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14682145 No.14682145 [Reply] [Original]

Is artificial meat ever going to be good? I just can't eat these things

>> No.14682159

>Is artificial meat ever going to be good?
artificial meat doesnt exist and will never exist, you're eating aborted fetal cells fed with bovine blood

>I just can't eat these things
You're eating chickens, not baby chickens

>> No.14682239

I like the Impossible burger. It's a heme protein made from onions roots. If you just have it as a burger it's passable, but it's actually better than beef in stuff like tacos.
The impossible sausage isn't bad, but they don't spice it as well, and so with sausage, it is not so much the meat but the spice that distinguishes it, and until they get that right, it can't compete.

I've tried the Beyond burger. The one at BK is pretty good, however, I find the store bought raw substitute has a little bit of an after taste cooked in dishes like casseroles.

Garden Burgers are great, but they are just burgers, and they are made with wheat gluten, so lots of people can't eat them. Taste wise, IMHO they are better than burgers, but you can't cook it in recipes, because it comes precooked in a paddy.

I haven't tried the chicken substitutes. Someone told me they tried the KFC plant based chicken and loved it, but then again, KFC isn't going to tell you how they made it.

Vat grown meat is not available where I live.

I don't eat meat and frankly don't miss it. I don't particularly care about the animals, even though I care about them more than I do about humans, but I have always found meat to be a little gross.

>> No.14682240 [DELETED] 

errr.. basedbean roots... sorry

>> No.14682244 [DELETED] 

err basedbean roots.. sorry.

>> No.14682255

errr Glycine max roots. ( damn filters)

>> No.14682256

are you a barn cat? literally who eats a hatchling chicken? is there even any meat under the fluff and collagen? is it a chinese wet market delicacy?

>> No.14682900
File: 40 KB, 326x312, No+way+that+little+thing+is+hauling+his+ass+around+_086be7f7eaad7ad5b6ec7292ce154b97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop asking for artificial Meat and learn how to actually appreciate vegetables that taste like damn vegetables

My diet rarely has red meat or poultry
Nothing but fish and vegetables. Lots of vegetables smothered in tomato sauce and cheese.
South East Asia has entire cultures dedicated to not eating meat - and their food is actual food with a rich history.

Your white bread is a lie loaded with chemicals that are illegal outside of your den
You overload everything with sugar and salt because it is addictive
And now, you want to manufacture and industrialize the production of false meat and milk imitations.

Every single time it is done, people find out later that the chemicals used are harmful and cause cancer.

Eat things the way God told you and stop thinking that you are better than your maker.
You fucking hedons

>> No.14682910

Lab meat is just cell cultives it wouldnt be any different from meat taken from an animal

>> No.14682934
File: 19 KB, 326x189, Apologize to God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what they ALWAYS say
But every fucking time food was lobotomized, it resulted into catasthropy

This include GMO
They promise you harvest in wild abundance, free from threats of pestilence and diseases
Never told you about how they deplete the soil, dry up rivers, cause allergic reaction toward pollinators, and for fucks sake, they are absolutely BLOATED with carbs

Our food have become larger than old breeds but not more nutritious. It is only overloaded with carbs

I have no qualms about Progress of knowledge
But for goodness sake.
Stop promising that something new and lab produced would always be better. This is a fallacy

There was NEVER any improvement. Just modification based on what is most needed and it is a dangerous thing to always promise the good, and never telling the bad

>> No.14682939

Remember this is exactly what a T-rex looks like and every macerated chick is payback for all of the mammals consumed by his ancestors.

>> No.14682943

Well im not promising anything, the growth of lab meat is literally just cell cultures taken from the cow or chicken

>> No.14682989

Male chicks get mass killed for food

>> No.14683008

>for food
try reading past the headline next time

>> No.14683039

I looked after 2 baby male chicks, had them on my lawn, in the sun. Cute they were, bless them. Had to hand them over back to this zoo/open farm. God knows what happened to them.

You can really get attached to them, and they feel love and show it back. Bless them all.

I hope this dark world for them stops.

>> No.14683175

Yes but we will need ore fruit/vegetables or tumors

>> No.14684808

Who eats baby chickens?

>> No.14684849
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>> No.14684988

BK uses impossible meat. I’ve had the impossible whopper and regular whopper back to back to see if there was a difference and with all of the cheese/toppings/condiments it’s barely noticeable, and I would says it’s preference to which os better or worse.

>> No.14685168

You're only comparing fat food from fast food places and your tongue is automatically relegated to the shit pile.

Learn to cook and then come back to the conversation. I'm not gonna say impossible burgers will Never be as good, but currently they are nowhere as good as a halfway decent homemade burger. Fuck, even homemade tacos are better than any fast food item.
Have you ever even handled raw beef?

>> No.14685179

Lmao, I'll raise chickens and rabbits and eat them.
You're like an adult who gets along with kids and views them as equals. You're weird and probably intellectually stunted.

>> No.14685236

Kek, I love this post.
But it's still flawed. Who wants to be like the malnourishedly sized poor do nothing SE Asians. Everybody knows the beef is the best part of their curry anyway.
Also God told me I have dominion over delicious animals and bygod I will exercise that duty

>> No.14685481

But how does it compare to meat that isn't shit?

>> No.14685762

Idk I’ve never had anything that was supposed to replace a steak.

>> No.14685776

If it exists in your country, you should try planted chicken. In stuff like curries it's basically indistinguishable.
A lot of dishes contain meat and if you want something beyond baked, simmered, fried and cooked vegetables, you might want some meat substitute.

>> No.14685786

The Green Mountain has chicken steaks which are pretty good and beef steaks which are meh. With enough barbecue sauce, they're ok though.

>> No.14686303

SE Asia, especially Thailand and Indo, are the center of the spice trade and have been trading with India and China before the Dutch
Seriously, just try their recipes

Don't limit your palate by your sense of pride. Cuisine is a hallmark of culture and tradition
American factory produce is a blasphemy of that

I have nothing against meat eaters but my body and mind have been in such a fine fine state since I started going vegetarian
I still eat meat sometimes but my gut biome just does not feel pleased with red meat no more.

Love bone soup still, though

>> No.14687027

Cool. I’m American so looks like I can’t purchase it at the moment.