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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14681804 No.14681804 [Reply] [Original]

>fewer than 1% think global warming is real
seems like a strong consensus

>> No.14681812

Based if true. Hard to believe ameritards are right about something for a change.

>> No.14681824

>consensus among scientists
who cares
>consensus among americans
now we can be pretty sure that global warming is real

>> No.14681925

Is it normal for people to have a hard time reading?
Do they skip/change words on purpose or do they really think what they are saying is equivalent to what they are quoting?

The stat is 1% of americains think climate change is tue biggest issue they have in the country.

How did 1% become fewer than 1% and how did "most important issue in the country" become "is real"?

>> No.14681939

based and truthpilled. climate change is fake.
if anyone thought it was real and the world was becoming uninhabitable etc it would be number one. learn to infer. this is why everyone thinks scientists are retards

>> No.14681941

You absolute brain-dead retard, learn to read your own damn image.
Fucking fox-news-watchers..

>> No.14681943

>Imagine being this retarded

>> No.14682026

The traditional angel and devil on the shoulders.

The angel says, be on the safer side, there may be evidence man made activities could possibly to a very bad degree cause irreversible damage to the worlds eco systems and result in unimaginable horrible consequences for short term and long term humanities future.

The demon says: fuck bitches, get money, kill them all

>> No.14682034

1. That's not that poll says.
2. The source is untrustworthy as it is.
3. People's beliefs are irrelevant to the actual situation.

>> No.14682224

the angel says God is in control
the (((demon))) says "if you don't pay me shekels and lock yourself in your pod, all the polar bears will die"

>> No.14682225

>if anyone thought it was real and the world was becoming uninhabitable etc it would be number one. learn to infer. this is why everyone thinks scientists are retards
Your brain on 14 hours of daily /pol/

>> No.14682226

4. Climate change is not real.

>> No.14682233

I don't use that board. It is full of racist, homophobes, sexists, and transphobes. Just because someone disagrees with your climate alarmism, does not mean they are any of the above forms of bigotry.

>> No.14682261

>ITT: OP posts things to get people to react

posting in a troll thread
well done OP, you did the thing

>> No.14682345

>Arguing about meaningless bullshit instead of asking about the elites stealing all of the money
You fell for the psyop

>> No.14682359

>>Arguing about meaningless bullshit instead of asking about the elites stealing all of the money
you keep posting this but never actually present a coherent argument or data about how and why they are stealing it or what can be done to stop it, you just enter a thread mass reply to people calling out bullshit pushed narratives and then act like a smug supercilious git.

If you weren't just virtue signaling you would at least post an example that can inform people

>> No.14682681

You and I know the solution anon. Get off your ass and make it happen, otherwise you're a peon coward who won't do a single thing.

>> No.14682683
File: 125 KB, 663x500, fq754ic5byd61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14682693

We live in a democracy sweaty

>> No.14682696

If anyone believed global warming was real they would also think it was the most important thing ever

>> No.14682941

The 29 rednecks they asked in the poll?.

>> No.14683483

You couldn't even get that many to agree on living.

>> No.14683655


>> No.14683681
File: 647 KB, 1143x1094, 1636710036782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if anyone thought it was real and the world was becoming uninhabitable etc it would be number one
This. Inflation and consequence-free whoring take a backseat to literal armageddon. Haven't checked the polls but I'm pretty sure there's some bipartisan agreement there.