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File: 1.27 MB, 2560x1729, andromeda_galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14697847 No.14697847 [Reply] [Original]

Life on Earth has been around for around 4.5 billion years, and life on Earth will continue to be around until heat from the sun makes it impossible to maintain around 4.5 billion years in the future. This is also around the same time the Andromeda Galaxy is expected to collide with the Milky Way.

>> No.14697868

The constant rising luminosity of the sun will probably cause Earth to enter a runaway greenhouse effect boiling the oceans in around only 1 billion years.

>> No.14697895 [DELETED] 
File: 2.09 MB, 2171x6420, space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we'd have to find a way to migrate to Mars. Let's just hope we don't end up creating the world of Idiocracy through essentially making smart people less common due to making it so easy for the least intelligent elements of society to reproduce thanks to generous welfare.

>> No.14698324

investing in welfare is easier than investing in education reform

>> No.14698344

>thinks humanity will survive 1 billion years
Now that's an exotic take, most people don't think well make it to 2100

>> No.14698436 [DELETED] 

Public schools waste money, anyway. I remember when my public high school bought a shitton of the newest iMacs when they already had enough Chromebooks to give to all the students that were donated to them by a wealthy family. They also did a bunch of nonsense renovations like installing saloon doors everywhere. It's like they were getting all this money and had no idea what to do with it. Some schools also spend excess money on improving sporting facilities, but that does nothing to improve grades and is also unnecessary. Getting the bare minimum equipment for athletics, including building a gym that would allow students to perform virtually every type of exercise, doesn't cost all that much money. The problem with public schools is the atmosphere and the dumb teachers themselves. You can't just delete bullies from schools. The law dictates that they have to attend school until a certain age. Public school teachers also tend to be low quality. You might get lucky and get an ok teacher, but you will most likely get a dumb one who will waste your time when you could otherwise learn much faster through watching a few videos on youtube made by people who actually understand the concepts and are able to explain them in a way that is intuitive. Also, don't forget common core. It's wasn't designed to teach students the best and fastest way possible. It was designed by literal communists to help achieve equity, essentially through making all the students equally dumb. Public school is taught at the rate it takes the dumbest public school student to learn. In the USA with average IQ of 85 blacks, this rate is very slow.

>> No.14698452 [DELETED] 

Public schools waste money anyway. I remember when my public high school bought a shitton of the newest iMacs when they already had enough Chromebooks to give to all the students that were donated to them by a wealthy family. They also did a bunch of nonsense renovations like installing saloon doors everywhere. It's like they were getting all this money and had no idea what to do with it. Some schools also spend excess money on improving sporting facilities, but that does nothing to improve grades and is also unnecessary. Getting the bare minimum equipment for athletics, including building a gym that would allow students to perform virtually every type of exercise, doesn't cost all that much money. The problem with public schools is the atmosphere and the dumb teachers themselves. You can't just delete bullies from schools. The law dictates that they have to attend school until a certain age. Public school teachers also tend to be low quality. You might get lucky and get an ok teacher, but you will most likely get a dumb one who will waste your time when you could otherwise learn much faster through watching a few videos on youtube made by people who actually understand the concepts and are able to explain them in a way that is intuitive. Also, don't forget common core. It's wasn't designed to teach students the best and fastest way possible. It was designed by literal communists to help achieve equity, essentially through making all the students equally dumb. Public school is taught at the rate it takes the dumbest public school student to learn. In the USA with average IQ of 85 blacks, this rate is very slow.

>> No.14699146

Moving the planet to a wider orbit to avoid the oceans boiling is an engineering feat and possible under known physics.

>> No.14699259

How would that be done without using excessive amounts of energy? I really want to know.

>> No.14700011

The wider orbit is occupied by Mars already.