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14688928 No.14688928 [Reply] [Original]

When is this vaccine supposed to give me covid / cause impotence / cause myocarditis / kill me?
Remember to life with your knees when moving the goalpost.

>> No.14688947

How many cigarettes do you need to smoke to suddenly get lung cancer?

Just because nothing happened to you today is no guarantee nothing will happen to you tomorrow.

>> No.14689006

make a vax covid general

>> No.14689027

>Remember to life with your knees
The little Freud in your head was trying to say "Remember to live on your knees".

>> No.14689033
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You don't see someone getting BTFO so hard every day.

>> No.14689062

funny how this works for vaccine, but does not work for covid, which actually does cause blood vessel damage.

>> No.14689067

>funny how this works for vaccine, but does not work for covid
Yes, it is funny how your owners are killing you.

>> No.14689069

You do bring up a good point though, everyone is built different so for some it might take more while for others it might take less.

>> No.14689076

It does.

>> No.14689096

Two more weeks!

>> No.14689144

Bullshit. It's not a retrovirus. If you're recovered, it's gone. If you don't have lasting damage right after the infection, you won't randomly get it a year later. Obviously the same is valid for the vaccine.

>> No.14689150

Nobody said 100% of vaxcattle will drop. Maybe you're one of the few lucky ones. I'll put it in a language you can understand.

I got covid. My friends got covid. All my family got covid. We're all fine.nobody got hospitalized. So when exactly are we supposed to get this long covid anyway? And why did we need lockdowns

>> No.14689172

you don't understand how blood vessels work. when you damage them they heal, but the place of healing will attract plaque and the blood vessel will become narrower, that's how arteriosclerosis work. you don't need additional damage

>> No.14689180

So... that damage surely has been observed, right? What damages them again? Tiny graphene blades?

>> No.14689184

>What damages them again? Tiny graphene blades?
So you know absolutely nothing about medical biology? And you somehow feel you're fit to come to /sci/ and post?

>> No.14689186

I don't think the vaccine does anything. It doesn't stop covid, it doesn't cause aids, it's just a nothingburger. I'll only take it if I get paid for it.

>> No.14689188

It already is, denier.

>> No.14689195

You seem to know stuff. Please explain it, since I obviously know nothing.
The graphene stuff is something I read on /pol/ a while back, but you're right. They are clueless idiots talking out of their asses.

>> No.14689221

SARS CoV-2 is known to infect endothelial cells.

>> No.14689235


>> No.14689246

>Fact check: he's really an idiot
I'm really curious, it always seems like conspiracy theorists post this link, yet it completely annihilates this guy.

>> No.14689250

Do you mean it does nothing long term? The short-term side effects are extensive and well documented. Even the biggest cheerleaders for them admit that the first couple of days after an injection can be rough.

>> No.14689285

>I read on /pol/-
Then go back there, this board isn't a self help desk for propagandized 90-IQ peons.

>> No.14689651
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>> No.14689656

>If you don't have lasting damage right after the infection
But that's ridiculously common.

>> No.14689663

>I'm really curious, it always seems like conspiracy theorists post this link
Because you morons keep repeating fauci's mantra of the "2 more weeks" when the prediction made in 2021 was that a lot of people would die by April 2023

>yet it completely annihilates this guy
It doesn't, unless you're a moron that believes what journalists say at fface value

>> No.14689665

>But that's ridiculously common.
How common? Really, or just in your head?

>> No.14689676

>self-published conspiracy theorist “truthpaper” called the Light, edited by a man from Manchester who runs a business selling anti-vaccine T-shirts and 9/11 conspiracy merchandise.
Anon, things don't become true just because someone printed them on a piece of paper and distributed it for free.

>> No.14689678

Unexplained excess deaths are still running at the rate of 150% of that of those "with covid". Wonder what it could be that's killing people 1.5x as frequently as people die "with covid"?

>> No.14689740

>Wonder what it could be that's killing people 1.5x as frequently as people die "with covid"?
People who died from covid, but didn't get tested.

>> No.14689749

anon people posting things anonymously on anime forum doesnt make them not true

>> No.14689751

and you're rushing to associate it with a vaccine instead of covid which is basically airborne cardiovascular disease. makes sense.
>in before i had covid and nothing happened to me

>> No.14689758

You got vaccinated? Lol, why?

>> No.14689763

You ever look into Malaria, and then realize that people who bought the whole Covid psyop are retarded?

>> No.14689769

>anime forum
Sir, this is a Nepalese basket weaving forum. Here is my source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/nov/27/truthpaper-the-anti-lockdown-newspaper-bypassing-online-fact-checkers

Before you say anything, yes, I trust the Guardian more than some self-published "truthpaper".

>> No.14689770

Because they (on /pol/)promised I'd die. I've been waiting since last June.

>> No.14689782

basement dwellers that bought into whole "people" and "outside world" psyop, are retarded

>> No.14689797

>yes, I trust the Guardian more than some self-published "truthpaper"

>> No.14689818

Sir, what is the relevance of these articles here?

>> No.14689830

Damn dude, I dont know whats worse, if admittedly saying you got double jabbed and boosted and voting for the Geriatric Retard , or you dying. Dont worry though, I know plenty of people who got jabbed and it was either a placebo cause they still got "sick" anyway (way worse than someone who didnt get jabbed), or they have some kind of permanent damage.

>> No.14689835

I didn't get sick at all, and I was around 1000s of customers a month, so does that mean I am just genetically superior?

>> No.14689873
File: 126 KB, 813x960, 1626188694362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the image with the two Wojaks staring at eachother.
One goes something like
>'heh, can't believe you're taking the jab. Enjoy dying'
while the other one goes
>'heh, can't believe you're not taking the jab. Enjoy dying'
And then they just stare at eachother for like 10 panels.
That's every covid thread on 4chan

>> No.14689880

They all stated 3-5 years until massive heart failure. Get a job hippie!

>> No.14689904
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there is your problem right there

>> No.14689918
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>> No.14690143

Would you buy a TV from Bestbuy without warranty, and that if it didnt work you couldn't return it and get your money back? Lmao! Of course not.
So why would you put some Mystery Potion potion directly into your blood stream made by a company that's not liable for bodily harm or death, because the Government said you needed to do it?

>> No.14690429

>he believes the cigarette myth

>> No.14690449

And then it will be 20-30 years?

>> No.14690453

I honestly don't know, but I'm keen to observe the trial to see if anything untoward happens. Fortunately I did not partake.

>> No.14690489
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Depends on which lot of vaccines you got.

The red deer narrative was a smokescreen to hide the fact that people are going to be dying from the vaccine gradually over 20 years.

Since they made sure to put out that whole, "EVERYONE DEAD BY FALL" thing, now you can feel cocky as a coverup for your mysteriously appearing symptoms.

>> No.14690556
File: 243 KB, 876x1890, notgettingvsgetting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14690613

Thank you