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14687225 No.14687225 [Reply] [Original]

Under which axioms of existence conciousness would be able to continue to be, how could we continue to "perceive" conciousness.
Silly example for what I mean is life after death or hell.

Better yet, under which axiom would the property of continuous conciousness also be a property of it's negation (negation of that axioms)

Since there might not be such one axiom, then what is a set of such axioms that under various permutations with negations would still hold a property that is discussed earlier?

It's a chewed up subject so I wanted to brain storm it from a rare point of view, so that some new insights could be observed.

>> No.14687255

>duh axioms apply to the real world
axioms apply to models, not real objects

>> No.14687271

>a set of axioms whose negations still hold a property
Let a property P hold for every x. Let the negation of P, -P, hold for y. Let c be a subset of P where P(X)= -P(Y):
c={} ?
prove or disprove

>> No.14687276

Our awareness is slowmotion compared to the fastest motions.

Our awareness is made of the fastest motions.

What is the meaning of continous?

What is the meaning of descrete?

Is continious possible?

Or is everything you think is continuous, made of descrete?

>> No.14687287

Duh idiot, stop picking on little things and help here with the bigger picture, other wise pick a book or complete a course in case you are stupid

>> No.14687291
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Worthless talentless trash, please try again later

>> No.14687352

bump for worthless trannies on this image board to discuss

>> No.14687466



>> No.14687479

it’s funny how no one knows the answer to a seemingly basic question

>> No.14687489

Moot. Consciousness doesn't need to be continuous for experience to be continuous. By definition you don't remember things that happen when you're unconscious. You don't remember not-being. So long as something, somewhere, "runs" your personality, you're there. All you are is state plus input.

>> No.14687492

Nigga, you trying to ask if hell exists?
I mean that is what you're getting at, because the fact is, no one knows whats going on with death and consciousness. We know as observers dead motherfuckers don't do shit, we ain't know nothing about what its like to be the dead motherfucker. I don't know if you've noticed but that lack of information underpins almost all of human inquiry.

Theology, philosophy, science, its all about "am I good after I die?"

Ya wanna know what I think? I think the single most terrifying thing about dying is that we know about it. That's our curse. Shit doesn't bother anything else.

>> No.14687496

What if one or more things run "me" simultaneously. Which one gets this POV I'm enjoying?

>> No.14687497

Consciousness is already continuous

>> No.14687621

The one you experience. I don't know how the universe picks. You don't experience the other one, so it's probably random/emergent. Neither one is more or less real. What, you think that the current version of you is unique in the universe?

>> No.14687663

Well, by definition, Yes, my current POV is totally unique to me right now. That's the problem here. If its not my POV, we're not talking about a true recurrence, we're talking about a copy that thinks its me.

Since I find myself as one unified POV in this moment (near as I can tell), then we would really have to work to say the exact configuration elsewhere/elsewhen houses my POV, and is not just something that believes it was me.

Even if nature did not allow multiple instances, the thought experiment alone is damning; If you die, and the universe creates 5,000 neuronal patterns of your exact configuration, which one houses your POV that you're using right now? All of them, none of them, or one chosen by means which we do not yet know. My guess is none of them. I think this is because there isn't really "two" of anything if we define them also by their location in space-time. An "identical" you is impossible because even if we get everything right down to the last detail, we're still at a different location in space-time, and without causal connection.

This is working backwards from the fact I seem unitary, locked into this POV now, when there could be identical patterns to my neural process everywhere. For all we know (You) are out there right now in some runaway patch of inflation.

>> No.14687671

I'm not even asking about conciousnes, I'm asking in general at this point, waves, fields, particles....

What is the meaning of continous:

Perfect connection
Perfectly self attatched object.

There are those sciencey sometimes analog musicy sinusoid green wave machines

That looks like perfect continual, but the screen cannot help but have pixels right?

Everything is lattice anx particles and pixiels

An ocean wave is """continous""" but the ocean wave is only particles perfectly going up and down in order. The wave is made of particles.

The wave is continual, the motion is perfectly continual, but the motion Is not a thing, it's the description of a spatial temporal fact of a thing, of many things acting in perfect unison

>> No.14687847

stop making nonsense words.

>> No.14688632

>I failed calculus and anything past that
You are a worthless talentless brown skinned trash and will not disagree with me or else I will kill you because I want to

>> No.14688638
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Hell exists because I SAY SO

>> No.14688655
File: 34 KB, 622x624, 1637621082482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a genius could come up with or contribute to this thread.

>> No.14688695

Vacuous schizobabble.

>> No.14689841

Yoooo continous???? Discrete??????

>> No.14690594

Magic. You have many many degrees of freedom how exactly you want your magic to look

>> No.14691010

C'mon which which

>> No.14692728

If they are the same then they are the same expirience.
As such they are the same consciousness.
Only when they diverge, do two new consciousness get created.

>> No.14692735

Time is relative for consciousness.
You don’t expirience nonexistance.
If two instances of you expirience the same thing, even if seperated by distance or time, they might share the same quales, so the same consciousness

>> No.14692737

Consciousness is not a real thing. The sooner you get over this perverse obsession of yours, the healthier you will be

>> No.14692795
File: 556 KB, 801x549, fug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a property of a physical phenomena, just like gravity is not a real *physical* thing.

Worthless talentless non genius trash, please try again later.

Everybody bully this idiot for fun.

>> No.14692799

Your post has no content whatsoever. I suggest you take your meds and stop shitting up this board.

>> No.14693082

So they both contain my POV? That makes no sense.

How does is a causally disconnected event in a different region of space-time "me" just because it has the same configuration of matter?

>> No.14694295


>> No.14694433

As said it depends on tge nature of consciousness.
But i can consider it conceiveable.