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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14679508 No.14679508 [Reply] [Original]

Since /pol/ like to raid us so much, let's take a look back at their great command of the scientific process.

>> No.14679517

Yeaaah they don't brain too good.

>> No.14679531

Pretty sure you can cherry pick some rather embarrassing shit here too. But why are you so /pol/ obsessed? The people who seem to whine the most about /pol/ seem to be the ones who want to make every thread about /pol/. Why don't you simply go over there if you're so obsessed with them?

>> No.14679573

Nice try /pol/ but you revealed your hand too much when the Webb scope launched.

>> No.14679579

Seething /pol/chud

>> No.14679654

The disenfranchised contrive a scenario where they are the ones who inherit the Earth after everyone they hate dies a slow death. Copius Maximus.

>> No.14679657

>just two more months bros then it will finally be socially acceptable to hate jews

>> No.14679683

>shit thread trying to shit on ADE

Does this mean ADE is real now? Because all the latest data is looking a lot like ADE

>> No.14679697

The best minds of /pol/ leave /sci/ in the dirt

>> No.14679701


>> No.14679756
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>> No.14679768

>falling for the psyop that wants you to argue about bullshit instead of asking about the elite stealing all of the money

>> No.14679769

The elite told me you're a psyop to steal their money

>> No.14679776

I mean, certainly didn't happen to the extent they're shouting about here, but isn't that what happened?
>vaccinated people died over last winter from china virus
>blamed unvaccinated

>> No.14679778

Occupy wall street was the only real movement. Everything else is a tractionless distraction

>> No.14679781
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>obsessed with /pol/ to the point that you post /pol/ meta threads on other boards

>> No.14679792

Toasting in an epic bread

>> No.14679796

/pol/ got trump elected

>> No.14679798

Calculation completed: Seething poster detected

>> No.14679804

What is the point of being reddit or npc on 4chan? Go to your social networks for this, here you waste your time

>> No.14679805

I bet you really believe that :)

>> No.14679815

You're right, lets all get together, pool our resources, and kill Bezos, Gates, Musk, Zuck, Blackrock execs, and any other elite that plagues our existence.

>> No.14679817

also got Roe V. Wade overturned :)

>> No.14679821

/pol/ talks about that

>> No.14679824

Oh sure, with the magic frog and the repeating numbers right

>> No.14679826

That guy’s an idiot. Everyone knows it was gamers

>> No.14679834
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>> No.14679896
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/sci/ statists have been getting btfo'd lately, first landau and then by the angular momentum guy

>> No.14680054

Why are sciencists obsessed with the mean board boogeyman? Weird desu. Nobody even posts on that board since pre 2016 anyway.

>> No.14680060

>The people who seem to whine the most about /pol/ seem to be the ones who want to make every thread about /pol/.
>Make countless /pol/threads
>Seethe when people point it out
When I survive the next winter, will you neck yourself? I'll even take two more boosters to raise the stakes.

>> No.14680066

>/pol/ appointed Judge Thomas, not George Bush
Most /pol/tards (the human 10%) weren't even born when the guy was appointed

>> No.14680098
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Dark winter incoming

>> No.14682120

>sci conveniently ignoring the statistically relevant increases in completely healthy fit individuals
i guess yall dont watch sports huh

>> No.14682130

/sci/ knows the vaccines were dangerous. it's the paid posters that deny it, and they push climate alarmism too.

>> No.14682166

>When I survive the next winter
You're feeling really nervous aren't you vaxxtard?

>> No.14682216

>that hairy caterpillar
What the actual fuck? They can't be this superstitious. Dumb and deluded and falling for corporate lies while accusing others of the same, yes. But a fucking caterpillar??

>> No.14682245

>people dying from covid complications/long-term effects + sports
>must be the vaccine

>> No.14682248

>vaxxcattle cope going into overdrive

>> No.14682268

>people dying from covid complications/long-term effects
long covid is a meme bro

>> No.14682353

Everything went to shit when the elite figured out how to use culture wars to stop class wars

>> No.14683692 [DELETED] 

Damn all this /pol/ gas lighting when the front page is completely fucked without any janny clean up what so ever.

>> No.14683699

It's only reddit tourists that think science has a decent reputation. /sci/ uses have always had a critical view of sciencism and have always mistrusted climate alarmists and vaccine shills.

>> No.14683707 [DELETED] 

>attacking science on a science board
What's next you going to make Tate astroturf threads?

>> No.14683713

What the fuck is Tate?

>> No.14683718 [DELETED] 

You fucking know well /pol/ poo shit don't you fucking lie to me.

>> No.14683733

In fairness, the entire JWST program has been a clusterfuck of overengineering and bureaucrat-run R&D and now, only a few weeks into operation, NASA's reporting that another micrometeoroid impact may have caused significant and unrecoverable damage to it. If it's legitimately fucked it'll have been the biggest boondoggle of the agency's history.

>> No.14683778

uh, 2 more months, for real this time though!

>> No.14683838
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Just a little Halloween fun

>> No.14683888

I dont like pol at all but you wannabe detectives thinking you can analyze patterns of text are insufferable

>> No.14683919

Another /pol/tard talking about things he doesn't understand. Leave the science to us, go back to your containment board.