's about as relevant as being a plumber. Your professional opinion is worthless

>> No.14700806

>use market mechanisms to cover what til now has been an “externality”.
So, basically a carbon tax that goes to the poor bastards that suffer the consequences?

>> No.14700815

Can you translate this from Schizo to English?

>> No.14700827

Carbon tax is broadly a bad mechanism, it does put a price signal into the market but government becomes the main arbiter of who is a winner and who is not.
And they tend to be bad at picking winners.

Cap and trade is imho the better mechanism.

As for the poor guy? It’s just making real the price that was always there, if poor guy can’t figure out that walking to the shops to pick up milk and bread - between main grocery shops - is viable sorry but I have no sympathy.

True loser in such an adjusted market is big oil, and sorry if they’re also people I don’t give a fuck if they’re crying themselves to sleep on their mattress of money while slightly soiling their pillow made of money.

>> No.14700828

>Imagine being so retarded that you didn't know the difference between climate and weather

>> No.14700876

Your lies aren't an argument. Tell me why you thought it made sense to reply to this post >>14698890 with that paper. (Or keep proving you lie in every post. Or both at the same time, maybe.)

>> No.14700879

>Imagine being so retarded you didn't know that was the point of that anon's post

>> No.14700888

No, his point was that he thinks hot days are used as proof of climate change and cold days are ignored. The reality is that climate is the long term trend of weather and the cold days do not offset the warming trend. He's a retard, and so are you.

>> No.14700903

Nice digits.
But you missed a window, everyone’s favourite burger specific weather is that drawn from climate instability, the polar vortex drifting off course and making crazy cold weather.
Still a climate change issue, and likely that anons post can be similarly attributed.
Or not, statistical variability doesn’t always point towards a smoking gun.

>> No.14700906

No, his point is literally what you wrote here >>14700828
The reality is that you're an illiterate retard.

>> No.14700938

Cope harder and learn the difference between climate and weather, retard.

>> No.14700970

Thanks for admitting you can't read, retard.

>> No.14700973

>Your lies
What lies? You can't show any.

>Tell me why you thought it made sense to reply to this post >>14698890 # with that paper.
I already did. See >>14698937.

Explain why you think the paper is a "non sequitur" in any context I've used it.

Explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890.

>> No.14701017

>let's postpone talking about reversing ecological disaster for another time

boomer sighted

>> No.14701035

>my heckin' peckin' cattlebrained opinions matter!
If they did, you wouldn't have the right to vote.

>> No.14701036

>I already did. See >>14698937.
Doesn't follow, thanks for admitting you didn't read the paper.

>> No.14701065

>Doesn't follow
What doesn't follow?

Explain why you think the paper is a "non sequitur" in any context I've used it.

Explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890 #.

>> No.14701078

The irony

>> No.14701089


>> No.14701105

>What doesn't follow?
What you wrote here >>14698937 about the paper you spammed here >>14698904 isn't responsive to the post here >>14698890

You can't even explain why you keep spamming the same paper. If it weren't so obvious you haven't read it, I'd actually assume you played some role in its authorship or publication. But the fact that you're a lying idiot who hasn't read the paper makes that assumption less likely.

>> No.14701156

>isn't responsive to the post here >>14698890 #
How so? They are all using satellite data to measure the radiative forcing from greenhouse gases. Explain why you think they are different.

>You can't even explain why you keep spamming the same paper.
I already did. See >>14698937. Explain why you think the paper is a "non sequitur" in any context I've used it.

>If it weren't so obvious you haven't read it
Projection. Explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890.

>> No.14701161 [DELETED] 

>I already did. See >>14698937.
Thanks for admitting you didn't read the paper.

>> No.14701172

>I already did. See >>14698937.
Thanks for admitting you didn't read the paper.

>> No.14701185

I've always thought it was weird how Climate Change denial was a right-wing thing. Isn't the warming likely going to be one of the biggest reason for mass migration in the coming decades?

>> No.14701199

Projection. Explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890 #.

>> No.14701222

>our board

>> No.14701268

Thanks for explaining how you lie. Now try to explain why you spam the same paper you lied about reading in every thread

>> No.14701284

What does the paper say? This should be easy for you if you actually read it.

>> No.14701298

Not doing your homework for you. Thanks for admitting there's no logic behind your spam.

>> No.14701307

I'm not the guy you were arguing with. Tell me, in your own words what the paper says. You could even just sum up the abstract.

>> No.14701327

Lol sure thing, anon. You first and I'll tell you what you're wrong or right about.

>> No.14701347

The point of this is to prove you read it. You can sum up the abstract, the results, or even make specific criticisms about the paper. Anything that demonstrates that you actually read it.

>> No.14701371

>Thanks for explaining how you lie.
You're delusional.

>Now try to explain why you spam the same paper
Already did. See >>14701156

>you lied about reading in every thread
Projection. Explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890.

>> No.14701386

Thanks for admitting you can't do any of that. If you ever read the paper, let me know.

>> No.14701394

>Already did. See >>14701156
Thanks for admitting you didn't read the paper.

>> No.14701414

I have read the paper. Have you? Tell me anything about it. This whole thread is filled with you insisting you read it without seeming to be able to comment on any of it. How about you just copy and paste a sentence that you think is important? Or any sentence at all. That would prove that you've at least opened the paper.

>> No.14701417

Nuclear is no solution.

>> No.14701429

Projection. Explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890

>> No.14701438

Asking me for the same proof I'm asking you for isn't how this works.

>> No.14701441

>I've always thought it was weird how Climate Change denial was a right-wing thing
Keep thinking and maybe you'll reach the correct conclusion that you are brainwashed.

>> No.14701446

Thanks for explaining how you lie. Now try to explain why you spam the same paper you lied about reading in every thread

>> No.14701449

I asked you first so your statement applies to you rather than me. Can you tell me the first author's name? Or even the just the title of the paper. If you can't summarize any part of the paper, copy and paste any part of it, tell me the name of the author, or even just the title then that's very compelling evidence that you haven't even opened the paper.

>> No.14701455

No, I asked first. You butted into the conversation to ask me the same question. You can answer my question and I'll reply to your answer; otherwise, fuck off.

>> No.14701467

No, I asked you first. That was my first post in this thread. You immediately responded with "Not doing your homework for you". It's your homework. Prove that you've read the paper. Prove that you've even opened the paper. At this point I would even accept the DOI as evidence, but I'm not sure you know what that is.

>> No.14701474

into thinking what exactly?

>> No.14701476

>Thanks for explaining how you lie.
You're delusional.

>Now try to explain why you spam the same paper
Already did. See >>14701156 (You) #

>you lied about reading in every thread
Projection. Explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890 #.

>> No.14701507

>into thinking what exactly?
Into thinking that your climate hoax is "science", and that anyone who questions conveniently happens to be part of the current year's corporate-media-constructed boogeyman.

>> No.14701509

Your first post was you butting in to ask me the same question I was asking. You're an idiot.

>> No.14701514

>Already did. See >>14701156
Thanks for admitting you didn't read the paper.

>> No.14701518

>Your first post was you butting in to ask me the same question I was asking.
Where did you ask that question?

>> No.14701525

Projection. Explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890.

>> No.14701529

For example >>14698950

>> No.14701537

Thanks for explaining how you lie. Now try to explain why you spam the same paper you lied about reading in every thread

>> No.14701547

It would be trivial for you to prove that you've read the paper if you had read the paper. Instead you've spent this whole thread insisting that you have without demonstrating any knowledge of the paper. Prove that you've read it. Post anything at all that demonstrates your understanding. Post anything at all that proves you've read it. Post anything at all the proves that you've even opened the paper.

>> No.14701554

There is no question in that post.

>> No.14701555

That's not the question he asked, and that question was already answered. See >>14701476. You haven't responded to the expansion, you just repeatedly ignore it and fail every time you're asked to explain your own claims.

>> No.14701562

See >>14701476

>> No.14701574

How is atmospheric science not science?
Also yes, it is convenient that some people who do openly "question" it happen to be on the payroll of some oil company or some such.

>> No.14701576

He didn't even read the first page of the introduction. Otherwise he wouldn't have made the idiotic mistake of claiming that it has nothing to do with the post talking about another paper it explicitly references on the first page. He's a pathetic liar and he knows it. Best to just ignore him.

>> No.14701581

>How is atmospheric science not science?
How would you know if it's science or not?

>it is convenient that some people who do openly "question" it happen to be on the payroll of some oil company or some such.
I'm sure it's convenient for your handlers, who have been shilling green scams for decades.

>> No.14701585

It would also be trivial for you post your impression of the paper and to then determine whether I've read it by the critique I've promised to give of your impression of the paper. That's the appropriate order of the conversation.
But you can't, of course, because you haven't read the paper.

Here, I've found you each a new retarded friend.

>> No.14701599

I know that. He's basically just trolling you, but you keep feeding him in every thread so here we are. You should be aware that it's an attempt to obfuscate the issue and to fill the thread with backlinks to make it unreadable in order to dissuade people who don't know about the topic from learning anything about the science. It would be better to ignore him completely.

>> No.14701605

Your critique of a statement I make does not demonstrate that you've read the paper. Post anything that proves you've opened the paper. Even just a screenshot. Literally anything at all.

>> No.14701616

You first, that's how the order works.

>> No.14701629

No, I asked you first. What's the title of the paper? What's the first author's name? What's the DOI? Can you give me a summary of any part of the paper? Can you copy and paste any sentence from the paper? Can you take a screenshot of the paper? Any of those things would prove that you have at least opened the paper. Why are you incapable of it?

>> No.14701634

>attempt to obfuscate
It's not. I'm simply tired of the other anon spamming his same paper in every single climate thread with no regards to whether it's on-topic or off-topic. It's like how Tooker used to post his neighborhood of infinity paper over and over again in threads unrelated to RH.

>> No.14701641

You first, liar.

>> No.14701719

>How can it equal one?" he said. "If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told it's two, and that cannot be.
that's how chuds sound.

>> No.14701729

>Not all scientists agree with climate change.
so what? Science isn't about opinions of scientists. It's about evidence.

>> No.14701913

if your dutch, live on a small island or your country is hot your a bit fucked otherwise its just a economic issue

>> No.14702290

Alright, here's the DOI


Now you. Prove you have read the paper.

>> No.14702298

Nonsense. You haven't even read the paper, let alone refuted it.

>> No.14702465

>can they fix it
They have no interest in fixing it, climate change is a perfect tool to further their political agendas. They hate and suppress anything that would actually fix climate change such as nuclear.

>> No.14702480

It's tricky, the extra heat is kicking up the ocean dipoles to further autism, it will fuck us on food prices. Wheat is happy at 70F and corn at 80F. Our food dies at 110F, note Kansas cattle. For anyone who doubts the concept, I suspect OP- if carbon dioxide wasn't doing this the nights would be cooler than they are. We warm up the same we always do in day, just the dark side of the globe isn't cooling like it used to. It remains to be seen if this is a positive feedback loop, if it is- we are in trouble.

>> No.14702481

Nobody is suppressing nuclear power. It's simply too expensive to attract investors, even with the massive subsidies it gets. If you want more nuclear power then contact your representative and tell them you want more of your tax dollars spent on nuclear subsidies.

>> No.14702494

The powers that be have programmed their leftist puppets to hate nuclear, for every person who supports nuclear there are 10 leftist NPCs who oppose it.

>> No.14702496

Nonsense. Nobody is preventing you from investing in nuclear power. It's just not profitable so nobody does.

>> No.14702533


Sealevels . Org

Switch to 800,000 years.

Temperature and sea levels are normal

>> No.14702558

>Switch to 800,000 years.
>Temperature and sea levels are normal
Last data point in that graph is 2300 years ago. As usual, retarded deniers can only misrepresent and ignore evidence.

>> No.14702565
File: 162 KB, 1080x590, Screenshot_20220723-072838~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climate change is a cult

>> No.14702566

As this thread shows, climate change denial is a cult. You can't respond to a single piece of evidence or provide any of your own. There's nothing there, just dogmatic belief.

>> No.14702571

Climate change is like Covid.
We pretend to care, but we don't really; the people who pretend to care the most, actually care more about exerting power against those who don't pretend.
The underlying problem is overstated as against the measures proposed to fix it.

>> No.14702573

Nuclear power becomes profitable when profits are allowed.

>> No.14702576

>It's a dogma to question things the mainstream says shall not be questioned
Nice cognitive dissonance there cult boy. It's very simple. The IPCC isn't a legitimate source of info and the "projected models" are all bogus, as exposed by the IPCC email leaks. Lmao

>> No.14702578

>Nobody is suppressing nuclear power.
Okay, I spotted the liar.

>> No.14702584

The problem with nuclear power these days is capable talent. Just look at Finland with their attempts to build a whole new reactor. Literally had the call up old boomers out of retirement that worked on the first one in the 80s because all the college grads kept fucking up

>> No.14702588

>Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails: (1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions; (2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and (3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.

>“I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI [Freedom of Information] Acts. One way to cover yourself and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process,”writes Phil Jones, a scientist working with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in a newly released email.


Checkmate, silly bitch

>> No.14702592

At least this comment isn't an outright lie. It's merely mistaken and irrelevant.
Irrelevant because there exist today technologies for fission power that have no relation to 1970s-era tech.
Mistaken because my comment was directed against the "nobody is suppressing" comment. In fact this field is HEAVILY regulated, which means suppressed.
>but but but saaafety
Bullshit, compared to coal, these days.

>> No.14702598

Coal has actually been well refined, and isn't near as awful as it was in the 70s. The thing you zoomie retards need to understand is that these facilities don't simply rely on "sciencey stuff" and that's it. One wrong calculation and concrete pour and everything is fucked

>> No.14702610
File: 400 KB, 1536x1279, cmp_cmip3_sat_ann-4-1536x1279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The IPCC isn't a legitimate source of info
Why not? It just compiles published research and data. If you don't like the IPCC then just read the researchfor yourself.

>the "projected models" are all bogus
Wrong. Pic related.

>as exposed by the IPCC email leaks
Which email leaks?

>> No.14702617

Silly cultist

>> No.14702624

As usual, retarded deniers can only misrepresent and ignore evidence.

>Eight committees investigated the allegations and published reports, finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct.[17] The scientific consensus that global warming is occurring as a result of human activity remained unchanged throughout the investigations.[18]


You can't respond to a single piece of evidence or provide any of your own. There's nothing there, just dogmatic belief.

>> No.14702630

>Accuses someone of dogmatic belief while denying red handed emails simply due to a Wikipedia link

Hahahahahahaha climate cultists are this pathetic

>> No.14702633

See >>14702624

Which emails show the IPCC isn't a legitimate source of info and the "projected models" are all bogus? They don't even show misconduct.

>> No.14702637

>Why aren't you providing evidence to disprove the papers scientists admit to falsifying


>> No.14702644

Yes, you have a dogmatic belief that the emails somehow invalidate the IPCC when they don't even show scientific misconduct. Post the emails already.

>> No.14702646

Nobody is disallowing your profits. Nuclear power even gets subsidies. Why don't you invest in nuclear, or call your representative and tell them you want them to increase nuclear subsidies?

>> No.14702648

>>“I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI [Freedom of Information] Acts. One way to cover yourself and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process,”writes Phil Jones, a scientist working with the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in a newly released email.

>“Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden,” Jones writes in another newly released email. “I’ve discussed this with the main funder (U.S. Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”

You are a cultist

>> No.14702649

>scientists admit to falsifying

>> No.14702651

Read the Wikipedia page, chud. The organizations who hire shills to falsify evidence conducted 6 million commissions that unanimously determined that falsifying data is not a scientific misconduct, and that their official line is still true regardless. The science is settled.

>> No.14702653

>They don't show misconduct because my Wikipedia arbiter told me they show no misconduct

Says the cultist

>> No.14702654


>> No.14702657

>>“Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden,” Jones writes in another newly released email. “I’ve discussed this with the main funder (U.S. Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”

Can cultists not read or something?

>> No.14702671

>>>“I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI [Freedom of Information] Acts. One way to cover yourself and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process,”writes Phil Jones
And? What do his emails have to do with the legitimacy of the IPCC?

>>“Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden,” Jones writes in another newly released email. “I’ve discussed this with the main funder (U.S. Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”
Sounds like typical data management talk taken out of context.

>> No.14702673

>They show misconduct because I SAID SO
LOL. Just show the misconduct, retard.

>> No.14702675

Where does this say anything was falsified? ESL?

>> No.14702680

The IPCC uses his data as a means to forward their goals dumbfuck

>The people that fund us are upset with our findings
>Typical data management
Maybe to a cultist clutching his bullshit dogma

>> No.14702682

AGW schizos lost. Notice how they continue their script even when you provide definite proof of their scam. LOL

>> No.14702684

>The people that fund us are upset by our findings, we need to hide things better
Redditor cultists are adorable

>> No.14702687

At this point they are just kicking and screaming with their fingers in their ears, kek

>> No.14702693

Very similar to the tactics Hitler says the Jews use in Mein Kampf. Probably a coincidence

>> No.14702698

>The IPCC uses his data as a means to forward their goals dumbfuck
What does his data have to do with his emails? He didn't even contribute to AR5.

Your entire line of argument is idiotic: some guy doesn't want their emails FOIAed -> data is falsified -> IPCC is bogus

>>The people that fund us are upset with our findings
??? You must truly be ESL if you got that from what you quoted. All it says is that the funder was fine with not releasing the original data.

>> No.14702700

>>The people that fund us are upset by our findings
Where does it say that? You're either illiterate or delusional. Which is it?

>> No.14702701
File: 234 KB, 900x900, 1610719384708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does his data have to do with his emails?

>> No.14702703

What does his data have to do with his emails?

>> No.14702704
File: 418 KB, 1024x1024, 1649798777102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where does it say that?????
Imagine losing an argument this hard. lol

>> No.14702708

>You must be ESL
>exact quote: >>“Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden,”

Hahahahahahahahaha redditor cultists s everyone. Read and laugh, read and laugh

>> No.14702709

Where does it say that?

>> No.14702711

Right here

>> No.14702712

>Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get – and has to be well hidden
This doesn't say anything like the funders are upset with the results. Thanks for confirming you can't read. You're not a reliable source of info on what anyone has written in English.

>> No.14702715

>I’ve discussed this with the main funder (U.S. Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”
>Where does it say they are upset?


>> No.14702717

CC is a useful smokescreen to mask the dozens of other environmental disasters taking place on a global scale.
Doesn't matter if CC is real or not. We are heading for a major reset one way or the other.

>> No.14702719

Environmentalists cause problems and then claim to be the bastion of change. In my lifetime environmentalists replaced paper with plastic

>> No.14702726

It doesn't though. It doesn't say funders are upset with anything. You can't read. Hidden doesn't even refer to hidden from the funders, it refers to the original data not being released. This doesn't even mean that the data is unavailable. Richard Muller analyzed it and found the same results.


You're not a reliable source of info written in English.

>> No.14702730


>> No.14702731

Where does it say they are upset? Why can't you answer a simple question?

>> No.14702732

Not an argument. Thanks for confirming you can't read.

>> No.14702737

>It says the funders are not happy, not upset
The redditor cultists really are this desperate lol

>> No.14702738

Let me break this down for you since you seem to be struggling with your second language:

>the main funder
This is the subject

>they are happy
This is the opposite of "upset"

>about not releasing the original station data
These are not "results" they are data.

Let me know if you're still confused, we can go to less complex sentences.

>> No.14702740

>>they are happy
Where does it say that

>> No.14702743

>>It says the funders are not happy
>they are happy about not releasing the original station data
Is this some form of dyslexia? Did your broken brain move the word "not" from in front of "releasing" to "happy?"

Deniers are hilarious. They're so stupid I don't evergreen have to say anything, they embarrass themselves auromatically.

>> No.14702744

NTA but why would they be happy with withholding data

>> No.14702745

This denier shill is on every thread derailing it with unrelated topics when asked to refute data. Now he’s changed topics again

>> No.14702746

>>>It says the funders are not happy
>>they are happy about not releasing the original station data
You just played yourself homie.
See this anon

>> No.14702749

>Where does it say that
Right here:
You quoted it several times. So are you illiterate? Dyslexic? Or just plain delusional? We need to know.

>> No.14702751

I don't know wtf you're talking about, why would any entity pushing AGW be happy with not posting specific data?

>> No.14702755

It's standard data management. Why would you release original data full of errors?

>> No.14702756

I think you may be really stupid. That anon is obviously being facetious so that you focus on the misgivings while identifying the fact that A. Scientists are being funded and B. Acknowledging their funders are happy by them omitting data, which must be kept secret

>> No.14702758

>>>>It says the funders are not happy
>>>they are happy about not releasing the original station data

>You just played yourself homie.
How so?

And please explain why you failed to read basic English correctly? Illiterate, dyslexic, or delusional?

>> No.14702759

If it was full of errors why keep it a secret?

>> No.14702763

You say I'm illiterate, but you should really look up the term "foil" and how it applies to Watson, cult boy

>> No.14702765
File: 72 KB, 624x624, brainwashed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being gullible enough to believe scientists, professional liars and globohomo faggots on payroll is a sin.

>> No.14702766


>Checkmate, silly bitch

I thought you were trolling through most oft this thread but that gave it away. You can't be retarded and cringe.

>> No.14702769

>That anon is obviously being facetious so that you focus on the misgivings
What "misgivings?" That makes no sense.

>Scientists are being funded
Wow, what a shocking fact.

>Acknowledging their funders are happy by them omitting data, which must be kept secret
Why would you not omit data full of errors? It's OK if you've never done data management or research, but don't try to pretend like you know what you're talking about and take a bunch of quotes out of context.

>> No.14702770

You are legit 2 steps behind

>> No.14702772

Not only is it real its too late and voting your way out of is not going to happen cause democrats are beholden to the same lobbyist groups republicans are.

Basically unless someone figures out space travel we are fugged

>> No.14702773

Who says it's full of errors? The quote clearly portrays a notion where an original study didn't produce the results desired

>> No.14702774

It's not a secret, the methods used to process original station data is well known. Hidden just refers to it not being published, which you wouldn't do because it's full of errors.

>> No.14702778

>You say I'm illiterate
Because you just proved you are.

>> No.14702780

>The methods were flawed but the new methods are solid, just a coincidence the "funders" are happy
It's cute how you children also unironically use terms like "bootlicker"

>> No.14702782

The problem isn't even the US. It's the Tragedy of the Commons as applied to the entire Earth. Only a mega-country willing to bully every other country into compliance would be capable, but you can't be that powerful of a country while restricting your emissions to that degree. It's a winless situation no matter what country you're in (if you're in a country that matters, anyway).

>> No.14702783

>Who says it's full of errors?
Climatologists, statisticians, data scientists. I recommend you read Zeke Hausfather's work, he's very approachable to laymen.

>The quote clearly portrays a notion where an original study didn't produce the results desired
It clearly doesn't, my retarded friend.

>> No.14702785
File: 445 KB, 1080x934, Screenshot_20220726-221901~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to fail, cult boy. Anyone reading this can see it clearly

>> No.14702791

>>The methods were flawed but the new methods are solid
What new methods?

>It's cute how you children also unironically use terms like "bootlicker"
I've never used that term. Keep your delusions to yourself.

>> No.14702792

Are these the same ones being funded by the source that is happy with the withholding? Are you the cultist talking about dogma? Lmao

>> No.14702795

Not an argument. Explain why you failed to read basic English.

>> No.14702796

>What new methods?
>Our funders are happy with us withholding the "original" findings
Man you guys really are low IQ mouth breathers

>> No.14702802

>Refuses to address the pic
>Not an argument
This anon gets it and so does anyone lerking, culty

>> No.14702803

>Are these the same ones being funded by the source that is happy with the withholding?
No, Berkeley Earth for example is an independent skeptical organization.

As this thread shows, climate change denial is a cult. You can't respond to a single piece of evidence or provide any of your own. There's nothing there, just dogmatic belief.

>> No.14702805

>>Our funders are happy with us withholding the "original" findings
That's not what he said. The original data is not a "finding." As usual, retarded deniers can only misrepresent and ignore evidence.

>> No.14702806

Again, NTA, but everything provided on top of the fact that your opinions are found all over NBC and plebbit shows the opposite

>> No.14702808

>>Refuses to address the pic
I don't address non-arguments. Answer the question.

>> No.14702810

Doesn't follow. Try again.

>> No.14702811
File: 66 KB, 850x496, 0F7C2E20-E927-410A-8312-63A48B577D04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What those emails were referring to was some some models on short term energy fluxes of research at CRU and graphs in the layperson summaries of the IPCC where they’re discussing proxy data and instrumental datasets.
These data aren’t “hidden” as the other guy said it’s not published in the paper. All these data are available and as a response Barkley Earth, a climate skeptic funded project analyzed the data and returned the same conclusions as from CRU.

>> No.14702812

>they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”

This is where you cultists run into a crossroads.
Exact quote
>they are happy about not releasing the original station data.”
So the original models are flawed, which shows an issue with validity, or they are intentionally withholding data. Which one is it?

>> No.14702814

>Desperate redditor buzzwords and straw clutching
I win job done

>> No.14702816
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 1CFF6135-BFB7-4A91-8DC2-E02033D1D60E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no arguments yet again

>> No.14702817

I don't argue with children throwing tantrums

>> No.14702823

Berkeley earth was specifically organized by skeptics after the e-mail controversy to address the perceived specific issues about the stations data quality and data selection. They came to the same conclusion as the other data products. Now address their data.

>> No.14702827

I have no idea what Berkeley earth is and it has nothing to do with what was proposed, cult boy

>> No.14702831

>Dogmatic cultists disagree with things spewed on cable news and television
What fucking timeline is this?

>> No.14702840

It's so funny when cultists are desperately posting in their discord asking for help to combat the "evil deniers" hahahahahha

>> No.14702841

As I said, because you refuse to read, it was organized to analyze the station data that was supposedly hidden (which really isn’t hidden, just not attached to the papers), specifically to address the emails

>> No.14702844

If the source was lacking validity then there would be no need to mention it or the "happiness" that it was excluded

>> No.14702856

You’re purposely misrepresenting the facts. They’re talking about specific instances of publications and papers. There was no hidden data in the first place.

>> No.14702859

>There was no withholding data they just didn't acknowledge the original study "full of errors" while mentioning secrecy
Uhhhh okay

>> No.14702864

These are quotes from the founder of Berkeley Earth
>"I was deeply concerned that the group had concealed discordant data"
>"Our biggest surprise was that the new results agreed so closely with the warming values published previously by other teams in the US and the UK”
>"This confirms that these studies were done carefully and that potential biases identified by climate change sceptics did not seriously affect their conclusions."

>> No.14702867

And? Btw shout out to the cultist redditor anon mentioning "dogmatic thinking" kek

>> No.14702872

Read the methodology of Berkeley Earth. It address those claims. It’s talking about stations labeled as bad quality. When they looked at those they found that the conclusions from the UK researches were correct. Again, there’s no data withholding in any of this.

>> No.14702875

>It’s talking about stations labeled as bad quality.
By who? This obscure group that doesn't address the actual issue?

>> No.14702879

>I’ll ignore the work done to investigate if there was any hidden data

>> No.14702880

This along with the seething it caused is really all I need

>> No.14702881

It is real, but not apocalyptic or unstoppable, at least so long as ExxonMobil stops lobbying

>> No.14702883

>Trust the random group I mentioned while I fail to actually address the point
Cultist gonna straw man I get it

>> No.14702884

Yes, meanwhile "green" corporations are being sued in international court for using slave labor for their cobalt and lithium

>> No.14702885

Stations are marked as low quality if they are poorly man trained and have downtime. These are weather stations put up my may different people not associated with the BE.

>> No.14702891

Good point, it's amazing how meteorologists can't accurately predict tomorrow's weather in a 40 mile radius, but these global projection models are spot on

>> No.14702896

>I refuse to read any information
This argument about the emails and the stations is a decade old at this point and the physicists who reanalyzed the data found the same results as all others

>> No.14702905

There are zero projection models in these datasets. It’s all instrumental data

>> No.14702906

You can bring up shill groups that nobody knows, but it fails to address the basic notion that hiding data followed by damage control ruins validity, unless you're a dogmatic cultist worshiper

>> No.14702908

Odd considering the main consensus from your side outlined the Yellowstone caps being gone by now, or all of the other horse shit proposed in 2005

>> No.14702920

No data was hidden at any point here though

>> No.14702931

Human-made climate change deniers cherrypick articles from 2 or 3 decades ago saying shit like "X city will be Y feet underwater in Z years" and then when it turns out to be false they feel a bloated sense of superiority that they are 100% correct. It doesn't prove climate change from humans isn't happening, it just means that it is happening in other ways than what are envisioned and over a greater time period.

>> No.14702948
File: 363 KB, 850x432, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the data used in BE, HADCRUT, NOAA and NASA's instrumental datasets are publicly available.

>> No.14702970

According to who?

>> No.14703120

>"The experts" are allowed to be wrong and their validity shall never be questioned
??? Lol

>> No.14703122

"The experts"
Let's be real, you simply Google "proof of climate change" then paste whatever model comes up

>> No.14703125
File: 23 KB, 615x385, 2019-06-10_8-54-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I visited Yellowstone these signs were everywhere using the "projected data" you rely on. And when it never happened, of course they were quietly removed

>> No.14703134

So nobody

>> No.14703141

I'm glad you agree those pushing AGW are a bunch of nobodies

>> No.14703150

So you get your idea of climate science from the news? It's no wonder you're so confused.

>> No.14703155

Ironic considering you align your opinions with celebrities and cable news

>> No.14703167

You mean celebrities and cable news align their opinions with climate science. That doesn't make them good science communicators. You should try picking up a book.

>> No.14703182

>You mean celebrities and cable news align their opinions with climate science
Also ironic considering another anon ITT was the one bringing up "dogmatic beliefs."
>I believe "the climate science" kek are you 12? The "science" has changed from one end to another over the past few decades

>> No.14703186

You seem confused. Have you tried picking up a book yet?

>> No.14703188

>Also ironic considering another anon ITT
You're having a go at this anon because of what a completely different person said? Are you retarded? you lose lmao

>> No.14703192

I e picked up several over the years, which have all predicted wildly different outcomes that never happened, with "believers" as spastic as you are. When winters were terrible in the 80s and 90s "all the top scientists" were reported an oncoming ice age lmao

It still applies, you are cultists

>> No.14703194

>It still applies, you are cultists
I read in another thread somewhere that some anon wanted to have sex with horses, therefore you're into bestiality too! BTFO

>> No.14703195

Which books?

>> No.14703213


Actually hard to find on Google but this was a pretty infamouse one

Complies all the data from "top government scientists." This dude also went on to write for the Harvard Crimson too simply based on his "activist" work lmao

>> No.14703229

Kek I remember this shit. When I was a kid I was pissing my pants when I heard "ice tornados" we're going to destroy us all

>> No.14703233

Regardless, putting a fuckton of CO2, Methane, Lead and Nitrous Oxide in the atmosphere is just an obviously bad thing to do. We're biologically adjusted to a particular environment. We've made plans and settled down based on this particular environment. Adding gases to the atmosphere that didn't used to be there is obviously going to affect the original system. All of this is a conclusion you can come to on your own without media/scientists.

>> No.14703238

Don't play dumb horsefucker I seen it

>> No.14703240

>but what about muh ecunahmic grof
>derp me know
>muh nucular
>muh carbon taxes
>muh fusion
>muh mars colonies

I gotta say.. i never had much hope for "homo-sapiens"..


>> No.14703245

Know what also seems like a bad thing? Cutting down thousands of acers of forest to make way for plastic solar/wind farms, while also using millions of gallons of water to leech lithium out of salt fields

>> No.14703246

BuT iT iS oNlY 150 pPm ThAt We AdDeD

>> No.14703248

Don't try and act like you know what that shit even means

>> No.14703251

Not to mention converting small footprint people from tropical countries into large footprint people from western countries for the sake of "muh profits", "muh ecuhnawmic growf"

>> No.14703258

Why even bother mentioning tropical people? The "toothless uneducated climate deniers" live a 1,000 times greener lifestyle than these cultists pop science fags

>> No.14703265

Yup. We need to replace bubba's 1997 diesel pickup truck and replace it with a battery powered car yay science!

>> No.14703280

Just for the record.. My position is that climate change is real, caused by humans, and a threat to future civilization on par with non-renewable resource depletion... and nothing has done more to convince me that corporate and political "leaders" in the west are completely and utterly full of rancid horseshit than their response to it, not even the covid debacle.

>> No.14703281

or even the way they've allowed trans industrial complex to grow

>> No.14703282

>I'm convinced that this isn't a plot to make.rich people even richer by scaring normies with the weather for the 284758th time

Sure thing dude. I remember when we replaced paper with plastic to "save the trees"

>> No.14703287

It is absolutely cyclical and if you’re too lazy to look up the BASIC science that proves that then that’s your problem

>> No.14703291

You must be pretty old then.
Maybe you should take a little nap and then come back and read the rest of what I just wrote.

>> No.14703297

Perhaps you'll understand when you grow out of your teens and live through about a dozen "doomsday events" as predicted by "science"

>> No.14703305

perhaps when all the giant millenia old trees in california are gone you'll understand, but i doubt it... your position is a self-serving one

>> No.14703326

You're a little kid no one gives a fuck about your perceived big issues. Fact of the matter is, by 2042 "global warming" will be forgotten and we'll be onto some other cry baby horse shit

>> No.14703673

Posting the DOI isn't responsive to whether you've read the paper and what you think of it. Try again, liar.

>> No.14703698

Following your conversation with the schizo was a fund adventure, given I ended up doing so in reverse. You are correct, I think, the anon didn't read anything and has spent the whole thread avoiding addressing the literature at all.
>How so? They are all using satellite data to measure the radiative forcing from greenhouse gases. Explain why you think they are different.
Because the paper you've linked comports with what he originally posted. So, yeah, you're either trolling or a colossal fucking dipshit.

>> No.14703748

>So the original models are flawed
What original models? Station data is not a model.

>or they are intentionally withholding data
Not publishing original station data.

Answer the question already.

>> No.14703756

>Human-made climate change deniers cherrypick articles from 2 or 3 decades ago saying shit like "X city will be Y feet underwater in Z years"
Except they can't even do that. Not one example in this entire thread.

>> No.14703767

Yes, you have not been able to raise a single substantive objection to climate science. You simply believe it's wrong dogmatically.

>> No.14703772

Because they know it's the truth. They just know. If you don't know it then you're dumb and you should do your own reserach. Source: Bing

>> No.14703785

Better than the alternative.

>> No.14703788

Not everyone is as ignorant as you.

>> No.14703794

So no proof it's cyclical. Why did you lie?

>> No.14703811

You're incredibly confused. The first person you replied to didn't post this >>14698890 and said the paper I posted here >>14698904 didn't comport with that post. He has completely failed to address the literature even though it's been exclaimed to him several times.

>> No.14703828 [DELETED] 

Your paper doesn't comport with the post you replied to, lying idiot. Stop spamming your juvenile paper that never adds nothing to the conversation you spam it into.

>> No.14703832

Your paper doesn't comport with the post you replied to, lying idiot. Stop spamming your juvenile paper that never adds anything to the conversation you spam it into.

>> No.14703836

No, I am not. This was what that post replied to, and this is you, yes?
>It's also bullshit. The greenhouse effect due to atmospheric CO2 levels off at about 100 ppm. It might fuck up the ecosystem by accelerating the growth of plants.
Then we have what you wrote here >>14698904 which does not support the aforementioned claim.
>This increase has been due to a combination of rising concentrations of well-mixed greenhouse gases and recent reductions in aerosol emissions. These results highlight distinct fingerprints of anthropogenic activity in Earth’s changing energy budget, which we find observations can detect within 4 years.
As this clearly states there's been a bit of a tradeoff as well due to reductions in aerosol emissions.

At what point does your linked paper support claiming "CO2 levels off at about 100 ppm"? It doesn't say that.

>> No.14703843

Honestly at this point I just want to know why he thinks a paper says something it doesn't.

>> No.14703848

It is possible I have confused you with >>14698831 when you were instead the one posting papers to debunk that post. If that's the case, I apologize.

>> No.14703853

Wait okay so maybe I did confuse him. Why are you claiming he's lying if he's the one posting multiple sources demonstrating CO2 does not "level off" greenhouse effects?

I genuinely cannot figure out which anon is which. I wish this board defaulted to enabling poster hashes.

>> No.14703951

And yet you failed to do even that, demonstrating that you have not even opened the paper.

>> No.14703954

Lowell Ponte is not a scientist

>> No.14703969

>he's the one posting multiple sources
That anon isn't posting multiples sources, he's obsessively spamming a single (very recent) paper which one assumes he's either associated with or paid to spam. (Or he could just be a schizo with a favorite toy.) In any event, whatever he is or isn't, the post he parasitzed with his spam was already complete and sufficient on its own.

>> No.14703973

That I won't post out of order demonstrates nothing other than your own failure to engage.

>> No.14703982

That doesn't explain why you think that it's wrong. Are you the one claiming the greenhouse effect flatlines at 100 ppm or not? Just repeating a claim of spam didn't address what I asked at all.

What, exactly, is your issue? What's the lie here?

>> No.14703983

Nonsense, I asked you first and despite that I still demonstrated that I've opened the page first. I even broadened the request from demonstrating that you've read the paper to demonstrating that you've ever opened the page. You still failed. You haven't read the paper.

>> No.14704030
File: 126 KB, 1506x646, Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 10.31.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of research on that topic, but you refuse to even open links

>> No.14704044

You don't butt into a conversation and tell me what to do. I've given you fair terms: tell me what you think the paper says and I'll engage. The fact that you won't or can't tells me you're either a liar or an idiot or both.

>> No.14704059

I don't think it's wrong. Have you read the paper or are you just another idiot like these two apparently are.

>> No.14704064

The denier is the one claiming that CO2 forcing levels off at 100 ppm which is bullshit as shown in the two papers about the subject.

>> No.14704076

Your comment on a statement I make does not evidence that you have read the paper. Tell me anything about it. What is the title? Who is the first author? Can you summarize any part of the paper? Can you copy and paste any part of the paper? Can you post a screenshot of the paper? The fact that you seem incapable of doing any of those things tells me that you haven't opened the paper, let alone read or understood it.

>> No.14704085

You first, liar. The fact that you wrote all that gibberish instead of a simple description of the paper tells me all I need to know.

>> No.14704097

I've already done it. You can't even post the title of the paper because you haven't opened it.

>> No.14704104
File: 894 KB, 1000x750, obama-marthasvineyard-house (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT middle school children arguing over a paper they don't understand but found on r/science

You cultists are pathetic, the weather is fine. Kill yourselves. Hence the reason why all the people pushing your scam are buying ocean front mansions

>> No.14704107

You posted the DOI, dipshit. I'll be back in four hours or so, maybe you'll have opened the paper by then?

>> No.14704109

>The denier
Holy shit this isi literally a religion for you teenagers, isn't it?

>> No.14704113

Are you going to engage with the posted data at any point? Or are you just shitposting?

>> No.14704115

100% this. Some r/science post with the talking points summarized that they repeat like drones. These retards are so unselfaware they don't realize that they all repeat the exact same lines verbatim

>> No.14704117

Don't get snippy with me cult boy, I was in highschool when your arbiter Al Gore was using "The Day After Tomorrow" clips in his documentary. Grow up

>> No.14704121

Come on, retard, you can do it. Open up the papers and refute their data and stop derailing the thread

>> No.14704125

Can you explain how the observational determinations of the CO2 radiative forcing are wrong?

>> No.14704127

>The papers the papers the papers!
Back in 2010 while you were still in elementary school, the "climate scientists" were already caught admitting they intentionally omit data counter to their narrative. You're a Sophist puppet, and little child repeating things you don't understand just to push your religion

>> No.14704132

Nope, still not there. Engage with the data

>> No.14704133

Why bother? You haven't a clue what you're even saying at this point.

>> No.14704138

>Engage the data the authors admit to being forged
Like me saying the proof God exists if you open the bible. You're pathetic

>> No.14704143

Nope, two completely different studies and demonstrably there was no forged data.

>> No.14704146

>nuh uh doesnt count
Go dye your haie, little man

>> No.14704149

>Okay so they admitted to only publishing data and models that fit with the DOE agenda, but now they're honest!

>> No.14704152

Focus you little retard, you'll get there eventually

>> No.14704157

You keep back talking me I'll fuck your mom and she'll forget to bring you your tendies

>> No.14704174
File: 478 KB, 1036x826, Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 11.11.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even remotely the same papers and there was no forged data at all.
I'll help you a bit retard anon.
Tell me where in the graph do you see CO2 forcing leveling off. This is measured with ground based interferometers. Either engage or shut up

>> No.14704181

Are you fucking stupid? They admitted to lying once but now they're accurate?
>Look at this graph
You are a little kid that has no idea what metric were even used to come up with it. You are a pathetic cultist little shit

>> No.14704190

There was never any lying, this was all verified.
What exactly is groundbreaking about radiance spectral measurements? Are you a retard boomer shitposter that's lost from facebook? Do we need to call silver alert?

>> No.14704196

>There was never any lying, this was all verified.
According to who? The exact same entity that admitted to lying the first time? Also you have no idea what these instruments are, or even how the data is compiled. You just read your r/science then copy and paste whatever you're told to say. You are a cultist

>> No.14704205

There was no lying, I don' know why your boomer brain can't understand that.
If you're such an expert then tell me the flaws in their methodology. This is CO2 concentration and radiance spectra from an optical instrument. No point in arguing against someone who dismisses data out of hand.

>> No.14704210

>There was no lying, I don' know why your boomer brain can't understand that.
Kek throwing a tantrum now I see? You're immature child like mind seems like it cannot grasp ruined validity in wake of pop science redditor nonsense. Perhaps you should read chicken little again

>> No.14704211

>still not engaging some simple data
Focus boomer

>> No.14704213

Chicken little. Read it

>> No.14704215

Nope, look at the graph boomer. This is a very simple task

>> No.14704217

How about I just smack you across your mouth like mom shoulda have done?

>> No.14704221

>boomer can't open a link and turns to violence

>> No.14704222

>Little kid can't understand validity in wake of his redditor religion being voided
That's it, youre grounded from anime

>> No.14704228

>he claims while providing no arguments against the posted data

>> No.14704233

I already did. I pointed out that the IPCC/CS crowd was already caught forging data. This ruins their validity. Your only response has been "nuh uh doesn't count"

>> No.14704237

There was no forged data though. Did you already forget skeptics went through the data 10 years ago and found no forging? The paper I'm talking about is unrelated to this though

>> No.14704241

Did you forget the 5,000 emails from 2010 that outright showed communications between "the scientists" calling their own data garbage? Little man

>> No.14704243

How could I have gotten the DOI without opening the paper? You have failed to do anything to evidence that you have opened, read, or understood the paper. It's clear that you haven't read it.

>> No.14704252

This shit was figured out 10 years ago

>From 2010-2012, Berkeley Earth systematically addressed the five major concerns that global warming skeptics had identified, and did so in a systematic and objective manner. The first four were potential biases from data selection, data adjustment, poor station quality, and the urban heat island effect. Our analysis showed that these issues did not unduly bias the record. The fifth concern related to the over reliance on large and complex global climate models by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the attribution of the recent temperature increase to anthropogenic forces. We obtained a long and accurate record, spanning 250 years and showed that it could be well-fit with a simple model that included a volcanic term and, as an anthropogenic proxy, CO2 concentration. We concluded that the record could be reproduced by just these two contributions, and that inclusion of direct variations in solar intensity did not contribute to the fit.

>> No.14704255

>The scientists outright said in their emails that they were biased and forged data but this literal who organization says that there was no bias
You're fucking stupid, cult boy

>> No.14704276

Oh boy you're obfuscating again trying to avoid engaging in any sort of honest argument. There was no forged data, simply raw data not attached to the publication. How many times do I have to repeat it you boomer? Station data is publicly available.

>> No.14704278

>The scientists said they forged their data but there was no forged data
Try not to have to much of a meltdown their cult boy

>> No.14704282

Where's the forged data? The email quote literally says the raw data wasn't included in a publication

>> No.14704292

The email quote from the random org you posted? Read the thread you nigger, they've been quoted here
You fail to seem to grasp that actual adults existed in 2010 back when you were still playing Legos in your jammies.

>> No.14704305

Show me where it says that any data is forged. It talks about station data releases for a specific publication. As previously and many times mentioned here, that data has always been available.

>> No.14704326

Read the actual email leaks cult boy, they admit to A. Intentionally with holding models and projections that contradict what they want to find
B. Discuss how much effort was put into to skew the reports on order to find what they want to find
C. Literally discussing how to cover their tracks from FOI requests. You put faith in these people because you are 'literally' a cultist

>> No.14704403

I can guarantee you haven't read the emails. Even your selected quotes from secondary news sources don't show any of this

>> No.14704423

The emails were literally everywhere in 2010 and this was back before major censorship implementation from the likes of Google and co. You were still a toddler back then too.
>Don't show any of this
>IPCC scientist, "we are above FOI requests but a way to cover yourself is to delete all emails when finished"

Hahahahahahahaha yeah dude sounds really like "settled science"

>> No.14704473

Let's assume you have evidence of some people forging data. Are any of them on the papers linked? Do you have evidence the data in said papers are "forged"? Because saying "Sam" forged something is completely irrelevant if "Sally" wrote it.

Honestly now that I have you anons straight I can't think you're anything but a troll.

>> No.14704475

Micheal Hulme, (at the time) professor of climate studies at Cambridge.
>So while not endorsing this attempt at undermining our basis for current exceptional global warming, I must say I find myself in sympathy with much of what Will Hutton writes. In particular his conclusion that the debate around climate change is fundamentally about power and politics rather than the environment seems undeniable. There are not that many "facts" about (the meaning of) climate change which science can unequivocally reveal. I am copying this to Asher Minns, since Asher has been giving the issue of "sound science" and Tyndall's reaction to it some thought recently.

This is just one out of thousands, btw. You really haven't a clue.

>> No.14704481

...Nothing in that quote is about forging data. The fuck?

>> No.14704483

>Okay so you have evidence of them forging data and covering their tracks. But what about THIS paper?

You are so fucking pathetic lol

>> No.14704485

>You are so fucking pathetic lol
If you think asking for evidence is pathetic, why the fuck are you on /sci/?

>> No.14704491

So let's use your logic
>A catholic priest is convicted of pedophilia
>All catholics are pedophiles
This is the logic you're using right now.

>> No.14704504

Nah more like, "The Catholic Church has confirmed covered for pedos but who are you to say that this pedo priest was protected?

>...First let me say that in general, as my own opinion, I feel rather unconfortable about using not only unpublished but also un reviewed material as the backbone of our conclusions (or any conclusions). I realize that chapter 9 is including SRES stuff, and thus we can and need to do that too, but the fact is that in doing so the rules of IPCC have been softened to the point that in this way the IPCC is not any more an assessment of published science (which is its proclaimed goal) but production of results.

-Fillipo Giorgi, author of IPCC assessments

>> No.14704510

That quote has nothing to do with fraud either. That's twice in a row now you've completely failed to support your case. Are you a crazy person or something?

>> No.14704515

It doesn't end there
>The softened condition that the models themself have to be published does not even apply because the Japanese model for example is very different from the published one which gave results not even close to the actual outlier version (in the old dataset the CCC model was the outlier). Essentially, I feel that at this point there are very little rules and almost anything goes. I think this will set a dangerous precedent which might mine the IPCC credibility, and I am a bit unconfortable that now nearly everybody seems to think that it is just ok to do this. Anyways, this is only my opinion for what it is worth.

You are a cultist.

>> No.14704517

>Okay so they are using models reviewed by nobody while ignoring models that contradict themselves but where's the fraud?


>> No.14704524

A scientist doing what scientists usually do and arguing in favor of stricter standards and scrutiny on outlier models is also not evidence of fraud.

Nor does it have to do with anything linked so far in this thread.

Nobody's a cultist here. You're just wildly flailing and grasping at straws and trying to cherrypick things. What's astounding to me is you aren't even cherrypicking anything that actually supports your case. It's like you haven't even read what you're copy pasting. Are you even a real person?
>>Okay so they are using models reviewed by nobody while ignoring models that contradict themselves but where's the fraud?
You can't have it both ways. First you people declare there's a conspiracy due to some cabal altering the data, now you're saying there's a conspiracy due to nobody reviewing the models. That trick only works on children.

>> No.14704528

>A scientist doing what scientists usually do and arguing in favor of stricter standards
You fucking NIGGER cultists he's literally saying there are no standards at a and the conclusions set for the are flimsy to the point where the IPCCs credibility is in question. You really are a pathetic piece of shit

>> No.14704532

No standards at all*

>> No.14704537

>You fucking NIGGER cultists he's literally saying there are no standards at a and the conclusions set for the are flimsy to the point where the IPCCs credibility is in question. You really are a pathetic piece of shit
Somebody's opinion on a specific issue from an e-mail leak that's rather dated, and pertains mainly to the IPCC. That has nothing to do with what was linked, as I said, you're just throwing out irrelevancies. Even if someone had linked a publication by the IPCC, that does not address anything but a model that author was criticizing.

Again, all you are doing is saying "A catholic was a pedo therefore all catholics are pedos".

>> No.14704540 [DELETED] 

Hahahaha you can can throw a kike tantrum all you want, anyone actually reading this can easily see what a tiny little worm you are

>> No.14704544

You're projecting real hard here pal. Calmly explaining the mistakes and ridiculous inferences you're making to avoid addressing anything of substance isn't "a tantrum". Go back to /pol/.

>> No.14704547

>You're projecting real hard
I don't need to project any rational adult can see you're desperate here

>> No.14704552

Climatologist cultist Tom Wigley
>Phil, Here are some speculations on correcting SSTs to partly explain the 1940s warming blip. If you look at the attached plot you will see that the land also shows the 1940s blip (as I'm sure you know). So, if we could reduce the ocean blip by, say, 0.15 degC, then this would be significant for the global mean -- but we'd still have to explain the land blip. I've chosen 0.15 here deliberately. This still leaves an ocean blip, and i think one needs to have some form of ocean blip to explain the land blip (via either some common forcing, or ocean forcing land, or vice versa, or all of these). When you look at other blips, the land blips are 1.5 to 2 times (roughly) the ocean blips -- higher sensitivity plus thermal inertia effects. My 0.15 adjustment leaves things consistent with this, so you can see where I am coming from. Removing ENSO does not affect this. It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip, but we are still left with "why the blip".


>> No.14704575
File: 70 KB, 1024x775, Wigley-ART-Fig-1-PDF-version-1024x775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind climate cultists ITT will take this man's work and say, "BUT LOOK AT THE GRAPH! AHHHHH LOOK AT IT!"

>> No.14704617

Read the full discussion. Anomalies in certain datasets exist, such as ship data, due to a whole host of factors they're discussing in that e-mail chain. He is not talking about falsifying data, he's talking about the differences in recorded temperatures and how to reconcile land v ocean datasets. Hence "We are still left with why the blip" and "we'd still have to explain the land blip" even if they're reconciled. Again, you quote something not showing any fraud at all.
This remains completely irrelevant to the discussion.

>> No.14704624

Anamolies have nothing to do with what he writes, he himself is intentionally altering numbers on order to fix a conclusion, and he is confiding in a fellow climatologist on how to explain it. It has everything to do with what's being discussed you piece of shit

>> No.14704628

I know completely understand Hitler's assessment of you people in Mine Kampf. The only way to deal with you insects is a gas chamber

>> No.14704645

>he himself is intentionally altering numbers on order to fix a conclusion,
Clearly not. Again, very clearly writes "we'd still have to explain the land blip". It doesn't reconcile even if altered. Again, an issue they were discussing in 2009 about the data. Read your own quotes please.

>> No.14704662

>Clearly not
>Actual quote "'ve chosen 0.15 here deliberately."

Try again piece of shit

>> No.14704678

>This was what that post replied to, and this is you, yes?
>>>14698831 #
Not me.

>Then we have what you wrote here >>14698904 (You) #
That's me.

>> No.14704680

>>Actual quote "'ve chosen 0.15 here deliberately."
>Try again piece of shit
...Because he's talking about normalizing the data. You know, that thing you do in statistics? The very next e-mail from Phil mentions that explicitly.
>Land warming in the 1940s and late 1930s is mainly high latitude in NH. One other thing - MOHC are also revising the 1961-90 normals. This will likely have more effect in the SH.

You do realize you can't just shove multiple disparate datasets together, which have different margins of error, different temperatures, etc, right? Or are you one of those "math is voodoo" types? Also, Phil wrote before that,
>Maybe I'm misinterpreting what you're saying, but the adjustments won't reduce the 1940s blip but enhance it. It won't change the 1940-44 period, just raise the 10 years after Aug 45.

And he did misinterpret what Tom wrote, given Tom mentioned 'we still have to explain the blip' multiple times. Since no matter how the normalization is determined there remained, again in 2009, discrepancies. I suggest you look up what data normalization is.
Thank you. Sorry, again, I ended up lost until I spent quite a lot more time re-reading the thread. Christ this board needs to enable ID's.

>> No.14704686

>So if we can reduce this variable by a number ive chosen, it will give us this, but we still need to explain...
Like I said, anyone can see you're desperate. You are a pathetic waste of life

>> No.14704691

>Like I said, anyone can see you're desperate. You are a pathetic waste of life
Desperate? Why would I be desperate when you don't know high school math? Again you can just read the actual full e-mails. What I said is true. Here's the ending of Tom's e-mail you omitted, proving what I said is the case.
>So ... why was the SH so cold around 1910? Another SST problem? (SH/NH data also attached.) This stuff is in a report I am writing for EPRI, so I'd appreciate any comments you (and Ben) might have.
They're clearly talking about data normalization.

I ask again: Do you genuinely think normalizing disparate datasets counts as fraud? If so, I'm going to throw my head back and laugh.

>> No.14704693

Your shill talking points are so stale


>> No.14704695

>How could I have gotten the DOI without opening the paper?
Lol, thanks for proving my conjecture that you're either a liar, an idiot, or both.
This thread is only on page 7, though. You still have time to open the paper, read it, and engage.

>> No.14704696

Keep treading your wFer kike, hopefully that tiny goofy hat can serve as a flotation device

>> No.14704701

>>Okay so they admitted to only publishing data and models that fit with the DOE agenda

>> No.14704703

>The cultists copes over a YouTube vid desperate to throw the dust on "climate change" pushers living in 25 million dollar homes on the ocean
Go dye your hair and kiss a George Floyd statue

>> No.14704705

>Your shill talking points are so stale
Again: Do you genuinely think normalizing disparate datasets counts as fraud?

>> No.14704707

Again, do you think using your redditor buzzwords will get you out of this tail spin?

>> No.14704709

>redditor buzzwords
Sooo you don't know what normalization is, do ya? Wow.

>> No.14704711

Oh I'm well aware, but it doesn't matter because you will use anything to bend reality to fit your cult dogma

>> No.14704712

>Oh I'm well aware, but it doesn't matter because you will use anything to bend reality to fit your cult dogma
"Bend reality" by quoting the e-mails you cited showing they're talking about data normalization, not falsifying data... ? How is citing reality "bending reality"?

>> No.14704725

There is no talk of organization here in the emails. Coupled with your other cultist arbiter's admissions, it's very clear that you 100% rely on flimsy nonsense on order to push a silly doomsday pity party

>> No.14704726

> Phil
> Phil
> Tom
> Tom
> Tom's
I'm not the anon you're talking to, but fyi it's really smarmy and narcissistic to informalize them by first name.

>> No.14704727

>Did you forget the 5,000 emails from 2010 that outright showed communications between "the scientists" calling their own data garbage

>> No.14704734

>Zoomie born after 1999 never heard of climate gate

Kek inb4 you scramble and check Wikipedia

>> No.14704736

>The emails were literally everywhere in 2010
Yes, and none off then show forging or any kind of scientific misconduct. You're free to post them if they do. But you won't, because you're just repeating bullshit you gullibly swallowed like a cultist.

>> No.14704741

I mean if you ignore the posts ITT documenting I guess you can come to that conclusion

>> No.14704743

>I'm not the anon you're talking to, but fyi it's really smarmy and narcissistic to informalize them by first name.
My primary language is not English, and I don't see how that is given I am referring to informal e-mails. Also this is 4chan what are you smoking?
>There is no talk of organization here in the emails.
I literally cited the reply e-mail talking about norm adjustment, and the other e-mail by Tom Wigley clearly is discussing this issue "this still leaves an ocean blip". If it was fraud there wouldn't be a discrepancy being discussed. Nice try though... ?

>> No.14704744

>Dude you don't believe that the weather is getting catastrophically scary?? You cultist

>> No.14704751

>If it was fraud there wouldn't be a discrepancy being discussed. Nice try though... ?
This is your cultist brain trying to come to this conclusion, when in reality they are clearly discussing altering a variable then trying to explain it's outcome

>> No.14704754

No idea what you're talking about. That doesn't respond to my post.

>> No.14704755

>This is your cultist brain trying to come to this conclusion
Nope. I quoted it repeatedly above. You're clearly trolling at this point.

>> No.14704759

>No idea what you're talking about. That doesn't respond to my post.
Fuck I misclicked on the wrong post. Sorry. Falling asleep on my keyboard.

>> No.14704760

>I quoted
No, you falsely interpreted it using your dogmatic leash

>> No.14704762

Not an argument. Try again.

>> No.14704765

>No, you falsely interpreted it using your dogmatic leash
You mean quoted in context. Again, do you genuinely think normalizing disparate datasets counts as fraud?

>> No.14704766

Struck a nerve. Nice

>> No.14704768

It's not normalization though, you're a desperate cultist pig

>> No.14704769

>My primary language is not English.
No wonder you didn't understand how the boy girl paradox works.

>> No.14704776

I'm 31 years old and I've heard of it, it's a nothingburger where some retarded deniers took a few quotes out of context and misrepresented them because they didn't even have a basic understanding of what was being discussed. Now where are those emails where the scientists said their data was forged?

>> No.14704781

>I mean if you ignore the posts ITT
You're the one ignoring them. None of them say what you've claimed.

>> No.14704785

>I'm 31 years old and I've heard of it,
If this is truly the case you have absolutely no business discussing this topic

>> No.14704787

>It's not normalization though
Source: Your ass.
...Yes. Being fluent in multiple languages is totally evidence I have less understanding. Totally.

>> No.14704789

So you can't even show one that says data was forged, and now you're trying to change the subject with childish strawmen. Why did you lie?

>> No.14704793

Try all you want cultist, any rational person skeptical by the topic can easily discern the obviousness here

>> No.14704799

I did and you threw a tantrum, and that "straw man" truly shows how ridiculous you are. This would make for a perfect Chicken Little/ Emporer has no clothes crossover story

>> No.14704800

See >>14704762
Let me know when you have an argument or an explanation for why you lied about beachfront property, otherwise you won't be getting any more sweet at (You)s.

>> No.14704805


>> No.14704810

Because it obviously shows you subscribe to an echo chamber

>> No.14704812

You're the one who just claimed your own English is so flawed that it's worth bringing up that flaw as a defense. Which is it? Also I'm pretty sure at least half of the posters here are fluent in at least three languages. You think that makes you special?

>> No.14704814

Yes, they can easily discern that type spouting nonsense and misrepresenting quotes.

>I did

>> No.14704816

How is it a straw man? Do you not believe a doomsday scenario is at play "if we don't act"?

>> No.14704822

Lol go for it. Have any person read this shit and go on your nonsense shpeel how it's "actually normalization" lol

>> No.14704826

Can you faggots stop shitting up the thread with your elementary school debate-team bullshit about emails from last decade? I'm trying to exterminate a paper-spammer here.

>> No.14704844

>Because it obviously shows you subscribe to an echo chamber
You're projecting. You just repeated ridiculous claims you read on some blog about climategate and then repeatedly failed to show any quotes to back up your claims. Gullible retard.

>> No.14704860

Here, I'll finish your debate for you so you can stfu.
>but the emails said it was a "trick"
>yes a "trick" means a technique
>stop weaseling out, a "trick" is a lie
>you're the one weaseling "lie" into trick
>no u
>no u

>> No.14704900
File: 198 KB, 521x437, figure-spm-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you not believe a doomsday scenario is at play "if we don't act"?
No. I think global warming will be very harmful (pic related) and is worth mitigating.

>> No.14704904

>The weather will harm us if we dont act and if you don't believe me you're a cultist

>> No.14704905

>Lol go for it.
Already did. You made a fool of yourself.

>> No.14704952

You're not getting a response until you explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page of the introduction where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890.

>> No.14704964
File: 1.87 MB, 1x1, 2020GL091585.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still haven't provided any evidence of ever having opened the paper. Here, I'll make it easier for you. Now you don't even have to follow the link.

>> No.14704992

By 2042 you'll be too dead or senile to witness this prediction age like milk

>> No.14705013

You're the only liar here. Your claim was that the paper you keep spamming is literally "the culmination of that research" >>14698904. Lol, that's called a grandiose delusion. All your spam paper does is take Soden's two-factor decomposition of climate feedback (cf. Quanitfying...kernels, J. Clim, 2008) and extends some of his formalizations of the first factor to infer long-term, global IRF measurements from 15 years of satellite data. Data which has ALREADY been properly inferred. The paper adds nothing whatsoever of value, just the frivolous claim that it's free from model bias. "Culmination of that research" fucking lol.

>> No.14705017

Another strawman. Everything in that image is cited in AR4. It didn't mature if you believe me, the research speaks for itself.

>> No.14705048

>All your spam paper does is take Soden's two-factor decomposition of climate feedback
Incorrect, the kernels come from Kramer's 2019 research. Why do you think making shit up about something anyone can look up is a winning strategy? Do you think no one will bother checking? How many times do you need to get caught lying before you stop?

>Data which has ALREADY been properly inferred.
Those inferences suffer from various limitations, discussed in the introduction. Did you read it?

>The paper adds nothing whatsoever of value, just the frivolous claim that it's free from model bias.
Where? What a pathetic lie. You have no shame.

>> No.14705063

>Kramer's 2019 research
Thanks for proving you're a liar and an idiot. (And maybe a plagiarist?) Radiative kernels and climate response pattern were proposed and formalized by Soden in 2008. Your spam paper even makes the correct attribution.

>> No.14705064

Also, none of your lies explain why you claimed the paper was not related to the others. It clearly is related, attempting to measure the same thing via a more observation-driven method, and even references one of them. It seems only now did you even attempt to read the paper but you couldn't even do that correctly.

>> No.14705071

>Thanks for proving you're a liar and an idiot.
>To diagnose dRx or dRCSx we use observational-based radiative kernels developed from the CloudSat Fluxes and Heating Rates product 2B-FLXHR-LIDAR (Kramer et al. 2019).
QED. You lied.

>> No.14705078

It's not. Your spam paper is irrelevant and contributes nothing, let alone a "culmination." Your spam paper is like something a mediocre graduate student would elucubrate 48 hours before the paper was due. You're delusional.

>> No.14705082

>Here, we circumvent these limitations by applying radiative kernels (Soden et al., 2008)
QED. You lied.

>> No.14705088

Your puerile insults don't explain why you claimed the paper was not related to the others. It clearly is related, attempting to measure the same thing via a more observation-driven method, and even references one of them. Try again.

>> No.14705091


>> No.14705094

That is a reference to the general concept. The kernels are from Kramer 2019, as I already showed you. Keep grasping at straws, liar.

>> No.14705098

Nope, still not an explanation of why you lied. Try again. Use your words like a big boy.

>> No.14705103

Thanks for proving you're a delusional liar with grandiose delusions.

>> No.14705112

I'm sorry you can't even defend the relevance of your own spam.

>> No.14705124

Not a response. You lied about the research preceding the paper, the paper's methodology, sources, and claims. And you can't even defend yourself. The only rational explanation for this behavior is that you're sexually excited by humiliating yourself. I'm not interested in playing your sex games, give someone else.

>> No.14705131

>Not a response. You lied about the research preceding the paper, the paper's methodology, sources, and claims. And you can't even defend yourself. The only rational explanation for this behavior is that you're sexually excited by humiliating yourself. I'm not interested in playing your sex games, give someone else.
I'll just quote back your post in full so people can see what it looks like when a schizo's delusions of grandeur are pierced and his brain implodes. The language is Freudian, even.

>> No.14705141

I already did, see >>14705064. Explain why you lied.

>> No.14705178

I'll just reiterate your lies that you have utterly failed to defend:

>isn't responsive to the post here >>14698890
How so? They are all using satellite data to measure the radiative forcing from greenhouse gases. Explain why you think they are different.

>You can't even explain why you keep spamming the same paper.
I already did. See >>14698937. Explain why you think the paper is a "non sequitur" in any context I've used it.

>If it weren't so obvious you haven't read it
Projection. Explain why you lied about reading the paper when you didn't even read the first page where it references prior attempts to do the same thing discussed here >>14698890.

>All your spam paper does is take Soden's two-factor decomposition of climate feedback
Incorrect, the kernels come from Kramer's 2019 research. Why do you think making shit up about something anyone can look up is a winning strategy? Do you think no one will bother checking? How many times do you need to get caught lying before you stop?

>Data which has ALREADY been properly inferred.
Those inferences suffer from various limitations, discussed in the introduction. Did you read it?

>The paper adds nothing whatsoever of value, just the frivolous claim that it's free from model bias.
Where? What a pathetic lie. You have no shame.

>> No.14705247

So you still haven't read the paper. Fucking unbelievable. I even posted the PDF for you to download. You should be ashamed.