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14683731 No.14683731 [Reply] [Original]

Trump supporters are scientifically proven to be dumb

>> No.14683764

Wow, I trust the science so much more!

>> No.14683775

That's pretty obvious to anyone with at least half a functioning brain. Haven't you seen the idiocy of those Trump worshipers through the past half-decade?

>> No.14683781

>b...but my vocabulary is BIGGER!
Does increased vocabulary mean your policy decisions are good for the common man?

>> No.14683784

>complex language makes you smart
yeah explains so many retards in government that can speak for 1 hour but say actually nothing and just word salad mumble

OP is a faggot

>> No.14683793

you actually took the time to downvote a post on reddit which means you have an account

>> No.14683794

Didn't take long for triggered low IQ Trumptards to show up.

>> No.14683796

I'm sorry snowflake but facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.14683798

write a book where you cry about it, make sure to use all words of your american

>> No.14683804

Trump lost. Get over it retard.

Jan 6. terrorists are going to jail.

>> No.14683811


it's not just vocabulary. Trump supporters struggle with complex ideas.

>> No.14683831

Like the definition of a woman?
Or the equation 2+2=X?
Or that printing money makes inflation?
Or that electric cars can never be affordable?

>> No.14683837

>More mental gymnastics equals more smarter.

>> No.14683900

>Or that electric cars can never be affordable?
Not really that they aren't affordable, but they can never reverse climate change since it takes more energy to make batteries than gasoline.

>> No.14683915

That too. I would prefer an electric car though due to its simplicity of design and maintenance. But you can't get a big enough battery for cheap enough for anyone to buy them.

We need trains.

>> No.14683926

>simplicity of maintenance
HA! Not the way car companies make them. Hopefully in a few years it will be easier to just build your own.

>> No.14683928

I am a right leaning person but I am also not surprised because educated people are more likely to be liberal and rich people are skewing left too.

Yes probably. Because people with big vocabularies are usually smarter.

That may in fact be the case. Mental gymnastics are an exercise in intellect, however misguided.

>> No.14683939

>rich people are skewing left too.
Yeah, no

>> No.14683940

No, being smart is about how quickly and precisely you can synthesis truth and put it to use, wasting all your time coming up with a bunch of words to avoid acknowledging you clear lack of useful truth is not smart, it is irrational retardation.

>> No.14683959

>Because people with big vocabularies are usually smarter.
No, that's no longer the case if it ever was.
But many people think that so everyone just tries his best to speak with alot of vocabulary to appear smarter than he really is, or what he's saying is less dumb than it actually is.
Advanced vocabulary is just a disguise for your retarded speak, you can deliver your point by using literally nigger mumble rap, it's just show off circus

>> No.14683960
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rothschilds founded the ussr, it doesn't get more left than that.

>> No.14683964

>Yeah, no
I can't find data leading up to 2020, but you can see that in 2009 the highest quintile of income was voting democrat as much as it has been voting republican.

That was 13 years ago and the trend has continued.

>wasting all your time coming up with a bunch of words to avoid acknowledging you clear lack of useful truth is not smart, it is irrational retardation.
> words

Its not just words tho. Its often ideas. They are putting ideas together. Lots of ideas. Only smart people can put lots of ideas together.

It does seem irrational, but I don't think that stops it from being intelligent.

Like the original communists were so stupidly academic about everything. Lots and lots of writing academic papers, in very biased ways, with lots of motivated reasoning.

It is nonetheless a demonstration of intelligence, because an unintelligent person could not do it.M

>> No.14683970
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Sorry forgot my image

>if it ever was

The vocabulary sub test of the IQ test seems to be a core part of intelligence, because it is so closely correlated with every other IQ subtest.

>> No.14683975


>> No.14683984

>Its often ideas.
Stupid idea that have nothing to do with reality because they are just semantic nonsense.

Only smart people can put lots of ideas together.
No smart people put ideas together rationally and consistently, stupid people just say a lot of dumb shit to justify whatever bullshit they are feeling at the moment.

>because an unintelligent person could not do it
Unintelligent people do it all the time, confront any random drug addict or anyone overcome by vice and see how many ways they come up with to justify their stupid addictions and decisions.

>> No.14683993

Quintiles aren't what I had in mind. That's not "the rich", that can be someone with a pretty good job. I was thinking of the Bush clan, Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, or what Trump presents himself as. but since I know German politics better, a good example is the Quandt family who's close to the conservatives. The rich industrials have no interest in fighting social inequality. If you look at party donations, you'll see that the neoliberals and conservatives seem to have the richest supporters.
I know, it's somewhat outdated, but when I think "working class", I don't think "rich", but most importantly, "Labour" surely is the Left wherever they exist.

>> No.14684005
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That is unintuitive to me that the top 20% of income earners is not a good definition of "the rich".

But if you want to say the rich are super wealthy CEOs, then maybe. I just googled "CEOs political affiliation" and I found a lot of studies, and all of them say CEOs are republican but they also look at CEOs from the period of like 2000-2019. I don't think that useful because I think CEOs in 2000 are not similar to CEOs today.

It does seem however that even the top 1% of income earners are democrat in the US.

>> No.14684009

>Or the equation 2+2=X?
Biden supporters have trouble with this one?

>> No.14684013


"women don't have penises"
"well technically, gender is not a binary, but merely a social construct, so it is absolutely expected and normal for a woman to have a four, five or even ten inch long vein covered throbbing member".

I'll take the first one.

>> No.14684016

As the saying goes. Simple is best

>> No.14684018

Mathematics is bigoted.
See you know I must be smart because I could have said math is racist, but I used bigger more complex words instead.

>> No.14684035

>more simplistic modes of thinking
Interesting how it doesn't say IQ.
My guess is they used some BS method of determining intelligence that they just made up.

>> No.14684049

You are telling me the nig nogs in the urban jungles voting blue no matter who are bringing in mad stacks?

>> No.14684050
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If I were rich, I'd love Reagan and Trump the most. Why would you vote democrat if the republicans are your best friends?

>> No.14684053

Unbelievable cope in this thread.

Yeah, the 95% of university staff that are both highly educated and left leaning. They are dumb. The wealthiest Americans, journalists, basically the whole professional class in America. They are the dumb ones.

Give me a break!

>> No.14684055

Are there even "Biden supporters"? All left-leaning Americans I know hate him. But at least he's not Trump.

>> No.14684060

No. I don't think blacks are smart or rich, but they aren't a large share of politically left leaning people.

If 50% of blacks vote, and 90% of them vote left, and 13% of the country is black. Then that is 5.8% of the country is a left voting black person. 40% of the country votes left. So blacks are only 14% of democratic voters.

>> No.14684065

no surprise here

>> No.14684075

Well, in your graph, you can see that the effective tax rate has been going down even through the years where the US had a democratic president, so, just by your suggestion, it isn't clear that having a democratic president means the richer are paying more taxes.

But to answer your question more directly; voters have many large motives aside from reducing their taxes. Many of them are passionate ideologs who vote in ways against their material self interest because that it what they really believe.

>> No.14684088

> 95% of university staff that are both highly educated and left leaning.
Not the stem staff, but the ones in the social sciences have just enough social intelligence to be incredibly manipulative, but that doesn't mean they have high IQs, a highly consistent worldview, or any useful ideas.

>> No.14684099

STEM people are quite left-wing. Fermilab is an extremely blue bubble, and so are European universities. Business and law are more on the conservative side.

>> No.14684107

>Not the stem staff,

You are just wrong. ALL departments are very left leaning. Even stem.

>but that doesn't mean they have high IQs,
So you are really telling me right here and now that you think people who work at universities have low IQs?

>> No.14684109

>STEM people are quite left-wing.
Nowhere near 95%, that is only a social science faculty statistic.

>you think people who work at universities have low IQs?
They are like any other government worker, average as fuck.

>> No.14684113
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oh no trumpy dumb dumbs looks like its all finally over

>> No.14684117

There was a Leftist push a few years back to 'decolonize white modes of mathematics' such as 'getting the correct answer.' Which led to a lot of Lefties coming out trying to argue that "Actually 2+2 DOESN'T equal 4!"

>> No.14684118

>Even stem.
Depending on what you mean by left leaning, I'd say that STEM is very much left leaning. Maybe less economically, but very liberal
>why should I care who's getting married
environmentalist and pacifist. In my experience they wouldn't do into lengthy philosophical discussions on gender and stuff, but say something like "we know many variations, so saying that there are exactly and only 2 is stupid". I don't know a single scientist who uses pronouns other than he, she, or they.

>> No.14684121

Isn’t it obvious that people who vote for that absolute piece of shit of a mutt are stupid?

>> No.14684123

Now it's a matter of definition. I'd say in Europe there's definitely more than 1 in 20 who's right-leaning. But for American standards, Merkel and the neoliberals are socialists. Then it's probably closer to 95% (I know two who are far-right)

>> No.14684128

Talking like a fag and acting all retarded doesn't make you sound smart.

>> No.14684131

>Which led to a lot of Lefties coming out trying to argue that "Actually 2+2 DOESN'T equal 4!"
Copy your bullshit from a book that not everyone had to read in school. Let me guess, the leftists also said doubleplusungood?

>> No.14684137
File: 184 KB, 763x865, Screen Shot 2022-07-21 at 03.05.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is some data from 2005. I found some other data from 2017, but it did not have math on the list. For the departments it did have, from 2005 to 2017, they all became more left leaning.

So according to this, in 2005, Physics, Chemistry, Math, and Engineering were about 60% left leaning as a whole.

From 2005 to 2017, economics went from 59% left leaning to 82%, and history went from 77% to 98%.

So if STEM was on a similar course, it would probably also be up to around 80% left leaning in 2017. And that would be where it is at 5 years ago.

>They are like any other government worker, average as fuck.
But what about all that research correlating degrees, GRE scores, and SAT scores with IQ?

>> No.14684147

>if STEM was on a similar course
Yes that is what you are suppose to be proving, not just say that it would be 95% if it were 95%.

>But what about all that research correlating
Small sample sized, mixed results, and cultural factors.

>> No.14684155

>So according to this, in 2005, Physics, Chemistry, Math, and Engineering were about 60% left leaning as a whole.
I think it's worth mentioning that it's ~60% vs. ~15%
Saying that 60% are left-leaning sounds like it's almost balanced, whereas it's closer to a 4:1 ratio mixed with with some unpolitical people

>> No.14684158

I remember a psychology paper where they put people in a situation where they could get out of work by making another participant do it instead. They later confronted the test subjects with how unfair their behaviour was.
Higher IQ participants were less likely to admit they were in the wrong - they were better at coming up with self-serving rationalisations.

>> No.14684173
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>government worker

>> No.14684177

anyone how everyone calls trump stupid but they dont know why? they cant even grasp single argument against his doings as president, almost like its artificial TV programmed sheep.
Just repeating "trump bad" over and over, even 2 years after hes not president anymore and they literally have dementia war mongler as alternative.
I rather talk to GPT-3 posters than those "i hear i talk" npcs

>> No.14684196
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Every department I can find has been on this trend, so I would need reason to doubt that STEM is exceptional and is not on this trend.

I have met STEM people. Scientists are left leaning. I am programmer, I know a lot of programmers. They are all very left leaning.

>Small sample sized, mixed results, and cultural factors.
Why do you think that. I just looked up "Educational Attainment and IQ" and found this meta analysis of many studies, and it was looking at 600,000 people in total.


>> No.14684204

I never even called Trump stupid, stupid. I just called him a piece of shit and a mutt.

>> No.14684209
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>leave drumpf aloooooone
why do you so vehemently defend a man that pimps out his daughter to kikes?

>> No.14684218
File: 82 KB, 796x647, 45F4F066-E373-430C-8DC1-D78E8FEEB2DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boris Johnson used his image as a clown to let other people underestimate him. He's pretty smart and determined, but makes an utter fool of himself.
I don't think that's the case for Donald Trump. I think Trump didn't plan to look like a moron when he drew that line on the hurricane map. I think he honestly was trying to impress people with the the "person, woman, man, camera tv" thing and I think he was lying and just named things that were in front of him. He probably forgot the five words from his examination. But it's okay, the guy is in his 70s and doesn't have the healthiest lifestyle.

>> No.14684223

yes and? niggers and women are less smart so? fuck them

>> No.14684278

Try thinking to yourself in a language you're not familiar with. Don't you feel stupider when you don't know the right words to express ideas and concepts?

>> No.14684331


I continue to be surprised by how much the left bangs on about ableism yet simultaneously tries to argue that their opponents are not only stupid, but borderline intellectually disabled, and that this discredits their points.

>> No.14684337

And more largely the conservative mind has been proven to be dumber by other anterior studies.

>> No.14684339

In other words, you don't actually have any real evidence and you are just going to assume whatever reinforces your bias and makes your personal anecdotes feel meaningful.

Not all people with high degrees of education are on the faculty of some education institution, your meta-analysis of people who are highly educated is meaningless in this discussion about mostly mid-level educators.

>> No.14684349

Also I don't think language complexity is a very good indicator. People generally dress up sometimes painfully basic observations in very flowery language, giving an air of sophistication when often none exists. (I often see a whole ass infographic making the point "we can't tolerate intolerance" - a middle schooler could come up with this) This is particularly apparent on the left which have a specific bank of words which serve the purpose of in/out-group signalling.

>> No.14684455
File: 119 KB, 614x768, PopperTolerance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this? Anon, this is very simple language. It's written in a way that stupid people would find it easy to understand.

>> No.14684468


Yes I guess this is not really an example of what I'm talking about. But it's a good example of over-embellishing basic observations. This is often done with extremely idiosyncratic vocabulary, but not really in this case.

>> No.14684471

yeah Biden is great. economy is tanking, his son smokes crack, he has shown himself to be incompetent by forgetting simple words and falling off bicycles. a weak impotent leader like him is embarassing to the rest of the world. I'm not a huge Trump supporter, but you have to admit its pretty much like night & day.

>> No.14684476

the vandalized version is quite funnier.

>> No.14684477

Both Biden and Trump are weak, Bush Jr. was the last american strongman

>> No.14684478

also Feyerabend btfo'd Popper years ago.