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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 793 KB, 2080x1744, Climate_pollution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14690040 No.14690040 [Reply] [Original]

calling all climate alarmists: how much of these emissions do we need to eliminate? and where should we eliminate them from for a sustainable future?

>> No.14690187

Punitive tariffs on manufacturing junk and interchangeable parts in e.g. China and shipping it back around the world to e.g. America. Redistribute 100% of the tariffs as windfall UBI to counterbalance the higher costs of domestic production until manufacturers adapt. No other changes in the law or tax code.

>> No.14690203

climate alarmists should sign a contract where they and their decendants will be arrested for life if their science turns out to not be true within the next 100 years

>> No.14690211

Not fair to their kids, the moral choice is to spay and neuter.

>> No.14690245

Just looking at this graph, there's so little realistic potential to really cut down on.
Best case you can halve road transportatiton, commercial buildings, livestock and aviation, but even those would come at huge cost, and the overall effect would be minor

>> No.14690282

I asked this some time ago. I asked them what level of emissions was considered sustainable. Only answer i got was 10 ppm which was equivalent to 50 billion tons of CO2 per year. Apparently this is what the earth can deal with. Except current emissions are 36 billion tons.

>> No.14690290

>Not fair to their kids
It also isn't fair to the children of the people who have to suck it all up isn't it?

>> No.14690294

vague. be more specific. how much emissions will this curtail?

>> No.14690334


>> No.14690347

Would do if you and yours would do same.
After all, I’m right.

>> No.14690359
File: 3.32 MB, 1612x1209, climate_end_is_near.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so climate alarmists can't actually answer how to solve their cataclysmic predictions? yet they want to impose how many restrictions on society? sounds like a cult tbqh

>> No.14690385

What predictions and what restrictions? I'm solving "alarmism" and "globalism" at the same time without answering retarded questions that can't be answered. My solution for you, if you're still not satisfied, is to spend your UBI on a nice thick coil of rope and neck yourself.

>> No.14690390

We must immediately deindustrialize, send all our capital to China, and cede all our territory to Africa.
It's the only way to save the world. You have to do it.

>> No.14690403

climate change schizos have no answer to this thread. just like they refuse to zoom their graphs out and refuse to admit that correlation is not causation.

>> No.14690404

are you being a sealioning faggot, or do you legitimately have zero understanding of the paris accords?

>> No.14690411

Answered >>14690187 on behalf of climate change schizos. So far no climate schizos have complained.

>> No.14690413

friendly reminder not to let these climate alarmist shills get away with the paris accords.
>>Acknowledging that climate change is a common concern of humankind, Parties should, when taking action to address climate change, respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on human rights, the right to health, the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations and the right to development, as well as gender equality, empowerment of women and intergenerational equity

>> No.14690414

Fuck the Paris Accords. Who cares about bureaucrats fellating themselves with nonbinding "agreements."

>> No.14690415

assuming you're the climate shill here
how do you propose this occur without political intervention, retard?

>> No.14690430

>obliterate the global economy by trying to coerce developing nations into adopting climate alarmism for nil gain
why are science worshippers so fond of control and coercion as a means of getting their wacky delusions into reality

>> No.14690441

I don't. Punitive tariffs are explicitly a political intervention, you absolute retard.

>> No.14690444

so to address
>Who cares about bureaucrats fellating themselves with nonbinding "agreements."
You do. You're the retard who cares about this. Dummy.

>> No.14690446

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.14690450
File: 23 KB, 600x625, 46345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck are you talking about?
He's speaking the truth, goylem.

>> No.14690452

No, you're the retard who cares. I'm solving the problem YOU care about, dipshit.

>> No.14690456

you solved the problem how exactly? which politician have you convinced to do this? and how are they bound to agreeing to your solution? a solution which, by the way, you've already admitted you have no idea how to quantify... so is it really even a solution?

>> No.14690458


>> No.14690462


>> No.14690464

Nobody cares about climate change because everyone knows it is a hoax.

>> No.14690467

I solved OPs problem. Fuck politicians and fuck you for being only slightly more sentient than a fucking bot. Idiot.

>> No.14690475

Here, I've found you each a new friend. Now you can seethe about the climate together while pretending you're not seething about the climate. Fucking lol.

>> No.14690482


>> No.14690587

Doesn't quite work that way since my group isn't imposing anything on yours, and you can feel free to mutilate your cows to not ruminate, fart or burp

>> No.14690754

>climate alarmists
stopped reading there. There's no point arguing with a chud about global warming.

>> No.14690775

>t. bumper of thread

>> No.14690776
File: 1.85 MB, 1500x1110, Climate Change _ Weird Al.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so wait, you believe in the dangers of global warming, but you don't like to be called an "alarmist" for trying to alarm people of such dangers? why does the truth that you're an alarmist offend you so much?

>> No.14690790

He is trying to alarm people of these supposed dangers, but "alarmist" does not mean merely "one who attempts to alarm"; it means "someone who is considered to be exaggerating a danger and so causing needless worry or panic". He does not consider himself to be exaggerating the danger, so he does not consider himself an "alarmist". Hope that made things clear for you

>> No.14691275
File: 316 KB, 600x800, 1657789738354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. But what happens when they're right?

>> No.14692495

That site is a horrific tracking swarm, better us https://archive.is/IIjmG

>Although edible insects are – for now – not sold widely in the UK, they form part of the diet of around 2 billion people worldwide.
Two billion? That is a third of the world's population. Is this really true?

>> No.14692577

>how much of these emissions do we need to eliminate?
All of them.

>and where should we eliminate them from for a sustainable future?
Everywhere. Start with the countries with the highest cumulative emissions and the highest per capita emissions.

>> No.14692615

AWG deniers' children will be executed for having dysgenic genes. Excellent contract, where do I sign?

>> No.14692668

Is the percentage based on GWP, or does it count all greenhouse gasses as equal?

>> No.14693173
File: 26 KB, 680x453, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if scientific evidence won't sway you maybe a global conspiracy will. fucking oil shills


>> No.14693177

we should depopulate pretty much the entire earth except Europe and the problem will solve itself

>> No.14693206

>this problem is deeply complex and has no clear solutions, therefore it isn't worth dealing with

absolute state of OP, surely an american.

>> No.14693217

To be fair most Americans have had their head filled with garbage by oil companies for the past 40 years. America is also a lot more dependent on the car, so obviously they'd going to outright reject anything which might significantly change the """American way of life""".

>> No.14693231

>The report was made possible by the support of the Fresh Sound Foundation, Wallace Global Fund, The Grantham Foundation for the Protection for the Environment, The Energy Foundation, Kann Rasmussen Foundation, Center for International Environmental Law
Lol, I expected a functional site.
>Wallace Global Fund supports social movements and aligned organizations that are driving systemic solutions in four areas: democracy, environment, corporate accountability, and women’s rights. These programs are fundamentally aligned and interconnected.
These are the cataclysmic doomsday soothsayers climate alarmists say don't exist.
>Under the leadership of our CEO, Energy Foundation has embarked on a major strategy refresh, a prioritized commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), and rapid geographic expansion.
Skimmed, but didn't seem as retarded as the others so far. I'm willing to accept this endorsement, for now.
>Since 1989, CIEL has used the power of law to protect the environment, promote human rights, and ensure a just and sustainable society.
Not amused.

>> No.14693233

As an American myself, unironically the best thing we could do is alter city zoning laws to make the towns/cities more compact and walkable, get rid all this suburb nonsense. After that build high speed rail connecting major U.S. cities. Get rid of cars, turn them into a temporary rental service or make cars require licenses only given to farmers.

>> No.14693238

>Redistribute 100% of the tariffs as windfall UBI
Absolutely based. Also, the carbon tax should increase as long as the emissions are too high.

>> No.14693245
File: 39 KB, 864x524, 984A049C-A3BE-4AC9-88DA-F986916197CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a political question. The US and countries like the UK and Germany already emitted more than what's fair, so if you go by historical emissions, these countries would have to shut down immediately, while china and India still have a lot of credit.
We have a rough understanding how much we can still emit. How do we distribute this budget between countries? Not the task of /sci/, but of /pol/itics.

>> No.14693258

By the way, the world is emitting about 35GtCO2 per year and that was from 2020 onwards, so deduct accordingly. The percentages are the calculated probabilities of not exceeding the corresponding temperature above the ones before the industrialisation. From "our" (the scientific) side, the thing is crystal clear. That's why global warming threads on /sci/ are pointless, it's a political problem now.

>> No.14693327

We already are doing well ... not as good as possible, but okay.

I guess we will still be assing around when we invent doable atmosphere cleaning.

>> No.14693333

Source of that data? How did they take the half life into account?

>> No.14693372

>We already are doing well ...
Assuming you're American, and eyeballing the CO2 emissions: https://ourworldindata.org/co2/country/united-states
Let's start at 5 Gt/a, which is a bit higher than what you had in 2020, but pandemic etc.
The reduction is ~1Gt/12a, which means you'll reach 0 by 2080.
The integral is easily calculated with a triangle with base 60a and height 5Gt/a, which is 150 Gt in total.
If you linearly decrease CO2 emissions, which probably is optimistic because now you're picking low-hanging fruits.
So the USA alone eat up 30% of our budget for 1.5°C, or 20% of our "well below 2°C" budget. Do you think the USA should get 20-30% of the world's budget? Then you are doing okay.

>> No.14693385

population reduction would do a flat cut on all of it. the problem isn't the industry, it's the number of people.

>> No.14693389

india/china/africa alone is close to 4 billion.

>> No.14693407
File: 15 KB, 474x262, cc_carbon cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numbers in gigatons

>> No.14693416

The 6 Gt going into the oceans are not good either by the way.

>> No.14693444

Looking forward to effervescent oceans.

>> No.14693464

>the countries
dumbest possible place to start
>highest cumulative emissions
most useless metric imaginable
>highest per capita emissions
second most useless metric imaginable

>> No.14693497

Why do people even bother caring about muh climate? If liberals are right we are basically already dead so might as well not give a shit. If conservatives are right(we are) nothing is wrong. Either way caring is a waste of time and money

>> No.14693499

>liberals only care about wasting time and money
and this surprises you how?

>> No.14693511

>we are basically already
Hyperbole. Even as an individual of modest means there's a lot you can do to prepare.

>> No.14693518

>figure 2
hey, why is it acceptable for climate alarmists to cite mainstream media newspapers as evidence that climatologists knew what was happening, but when i cite news articles in newspapers about predictions that were wrong, i'm labeled anti-science?

>> No.14693519

I ain't gonna do shit because NOTHING is happening. You "people" have been claiming we'll all be dead by the big bad carbon for half a century. Your grift is getting tired and people are sick of it.

>> No.14693521
File: 1.10 MB, 1200x796, climate_history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meanwhile, this dossier shows a NYT article from 1988 as "proof" that climatologists knew about global warming back then. give me a fucking break.

>> No.14693523

Okay ExxonMobil shill bot. How's about you show us all who these "people" you made up, are.

>> No.14693525

We're not going to "die" in a literal sense, it's just that climate change is getting dangerously close to impacting the 1st world. I don't know when it'll happen, probably in the next decade, but we'll experience the first mass food shortage from drought. After that probably nothing will ever be the same again, the 1st world wont sit from a comfy vantage point of detached superiority. It's pointless to argue with you over something which doesnt affect you to a great degree, but that'll change in time.

>> No.14693528

So 11 gigatons is sustainable?

>> No.14693532

If people fell for your grift then Senator Joe Manchin(God bless the man) wouldn't be in office and the GOP wouldn't be retaking congress AND the presidency soon. No one cares about your fearmongering anymore Big Wind shill.

>> No.14693545

this nigga tilting at windshills lmao

>> No.14693556

So you try to one-down this and post something even more ridiculous?

>> No.14693571

That's the GOP's shtick, it's practically their whole platform.
"Oh no! Le big bad Chinese and Mexicans coming to steal your jobs!" "Oh no le big bad scary queers!" "Oh no! Le big bad socialized healthcare and education! T-t-that's COMMUNISM!! Le SCARY!" "Oh no! Le big-bad scary scientists!" "Oh no! Look out for the big bad greenies coming to steal our- I mean YOUR money!" "Oh no le big bad poor people and colored people coming to steal millions of your money!.. But lets dump trillions of your money into destabilizing the middle east and south America for oil!"

>> No.14693574

Classic libshit commie, going full hysteria. It's not worth talking to you anymore, your evidently some worthless burger flipper or even worse.

>> No.14693577
File: 99 KB, 1024x768, 6EBCC1FE-B99C-48CF-B7F1-83B0C8296237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, 1988, this was crystal clear already. Global cooling was pretty much dead by the end of the 1970s.

>> No.14693596

But mah 100 year old science! How dare you learn new things can adjust your predictions accordingly.

>> No.14693597

you don't understand.
>i accept my citation of MSM because it supports my conclusion
>i reject your citation of MSM because it repudiates my conclusion
learn how to generate a consistent argument, dumbass.

>> No.14693606

Show me an article of yours and I can tell you the differences. Choose wisely in order to not embarrass yourself.

>> No.14693612

i already know the difference, and already explained it to you. it all boils down to
>i agree, ergo it's good
>i disagree, ergo it's bad
you're deranged.

>> No.14693617

Oh so you give up without even anything remotely similar to an argument?
I'll just assume that your article will use a conjunctive future tense, while the article from 1988 is using the past tense. And yes, "look at the data" is different from "if 12 volcanoes erupt at the same time, we might undergo a phase of global cooling"

>> No.14693624
File: 699 KB, 960x540, An_Inconvenient_Outburst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14693632

>our planet is dying but I'm too proud to admit that I was wrong, so I post pictures of comics.

>> No.14693646
File: 660 KB, 1324x720, Correlation_is_Consensus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our planet is dying
lmfao! if you're so concerned about carbon emissions "killing the planet", then kill yourself to reduce carbon emissions.

>> No.14693670

Those scary libs gonna get ya!
Better let the GOP take away your rights to assemble to own those lib protesters!

>> No.14693671


>> No.14693672

Assuming your emissions are higher than mine, shouldn't I rather kill you instead?

>> No.14693675

>Just looking at this graph, there's so little realistic potential to really cut down on.
LOL what? Most emissions come from energy production that can be replaced with nuclear and renewables. Unmitigated climate change is much more costly.

>> No.14693677

once again you fail at consistent logic. even if your assumption is true, all you're revealing is how radicalized you are.
>you are killing my planet, so i shall kill you to save the planet
you're deranged

>> No.14693680

What do you think beavers would do to that one beaver tearing apart their dam stick by stick?

>> No.14693694

>Only answer i got was 10 ppm which was equivalent to 50 billion tons of CO2 per year.
ppm is not a measure of annual emissions, so you're not making any sense. CO2 concentration has increased 140 ppm since the industrial revolution, so how is 10 ppm "equivalent" to 50 billion tons of annual emissions?

>> No.14693715

>i'm going to compare my intellect to a literal animal
whatever floats your boat, retard.

>> No.14693723

>this retard can't grasp an analogy

>> No.14693727

>I a literally dumber than a bucktoothed animal.

>> No.14693740
File: 10 KB, 237x213, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the one who analogized his behavior to that of a literal animal's. that's not my problem. have fun trying to dig yourself out of this hole.

>> No.14693749

Heh, I bet your 70IQ self had to Google what an "analogy" was. No doubt you're dumber than a beaver.

>> No.14693750

epic fail. the argument is that i am above animalistic behavior. maybe that requires more thought than an animal is capable of to realize.

>> No.14693760
File: 17 KB, 600x600, 668C09D6-97E4-4D8C-BB2B-26A864F94BFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Epic fail
Hey oil lobby boomer, I haven't heard that in years. Maybe update your "how to talk to people on imageboards" memo once in a while.
>the argument is that i am above animalistic behavior.
Your behaviour is objectively worse.

>> No.14693780

Where has the time gone? I swear it was just yesterday that guy called sage was making fun of me...

>> No.14693793

i'm not zoomifying my diction. fuck you.

>> No.14693829
File: 178 KB, 200x182, C1D87039-DBB4-47DD-94DB-810F89FE941C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok boomer (who's probably younger than me, but boomer is a mentality)

>> No.14693854

>the GOP take away your rights to assemble
I'll never understand why people's brains seem to freeze and they keep saying things that made sense in the past but don't make sense in the present. You really didn't notice that since Bush II was replaced by Bush III (Obama), "the Dems" have been the anti-civil-rights extremist party? Really?

>> No.14694136
File: 446 KB, 948x420, 1514490820286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14694151
File: 739 KB, 750x500, Climate_told_ya!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14694168

Is this idiotic strawman cartoon supposed to justify your lies?

>> No.14694194

it's a pretty good description of what people see on the news

>> No.14694498

It's a pretty good example of your retardation and constant lying.

>> No.14695368

i'm not the anon who posted that, i'm telling you it's a fair portrayal of what the news is selling. maybe you should start being mad at the political propaganda for undermining your message instead of being mad at the people who accurately mock the propaganda

>> No.14695378

Is this like looking through midwit goggles? I actually think we can learn about science communication from idiotic things like this. Yes, I didn't realise that someone could possibly misunderstand the statements in the way that you posted them.
I think it's good to check in with midwits every once in a while. Thank you, Anon.

>> No.14695388

>i'm not the anon who posted that, i'm telling you it's a fair portrayal of what the news is selling
I doubt it. If the cartoonist misrepresents scientists this badly:
then why should I trust him?

>maybe you should start being mad at the political propaganda for undermining your message instead of being mad at the people who accurately mock the propaganda
That's what I'm doing. I'm upset when the news misrepresents climate science. I'm especially upset when deniers misrepresent climate science for nefarious purposes.

>> No.14695394

Yep, if sciencists stop lying people might start trusting them

>> No.14695399

Ideally, everything. The easy targets are transportation (using more public transport or walking), not overeating, eating less meat (that's the livestock one), and heating less in winter.

Stopping any fossil fuel subsidies (they are currently subsidized more in both relative and absolute terms than renewable sources of energy) will also mean that for all the energy that we do need, renewable sources will eventually be the cheaper option.

That's basically it.

>> No.14695402

It's fascinating how they say one thing and later midwits say "But you said ${different thing}, you liar"
I dare you find these exact quotes. I'm sure, not one of them was said this way, but it's what midwits thought they read or heard.

>> No.14695403

>Yep, if sciencists stop lying people might start trusting them
When have climate scientists lied?

>> No.14695424
File: 65 KB, 831x947, b98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When have climate scientists lied?
W-when haven't they? Huh? Checkmate

>> No.14695428

Don't laugh, that probably would have been his answer.

>> No.14695544

seems like you didn't even make it past the acknowledgements lol

>> No.14695750
File: 603 KB, 500x772, 1608560721256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14695780
File: 47 KB, 811x464, 2022-07-24 17_11_40-Glacier National Park is replacing signs that predicted its glaciers would be go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Updating predictions as more data comes in
outragous, we all know that science is about docmatically believing outdated predictions.

The global glacier mass is shrinking, although there are some growing glaciers, maybe your image points to one of them, maybe it's just a case of publicity intern gone wild

Also, since you have surely read the article, and not just posted a headline with a quirky image that has no relation to the content, you must have read the text about the glaciers in the park shrinking, just not quite as predicted.

>> No.14695784

>then why should I trust him?
Why the hell would you "trust" a cartoonist? What's wrong with you?

>> No.14695792

>we all know that science is about docmatically believing outdated predictions.
Outdated is a very weird way to say wrong. Why are you incapable of admitting your deities were wrong?

>> No.14695809

didn't read, you climate alarmists have been saying the world's gonna end in 5 years for the past few decades

>> No.14695818

Who specifically?

>> No.14695820

There is no deity
It was wrong, of course
And it was replaced with something that is less wrong and fits the data better, that's how this stuff works.

If you could prove that climate change is not (to a large extent) caused by human activity, that would become the new model, the new state of science.

You simply can't expect people to get everything right the first time, errors are always made.

But by now climate change and the reasons behind it have had enormous amounts of research put into it, and we are very sure that is caused by humans to a large degree (even people that have monetary incentives to lie like oil companies agree with climate change)

Some numbers may still be up for debate, but the big picture is well backed by facts and studies.

Realtalk: I think you're not arguing against the factual basis of climatechange, but rather against media stories about saving the planet by banning plastic straws, or emotional hitpieces about polar bears running out of ice.

These stories are stupid.
But that doesn't change the facts

Some media has been saying that because they like dramatic stories.
Media coverage != science

>> No.14695830

Predictions aren't facts, especially when their track record of predictions is laughably poor.

>> No.14695831

The specific amount doesn't matter. Tax emissions at the cost of the externalities they impose and the market will determine the optimal amount and type of emissions to eliminate.

>> No.14695844

>not arguing against the factual basis of climatechange, but rather against media
Not him, but yes, I doubt anyone cares that climate scientists do climate science and write climate science papers. Simply doing climate science has no impact on anyone's life. What does have an impact on people's lives are useless political scams pushed on to the public by our state media, who aren't using climate science but rather a histrionic strawman or caricature of climate science.

>> No.14695862

>Signs at Glacier National Park
Oh wow. Some signs in a national park surely are firm scientific publications.
>Predictions aren't facts
Not in themselves, but you can report on the fact that your models make a certain prediction.
>state media
Are you in North Korea? Where the hell do you have state media?

>> No.14695869
File: 22 KB, 768x554, LGBT_100%_betas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can report on the fact that your models make a certain prediction.
Great, then I can report on the fact that my model predicts 100% of generation beta will be fags. If we don't act NOW, then there will be no generation gamma, and humanity will all be dead by the year 2150.

>> No.14695872

Sure. Write up a few pages on how you built your model and maybe add in a test or two, then you can send it to a journal and wait for feedback.

>> No.14695873

Here you an article about comparing predictions with the facts.
The real increase in temperature was +0.4 degree, the prediction was +0.55.

So there was an error of about 0.15° (it was WRONG by about 0.15 degrees if that's what you want to hear)
Probably because the UdSSR collapsed, hard to take that into account

So climate change is real, just not quite as bad as decade old (by now WRONG/outdated) models predicted.

Of course there are people acting in bad faith and using climate science to push their own goals.

My point is that we should come to an agreement that climate change is
a) real
b) should be fought against

Point b) will have an impact on your daily life, no talking around it.

There are many ways to fight against climate change, like pushing back against globalization, keeping industries in western countries where they can be held to emission standards and the like, using nuclear power instead of coal and more.

I hate the fact that climate change has been made a politcal issue of left vs right, instead of something like hurricanes or floods.
No one will start talking about trannies or fags when you send aid to, say a US state that has been hit by a hurricane.
So why do we start talking about politics when it comes to climate change?

People pushing climate change to help their politics aren't a sign that climate change is fake, it's simply a problem that needs to be fixed.
Imagine saying that we should tell people hit by natural disasters to fuck off, simply because some retarded politican made it into a left-right issue.

tldr climate change is real, fuck politicians making it a left-right issue

>> No.14695876

What test? It's a model. I could easily publish this, but then I'd dox myself. And before you call bullshit (because you're obviously not a scientist who's ever published anything), joke studies exist on pre-print servers all the time, especially on April Fool's day. And yes, they get cited.

>> No.14695880

>some of its predictions were true, therefore you should forget about all of its wrong predictions
fuck off. if i predict literally every possible climatological event, then i'll always be right if i convinced you to ignore all the times i was wrong.

>> No.14695886

I'm in the US. We have Fox, CNN, MSNBC (this one is mocked by both the left and the right for hiring literal "ex" CIA agents and defense lobbyists), NPR, etc.

>> No.14695889

>What test? It's a model.
Models have to be evaluated, dummy. Here, read this: https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2018/02/ar4-wg1-chapter8-1.pdf
Not how it works, angry little man.

>> No.14695897

None of them are state media. Maybe English is not your native language, but state media implies that they are controlled by the government.

>> No.14695898

that's politics, not science. weren't you just spending some posts talking about how you hate the politicization of climate? you're braindead.

>> No.14695900

It wasn't every possible event, it was just one (heating)

If a mechanic told you that your car would break down if you drove 60 miles without gettting an issue fixed, and in reality it lasted 90, would say your car was fine?

>> No.14695912

you don't understand what i'm talking about, and i'm not going to bother explaining it again.

>> No.14695924

They most certainly are controlled by the government. NPR explicitly so.

>> No.14695928

>Disagrees with >90% of people that study the issue, still can't point out the error other than "well the trend might just reverse for no reason" even though the opposite has been observed
>calls an international science cooperation panel politics (which party is it affiliated with niggerbrain?)
>Calling every possiblity == making one (1[一]) prediction for one numerical value and that being of by 30%

>> No.14695930

So even politicians do better science if they can evaluate their model and you can't?
>weren't you just spending some posts talking about how you hate the politicization of climate? you're braindead.
In all seriousness: Calling the IPCC politics is literally the politicization that I was talking about. You're exactly the cancer that we mean.

>> No.14695936

there isn't just one issue, nimrod.
>calls an international science cooperation panel politics (which party is it affiliated with niggerbrain?)
for fuck's sake. if you're going to cite the IPCC in every thread like a mindless drone, the least you can understand is which political groups establish, endorse, and run it. if you really must know, it's the UN. e.g.
> the bureau selects experts nominated by governments and observer organisations to prepare IPCC reports.
furthermore, if you're really going to try to tell me the UN isn't reflective of a political party, then you're even more braindead than i though. i could cite several offical UN documents which are riddled with woke, PC bullshit.

>> No.14695939

>for one numerical value and that being of by 30%
Also, it doesn't matter at all, because we've already passed 1°C. Who cares about 0.15° 10 years ago? The temperatures only know one direction and if your prediction is 1-2 years wrong, it doesn't matter. We're getting there eventually. Refusing to act because it's 0.1° warmer or cooler than predicted is just malicious.

>> No.14695945

I have a degree in Earth science and I work in the field. Let me tell you the honest truth.

The climate is changing and it's mostly human's fault. We put more CO2 into the atmosphere than has been seen since the Eocene thermal maximum and we've put more CO2 in the atmosphere in 100 years than the Eocene thermal maximum did in 10,000 years when the polar ice caps melted, sea level was 200 feet higher and the tropics were an unlivable dead zone.

Stop listening to the politicians and start listening to the science. Here's where to start.

Good day to you all and fuck off.

>> No.14695947
File: 118 KB, 800x450, Punching_Pepe_Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're going to cite the IPCC in every thread like a mindless drone
They are the best we have. There is no better group of climatologists. When you mention football you will also often circle around Fifa. When you mention global public health, for sure the name WHO will drop.
>it's the UN. e.g.
Oh no, the evil UN.
>i could cite several offical UN documents which are riddled with woke, PC bullshit.
Let me guess, everything short of racism, sexism and ableism is woke PC bullshit?
>promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity
Wow, such PC, so woke

>> No.14695949

>we've put more CO2 in the atmosphere in 100 years than the Eocene thermal maximum did in 10,000 years when the polar ice caps melted, sea level was 200 feet higher and the tropics were an unlivable dead zone
guess the CO2 doesn't matter then, huh

>> No.14695948

>stop listening to politicians
>start with a politicized source in the IPCC
you can't make this stuff up.

>> No.14695955

This isn't even Ad Hominem because the IPCC actually employs experts. It's the old adage
>"If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table."

You are pounding on the table

>> No.14695956

Do you think, only politicians work at CERN? Do you think, politicians with suits and briefcases float around in the ISS?
Just because politics has created a platform for scientists doesn't mean that
a) The scientists on that platform are political.
b) The creators of that platform get to determine (forge) the results.

Or do you think that Jean-Claude Juncker ordered CERN to "find" the Higgs Boson?

>> No.14695957

I see, so you can prove their research is wrong and was not executed to satisfacory standards because of political motivation?
Splendid, I'd recommend sending a copy of your documents to Exxon or Shell, whichever you prefer.
Have a good time on your Yacht and enjoy the hookers and coke, the time of your life has come.
This desu, these retards (except for the one dude who didn't seem dissmissive of everthing for no reason) will never accept anything unless you stuff them in a time machine or something.
>Why doesn't a large scale change just happen overnight
Man, I just don't know, you really got me beat there

Bye tards, better people will understand

>> No.14695958

>There is no better group of climatologists.
Once again, you reveal you're an ignorant eurotard. are you familiar with the Nobel Prize in physics and who it was rewarded to in 2022? It wasn't awarded to the IPCC, or any member of the IPCC --- it was awarded to actual scientists whose jobs were to model the climate (and not to disseminate politicized information).

since i can tell i hit a nerve, i accept this invite. here's a document from the UN.. surely you don't think it's politics.


archive because (surprise surprise, it's now sanitized from the web). this is one of the ways in which the UN manipulate data to promulgate their woke bullshit (particularly the GII). you're a smart fellow, maybe you can see what's wrong with it without me holding your hand. after all, you've read through the entire IPCC report... what a champ. surely you wouldn't cite something you didn't actually read in its entirety, right?

>> No.14695959

English not your first language? Read it again. >We put more CO2 into the atmosphere than has been seen since the Eocene thermal maximum
Notice the word 'since'? We haven't had this much CO2 in the atmosphere SINCE the ETM and we're adding it to the atmosphere at a much higher rate.

Not my fault you can't read.

>> No.14695963

CERN works nothing like the IPCC. the "scientists" who are commissions to write the IPCC report are nominated by politicians in the UN. is that how the PDG book is written? don't play stupid.

>> No.14695965

>promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity
Not him, but reciting generic saccharine platitudes that have nothing to do with climate science and which do nothing to help anyone or anything other than the egos of the people reciting them is exactly what most critics of "woke PC" are criticizing.

>> No.14695968

>are you familiar with the Nobel Prize in physics and who it was rewarded to in 2022?
Actually, no. Tell me. Who was rewarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 2022? Actually, you can earn a lot of money in bets if you know this already.

>> No.14695970

Notice how the climate deniers have to invent further and further and further conspiracies to maintain their illusion?

The IPCC is in on it, the UN is in on it, everyone is in on it but me!

My god, it's like watching pure delusion.

>> No.14695973

yes, you spotted a typo. want a cookie? obviously i meant to type 2021. if you don't believe it's a typo, i invite you re-read my post which has other typos in it

>> No.14695980

in on what? the only conspiracy i've seen here is that "oil shills" are shilling against climate science even though big oil actually makes more profit by scarcity driving higher oil prices.

>> No.14695987

But ok, I'm biting. The IPCC won one in 2007, you gaping asshole. Should they win a Nobel Prize every year to stay relevant or what?
But ok, let's look at the 2021 laureates:
Klaus Hasselmann contributed to the first three IPCC reports.
Manabe, the second laureate said:
>We kind of dominated the IPCC, first IPCC report because of that. And we found many, many interesting phenomenon.

The third guy, Parisi is quoted with
>"I think the award is important not only for me but also for the other two because climate change is a huge threat to humanity and it is extremely important that governments act resolutely as quickly as possible," Parisi told a press conference at the Lincean Academy in Rome.

>> No.14695993

Let's look at the first assessment report of the IPCC:
I find the name Hasselmann 22 times and the name Manabe 87 times.
So, did you just BTFO yourself? You said we should listen to the Nobel Prize laureates? Well, they wrote the fucking reports AND did the underlying studies.

>> No.14695995

>The IPCC won one in 2007
Why are you lying? The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Fert and Grunberg "for the discovery of giant magnetoresistance". If that's what the IPCC is, then fucking lol.
once again you have a habit of citing things without reading them entirely. try actually reading the surrounding context, and realize how much you owned yourself. again, i won't hold your hand through this.
>Parisi quote
he didn't win due to any contributions to climate modeling, and is not a climate expert.

>> No.14695998

Imagine simping so hard for Boomers that you pretend they didn't ruin the planet

>> No.14695999

>>The IPCC won one in 2007
>Why are you lying?
I didn't say physics, faggot. It won the Nobel Peace Prize. So, tell me, since no one can get the same award twice, how much time should there be between the prizes? I'm sure they could get the physics prize next year, then chemistry and medicine, right? What about a fields medal? I'm sure, their mathematical models qualify. If they don't meet those expectations, they probably suck ass.

>> No.14696002

>are you familiar with the Nobel Prize in physics
>The IPCC won one in 2007, you gaping asshole.
>I didn't say physics, faggot
So you can't read. I guess that explains why you have a habit of citing things you haven't read. Makes sense.
>Nobel Peace Prize
Oh, that. The same prize Al Gore won. Congratulations, you just admitted the IPCC is a political organization, since the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded for political ideologies...

>> No.14696006

> Since March 1901, [the Nobel Peace Prize] has been awarded annually (with some exceptions) to those who have "done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".
>IPCC wins Nobel Peace Prize in 2007
climate alarmist owns himself. lol.

>> No.14696007

So, can we summarize? I want to cook dinner at some point.
You said that the physics nobel prize 2021
>was awarded to actual scientists whose jobs were to model the climate (and not to disseminate politicized information).

These actual scientists made significant contributions to the first couple IPCC reports, both directly with the IPCC and indirectly with publications quoted by the IPCC.

The only logical consequence I can draw is that the IPCC has actual scientists whose jobs were to model the climate (and not to disseminate politicized information).

Any objections?

>> No.14696012

Don't listen to podcasts and write comments in two different languages lol

>> No.14696015

Will he reply?
Will he deflect again?
Will he move the goalpost?
Or will he bring up an actual argument attacking the facts and methods leading to the scientific belief in climate change? (no)

Go eat anon, this is a waste of time.

>> No.14696019

Will he reply?
Will he deflect again?
Will he move the goalpost?
Or will he bring up an actual argument attacking the facts and methods leading to the political promulgation of climate change? (no)

>> No.14696023

Doublepost retard style

>> No.14696027

I don't think he'll reply. Too bad. I wanted to dump the list of authors on him and dare him to google any of the names. So far I only found professors or people in leading positions at research institutes. All obviously in fields related to climatology. You don't get one of these positions without any actual research. They are basically the goal of any fool who pursues the academic career.

Oh hey he did reply. He didn't even manage to deflect or move goalposts. Hello moron, and bye.

>> No.14696060

Do you think, he realized that the IPCC does actually consist of actual scientists?

>> No.14696064

enough until white people are dead

>> No.14696456

>Why the hell would you "trust" a cartoonist?
That's what I'm asking, moron.

>> No.14696549

No shit, I'm pointing out how moronic it is for you to even ask that question.

>> No.14696559

It's not, because the person I'm replying to claimed it's a fair portrayal.

>> No.14696563

>how much of these emissions do we need to eliminate?
Enough where greenhouse gas sinks can reasonably do their job... Anyone who says a concrete number is probably retarded.

>and where should we eliminate them from for a sustainable future?
Not included in the waste portion since whoever created this model has a portion of their brain missing but residential buildings are also quite inefficient. Many are badly designed and leak or absorb heat, causing people to use heating/cooling more often (which I would say is straight up waste as simply different windows or better caulking could save hundreds of dollars in electricity bills a year).

>> No.14696662

You're talking about that "spin the antonym wheel" cartoon, right? That's absolutely a fair portrayal of how the media abuses all weather conditions as an excuse to report their own self-serving propaganda that only tangentially describes what climate science actual says.

>> No.14696818
File: 11 KB, 226x250, 1648663627639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> interchangeable parts
Interchangeable parts save energy and cut down on waste you twit.
Or is the mechanic going to have to park a forge and anvil next door every time a machine breaks down?
Spending hours, with the forge shop running, to try and get that one part down to its exact snowflake specification?

>> No.14696846

>That's absolutely a fair portrayal of how the media abuses all weather conditions as an excuse to report their own self-serving propaganda
Source that isn't a moronic cartoon?

>> No.14696897

? The media is the source

>> No.14696901

>That's absolutely a fair portrayal of how the media abuses all weather conditions
Here it's more a clear indicator that a /pol/tard gives up and either legitimately doesn't understand things anymore or is out of phony arguments. Was it you who posted that a couple days ago when we discussed sea ice area? How it can be explained with salinity and density of water masses why the area of sea ice grows paradoxically due to warming?

>> No.14696912

No, but if you have a problem with what I wrote then spit it out.

>> No.14696915

So no source then. Thanks for confirming you believe a cartoon for no reason.

>> No.14696923

Thanks for confirming you can't read English.

>> No.14696924

Still waiting for that source. Let me know when you have it. Wrdt0

>> No.14696928

Thanks for confirming you're a bot.

>> No.14696932

See >>14696924

>> No.14696940

>Thanks for confirming you're a bot.
Because only bots accidentally type the captcha into the comment field instead of the captcha field, right?
Post your source or kys
My problem is that you retards post this when things are not 100% obvious but require thinking for 5seconds.

>> No.14696944

he's not a bot. he's just a drunk european esl retard who is an ignorant npc. i mean. functionally, he's no different from a bot. he should really reflect on why he's spending his sunday evening here drunk, instead of with friends. oh, wait...

>> No.14696951

I'm American, and yes I'm drunk. Let me know when you have that source.

>> No.14696968

>i'm american
in your dreams. maybe if you weren't a piece of shit you'd convince some cute american to give you a green card.

>> No.14696975

See >>14696932

>> No.14696981


>> No.14696986

It’s waaaaay worse now. Those Numbers are waaaay too pozitive

>> No.14696987

What retards? Post what? So you're just an asshole who can't read, I guess.

>> No.14696988

>i'm american
sure you are.

>> No.14697004

See >>14696975

>> No.14697021
File: 178 KB, 2080x1346, climate_pollution_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here, new graph. climate alarmists, which countries should curtail emissions the most?

>> No.14697028
File: 366 KB, 768x640, Cumulative-CO2-treemap-768x640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones with the largest cumulative emissions

>> No.14697032

will you change your tune in 10 years when china doubles its emissions while the west reduces them?

>> No.14697034
File: 480 KB, 1200x1863, 24306 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones with the highest emissions per capita.

>> No.14697036


>> No.14697037

lmao why would anyone use this metric?

>> No.14697038

True, but only because the question was as dumb as the answer.

>> No.14697039

>t. chang

>> No.14697044

See >>14697004

>> No.14697045


>> No.14697046

another stupid metric... climate doesn't care where the co2 comes from. china is responsible for about half the emissions, and you're some kind of chink apologist saying they have the lowest per capita emissions. by your assertion, china can double its co2 outputs to contribute over 2/3 the global emissions, and you'd still tell usa to tone it done because of per capita.

>> No.14697059

See >>14697044

>> No.14697060


>> No.14697066

>another stupid metric... climate doesn't care where the co2 comes from
OK? Humans do.

>china is responsible for about half the emissions
Over what time frame? And you just contradicted yourself. First you said it doesn't matter where the CO2 comes from, then you said half comes from China.

>and you're some kind of chink apologist saying they have the lowest per capita emissions
No, actually if you read my image it says China is one of the highest pee capita emitters.

>by your assertion, china can double its co2 outputs to contribute over 2/3 the global emissions, and you'd still tell usa to tone it done because of per capita.
No, I'd tell both to tone it down. Your argument is like saying Chinese people need to go on a diet because they eat more total food than the US. Of course if you have more people you need more food. That doesn't make you obese wasters of food.

>> No.14697068

See >>14697059

Where's the source?

>> No.14697069

drink moar. your brain is already done for the night.

>> No.14697070

The source of what, media bullshit? The source is literally the media

>> No.14697090

>if you’re not a surgeon you shouldn’t try to bandage your wounds
>in fact you shouldn’t even acknowledge the wound unless you’re 100% an expert in the area

>> No.14697091

you're drunk. you don't even understand what that post you responded to was saying.

>> No.14697095

>Over what time frame?
Why should anyone care about that?

>> No.14697124

You still haven't provided a single example, or anything saying it's bullshit. You're so gullible you think posting a cartoon is an argument.

>> No.14697125

Why should anyone care about whether your claim is true? You tell me.

>> No.14697129

Not an argument. Try again. Why should the Chinese go on a diet if Americans are obese?

>> No.14697133

>if you don’t have a perfect solution already you’re not allowed to try
I hope you stay away from the real world, but then again it would be funny to see you completely paralyzed by the first minor inconvenience

>> No.14697134

Not an argument. Why should anyone care about a "timeframe"

>> No.14697144

you're going to wake up in the morning so embarrassed m8.

>> No.14697145

Mandatory agrarian reform and complete ban on any trade between the agrarian communities formed thereby. Every household gets two hectares to produce your own food and that's it

>> No.14697153

Humanity literally needs to adopt Eco-Stalinism in order to nationalize and forcibly de-carbonized entire industry sectors but this is the truth people don't want to hear so they keep jerking off over 'taking the train instead' or 'emission certificates'.

>> No.14697154

what happens when some households fuck more than others

>> No.14697156

>Not an argument.
Right, it's a question you seem to have trouble answering.

>Why should anyone care about a "timeframe"
Because it determines whether your claim is true or not.

>> No.14697160


>> No.14697162

Whose claim or what? Did someone disagree on a claim?

>> No.14697166

Not an argument. Try again.

>> No.14697169

Why don't you read the thread if you don't even understand the context of the conversation? You know you can click on the green things to go to the posts being responded to, right?

>> No.14697172

Not an argument.

>> No.14697183

Sure, that's the great thing about using cumulative emissions as a metric. It highlights the largest polluter.

>> No.14697207

>past tense highlights the largest present tense

>> No.14697242

You gave no argument to respond to, you just exhibited your ignorance of what we're talking about.

>> No.14697247

>Yeah, I made a huge mess, but that was like two hours ago and I haven't made another mess so why do you expect me to clean it up?

>> No.14697271

Some of them starve and the survivors have fewer children.

>> No.14697546

>aviation and shipping
Extremely sus

>> No.14697723

How? Seems about right to me.

>> No.14697973

>you made a mess 2 hours ago that you're in the process of cleaning up, therefore I'm also allowed to make an even bigger mess!

>> No.14698031

Are you ever going to respond to >>14697066?

>> No.14698178 [DELETED] 

You just linked my reply to a post and asked why I didn't reply to the post my reply you linked replied to. Consider logging off?

>> No.14698207 [DELETED] 

>"cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from 1751 to 2017"

Why are going that far back? Afraid of what people will say about emissions from China. Also, For all but the last 70 years of those figures, there were only fossil fuel available for energy when the US and Europe was industrializing. Now that we have nuclear, what's China and India's excuse?

>> No.14698226 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 1347x594, climate_my_personal_emissions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe and cope, alarmists. reduce your emissions, i don't care. i emit enough for all of us. :-)

>> No.14698285 [DELETED] 

That's not a reply, it's a deflection.

>> No.14698290 [DELETED] 

>Why are going that far back?
Because that's when major emissions began.

>Now that we have nuclear, what's China and India's excuse?
What's anyone's excuse?

>> No.14698350 [DELETED] 

What isn't a reply? What you've linked to is anachronistic nonsense. What are you even asking?

>> No.14698368 [DELETED] 

What are you two even arguing about? "Cumulative emissions"? Cumulative emissions are literally the dumbest possible measurement anyone could use to predict the future.

>> No.14698392 [DELETED] 

>You just linked my reply
>That's not a reply, it's a deflection.
>What isn't a reply?
Are you pretending to be retarded?

>What are you even asking?
Are you ever going to respond to >>14697066?

>> No.14698394 [DELETED] 

>Cumulative emissions are literally the dumbest possible measurement anyone could use to predict the future.
What future prediction are you talking about?

>> No.14698399 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 2619x1444, cleanest-safest-power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's anyone's excuse?
Okay then, let's go with the nuclear option.

>> No.14698403 [DELETED] 

Emissions. What else is anyone talking about?

>> No.14698412 [DELETED] 

First, I'm not the guy he's replying to; second, I actually DID reply simply because that post >>14697066 repeats the same gibberish about cumulative emissions. You even quoted my reply, you dumb motherfucker

>> No.14698433 [DELETED] 

but it's already true

>> No.14698456 [DELETED] 

> metoorologist

>> No.14698483 [DELETED] 

OK, sounds good.

>> No.14698486 [DELETED] 

No one said anything about predicting future emissions.

>> No.14698487 [DELETED] 

>I actually DID reply simply

>repeats the same gibberish about cumulative emissions
That post says nothing abut cumulative emissions.

>> No.14698495 [DELETED] 

You literally quoted my reply in your original nonsense post >>14698031

>That post says nothing abut cumulative emissions.
>Over what time frame
>pee capita emitters
fucking idiot

>> No.14698501 [DELETED] 

Oh, so you're actually a fucking moron and don't care about future emissions, got it.

>> No.14698558 [DELETED] 

You aren't cleaning up shit, in fact you're still making messes. You're just making them slower than you used to and pretending that everyone else is at fault even though your pile is the biggest.

>> No.14698560 [DELETED] 

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.14698561 [DELETED] 

Not him, but it sounds like you're repeating the same dumbest possible argument about cumulative emissions. You're an idiot, too.

>> No.14698566 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698570 [DELETED] 

What metric do you prefer and why do you think you aren't accountable for what you did yesterday?

>> No.14698576 [DELETED] 

>You literally quoted my reply
That's not a reply, it's a deflection.

>>Over what time frame
That's a question about your claim.

>>per capita emitters
That's not cumulative emissions.

>> No.14698577 [DELETED] 

No, I don't care about predicting future emissions, my illiterate friend.

>> No.14698578 [DELETED] 

What kind of stupid question is that? We're talking about how to control future emissions, right?

>> No.14698583 [DELETED] 

>That's not a reply, it's a deflection.
A deflection of what?
>That's a question about your claim.
Not my claim.
>That's not cumulative emissions.
No, that's making fun of the second stupidest argument, per capita.
(I notice you corrected "pee" capita. Shame on you)

>> No.14698584 [DELETED] 

No, we're talking about eliminating emissions and sequestering the carbon we've already emitted.

>> No.14698590 [DELETED] 

Dumb motherfucker lol

>> No.14698596 [DELETED] 

it's a battle of the jews. the "renewable" jew is trying to outjew the oil jew, and the government jew is playing both sides (as all jews do)

>> No.14698601 [DELETED] 

>A deflection of what?
Responding to what's written in that post.

>No, that's making fun of the second stupidest argument, per capita.
How does confusing cumulative emissions with per capita emissions make fun of anything but yourself?

>> No.14698602 [DELETED] 

>eliminating emissions
That's literally "controlling future emissions" except you're so stupid you think you can control future emissions down to zero. Dumbest post in the thread

>> No.14698606 [DELETED] 

Said the guy who can't read simple English correctly.

>> No.14698607 [DELETED] 

You're so confused you can't even tell what order the posts go in.

>> No.14698608 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698610 [DELETED] 

How so?

The only one who is confused is you, since you confuse cumulative emissions with per capita emissions. And you still can't even respond to >>14697066

>> No.14698612 [DELETED] 

Actually, we need to reduce emissions to the point that we're sequestering carbon to offset the emissions we've already released. Why do you think you aren't accountable for what you did yesterday?

>> No.14698616 [DELETED] 

Why would I respond to an old retarded post that says nothing of value when there are new retarded posts making the same exact retarded, pointless mistakes?

>> No.14698618 [DELETED] 

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.14698621 [DELETED] 

What a dumb fucking post.

>> No.14698623 [DELETED] 

>Why would I respond to an old retarded post that says nothing of value
You must be confused again. I asked for your response to >>14697066

Here I'll make it easier for you: Why should the Chinese go on a diet when Americans are obese?

>> No.14698625 [DELETED] 

Why do you think you aren't accountable for what you did yesterday?

>> No.14698626 [DELETED] 


>> No.14698628 [DELETED] 

>Why do you think you aren't accountable for what you did yesterday?
Because I will shoot you and your handlers if you try to hold me "accountable" for the imaginary consequences of your corporate dystopia. :^)

>> No.14698630 [DELETED] 

That's the dumbest part of your post. What do you think I did yesterday and why does it matter? Lol you're just an imbecile.

>> No.14698632 [DELETED] 

Who gives a fuck about random Chinese and American people? You really are stupid.

>> No.14698639 [DELETED] 

The carbon that's already been released needs to be sequestered. Pretending otherwise is moronic at best and intellectually dishonest at worst. Why do you think you aren't accountable for what you did yesterday?

>> No.14698640 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 1079x1360, cringg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who own enough property that they plants and trees, etc, offset their emissions have no carbon footprint, urbanites who endlessly try to justify absconding with others' property in the name of protecting the environment are the only people who have net carbon footprints. its is not the rural man's burden to compensate urbanites for the pollution they inflict upon themselves as they willfully insist on living inside the urban heat bubble where CO2 level are at their highest and same goes for all the other IQ lowering air pollutants

>> No.14698642 [DELETED] 

What do you think I did yesterday and why does it matter? Lol you're just an imbecile.

>> No.14698643 [DELETED] 

>The carbon that's already been released needs to be sequestered
Okay. So when do we start killing you and your corporate overlords to displace it?

>> No.14698647 [DELETED] 

This. AGW alarmism promoting urban bugmen should be first in line to receive the most severe climate punishment.

>> No.14698652 [DELETED] 

People in this thread, apparently. Since any suggestion is met with whining any the Chinese.

>> No.14698659 [DELETED] 

>people who own enough property that they plants and trees, etc, offset their emissions have no carbon footprint

>> No.14698665 [DELETED] 

No one cares, faggot. Live in a major urban center? 5 climate points deduced. Educated parents? 10 climate points deduced. Higher education? 15 climate points deduced. Have corporate entertainment subscriptions? 50 climate points deduced. Own unnecessary appliances and items? 100 climate points deduced. Put them all together and you cross the threshold for execution without trial. Time to do away with the bugmen destroying this planet. :^)

>> No.14698676 [DELETED] 

The worst (and most unnecessary) part of China's emissions is American companies offshoring their own manufacturing emissions and compounding them by shipping shit halfway back around the world. That's why the arbitrary lines on a map are so useless. The emissions are driven by governments and corporations who live between and above the lines, not by any normal Chinese or American people who live within the lines

>> No.14698690 [DELETED] 

Why did you lie?

>> No.14698696 [DELETED] 

How many countries were your people expelled from again? I keep forgetting.

>> No.14698697 [DELETED] 

>The worst (and most unnecessary) part of China's emissions is American companies offshoring their own manufacturing emissions and compounding them by shipping shit halfway back around the world.
And yet the US still has higher emissions per capita. How can this be if Americans are just innocent bystanders?

>> No.14698699 [DELETED] 

Not an answer, try again.

>> No.14698700 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself you fucking Nazi.

>> No.14698704 [DELETED] 

Not an argument. Try again.

>> No.14698711 [DELETED] 

>Not an answer
I don't know if what that anon said is true or not, I just think it's okay for him to lie so long as it undermines the agendas of your people. Climate quotas should be racial. :^)

>> No.14698712 [DELETED] 

All of this is just cope because you don't want to admit that the US is the largest polluter and you want to blame everything on China. It's childish.

>> No.14698715 [DELETED] 

Your argument is that the government is the people. I summarized that as "Nazi" and told you to kill yourself because that's an absurd argument. The government isn't the people and the people aren't the government.

>> No.14698719 [DELETED] 

>the US is the largest polluter
Wrong and irrelevant. You're really mad, though, I can tell lol.

>> No.14698723 [DELETED] 

btw only this post >>14698642 (You) is mine. Do a better job reading.

>> No.14698731 [DELETED] 

and cope harder

>> No.14698737 [DELETED] 

Cope and seethe

>> No.14698774 [DELETED] 

>I don't know if what that anon said is true or not
Then your posts will be ignored.

>> No.14698779 [DELETED] 

>Your argument is that the government is the people
No, I never said anything like that.

>> No.14698795 [DELETED] 

Here, I found each of you a new retarded friend.

>> No.14698799 [DELETED] 

Urban bugmen will pay for the damage they do to this world, and your tribe will pay the most.

>> No.14698856 [DELETED] 

Imagine being so stupid you don't even understand your own stupidity.

>> No.14698874 [DELETED] 

Says the guy who doesn't understand basic English.

>> No.14698892 [DELETED] 

Yes, exactly lol.

>> No.14698946 [DELETED] 

Not an argument

>> No.14698965 [DELETED] 

Correct, a friend.

>> No.14699067

Thanks for admitting you can't read. lmao

>> No.14699075

So you agree that the US is the largest polluter. It's big of you to admit when you're wrong.

>> No.14699298

Thanks for admitting you can't read

>> No.14699300


>> No.14700135

>maybe it's just a case of publicity intern gone wild
Warmerista damage control in action.

>> No.14700495

>I could easily publish this, but then I'd dox myself.
Publish on Vixra.