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14685752 No.14685752 [Reply] [Original]

Can't wait 'til gorebull warming is declared unstoppable in the coming years and all environmentalist bs comes crumbling down.

>> No.14685811

>I can't wait until environmentalists are proven right about my stalling tactics andthe world is irreparably harmed
Wow my dude, you totally owned the libs.

>> No.14685866
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>> No.14687490
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>how dare you!

>> No.14687991

why would it come crumbling down? They'd be proven correct.

>> No.14688018

People like OP are doing the world a favor. If global warming was solved, technological development would continue and eventually result in an AGI. If civilization collapses before then, we will be saved from certain extinction. So accelerating global warming is good. This is literally an irrefutable argument.

>> No.14689954

It irks me that there is no meaningful holistic strategy.
Building out solar and wind in Europe while sacrificing agricultural land and shutting down nuclear plants is incredibly retarded and measurably doesn't have the desired effects on emissions, they increased the reliance on coal and shipped industry to developing nations with lower environmental standards.
They want to stop people from breeding to reduce our greenhouse gas footprint, but they can't enforce closed borders to stop mongoloid niggers from coming here, 10x ing their personal emissions and causing population growth.

I am an environmentalist, but these faggots will never solve the issue, they only care about presenting themselves in a positive light.

Get rid of cheap flights, enable people to live without cars, destroy tourism and globalism and stop mincing words about developing nations. They are obviously filled with retards who deserve our sympathy, but any financial help needs to be leveraged with one-child policies and they can't come to the West and scare people away from living in cities with their violence and poverty.

>> No.14690797

>I am an environmentalist, but these faggots will never solve the issue, they only care about presenting themselves in a positive light.
that you, you're not a real environmentalist, you don't lift a finger for any cause yourself, you just whine and moan on the internet for virtue signaling upvotes and dopamine. you have never planted a tree, the only decent thing you've ever done for the environment, you've be accident. staying in your mom's basement so the rest of us don't have too look at you is appreciated

>> No.14690808

Based. Carbon is good for plants BTW, it's what they crave. Literally zero negatives to warming.

>> No.14690935

who need brain neway

>> No.14691058

Euro policy is just pants on head stupid. It's what happens when you let greens run things. It's also why their ag sector is awful, they waste a ton of fertilizer and have bad productivity.
>Muh tree planting
Does very little for climate, though it is great for soil retention in the face of desertification.
Heat waves, wildfires, droughts, flooding, land degradation. It's not that simple, we've built a society on the current temperature range and going out of it is gonna cause a lot of pain.

>> No.14691098

Ah yes, baby's first positive feedback loop. Climate change causes environmental refugees who then increase carbon emissions when they adopt western lifestyles. Chopping down rainforest increases agriculture yields in the short term but the low soil resiliency means it degrades quickly, thus necessitating more choppy. Heating releases methane from the permafrost which then heats us up more.

At the crux of the problem is fossil fuels. So long as we get rid of fossil fuels, the problem will go away in time.

Funny thing is, just 30 years ago places like Mexico, north Africa, and so forth were actually quite nice places to live in. I have a sneaking suspicion that climate change is what contributed further to their breakdown, like Mexico is currently in a literal war with gangs in chiapas, part of the land there is basically run by terrorists.

>> No.14691113

this is one of the many reasons why everyone with actual knowledge on the subject knows you lot are a cult run by grifters
the biggest reason is of course your cult's hatred of nuclear energy