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14678779 No.14678779 [Reply] [Original]

How come so few people seem to know that the Flynn Effect operates at the phenotypic level, masking genotypic IQ decline since the break down of eugenic fertility post industrial revolution?

>> No.14678787

What do you mean? Phenotype is genotype showing itself

>> No.14678805

Nutrition and better cognitive stimuli increased dramatically, truncating left end of IQ distribution and artificially raising apparent intelligence. Equivalent of standing on a chair and calling yourself taller.

Before IR, richer and more qualitative people had more children, with IQ peaking during Victorian era. It has been downhill since then, with poorer and less intelligent people breeding more.

>> No.14678813
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>> No.14680152

They have been actively promoting the wellbeing of retards, and sabotaging smart people. Including portraying unintelligent behaviors as signs of intellect, and intelligent behaviors as stupid or dangerous or deserving bullying and contempt.

>> No.14680163

>posts hot take with questionable empirical evidence
>gets asked by an anon to post evidence
>posts a youtube link with no accompanying text
i am not clicking your shit youtube link and the fact that this was your only argument makes me convinced you are absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.14681860
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Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. It hurts, it's doom, it's terrible. I know this is disastrous. It's the rat utopia that promotes an r-strategy, even though the K strategy is what promotes intelligence genes. The combination of the industrial revolution and welfare made idiots outbreed the K-strategists like mad. Let's just hope Africans kill Europe, North America is already beyond the point of no return, and then we can let Xi Jinping and the Asian Tigers(incl. Japan) save us with their master-race genes.

>> No.14681882

Op is so retarded that he does not even understand the concept behind the shitty system that he worships.
IQ can not decline globally. IQ is a (very flawed) statistic based system.
100 will always be the average intelligence, even if the species became dense as a rock.

>> No.14681906

You are simply illiterate, you don't understand what you spew.


>> No.14681923
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>waaah waaaah
Sorry, am I supposed to care? Civilization is dysgenic and it is coming to its natural and inevitable end. The core premises of civilization are below nigger-tier: it always optimizes to increase short-term pleasure and decrease short-term discomfort. Why are you surprised that the end result is rampant niggerdom?

>> No.14681926

OP uses a book that uses good proxies of intelligence like vocabulary size dating back to the studies of Galton, you absolute fucking seething midwit retard. You are shallowly clinging unto a statistical technicality. Yes, you are correct, if we take IQ from the point of view of being normed by generation. But you don't even understand WHY we norm IQ this way. It'd be far better to represent by z-score, as multiplying by 15 and adding 100 is just a cope to make it look like the age ratio IQ, but it is what it is. Psychometric g, which is essentially IQ, is an incredibly strong latent variable spanning diverse mental abilities. And the issue is that we have no sense of how psychometric g looks like. We can't use centimeters, we can't use Kelvin, we can't use graph theory metrics like degeneracy. We just have this rank-based system, of which we know is gaussian due to genetics(alleles are analogous to coinflips), and individual subtest variance(which is gaussian). And because we only have this rank-based system, and we don't know what metric to use, we can merely indicate the strangeness of the latent variable. That is what IQ is. And this strangeness now makes strangely smart people even more oddball-ish and normalizes strangely dumb people, in terms of bad intelligence genes.