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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14678581 No.14678581 [Reply] [Original]

Is the word "scientism" the ultimate midwit dogwhistle?

Literally no serious scientist is treating science like a cult. You /pol/tards just read some shitty clickbait headlines by scientifically uneducated journalists and mistook this for an accurate representation of science. But it's not. The scientific method clearly states how to do proper science and how to derive objective truth.

>> No.14678588
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>no serious scientist is treating science like a cult
Yes, you mongoloid. I think that's the point.

>> No.14678590

Not sure if ultimate, but if they are even a bit serious, it's pretty pathetic.

>> No.14678598

How many genders are there?

>> No.14678599

>Literally no serious scientist is treating science like a cult
t. scientism cultist

>> No.14678603

>le brain rotted by politics man

>> No.14678606

The more you pull this crap, the weaker you stance becomes, unless of course this whole tread is some sort of false flag.

>> No.14678615

>i come to /sci/ to insult /pol/ because i'm too cowardly to go to /pol/ and confront them directly

>> No.14678617

Wow, how did you trigger so many GPT-4chan bots?

>> No.14678626

Let's see how it works out.

>> No.14678637

>Literally no serious scientist is treating science like a cult.
Yeah no shit, that's not what it's referring to. "Scientism" refers to people who think repeating the words of talking heads masquerading as scientists makes them scientists (or scientific authorities) themselves. Actual scientists are capable of thinking critically and don't fall for this dogmatic perversion of science nearly as often.

>> No.14678668 [DELETED] 

intelligence has a molecular basis and can't be computed on digital logic gates

>> No.14678670

no, people make threads like this because they dont understand how stupid people like themselves think and behave are the ultimate DIM whits (you arent in the center you are the left tail)

>> No.14678675

Actually, the responses at pol were less retarded than here

>> No.14678684

how about you try /x

>> No.14678693


>> No.14678762

Someone else be the judge of the schizolevels

>> No.14678765

Both those places unironically have more quality responses than this place. Everyone is invited to check.

>> No.14678775

I'm also shocked.

>> No.14678799

scientism = IFLS
>space colonization
all scientism

>> No.14679168

Nope. It perfectly describes the cult of scientism. Climate alarmism funded by big energy lobbies and big pharma have destroyed the reputation of science in the last few years, but even their impact pales in comparison to the damage done to science by zealous sciencists.

>> No.14679171
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Exactly. If you are a real scientist, you know the limitations of what Science can and cannot answer and how important debating scientific reaults are.

If you follow the cult of "scientism", you are not allowed to question the high priests.


>> No.14679188

Everybody here has fallen for the psyop that tells you to argue about meaningless bullshit instead of considering the fact that the elite are stealing all of the money

>> No.14679215
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Yes, thats why you need to use your brain to make money, so that you arent powerless to their atempts to feed you bugs and live in a pod.


>> No.14679264
File: 74 KB, 119x133, buddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are two biological human sexes, and a swath of rare chromosomal aberrations with varying degrees of deleterious effect. gender is irrelevant to biology and belongs in the realm of psychology/sociology which is not science, and therefore irrelevant to this board

>> No.14679269

>>Literally no serious scientist is treating science like a cult.
Supposing you're right, "Scientism" is still a useful term to describe the belief systems of people who aren't scientists but "fucking love science" and lap up science journalism uncritically.

>> No.14679481

I cummed and shidded. tongue my anus nigger

>> No.14680272

>Literally no serious scientist is treating science like a cult.
well... yes... that's the point?

>> No.14680330

Scientism is what scientists do, not ordinary people. Scientism is when scientists claim that their discovery is proof that humans should act this or the other way, for example. Or take vax mandates, this is scientism, taking false experiments and making them into global truth and forcing everyone else to "trust the science". Covid scam was the best example of scientism. But for this only scientists are to blame, hence the term. Ordinary people for the most part are just sheep followers automatons who listen to authority figures only

>> No.14680409

Yeah I agree. Scientism is when scientists and their owners make a series of categorical statements that each turn out to be false and contradictory, and then still demand you trust them in the future because 'science'.

>> No.14680432

while scientists can certainly fall into scientism, ordinary people do all the time as well

>> No.14680483

What no way you mean your cult book includes a ritual that proves its not a cult? It only makes sense if you understand how the ritual works? Sounds like cult horseshit.

Im literally a scientist, btw

>> No.14680540

Midwits aren't a thing. It's just a cope by morons to pretend they are actually the smart ones.
/pol/tards are morons though.

>> No.14680544

>t. midwit

>> No.14680575

>people with an IQ between 110 and 140 aren't a thing

>> No.14680879

>Ordinary people for the most part are just sheep followers automatons who listen to authority figures only
That's what "scientism" means to me.

>> No.14681046

>Im literally a scientist, btw
Are you black?

>> No.14681093

scientism as used by schizos is a misnomer. actual scientism is an extension of positivism and it's basically the idea that only science is a valid method of acquiring knowledge about anything. this means complete rejection of philosophy and metaphysics.

>> No.14681124

>the idea that only science is a valid method of acquiring knowledge about anything
>t. midwit
Scientism is what happens when you try to squeeze prescriptions out of science. What you describe is just one aspect of it, and your entire post is just typical obfuscation spouted by brainwashed drones.

>> No.14681138

> this means complete rejection of philosophy and metaphysics.
That would be based. Metaphysics is just nonsensical language games.

>> No.14681830

The first duty of a scientist is to stand up for the truth, and so our current disinformation dystopia does not permit employment for any real scientists

>> No.14682176

It's a meme term but it hides some amount of truth.

I remember being inundated with ides about science always being objective, never political and that for an intelligent young white man it would be so easy, enjoyable and rewarding getting into any science field. I should be grateful for the privilege of getting into it.

All these ideas kinda withered away at the first touch with reality.

While scientism is a meme term, there's so much politics involved in science at so many levels that you'd be an idiot to not see where it's coming from.

>> No.14682210
File: 923 KB, 1222x3222, 34959258da31ba497bbf6879e17865f3e7a5b9b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no serious scientist is treating science like a cult
>These differences are a crushing debunk of the flat earh heresy, if one were needed.

>The scientific method clearly states how to do proper science and how to derive objective truth.

use the scientific method to prove materialism OP, which is the basis of "science"

>> No.14682238

well said

>> No.14682250

>which is the basis of "science"
Is it?

>> No.14682259

>The scientific method clearly states how to do proper science and how to derive objective truth
Scientific method is an empirical way to derive knowledge. The notion of being able to derive objective truth is the scientism plaguing the midwit mind.

>> No.14682280

>no serious scientist is treating science like a cult
In conclusion, there are no serious scientists, QED.

>> No.14682302

>Is it?
Yeah, scientist believe in materialism

>> No.14682326

But the basis of the scientific method is empiricism not materialism

>> No.14682350

>the basis of the scientific method is empiricism not materialism
Explain theoretical physics

>> No.14682356

Closer to math than science until they carry experiments

>> No.14682411

>Explain theoretical physics
The cat is dead and alive at the same time. This proves the existence of a multiverse.

>> No.14682425

bazinga /10

>> No.14682439
File: 155 KB, 800x450, wired_mycologist-explains-how-a-slime-mold-can-solve-mazes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14682442

>Literally no serious scientist is treating science like a cult

What percentage of scientists are serious?

>> No.14682459
File: 895 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (24837).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you saved me a paragraph ty

>> No.14682717

No, Scientism is real and it's super gay. You see faglords like Sam Harris trying to use science to prove a certain morality all the time, and in general there are a lot of people who think science can be used to answer everything. Even among fairly reasonable people you'll commonly find the belief that only things that can be proven scientifically are true. That's all Scientism. Religitards are right to criticize those beliefs.

>> No.14682720


>> No.14682728

What cant you prove using the scientific method?

>> No.14683014

>Literally no serious scientist is treating science like a cult.
Thats the point retard

>> No.14683184

>What cant you prove using the scientific method?
Literally almost everything. Like everything that happened in the past? If you dont believe me tell me what i had for breakfast 18 years ago on this day and prove it using science.

>> No.14683190

oh sure man, where do we meet?

>> No.14683365 [DELETED] 

Even when taunted, the bots just ignore me when I engage them in news cycle link wars before their databanks are refreshed to be allowed to engage with stories posted a minute ago.

>> No.14683377


>> No.14683393

The aussie autist bot couldn't even detect that one poster's sarcasm, like so many /pol/yps. The posters that agree on that board now attack each other over every little thing like a bunch of malfunctioning bots.

>> No.14683420

Sure, and if we wanted to find that out what would the best course of action be?

>> No.14683425

Religious idiots like you believe in separate nil arguments unobserved and uncofirmable.
The context you are using a word in is just that, it's a cultural product.
If the culture makes an objective truth out of anything we lay claim to the achieved proclamation that it's a red herring.
It just needs to manifestly adapted in some more advantageous circumstance.
That is the error of midwittism, the perspective of focusing on the projected lesser IQ that the ego in fact possesses in artistic revivification rendered and transmitted virally to collectively give incels as an improper subset of fools a reason to plague their superiors with irate bullshit.
The bullshit of fools. Fools that may ignorantly hunt and maim those they follow the footsteps of.
The footsteps a resounding

>> No.14683429

Midwit diatribe

>> No.14683432

what a great destruction of modern scientism

>> No.14683433

General antagonistic sleeping ape murmurs

>> No.14683439

incredible post

>> No.14683441

Aborted excrement

>> No.14683457

>trapping people on an even lower level of 4chan hell
Just because we're here forever in the dregs of 4chan doesn't mean everyone has to be anon

>> No.14683994

The issue is that social scientists are not serious most of the time
It's not a literal cult, but they believe in the supposed infallibility of official institutions and get very offended when someone suggests that some scientists and science institutions could perhaps have an irrational bias or that they could be straight up fabricating evidence/destroying evidence and silencing opposition.
By personal experience, social sciences people tend to suck each others balls a lot

>> No.14684776

>Everybody here has fallen for the psyop that tells you to argue about meaningless bullshit insnitead of considering the fact that the elite are stealing all of the money
Unironically: source? What's your evidence that "the elite" (who are "the elite"?) are stealing "all of the money"? What money, and where, and how? In the United States, that is.

>> No.14684786

this infographic is probably the best example of archetypal 4chan pseudointellectualism one can find

>> No.14684801

>Both those places unironically have more quality responses than this place. Everyone is invited to check.

>Cope about your fake and gay atheistic religion being attacked now embrace christ and throw science away

>Christcuckery/Organized religion is just the other end of the polarity.
>Real answers come from the occult. The occult is the synthesis of Science and Religion.

>For me, working as a research scientist and seeing that every single person who does bench work is superstitious as shit about it was the final nail in the coffin for materialism. There is more to "physical reality" than meets the eye. Pic related.

>Yes, I fell for it, but I would hate for some impressionable dumbass to read the OP, see it go uncontested, and say "yeah hes right for sure. the scientific method is perfect and produces absolute truth all the time and the human factor is completely irrelevant"

Oh yeah; brilliant discourse here. The responses in the /sci/ thread being shit don't imply the others aren't absolutely retarded, as well. /sci/ likely concentrates many of the most scientifically idiotic of the /pol/ and /x/ types.

>> No.14684804

Climate change is >99% natural according to my research.

>> No.14684809

Was your research conducted on Facebook?

>> No.14684990


one for each human bean, plus some extra for the confused ones

>> No.14685317


Lmao, there once was a real movement called occupy wall street. We've been divided by meaningless distraction arguments ever since.
Think about it, what have any of them accomplished? Well, other than having us argue about anything other than the ability of the wealthy to manipulate politics, markets, etc.
You don't think it's odd former Goldman Sachs execs keep making huge political donations and are overwhelmingly representing SEC, Treasury and other chair positions? And that magically Goldman is always the first to get bailed out with taxpayer money?

Na, but go back to fighting about what really matters, like increasing gender definitions and making BLM bumper stickers even tho zero legislation has helped the situation and in fact police brutality is up, but since Trump isn't in office y'all really really actually don't give a shit anymore. Pathetic. See you next election cycle.

>> No.14685339

He's not wrong tho. Think about it. The earth is 4,500,000,000. Humans have been around maybe 300,000 years? 5 million if you wanna include hominids?
So at best, humans/hominids could only be responsible for 0.1% of climate change. To disagree with this is to say humans were hanging out with the dinosaurs and fucking up the atmosphere since then.