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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 223 KB, 620x723, doctors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14680039 No.14680039 [Reply] [Original]

Search "Sergei Filonov dry fast" for more information
Thanks to science, we have:
-Boys who chop off their manhood, who then claim to have become a woman.
-Doctors who prefer peddling drugs over curing anybody.
-Physicists who make up theories and abstract garbage, and then have the gall to claim they understand the laws of the universe when the only thing they have proven is that they have become swallowed up by pride.
-Politicians and scientists, who got educated via universities the same way. Since both of them cannot create anything on their own, being only able to parrot the teachings of someone else, they need to whore themselves for the sake of money. That is why scams like this "pandemic" and "Global Warming" have been massively endorsed by scientists and politicians. They are the same kind of people.
-Science has given birth to communism, an idea that certainly comes from overeducated idiots and not poor people. Communism killed millions of people accross the world.
-The theory of Evolution deserves a special mention. Once people consider themselves to be evolved monkeys, their behavior obviously becomes sub-human. This theory is nothing more than science-fiction, with not a single scientist being able to show a monkey evolving into a man without using excuses like:"We need a few millions years for that to happen!".

>> No.14680147
File: 940 KB, 4149x2076, medical-harm-quote-pic-460x345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14680210

More like /mad/ general.

>> No.14680274

Why is mental health in males not taken seriously?
The few times i've tried to get a referal to discuss my problems over the last 10 years they also dismiss it and give me the same pieces of paper telling me to try this or that.
I do all of the things and yet i'm slowly going nutts.
How the fuck do i get a referal to someone who knows what they're doing?

>> No.14680576
File: 271 KB, 623x695, Screenshot_2022-07-20_03-56-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what the arrow is pointing too. I suck at chest x-rays

>> No.14680603

what is the cure for yellow fever

>> No.14680615

I was thinking maybe it was just ascites from the CHF and it's just pointing to obliteration of the diaphragmatic border by fluid but idk

>> No.14680992

pulmonary edema not ascites mega mind

>> No.14681949

Is it normal for a hamstring strain to show bruising?

>> No.14681975

Think of a bruise like damaged blood vessels. If you hurt your hamstring then you could easily have damaged some blood vessels around it.

>> No.14681992
File: 1.51 MB, 1284x1745, F1CDA719-265D-495D-A77D-827C489715B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hammy hurts. What do I do to make it feel better. Played some touch rugby and now I can’t sprint, have the bruise and knee tightness.

How do I know if its a partial tear?

>> No.14682624

>phytates and lectins bad
>polyphenols good
Is this the key to long life? I just found dr Grundy and his pseodo-science fits well into all the incidental horseshit about healthy eating floating around

>> No.14682629

I see swelling I say tear. I had a partial tear in the arm and not 1/6th of that discoloration

>> No.14682987
File: 81 KB, 1080x608, FB_IMG_1658358477909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is hematology considered to be such an elite specialty?

>> No.14683294

redpill me on hematology
i always thought it was kinda cringe
what's the upsides and downsides

>> No.14683620
File: 59 KB, 600x800, 16039 - anger_mark anime closed_eyes closed_mouth glasses its_over japanese_text soyjak stubble sweating text variant_markiplier_soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn on anime music in the OR after getting the aux for the first time in residency
>nurses ask me to turn it off
>anesthesiologist CRNA plugs in their earplugs
>attending frowns at me and asks me the next day in rounds to never play that music ever again

>> No.14684245
File: 38 KB, 564x550, 21D0D1BE-998A-4E20-AE15-F415474FB3C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 months ago had a tib+fib ORIF 2 plates 16 screws after parachute jump for fractures located about 5" above the ankle bone
>no more issue with swelling and no pain above the ankle bone
>still serious tightness in the connective tissues in my foot but have full rom except the big toe
>recently started running again
>big pain on top of foot just behind the second and third toes
>feels like the area is bruised (it's not)
>can't stretch them further they already go as far as the unaffected limb
What can I do to make it more gooder? Other than just rest. And is this a sign of anything concerning