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File: 2.04 MB, 4537x4630, SMACS0723_nircam-FullRez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14693120 No.14693120 [Reply] [Original]

To explore strange new worlds
To seek out new life
And new civilizations
To boldly go where no man has gone before

What do we find? What secrets do we learn? What questions do we answer?

>> No.14693154

>What do we find
>What secrets do we learn?
there is nobody out there
>What questions do we answer?
that OP is a raging faggot

>> No.14693161

Go back

>> No.14693176

What do we find?
Lots of empty space punctuated by the occasional dead rock.

>> No.14693219

>What secrets do we learn?
that the Universe we see is a giant hologram constructed by NASA, because space isnt real.

>> No.14693232
File: 2.85 MB, 6200x6200, Hubble ultra deep field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes thats a pretty picture and all, but is it REALLY that much better than Hubble? its so damn blurry for starters, why isnt nobody pointing this out?

>> No.14693241

Hubles is a long exposure over 25 days.
JWST is a 12hr exposure.

These are just the first images, all short exposure times taken just to show the potential. Better images will come overtime.

Anyway, the jwst picture has far much more detail and has a lot more in it that hubble can't even see.

>> No.14693250
File: 3.48 MB, 3600x3600, Galaxy Cluster MACS J0416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but increasing Webbs exposure time will only reveal more distant dimmer objects, it wont improve the clarity. I was expect higher resolution

>> No.14693251

>it wont improve the clarity
Yes it will.

>> No.14693261

>To seek out new life and new civilizations
what is it with humans wanting to fuck up everybody else? leave them alone you damn virus

>> No.14693263

t. ayy

>> No.14693268

I hope so. any idea when Webbs first serious deep field exposure is due to happen?

>> No.14693279

Probably trappist-1, that is what it is studying from now till mid August.

>> No.14694858


>> No.14694868

We find no life and start to question wether God made us after all.

>> No.14694875

dyson spheres when?

>> No.14694925

Sounds like cope to me

>> No.14695468
File: 51 KB, 700x700, ryOK1wtS5Kms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A surprising number of child sex abusers appear to be Trekkies. Trying to figure out what that means, however, shows how little we really know about pedophiles

>> No.14695613

Take your meds

>> No.14696798

we naively travel to another Star uninvited and get our shit pushed in by the locals, quickly learning that the Universe is not a hippy commune of peace and love but a brutal fight to the death for survival.